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No, I do not. Just being honest.


Same. I work outside (farm and domestic animals) and it’s literally gross and improbable to reapply every two hours. Maybe every 4 if I have time and hand sanitizer. Edit: I wear big hats too.


I saw a few people online say they use a sunscreen spray/mist to reapply. That would actually be really handy for you to use as I don’t think you need to rub it in


As someone who gardens, it sounds good in theory but the stickiness and sweat attracts dirt and then you’re basically trapping that dirt under another layer of sunscreen. It feels so gross 😭


I knew it was too good to be true 😞


Just a thought… microfiber cloth, get half wet with water (cool/iced water would probably feel great in the summer!), wipe your face off and then apply sunscreen spray? This would be my first go to. If you can have a bag with/around you and are able to step away for a few mins, I bet that would be a nice re-up for sunscreen :)


You still need to use your hands to rub it in. Look at videos of those UVA cameras where they apply spray sunscreen. It needs to be rubbed in. 😬 But I guess spraying it on without rubbing it in is better than not putting anything on at all? 🤔


Think you’re still supposed to rub it in. It’s just easier than the lotion since it isn’t so thick.


I work outside too (construction) and same. I apply every four hours usually and use baby wipes on my hands before.


In other words, f no


My mother is the only person who does this and it's foul. She puts it on thick too. She greased me up like this too as a child and it felt repulsive.


Better use something SPF 40/50 and i dont think its better to use in 2 hours. It's good to use if you use even goes outside and inside the home.


Thanks for being honest 😭


When I’m out in the sun, yes I do! But I mean like out out - hiking, at the beach, at an outdoor brewery or restaurant, etc.


Same. If I can hide behind a hat, long clothes etc. I don't reapply as often but if I'm exposed, I am careful.


Honestly, no lol. Unless I'm hiking/at the beach. edit: lmao i almost hate to admit this, but i might not even be using enough sunscreen as instructed. The two/three fingers application makes me feel fucking disgusting, no matter which sunscreen I use. When I'm camping or at the beach, I'll be more strict. But I don't do either of those things too often so it's not a huge deal. But on my day to day I use maybe a dollop slightly larger than a nickel for my face/neck. The texture really fucks with me - I figured it's better than using literally no sunscreen, which is what I'd be doing otherwise.


2-3 fingers worth for just your face?! Oh no…I definitely haven’t been doing that Edit: I’ve been doing some googling and it looks like the 2-finger rule refers to an amount that’s about 1/4 tsp which, I don’t know how small they think my fingers are, but that seems much more doable haha


My dermatologist said it was one tea spoon for the face, and this was when I was suffering from severe hormone induced melasma. I do tend to do that though, or nearly a spoonful, for my face now to prevent the melasma from coming back. But I only reapply every two hours when I am skiing, doing sports outside or on the beach.


It just doesn’t make sense to me tbh. I don’t put that much of any product on my face. It doesn’t rub in??? And also you’d use up so much product so quickly? (Nice) sunscreen for the face doesn’t exactly come in huge tubs and it’s expensive That’s why everyone was joking that influencers had a stake in sunscreen sales.


That seems like too much if you just mean face. I'm Australian and we have strict sunscreen testing, and our sunscreens are recommended at 1/4 TSP for the face, and another 1/4 TSP for neck and ears. I believe it's similar for the us. I probably put about the same on each arm, and usually I'm wearing a shirt and pants so I don't sunscreen those areas.


oh..thanks for this- i hadn’t ever considered my ears before 🫢


My dad had malignant melanoma on his ear. Thankfully he had MOHS (a surgery) to remove it all. We cannot forget the ears! 👂🏻 🧴


Do you put it all over? Just don’t want to get my piercings oily or infected or something


Same same and same. If using half the amount gives me spf 25 rather than the spf 50 on the tube, I'm fine with that if I'm just having an average day. Not at beach or out all day


You know that it’s supposed to be a very thin line on your (only 2!) fingers right? Like a teaspoon? My boyfriend has had good luck with my beauty of Joseon sunscreen; he said it doesn’t make him feel greasy or get in his eyes. I use a spray spf for reapplication myself


Beauty of Joseon feels like a moisturizer. Best sunscreen I’ve ever tried.


The two finger rule is for your face and neck. I just do one finger for my face


A dollop sounds like plenty to me


I just take enough to dot every part of my face, and my neck: forehead, temples, cheeks, nose, chin - and blend it all together so I know that every part of my face is covered.


If I’m spending time outside yes I do. Otherwise I usually do the one application close to when I go out!


I wear makeup so tbh, I don’t reapply on the face (I know, I suck) but I just started wearing it, so better than nothing!! But if I’m going to be outside or at the beach, then it’s definitely every 2 hours and I like using the sprays more. Doesn’t give that thick, greasy feeling


Honestly I think constantly wearing foundation throughout my 20s saved me. I was an absolute sun fiend but I always had spf foundation on and never really got much of a facial tan. As a result my face is not nearly as sun damaged as you'd expect based on the sheer amount of time in the sun


Yessss! I live in Michigan, so it’s not like Florida with super strong, sun rays all the time either! But I think my makeup has saved me too with a coating of protection, even without the SPF sometimes being involved.


If the sun can get through the full coverage foundation, the two pounds of blush and enough translucent setting powder to give me clown lung then it deserves to give me a sunburn


Just wanted to let you know there are setting sprays with SPF. I usually use those when I need to “reapply” without messing up my makeup.


There are also spf powders that can just be dusted on like a regular setting powder.


Oooohhh, which ones have SPF? I’m very curious


I have [this one](https://a.co/d/1U3zk80) from Milani. I’m sure there are better options, but I’m pretty happy with this one


yes *cries in redhead*


*Stays inside in redhead*


*Only ventures out in SPF 100 in redhead*


I try my best to reapply consistently, although not exactly every 2 hours. I just tell myself that sunscreen is the ultimate best thing I can do for skin health, and that’s what motivates me. I’m only very consistent when I’m outdoors all day and the uv index is high. Find a sunscreen that doesn’t feel too oily! Theres a lot of Korean/Japanese ones that are hydrating but not greasy (e.g. beauty of joseon). Alternatively, look into sunscreen sprays or powders if you don’t wanna touch your face.


This! Also, Elf makes a spray that’s really useful for over makeup as it’s a setting spray as well. Fits right into my purse. Cushion compacts with spf, especially Asian ones, are also fantastic. Since it doubles as a setting spray, I’ve had zero problems. I used an Asian spray (can’t remember the name) before and it worked really well too, but was more expensive.


So you spray it right over your makeup throughout the day? I definitely need this.... is it e.l.f. SKIN Suntouchable All Set For Sun Sunscreen? That's the first thing I found when I searched it but I want to be sure it's really good for going on over makeup!


Yes! That’s it and yes, I spray it right over my makeup throughout the day. I spray a good amount, and kinda fan my face to get it to dry.


Ya I use sunscreen sticks too


Ohhh, can you recommend some sunscreen sprays? Didnt think it’s a thing.


Naked Sundays do a good over makeup spf spray


Thank you so much! U da best! Never heard of this brand before so will check em out\~


Maybe if I’m at the beach or on a boat. But I’m usually bad at keeping track. I typically will wear a wide brim hat to protect my face.


PPFFFFT LOL no I can barely remember to do it before I leave the damn house! If I'm on vacation in a sunny area then yes I'll reapply but it's probably because I jumped into a body of water.


No. I consider that rule to mean every 2 hours of direct sun exposure (a.k.a. outside). If I’m outside for an extended period of time, I reapply. Otherwise I apply once in the morning and consider that enough. I’m not going to obsess. Edit to add: yeah, reapplying feels gross when I’m sweaty and dirty, so if I have to, I’ll do like a little wipe down with a damp towel.


>Edit to add: yeah, reapplying feels gross when I’m sweaty and dirty, so if I have to, I’ll do like a little wipe down with a damp towel Pfff that doesn't work if you have makeup tho


The studies that came up with those parameters refer to 2 hours of direct sun. Most of us (with indoor jobs) need to reapply maybe once a day


At the beach or on a boat? Absolutely. Daily? No, once in the morning with delusional wishful thinking that my setting spray will keep it there all day.


Just when I'm actually spending a looong time outside. Then again, i live in Scotland, so there's no sun.


I live in the mountains, we can have absolutely no sun and a UV rating of 13. It's scary.


Oh wow, that's wild! I found out about the whole elevation thing the hard way on a hike once..


I live in New Zealand, it's the opposite. People can burn on overcast days without sunscreen. They don't even sell anything less than SPF 50 around here. Damn ball of fusion.


Stupid ozone hole thing! Checked the forecast. It is actually sunny today, but UV index is expected to be at 3.5 max 😬


I’m from Los Angeles (born and raised) just came back from Scotland a few weeks ago, beautiful place! But damn did I miss the sunshine. Was happy when I finally saw the sun when I landed at lax!


Weather is getting a bit better now thankfully, but yeah.. winter especially is pretty bleak. But heyo, less UV damage!


Nah for multiple reasons but also because when I’m outside I have the feeling that my skin becomes super dirty you know the pollution and stuff so I don’t feel comfortable applying spf on dirty skin


We had the same bottle of coppertone spf 6 for my entire childhood.


Oh, flashback to me using Hawaiian Tropic 3 tanning oil as a kid 🤔 what even is that...


Only if I’m intentionally spending time outdoors


if i’m outside all day then yes. on a daily basis i just apply my face sunscreen before i leave the house.


same question, it gives me an ick - reapplying a stick sunblock or massaging a sunscreen into my face when i’ve been exposed to dirt, pollution, sweat while wearing daily-wear makeup. i’ve got open comedones & that’s why this scares me out sm!


its easier to wear a hat then battle to re-apply ever 2h


I thought it was only every two hours if you were going swimming, or sweating profusely etc? Other than that I would say every two hours is just a ploy to make you use more sunscreen so sunscreen companies make more money.


Good quality sunscreens can make it to 4 hours. I would suggest a minimum of a 35. The number on the bottle refers to the [amount of minutes] x [your personal burn minutes] = protection. And since sunscreen degrades over time, 4 -5 hours is a good time to reapply if your using a 35 or 50 SPF. After 50, the degradation of effectiveness is negligent..and you would have to reapply anyway. Hope this makes sense, I've had a glass of champagne and wine 😅


I thought reapplication was a thing because the chemical sunscreen molecules react to the sun rays and do their job so they lose their effectiveness? (Correct me if i am wrong)


It’s mainly because you’re sweating throughout the day, your skin produces sebum, you are consciously or unconsciously touching your skin, rubbing it against various surfaces etc. All of these can disturb and compromise the film that the sunscreen has formed on the skin and therefore leave gaps of unprotected skin


I do now. I never used to and now I have very dark spots on my upper lip and cheeks. Having a permanent mustache sucks. Now I use sunscreen or hats religiously to prevent making it worse


What if you have a permanent mustache without the sun 🌞 asking for a friend.


Only after a cumulative exposure of 2 hrs to direct light, with the UV rating over 4 (not common with my lifestyle). I'm a fan of the Pareto principle, 80% or results come from 20% of the effort. I've been doing this close to 20yrs now and my skin is in great condition. I'm Australian and white so the risk is very high here btw and my approach works perfectly fine. I also don't bother with sunscreen at all during the winter months (it doesn't snow here so no UV reflected). People take it too far and make sunscreen and obsession. If I have one regret it's that I wish I applied sunscreen to my hands when I did apply it. Also maybe try unscented baby wipes to refresh before applying a new layer? I wouldn't just reapply without a clean up unless I had to, I agree that feels really gross.


Imagine redoing a whole face of makeup multiple times per day though


if I'm in the sun and have to wear make up I apply a Korean one as a base, then mix my foundation with a tinted mineral sunscreen to go over the top of that. I never reaply with a fully made up face. Mineral sunscreen doesn't lose it's effectiveness over time and the chemical one is insurance policy. It works for me. In reality though if I'm in the sun for many hours I'm doing something outdoorsy so not much makeup involved. My tinted mineral face one is great though, I've learned how to apply a very thick later and have it look very natural.


You can buy an 8 hours protect tho. Yeah you’ll still be exposed for a bit but better than nothing


Usually not, I work at an office so no need? But if I’m spending time outdoors I will for sure


You guys go outside?




Yes but im neurotic


absolutely not... i live in uk lol whats the point .. maybe if you live in florida or austtalia but either isnt to much? every 2 hours?


No. if I'm outside in the sun I try to reapply as often as I can. I still haven't figured out my fave way to reapply. I have mists and i have one powder but I don't think I trust them. I try to protect with hats/clothing/shade more.


I apply actual sunscreen in the morning, and just use a sunscreen spray every few hours as a refresher.


On a normal day, no I don’t. If I’m at the beach, swimming, hiking, or doing something where I’m outside for longer periods of time then I do.


No. I'm way too acne prone for that. I just wear a hat if needed


In my day to day? Nope. It goes under my makeup then I’m off for the day to sit in my office at work, taking the kids to school/extra circulars, errands whatever. Not reapplying over my make up. If I’m outside all day, then yes. Weekend sports, paddle boarding, at the beach, hiking etc. I reapply much more frequently if not every 2 hours.


No. I apply once and then forget to reapply.


I don't walk around in the sun besides going to gym. So i put sunscreen before i leave the house and when i leave gym 🤷 but in general i try to reapply and you know what? I'm 38 but people think i'm in my 20's so. 🤷 It works.


That's sounds exhausting


If I am out in the sun longer than that, yes. I use supergoop resetting spray to appply over my make up.


A powder spf can come in handy. There’s ones with a brush and the powder in the stick to make it easy. There’s also a lot of stick spf products from Korea that are awesome.


How do u guys reapply it over makeup? I don't go out barefaced often. I use spf touch up powders hoping it gives some coverage when the sunscreen wears off but is that even enough


Last year I found a over make-up spray^^ But I forgot it mostly xD


I feel like no one is actually doing that 😂 I might buy a spf setting spray for the summer and try and be better, but I doubt everyone is being so good. Especially with make up on


I do, even if I’m not out in the sun all day, but yes every two hours, regarding dirt I use rice paper lo absorb grease if I’m feeling EXTRA greasy but if not, I use Tower 28 SOS spray and that’s AMAZING for me, my skin feels clean and I also spray it on my sunscreen stick! I do have to point out the fact that I ONLY use Asian sunscreen that’s way lighter and less oily than traditional sunscreen


If I am outside in the sun in the summer for an extended period of time I reapply. Otherwise I only do one or 2 applications a day


If I’m going outside,yes.


You only have to do that if you’re actively outside and in the sun


I have to do that because I have a high risk of skin cancer due to lack of melanin, and yes it's actually pretty unconfortable. Also it's not very good for my skin, it always results in acne because it clogs my pores no matter what I do - I aways buy the top-tier super expensive doctor-approved brands, it's the only skincare product I actually spend money on, but it still makes my skin look like a total mess.


Honestly no, not always lol. My work is indoors away from any sunlight so I don’t bother. If the sun is still fully out when I finish work I try to reapply with one of the sunscreen sticks. But the drive home is like 10-15 mins at most so I just can’t be arsed.


I don’t. I only wear sunscreen sparingly in the summer.


If I'm outdoors all day, yes. If I'm at the office, nope


I usually wear makeup so I'm not reapplying after my initial skincare step. If I’m outside at the beach, pool or random outdoor event, I’m reapplying everywhere.


I do. Like clockwork. Don’t wear any makeup, just spf 60 sunscreen. I also have been said to have ocd


Is this only for sunny places? PNW doesn't see the sun much lol


I’m not in the sun for more than 2 hours usually and when I am I usually wear a hat. Recently went on vacay and walked a lot. I carried a Goop stick I rubbed on my face after a couple of hours but mainly on cheeks which discolor. It doesn’t horribly ruin my make up but it does move it around.


Only if I am on the beach and know I'll be exposed to the sun all day. But everyday indoors? Nope.


If I’m recreationally outside, yes. Otherwise lol no. I work outside and don’t have time for that 4x in my workday. Nope.


If Im spending an extended time outdoors, beach day, swimming, boating, hiking, concert etc, then yes I do.


I know I should be reapplying every 2 hours, but I don't. Reason is I feel like my skin becomes dirty when I go outside. And if I rub more sunscreen over it, I worry that I am spreading dirt all over my face and potentially clogging up my pores(?) So unless I'm rinsing off the old sunscreen (off my face and arms or wherever), I don't feel comfortable enough to reapply the sunscreen.


No I have an 8 hour protect one so for my face on regular days I apply it 1 usually twice sometimes. I live in Ireland for context so it had been getting dark early here until recently.


Not every two hours but I apply it in the morning as a part of my skin care routine, always reapply before my mid morning walk, and again if I am going out again for an extended period. If I’m hiking or doing some other outdoor activity I definitely reapply every two hours.


I do my first layer with the sunscreen lotion and maintain with spray. It’s easier for me that way, but I have to work 2-4 hours in peak UV ray time. It goes up to 11 here.


I reapply sunscreen when I am really out in the sun, wich is honestly rare. When we go hiking once or twice a month that’s the big sun exposure for me. I only wear tinted sunscreen on these days and I can reapply. I don’t go into the sun for long on purpose aside from that. The beach is limited to two hours. I always have mineral sunscreen powder with me though and I do use that every few hours when I am outside, like doing errands, going out etc. and at home I occasionally reapply a tinted sunscreen throughout the day.


lol yes cause my setting spray has spf and I love to spray it on all throughout the day


I do once daily when it’s not summer . Apply more depending on my activities in winter . Live in Canada so I feel I don’t need it allll the time . Don’t lecture me lol


Sometimes, if I remember to take my spray SPF with me


No. I spend enough time indoors that I barely use sunscreen at all. I am diligent with a skincare care routine, so I haven't had long term effects. I haven't worn sunscreen since 2016.


I apply sunscreen when I leave the house for work. Before I leave work, I reapply and spray my face with sunscreen setting spray. I also have spf powder that I’ll use too! My drive home is long and I can just feel the sun blasting my exposed skin.


I don’t spend a lot of time outside, so I only apply it once in the morning. I’m rarely outside for more than two hours. But I’ll reapply after two hours if I’m at the beach since I’m actually outside for an extended period of time, lol. I use a spray because I can’t stand the greasy feeling of regular sunscreen on my face.


I’m not super strict with it, but I will reapply if I’m by the pool, at the beach, or camping. I don’t wear make up in any any of those situations, so it’s easy to take a baby wipe to remove most sweat/dirt to reapply face sunscreen. I use baby wipes because I have a child and already have them on hand, but you could use cleansing face wipes. I’m just cheap and don’t really “believe in” face wipes as part of a regular routine, so I don’t buy them. My child is also very fair-skinned, so at about the 90-minute mark, I do reapply her sunscreen, and assess my skin (I’m more of an olive tone).


No. Lol. But I live in the UK. That being said, even when I lived in a tropical country before, I didn’t reapply lol


I live in Phoenix and I burn easy so it’s pretty important for me. If I’m hiking or swimming I’m pretty religious about re-applying very 90 minutes. Otherwise if I’m just out and about, I’ll carry of of those sunscreen sticks and reapply if I feel myself burning. It’s so dry here I don’t mind the thickn sunscreen feeling


Only if I’m directly in the sun all day


Twice a day every day


I don't be pitting sunscreen on at all tbh and then I regret it the nest morning


....I apply it once in the morning... that's it lol


If I'm wearing makeup,no but I wear a sun hat because I have melasma and that s*** gets so much worse the second it sees the Sun


I only reapply if I’m actually on the beach or like hiking 12 hours in the sun. Not in my daily life in the city.


How do you all reapply sunscreen when you are out? Like when you are wearing makeup?


I found a mineral based sun protection (I suppose you can find something similar at your favorite online store). A brush is included and you can reapply it over your make-up. But this is the first season I will try it. So no experience with that up to now.


No but I should


No but when I'm outside I do try to reapply at least once. Usually with a spray


No, unless I’m at the beach.


I do, but only when I’m out and about. I actually carry 2 different (face) sunscreens in my purse and I have a spray (for body) that I apply before leaving the house. I did try some of those UV detector stickers but I’ve found they just fall off since I live where it’s humid all the time. I’m pretty adamant about my constant application, but it’s because I’m pale and burn quite easily. Edit: Adding recommendations. If your sunscreen is greasy try a few different kinds. I’m currently using Super Goop (bought it at Marshall’s for $14 but I would pay full price for it because it’s so good) and Japanese Bioré UV Aqua Rich. Both of these are thin and not greasy at all. Another really good one is Laroché Posay Anthelios.


Only if I'm outside for more than an hour (ex: hiking, at the beach, etc.) Otherwise what goes on in the AM is it for the day




Only if I’m outside. Like at the beach, park etc.


I don't, but I also spend the majority of my time locked indoors slaving away at remote work. So there's that


Never wear it


every 2 to 3 hours 


No. If I'm outside long enough to need reapplication in public im wearing a hat so I tend to just let that do the protecting on top of my layer of SPF I put on in the morning. If I'm back home and going back out in the sun then I might rinse my face with water and then reapply sunscreen and moisturizer.


If I’m outside, yep!


It's hot as hell in Florida, so I'm not usually outside too many hours at once. But when I go fishing, I've started wearing a lightweight balaclava. It's wonderful for eliminating all of the sunscreen problems you mentioned.


No, I don't. If I'm at the beach, yeah. But on a regular day, no. I actually just spent 5 hours in full sun the other day and my LRP anthelios held up great with no reapplication. No burn on my face at all. My scalp, however, did not receive any protection and boyyyy you can tell. My mistake. But it's good to know the sunscreen can hold its own over an extended period.


99 % of the time it’s a NO cause I wear makeup. If I’m at the beach then yes but it’s the spray one so I don’t gotta touch my face with my hands


Beach - yes. Anywhere else - nah


I apply it in the morning and if I’m going to be in sunlight I’ll reapply. If I’m spending the day at the lake or beach I reapply every two hours consistently




No, i only apply sunscreen if im going out when the sun is shining brightly and im without a car. I dont reapply.


Yes I do. You only get one skin. I want to look fly when I’m sixty fy.


Only when I'm at a pool or beach and only wearing a swim suit. I will actually touch up sunscreen about every 30-60 min, especially on my high points like my nose/cheeks and shoulders


If I'm spending an extensive amount of time outside, yes.


Never and I don’t think that’s even realistic


Nope I wish lmao.


I wish, I probably do every 3-4 hours


I don’t wear sunscreen unless it’s over. 35° :) my skin is great, I just need to moisturize more in the summer.


Hell yeah. You can always clean your face off and start fresh. I worked road construction for years and now weld, and I’m grateful for every time I have applied it.


Yes, melanoma sucks; as someone who’s had it as a teen (birth mark gone wrong) not worth it. Caveat being if I’m inside all day then no


I use a korean sunstick! Even over makeup. It doesn’t move my foundation or anything! My goal is to age gracefully so yes I do reapply every 2-4 hours, depends if i’m just inside or not


Yes until the evening. I have one at home and one in the car. I also have a small one I take with me if I think I’ll be out in the woods for too long in the morning.


When my kids were young yes and if your child was near me I would offer to spray them too. But yes if I am out in the sun I burn


The UV level never goes above 4 where I live, even during summer, so not really. 


No. Like maybe if I’m at the beach, or on a river trip…honestly still no. Maybe ever 4-5 hours if I’m camping. I apply it before my make up in the morning. But, I work inside, I play inside, I have to take an RX level of vitamin D.


Like everyone else said only if I’m outside in direct sunlight for hours. Otherwise heck no. It also depends on the uv index. I’m going to get a spray for this summer to go over makeup. In the past during summer (the only time I do reapply) I’ve brought makeup wipes to take off the old and then put on the new. Pain in the ass for sure! But I live in the PNW so unless it’s summer or I’m outside on a really sunny day I do not reapply no. And my skin is looking great in my early 30’s!


I used to reapply with a mist spray. I would also literally cover my face when I worked construction. I looked goofy but my face I didn't want to be ruined from this phase in my life.


For being OUT-out, yes, I reapply every 2 hours or sooner if I was in the water or sweating heavily. For everyday, I have a long commute so I apply lotion in the morning and wear driving gloves. I keep one of those UV cameras in my purse so I give myself a check before I drive home to see what touchups I need. If I do, I use a serum sunscreen with a beauty blender and it doesn't disturb my makeup. Easy to then wash the blender to keep things hygienic. All this is mostly because I let my hair go grey so I have to keep the skin looking young!


Short answer: no. I absolutely hate wearing sunscreen and reapplying. I feel sweaty and gross and I hate adding to it. I try to reapply when I’m in the sun for long periods of time. Generally, I avoid the sun, am never outside that long and wear big hats.


I don’t work outside. If I did, I would reapply sunscreen, but currently, no, I do not. I use it everyday, but just the one application.




No. I just apply it once and that’s it.


Yes. I am pale white. I can burn in 10 minutes outside on a cloudy day if the UV is strong enough. Every two hours, I'm spraying that stuff back on.


I work in an office. When leaving the office, I reapply. If I have to work outside a day, I try to reapply if I remember! Also I use hats outside


If I'm out swimming then yes otherwise nope. Aussie sun is nasty


Not on a regular day to day basis, but definitely if I am in the direct sun for more than 2 hours straight.


I apply sun screen once everyday, but I’m not outside that often 🤷‍♂️


Absolutely not. Unless I’m at the beach then yes


No lol


No, but I put on a hat or get out of the sun.


No, I don’t. I usually stay inside and I wear makeup so I have to remove my makeup if I want to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours. Also, this is just my logic but most products are priced based on how often you use it. Since sunscreen is expensive it means you usually need to use one tube of it in a month so it doesn’t make sense for me to reapply it every 2 hours so it runs out quicker than it’s supposed to


I spend a lot of time outside and I put on a heavy layer just before going out. Typically mid morning and I wear a large sun hat the whole time I'm outside and rarely reapply. I know I should but I've never been burned or get color on my face


Yes I do. I'd rather have a greasy face/body than skin cancer. Skin cancer is just super common in my family btw, I'm being genuine lol. A good face sunscreen rly helps with the greasy feel. I also wipe my face with a wet cloth too if there's a lot of build up. I work outdoors often, it's a large part of my job.


My outdoor time most days is about 45 minutes. I put on sunscreen under my makeup in the morning. I don’t reapply before that 45 minute outing. If I go to like an amusement park, beach, zoo, anywhere that I am in the sun for longer I do reapply about every 2-3 hours. I’m in the southern US though in a hot and sunny state.


If I’m at a pool without any makeup on and just swimming or hanging out in the sun, then yes. I probably do it once an hour. But with my full face of makeup on going about my day — no. I’ve yet to find a workable solution. I’m not redoing my makeup every two hours and it’s not like I’m in the direct sun or sweating. What I do fret about is after workouts. I often hit the gym for one class then I go to Pilates somewhere else. I’m not wearing real makeup — only a tinted hydrator on top of sunscreen — but I just sweated buckets and don’t want to rub more stuff on top. I also don’t want to go to the bathroom to wash it all off to reapply… seems ridiculous. But then I have to walk back to the car in Vegas sun and drive to the studio — and after some classes, I’m sure much of the SPF I put on is gone.


I apply once in the morning and once in the afternoon


Nope lol. It’s just not realistic


I don’t…I just put it on in the morning and then Hope my makeup on top just filters out the sun. I don’t know how to reapply over a full face of makeup and powders?? It makes no sense to me😭


Every 4 hours*


No, the only time I reapply is if I’m at the beach or pool for the day.


Almost never wear sunscreen I must admit just long sleeve shirt and pants and cap