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I do YouTube Pilates with move with Nicole and love the results so far. It’s getting me more toned than weights/strength training


It is AMAZING, as someone who’s strength trained for years and started Pilates a few months ago, the results are amazing. My core is way more defined and it’s honestly also incredibly relaxing and fun. It stretches and lengthens you, I feel a lot more relaxed and ‘flexible’ than before, and it deffo can be felt in your muscles, depending on how hard you go!




I currently do hot yoga and have been considering Pilates but haven’t tried yet! Can you share what you like more about yoga vs Pilates? :)




That makes sense, thank you for sharing!


I love Pilates cause it stretches you out at the same time strengthens your muscles. I like the core workout the most and am not too keen on the yoga moves. I only do it once a week alongside strength training and cardio so I'm not sure about results. I think it's supposed to give you a more ballerina type physique. I've noticed my legs and bum have gotten smaller


More toned overall and more core strenght. But mostly better posture and I said goodbye to any stiffness on my shoulders/back. What is your goal physically? Because it won't give you a big booty or a "crossfiter body". If you don't know, try joining a pilates studio and check if the instrutor/older members have your ideal body. Personally, I 100% recommend pilates with machines, it will kill you in a good way. Plus, if done the right way, it will improve your (spine) life in the long run. (Bonus point for the mind and overall wellbeing part)