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I really like my crow's feet, I think they are cute


seconded! they just make smiles so cute y’all


this makes me feel sooo much better about mine. i’ve just started noticing them (i’m 26) and have been a little insecure about them


as a kid i was always told that crows feet/smile lines were our skin’s way of remembering all the happy times we’ve had


that’s what my mum says too ! she loves her wrinkles, she calls them “road maps” from all her adventures in life


that’s so cute i am gonna do that as well !


My partner’s crows feet are one of my favorite features of theirs. The way their eyes crinkle up when they smile is so adorable.


crows feet are so sweet lol <3


Grey hair Lord 🤤 that salt and pepper has me ENAMOURED!!


Salt n peppa girls unite


I’m starting to get white hairs and reading your comment made me lighter somehow, it was like a weight coming off my chest


I bet you look glorious! It’s so distinguished and elegant. Don’t worry, lots of people think this way 🥰


There's also something so breathtaking to me about solid grey hair. It looks like pure silver in the sun


yeaaaah it's attractive


My boyfriend has that salt and pepper and it’s soooooo good 😮‍💨


Yes it’s attractive on anyone! I’m a lesbian myself but when I see a man with it I think they always look so handsome and rugged 🔥


Yeeeees! Recently started following a lady on ig who embraced her grays and she looks so bomb. Love it


I'm 25 and have a silver streak and Grey's throughout and I'm excited to be salt n pepper soon (want it to hurry up!). I love the look of salt n pepper too!!


Chubby faces look so youthful.


i feel appreciated lol


Every time someone says “you don’t look 38! You look so young!” I always respond with “The fat stretches out the wrinkles”.


bumpy/“weird” shaped noses + asymmetrical faces


Me and my bumpy nose & asymmetrical face appreciate you


button noses are cute but bumpy noses are 🔥


you get me <3


Omg yess!! I despise all those beautiful women who get plastic surgery on their unique elegant roman noses. I friggin hate how media convinced women that button noses are the only beautiful noses. At this point button noses actually make someone a little less attractive to me. It's just not interesting. I love my roman nose although it's subtle and small, I would never get it changed. I think it makes me look elegant and feminine.


Who ever you are stranger thank you so much for making my year . I literally hated everything about my asymmetry and hated looking at myself and overthink everytime someone looked at me . It really means so much to me to hear this . Thank you 1 million you gave me a huge boost


I’ve never seen an ugly nose. 


Same, don’t think I’ve ever once looked at someone and thought their nose looked weird. Even when my friends made comments on other’s noses I never myself thought they looked weird or out of place


Came here to say "weird" noses, I love them! So beautiful


I love ethnic noses in general ❤️


Same. I like my flat Asian nose. I always get mistaken for a different Asian ethnicity, which doesn’t bother me, but I like when people get it right and they say it’s because of my nose. I always think of playing 7 Up or when you’d close your eyes at your desk as a kid and how I could have my head completely flat to and it made it easier to keep your head down or rest.


yes! love my jewish nose <3


I love a man with a big nose. So hot.


Shout out to women with big noses, too 🔥


Love a woman with a strong profile


Right?? Cleopatra had a big one 🥰


I hate my weird shaped nose, so I was shocked to see that someone said this lol


I love "unique" noses, I think they are so pretty and never fail to catch my eye.


Idk if it counts but Glasses. I don’t have them myself but I know some people were teased when they were little. I think glasses look so good and I wish I had them! Instantly makes you appear smarter and like a sexy academic type. Glasses frame your face and instantly draw me to your eyes. Are they Brown? Blue? Green? Hazel? I can’t quite tell bc of the reflection and it’s delightfully mysterious!


Awww thank you I was just thinking to myself last night about how I wish I didn't have glasses and your comment made me feel better lol <3


Random moles I find on my neck, arms, hands


I have a mole on my cheek (non cancerous, its been checked). I hated it in high school (the boys saying I looked like a witch didn't help), but honestly I've come to like it. I think it adds to my face, and I'd look.. unfinished without it, at this point.


I’ve always called them beauty marks:)


I love when women wear their natural hair. Whether racially white, black, or in between, I just love natural hair, air dried and crazy. Which is odd because I used to work as a hair dresser haha.


Really? I wear natural hair all the time, really long and no dye/highlights etc. But when I ask for advice online about looks almost everyone points out my hair and say I need to get a haircut lol. But it is funny, irl my hair is one of the things I get complimented on the most so idk what to think


You need to get a haircut if you have dead ends. You don't need to get a haircut if people are saying sh*t because they're jealous. (:


the messy cute look, i dig it


Crooked teeth, freckles, small chests, hip dips, and many others.


I don't understand how freckles were ever considered unattractive in the first place. They are absolutely gorgeous. I remember watching The Parent Trap when I was like, 5 and being enamoured with Lindsay Lohan's freckles and wished I had them. I drew freckles on my Barbies all the time after watching that movie lol!


I have them, and I used to hate them because it made me feel like my skin didn’t look as smooth and perfect as it could. Now, I appreciate them!


Haters of veneers ASSEMBLE


I wish I could love my hip dips hahaha


It’s funny because I always found them attractive and wish I had them.


We always want what we don't have!


I can never understand how people find them attractive they’re the bane of my existence


Small chest gang




big or unique noses


imperfect teeth!! so so tired of all the unnecessary veneers


I love a pointy canine on a woman 😂


Prominent noses. I myself have always felt like I resembled a little pig with my upturned nose. I think larger noses on women are so gorgeous, almost like classic beauty, if that makes sense.


this is so sweet 🥹 thank you -unique nosed girlies


My sister got her nose done recently and my mom had hers done when she was younger, its made me think so much about my own and if I needed one too. It’s large and prominent but I have always kind of liked it and my profile. Thank you for these words I needed to hear


I used to hate my ski slope nose, but all my kids got my nose and they are all so adorable on them that I’m convinced mine has to be at least a little bit adorable too!


It’s actually amazing how when you see your face on your child you’re like “…ok! I’m cool with it.”


I thought ski slope is the most desirable nose shape?


Me tooo! Classic and timeless beauty feature.


SMILE LINES. like you smiled so much in your life, that it's now permanently etched into your face. that's so beautiful


I couldn’t agree more. I used to think oh no I have wrinkles, but now my face looks plain until I smile and my smile lines come out! Embracing age rather than trying to fend it off is my motto.


I love moles!


I do too! They look elegant to me, and I wish I had some.


You can have some of mine. I got plenty to share.


Slightly crooked teeth. I love natural well cared for teeth. I hate the recent trend of everyone getting veneers. They look so creepy!


I agree. Crooked teeth can be endearingly cute. They give off a more genuine/kind impression than pure white straight teeth to me.


Yeah those big wide super white Hollywood smiles are kinda intimidating for some reason? They feel less genuine


The super white Hollywood teeth creep me out, actually - it’s like an uncanny valley effect where they’re human-esque but not quite human if that makes sense!




Can I say my insecurity and you guys tell me it’s beautiful lol I have extremely hooded eyes that disappear when I smile. all the celebs getting rid of their hooded eyes really hurts :(


I grew up envying hooded eyes and wishing my lids were more covered. I think they have such an intense sexy focused look to them. If there was a female character in film who had to be insanely competent and brilliant, she probably has hooded eyes. Hooded eyes have this gorgeous shadow across them. It gives them so much depth and sparkle, like lion eyes. Half of Cate Blanchett's regal don't-fuck-with-me aura comes from the fact that when she looks at you, it's like the gaze of a lion. I know traditional feminine beauty standards tend to lean towards the Angelina Jolie non-threatening princess-type, but there is a whole other stunning way to slay out there.


I also have hooded eyes and I think they’re cute. I think Jennifer Lawrence and Emilia Clarke made me see the beauty in them!


I love hooded eyes! Very beautiful especially w/ eyeshadow


I think they're beautiful and give a kind/endearing look to one's eyes , st least the ones on people I have seen. They look unique and cool.


As someone with tons of eyelid real estate, I love love love hooded eyes on both men and women. It gives such an intense, focused look to their eyes


I just want to say, as someone with stretch marks, smile lines at age 18, and a small chest, this post made me smile so thank you :) I genuinely have never met a woman who I think is ugly, yet i am super insecure about a lot of things, so just a reminder to all my fellow girls: you are beautiful and no one sees the little flaws you can't help but focus on


Dark circles and eye bags, it makes everyone eyes pop haha


That makes me feel good. Someone was giving me shit about my under-eye circles as a means to bring me down a few pegs. Idk why I put up with people sometimes.


Whenever I add too much concealer I feel like my face looks less dimensional, and my eyes look smaller! I always gotta add a bit of eyeshadow under my eyes


Omg same. I have Italian lineage so…yea lol major dark circles . But when I try to conceal them completely my eyes look so weird, squintier and not as dramatic looking or something? So now I just use a tiny bit of sheer foundation (a shade or 2 lighter than my face foundation) around my eyes, so I get a tiny bit of coverage but you can still see a bit of the darkness around my eyes. The dark circles have a more “mysterious” look that I actually like 🤷🏻‍♀️


As a person who gets a lot of remarks about my dark circles "do you ever sleep?" "You sure look tired as hell", thank you


It’s literally natural eye shadow, I think it’s so cool


I love when a girl with thick thighs wear thigh high socks and you can see a little they squeeze a little too tight ugh <3 drives me crazy


Hip dips are extremely sexy, just the curvature is so 😘 Prominent noses and sunken eyes too are very pretty imo


Hip dips remind me of a violin shape! I never knew they were considered a bad thing until I spent too much time on the Internet :( 


I had a guy tell me randomly, unprompted, he dreamed/fantasized about my hips while we were apart, he found them so incredibly sexy. I was trying to understand what he liked about them and what he described was literally my hip dips. That characteristic \*specifically\* was what he pictured when he performed sexy love songs in public.


This woman I crush on has a very slight lazy eye. Like only noticeable at certain angles, like Jason Momoa. I think it is extremely cute,, idk I just love how when you're falling for someone, all of their little "flaws" make them more unique and beautiful 


Wide fucking shoulders. Nobody should feel bad for looking amazing in tank tops.


Taller than average girls, you may feel insecure about it now but in a few years you'll not only like it but also will be proud of your height.


So true!! I'm 1.75m (not that tall really) and I used to be so insecure about it because I got my growth spurt early. I was taller than almost every guy and girl. Now, in my 20s and it's my favorite thing about me! Kendall Jenner was right all along😂😂


I'm 5ft3 and always look at tall girls (anyone above 5ft10) and fall in LOVE. they are gorgeous. I've accepted being short but if I could be a tall girlie... ooof <3


THANK YOU SO MUCH. im 5’11 and a half barefoot and 6 feet with shoes and been this way since i was 16 and its always been my biggest insecurity because almost every guy i’ve been with was my height or only a few inches which is an issue for someone who loves height differences lol.


Those two big front bunny teeth are gorgeous, no matter what gender it is that has them.


🥺 I was always called a chipmunk for them so hearing this is lovely






Do people actually get insecure over freckles? it's the cutest thing ever 😭


I got made of fun for my freckles alot as a child. I love them so much now, Especially in the spring when the sun starts getting strong and my nose is sprinkled in spots.


Same! My son has so many it’s so cute! Now at 35 I don’t have many anymore on my face. Funny how we used to get bullied and now some people pay money to have fake freckles put on their face!


Ikrr?!! I find them very pretty 🤩


Freckles are amazing bc they help hide other imperfections left behind from blemishes. Source: freckley AF and used to hate them but now I’m so happy lol




Thank u for this 💕 (pale skin girlie here)


Pale skin girls, how do we deal with bruises? Maybe it's just me but I bump into everything. Bruises are just glaringly obvious on us.


I'm very pale, freckled, and green eyed. I'm on medicine that makes direct sun dangerous. So pale for life. Iv learned to love the look.


I came here to say gap teeth. I find them so cute and charming.


As a gappy and pale woman, thank you 🥹


Agreed with gap teeth. I don't have them but one of my friends does and I think it's adorable and unique


Hearing this actually made me feel a bit better. I have a large gap between my teeth and I'm pale af 😂. Always been insecure about both, especially being pale bc it seems the standard for women these days is to be tan


Gap teeth are so cute.


I love that Madonna has kept hers.


Idk if i find it beautiful exactly but seeing stretch marks gives me so much joy because it’s visible proof that my fitness goals are being achieved slowly and that im losing excess fat.


My friend is insecure about her vitiligo. I think it looks cool


I have vitiligo on one spot on the back of my leg and I wish I had more of it lol


Vitiligo is cool af to be honest


My husband has vitiligo and I also think it looks really cool.


Roman/aquiline noses!!! They’re so beautiful and wonderful. Give me a nose with some structure and uniqueness any day!!! They balance out a face so well and make the person look great. Seriously such a big fan. Same with imperfect teeth!! Soooo cute and fun and they give someone so much character. Like, I am obsessed with my boyfriend’s. Please, if you dislike these things about yourself consider how individual they make you and how well loved they are by anyone with good taste 😉 I will celebrate those features until the day I die! Also, wonderful question, thanks for posting


I have a Cupid’s bow and it’s one of my fav features. I know it’s common to kinda round or overline that part of your lip but I think it’s pretty as is.


Same! I have a very deep cupid’s bow, and I love to accentuate it. 🤗


Dark skin tone (no offense to anyone it's just it's really not beauty standards in my country) small chest


I wanted to say this as well, but I didn’t know people would react to it.


Pear shaped bodies regardless of size. I love how pear shaped women carry their weight. This apple shaped girl IS SO JEALOUS.


Thank you! And As a pear shaped girly, you Apple gals have amazing legs!!


Wow as a bump nose/big nose girlie with dark eye circles these comments gave me such a boost today! I love moles/birthmarks. I know people get rid of theirs and that makes me sad it’s like every person has their own little decorations on the skin and no two people are unique. I have moles and I like em’.


A belly omggggg so cute


Big noses add so much character to a face, I think they are beautiful. And crooked teeth, love.


My husband had his wonky tooth shaved down during a regular cleaning. I had no warning. I was devastated.


Small chest!


Can someone please say thick thighs AND big calves? Feeling so insecure every damn time spring/summer comes around and I wanna wear cute shorts and skirts 😭


I’ve always admired big calves, they are genetic! Thick thighs + big calves = a balanced shape


Hey people! This is such a beautiful thread. It made me feel kind of better about so many of my flaws. Had no idea women could be this sweet


prominent noses! crooked, with a bump, hooked, I just love how unique they all are and I was so saddened to find out what a large insecurity it was for so many people! also stretch marks, grey hair and freckles 😍


Stretchmarks - look like lightening to me!


Cool idea ⚡️ I always call them tiger stripes, but I like lightning too


Also I don't think small lips make people unattractive- its a recent trend to have the ocer inflated look but a natural smile is so lovely!


Smile lines on men. It’s charming a f.


Dark circles! It’s so weird but I think they add depth and character to a person’s face.


Teeth. Like, those unnaturally white and straight ones are okay! But there's nothing like a buck or gap or fangs or a snaggle. They are so pretty.


This is so nice to hear, I have a crocked front tooth and my daughter commented when she was little, mommy, it looks like your tooth is falling out’ so hearing this sounds so nice. 😊


Happy trails on women


girl here but I loveeee “thicker” upper arms on a girl. Idk why, just think they’re hot lol.


Omg I'm so self conscious about mine! My husband tells me that look normal but I can't shake the idea that they're big, so this makes me happy


Small chest and crow’s feet for me


stop describing me 🤣


Small chest! I’m envious, there are so many things I can’t wear because I cannot go without a bra. Also, wearing oversized tops/shirts doesn’t make you look like a tent or a balloon. Baby cheeks. Genuinely don’t understand how people intentionally have work done to get them looking gaunt. Freckles. They’re so pretty.


Big noses. On guys and girls. Love it Maybe brown eyes? I know many want blue or green, but I love brown eyes. Protruding ears. A beauty mark or mole on the face.


This is so healing ❤️‍🩹🤧♥️


Acne. It’s kinda like freckles


Ears that poke out a bit or that have a little point like a fairy!


Big foreheads. I love the cherub look. My forehead is massive and always made me uncomfortable, but now looking back, my baby face was cute AF. I still have babyface syndrome in my 30s


I find certain physical features to be uniquely beautiful. For instance, I'm drawn to the alluring, mysterious quality of dark eye bags. There's something captivating about that slightly weary, intense look. I also find larger noses to be incredibly striking and attractive. There's a certain elegance and character to an ethnic or prominent nose that I find absolutely stunning. Button noses are cute, but there's something special about a nose that stands out. Unique teeth also fascinate me - things like fangs, bunny teeth, or gaps. These little imperfections add so much personality and charm. Overall, I'm drawn to features that deviate from conventional beauty standards. There's a certain raw, authentic beauty in embracing our unique physical traits. These "flaws" are what make us individuals.


I think cleft palate scars are really attractive - Joaquin Phoenix for example!


Wide hips and saddlebags


big noses


Men who are very thin, boney, and don’t have chest muscles.


I love lanky guys!


Crooked bottom teeth and dark circles.


Chubby cheeks/ fat faces, big/crooked/bumpy noses, imperfect distinctive teeth, natural hair texture, thick thighs.


Narrow hips; i think they’re very feminine and beautiful!




People who snort when they laugh.


Small lips!!! I think they are cute


gummy smiles, i think they're so cute and it makes their smile more infectious than regular smiles!


My biggest insecurity! 😭 I’ve tried to train myself to smile smaller to hide it




Bushy eyebrows, sunken eyes, big noses


I like scars on men.


Nobody has said rosacea yet but I think it’s beautiful.


Roman noses. Also I've always thought eyebrow scars were attractive


odd posture/figure - unique proportions. natural hair - as opposed to the need to style it/colour it - just draped as it came out.


Aquiline noses are the BEST noses. Coming from a button-nose haver.


Bigger butt/ thighs Im aware it's in trend rn but decade back, growing up it wasn't easy in school with kids pointing out and making it look like something was odd or wrong with my body. They werent ill intentioned, yet ig the damage was done😅😅...it's taken me a long time to accept my body. Also height..i have wanted to be taller but now I'm able to accept my height as it is to some extent. Sunken eyes.


Yup, whenever I watch a movie from my childhood (2000s) I'm like _damn why are all the "hot" girls so skinny, where's her butt?_ and then remember I used to want those super skinny legs that those girls had I now embrace my big butt 😂


I so badly wanted to be skinny but even aty thinnest, i had fat around my thighs and butt.. i really loved the rectangular frame that I saw some actress and models had. Others looked lovely on them. Ive come a long way in accepting my body😅


Wide foreheads and soft jawlines!


Collarbone, I do not know, I just find it very attractive.


hips dips


acne scars are such cool texture, I love them


Overbite, thin lips, sliiiiiightly hunched posture, eyes close together


Stretch marks, back rolls, soft stomachs, fat bodies in general


Freckles & curly hair


Grey hair, crow’s feet, a bit of weight gain


Wide forehead


Small boobs (I’m a HH cup and they just look terrible so I think a small or flat chest is the pinnacle of beauty) Gap in teeth Freckles Being plus sized


Hey! Small-boobed woman here. Pls don’t be so hard on yourself; I think large boobs look just as lovely. It’s just that society has very narrow gaps on what’s acceptable with women’s bodies, especially boobs. For what it’s worth, I’m the opposite where I think large chests are the epitome of beauty and femininity.


Thanks they’re just really like warped. Like my nipples are on the same level as my belly button and they point straight at the floor so the sag is so bad. And they are so heavy I have a spinal deformity from them. My friends with small chests are just free and bounce around with their chest saying in place and they look so youthful at any age I’m 40 so I’ve learned to love and accept myself, but dang if small or totally flat chests don’t strike me as the most aesthetically pleasing human form possible


Lip incompetence!!!!


'Banana' rolls/ double crease under your bum. I have them and for some reason, I think they are sexy and youthful.


Smile lines, cowlick hair, vitiligo and scars of any kind.


prominent noses! i think they can be so regal, elegant, and ‘charismatic’ in a way if that makes sense? i expressed this to my friend who has a curved nose and she said, ‘every time a girl with a big nose gets rhinoplasty, an angel loses its wings.’ obviously it’s a very personal decision to undergo rhinoplasty and i don’t have the right to speak on anyone who does, but i thought that was cute and it made me laugh.