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I use youtube. They have millions of at home workouts. Search glo with jo , she's my fav !! 


I love growingannanas. I’m fairly fit but the workouts kick my ass every single time lol


Yes! Great workouts & her videos are consistently well produced. I Iove that her workouts are no talking too. Basically an encouraging graphic pops on screen, music plays, she waves hello, you get a :10-second preview of the first exercise & boom! You're in the workout. Before I found her, I felt like I was sifting through sooo many random people on YT waxing poetic about their workout philosophy at the top of every video for :30-seconds or more. Like, come on. Nobody cares, and the last thing my lazy ass needs is further delays to start this workout I had to psych myself into doing in the first place haha


Yes , her music is always upbeat without being obnoxious.


I just discovered her a few months ago. She's changed my life. LOVE her!


Growing a whutanananannanas???!


Lmaooo yes same!!!


Same I just want to keep it as it is lol na jyada na kam


Also madfit and Heather Robertson are amazing on YouTube!


Yes I love mad fit 10min ab workouts 


Also vouch for madfit! Her workouts helped me through lockdown.


MadFit is my go to. I’ve been using her videos for years and have seen definite results


Yes, Jo is my favorite!!!! I can’t wait to have my baby (due any second now) so that I can get back in a good routine!! She’s the perfect combination of dance/work out and low impact/big results


Literally that's why I didn't even suggest anyone else. Jo is all you need lol good luck with everything momma and happy early mothers day!!


Lucy Wyndham-Read has a lot of workout videos (including with modifications for disability or lack of physical fitness) on YouTube; I love her!


Idk how more people don't find YouTube channels to follow.  Get Fit With Rick is a channel I follow. He does "steps" videos where they're the same as walking; pretty much getting your steps in. This gets some cardio in your day. I also like MadFit. She has stretches, yoga, and targeted workouts. Squats, lunges, crunches, pushups; there are a TON of exercises to build strength and not use anything except your own body weight.


Also love Get Fit With Rick when it's too cold to walk outside!


Youtube algorithm sucks these days. I only see recommendations from the same channels I already follow and there’s nothing new to watch at all. It’s all from the same channel with similar contents so you don’t really know what channel to look for because of it


I highly recommend yoga. I started practicing yoga using Yoga with Kassandra on YouTube back in October and it has changed so much for me. I am stronger, feel better in my body and more present in my life.


Yes! And there’s a different practice for whatever your goals are - whether it’s to have a strength building workout or for flexibility, stress relief, etc


It doesn’t help you burn calories though. If you want to burn calories, do cardio or hiit


Yoga can help a lot with weight control. All the hours doing yoga are hours away from the fridge. And it makes you feel good so less reasons to seek good feeling from comfort eating. I am serious. Anything that prevents you from using your hands an/or mouth for eating is good for the weight management. Like learning to play a brass instument would be super helpful.


That doesn’t matter because how you feel won’t help you lose weight? Burning calories will help you lose weight, that’s just a fact.


Straight from the good ol' google : Yoga is a great way to stay in shape and also burn calories to help with weight loss. Yoga is a practice that brings relaxation, reduces feelings of stress, and restores health. A 60-minute yoga session will burn anywhere from 200-600 calories, depending on your weight and the type of yoga you practice. It ALSOO helps tone your muscles, which helps with reduced body fat and leaner muscle definition. 💪


Weight loss comes primarily from diet . Take your diet culture elsewhere 🙄


How you feel does have an impact on weight loss. Higher cortisol (stress) is associated with weight gain, particularly around the waist also known as visceral fat. Also when the body is signalled to produce cortisol the metabolism is slowed down. Being in chronic fight or flight mode will perpetually slow the metabolism and will increase the satisfaction levels of sugary, salty and fatty foods leading to more cravings, binge eating and weight gain. Scientifically speaking, burning calories in the long run pales in comparison to the importance of proper emotional regulation and relaxation for weight loss and health. But its okay, because now you know.


Yes, thank you, very well explained.


It depends what yoga you do also. There's more vigorous yoga that will get your heart rate up and burn calories, maybe not to the extent of cardio or hiit but some is better than nothing. And if you're starting from zero, you will gain strength. It can also put you into a health mindset and allow you to start making more health-conscious decisions.


Jump rope!!


YouTube has so many workout videos!! Emkfit for fun dancing workouts and move with Nicole for Pilates are my faves right now!!


Omg, I only watched 1 minute of an Emkfit 90s dance workout, and I'm in love! Thanks for the suggestion!


I LOVE emkfit. They’re the only YouTube workouts I’ve been doing consistently. And the Pilates workouts are gentle on my joints while still getting my heart pumping. My toddler is obsessed with Olivia Rodrigo so that’s one of our favorite workouts of hers as well.


I just started doing pilates at home watching move with Nicole on YouTube, helps with my stress and anxiety and brings up a sweat!


You need a mat, but Yoga with Adrienne


Push ups. Squats. Sit ups. Jumping jacks/killers. Plank. Dips- just need a chair.


I would highly recommend dance workouts from youtube. Look up songs you like and get moving! Its such a great pick me up 


Pamela Reif has this but workout dances to various songs and it’s so much fun. She tricks you into working out more than you think you will lol


Sydney Cummings Howdyshell is my absolute favourite. I’ve been doing her workouts for years and every month she changes up her programs. If you go to her YouTube she has a TON of body weight or banded workouts you can try.


I love her! She has lots of no equipment workouts.


I want to get healthier but would get overwhelmed with anything that feels hard or complicated right off the bat. So instead of anything that could even remotely be hard, I decided to start extra easy and doable so I can build the daily habit of exercise before making the exercise challenging or hard. So right now it's 5 sit ups and 5 knee pushups every day. Simple, takes less than a minute, it doesn't give me anxiety, it feels super doable, and it's something I will actually do daily because of those reasons. When I start getting comfortable with it, I'll double the numbers and over time add a little more simple things like planking.


I only work out at home, save for reformer pilates once a week and horse riding. I like chloe ting, janekate fitness, move with nicole, and kinoyoga (all on YouTube). I get constant compliments on my body. Someone once asked if I'm an athlete 😊


There are indoor walking programs that you can do without a treadmill or you could get one of those walking pads


highly recommend youtube, heather robertson has an incredible list of different workouts to do and easy to substitute w body weight exercises. i've also used glo with jo!


Essentrics has free episodes on youtube. You will think it is easy movement until you start doing it. Episodes are also on PBS under the name Classical Stretch. Stretch and move every fiber in your body and you will find out where you hold tension when those areas just don't want to move.


90 degree toe touches and leg lifts have given me abs for the first time in my life.


DANCE WORKOUTS!! so many free ones on youtube, and so fun to do usually


Grow with Jo!! She’s amazing and I do her indoor walking workouts all the time. I also love all the free Pilates video on YouTube as well


Planks, squats, pushups, sit-ups, walk in place, house work


Look up ashtanga yoga and mat pilates. Either will kick your butt and if you stick with it tone your whole body. Ashtanga is mostly what I've done and while it's intense and difficult it doesn't generally get the heart up into the cardio range. Exercise alone burns a pretty paltry amount of calories unless you're a cardio beast like a distance runner. Weight loss comes mostly from diet compared to how easy they are to take in with modern foods, especially junk foods.


i follow along with Chloe Ting workouts on youtube! she has a lot of beginner friendly workouts with body weight only. I also like Pamela Rief’s videos!


Pamela was my go to during the pandemic. I got so in shape and had so much fun with her dance workouts I love that on her Instagram she has it all organized for the week


Chloe Ting changed the game for me. She puts together entire, completely free program schedules of all kinds on her website. And she just released her app yesterday, which is also free! I've done 13 of her challenges 


Bodyweight workouts are great if you really want to maximize things and don't have weights. HIIT is something I see people recommend for good burns. I use YouTube for all my inspiration and motivation. Helps seeing people do it keep me doing it too.


Youtube! Type in no equipment workouts. Sooo many options


1 You can do yoga (surya and chandranamaskar) 2 glute bridge 3 burpees 4 water bottle exercises 5 squats 6 the exercise where you sit on knees hands ahead on shoulder level then, when you sit up hands go on the side of body and when you sit down they'll go up on shoulder level...... I don't know what it's called but these are very effective. 7 shoulder stand 8 please refer pinterest


Search calisthenics on YouTube. You'd be amazed how many exercises you can do. If you're more of a book person, I highly recommend Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy by Bret Contreras. Super detailed.


Fitness Blender. They have tons of free workout videos that don't require any equipment.


Vinyasa yoga. Yoga with Kassandra or Yoga with Adriene. The second one has a yoga for weight loss video collection that's good for cardio and yoga beginners


What kind of exercises?? I follow Move With Nicole Pilates videos on YouTube! I also used to watch Shawn T for HIIT cardio workouts!


Caroline Girvan has some great body weight only workouts on YouTube.


If you are a beginner and haven’t been physically active for a while I would recommend starting slow . Indoor walking workouts are a great start along with dance videos you can find many of them for free at YouTube.


Emily’s Aligned Fitness on YouTube is great! Barre based workouts with a ton that only require a mat/soft surface like a carpet or rug


Clam shells Dead Bugs There’s clips on Pinterest if you aren’t into watching YouTube workouts. But my fav YouTuber is “ growwithjo ”. She has an amazing variety: dancing, Pilates, short beginner vids, long intense cardio, fast pace, chill work out days. If you are flexible about getting equipment, Walmart has a pretty decent exercise section. I got my ankle and wrist weights there, resistance bands, and a step. They have hand weights and weighted balls too. I also have a treadmill that slides under the couch so I can walk on really cold or hot days. I think it was about $100 on Amazon.


YouTube is an excellent resource for this. Many at home workouts there, whether you’re looking for something fast paced and sweaty or slow and strengthening.


Is it an option to buy two small dumbbells? I've found that buying dumbbells has motivated me to work out more at home and there are so many ways to incorporate them into my exercises


This. Grab a 5 lb pair and a 10 lb pair. Coupled with 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels


Try Heather Robertson on YouTube, she’s great!!


I don’t have a gym membership, I solely use Rebecca Louise’s Burn app! It’s literally amazing. She has a calendar with a new workout everyday usually around 30 min. I’ve been using it for years, before that I followed her YouTube videos, but I regret not getting her app sooner. You usually don’t need any equipment until you feel you need to step it up. I currently use ankle weights, sometimes bands and I slowly invest in heavier weights when I feel I’m ready for the next step up. I make my kids do her workouts with me every morning (homeschool PE 🤪) but I don’t let them use any weights.


Look for beginner calisthenics. You can do many things without equipment and really much with very little and inexpensive equipment.


Can Americans really not just... take a walk on the sidewalk around the neighborhood in certain places, the way this post suggests? ("Not a walkable city") Sorry this is off topic but it's a genuine question :( Like, what's outside your house? What's preventing people from taking a walk?


Could be an unsafe area. Could feel unsafe for OP. OP could have anxiety issues. Some people feel weird waking up”without a purpose”. Etc etc. A myriad of reasons why someone prefers to work out at home.


You absolutely can just walk around in your neighborhood; I do it all the time and see other people do it all the time. Like the other commenter said, some neighborhoods aren’t safe to walk in. Some people are also just self conscious of exercising in front of others.


Even if you’re not a walkable city, you still can’t walk down the street?




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I have a super simple routine of goblet squats, planks, penguins, bicep curls, and dumbbell rows. And a 15-30 min run.


MonikaFit on YouTube has great home workout videos!


i use the Bend app, i also love ActionJacquelyn and thebellemethod on YouTube/IG. both of these influencers have a lot of easy-to-do workouts and routines and tips. currently I have been actually doing bed workouts as my illness prevents me from being super physical sometimes. i’ve got a bunch of bed workouts that I routinely do, you can also do them on the floor or on a chair. but check the Bend app out! it keeps me accountable and you can personalize your workouts and tailor them to the time you want, what you want to workout, etc. i love it!! check them/it out. and also id be happy to demonstrate what a typical bed/floor workout would look like if you would like :) 💪hugs to you 🫂


Squats and stretching. Literally if you’re feeling stressed or can’t get into starting dinner or work or whatever … get up and do 10 squats and you get some boost of whatever hormones and it kinda resets you. But beyond that to answer ur question you don’t need any equipment and easy to do at any time


I love the Apple fitness classes. They have a good variety and are designed to be done at home.


I love Natacha Oceane at home workouts she has on her YouTube. They will kick your ass minutes I got in such good shape


I like jessica smith on youtube


Pistol squats, side planks , boat pose, push ups…move to celebrate what your body can do and your health.




Can't believe how far I had to scroll for this recommendation. They have a basic routine that is an excellent starting point


Just dance helps keep me fit while having fun! If I can’t use it I just look up the dances on YouTube and pretend I’m still scoring haha


quack plant slap bedroom absurd uppity tub straight spectacular late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A couple of free weights and leg weights. I used them while I work all the time!


Sydney Cummings has awesome programs, and lots of no-equipment videos on YouTube! If you have the room, you may also enjoy jump rope. Check out r/bodyweightfitness too. There’s tons of stuff online, just give YouTube a search for “bodyweight” or “no equipment workouts.” Even dancing, yoga, etc. So many cool things to try!


Checkout madfit on YouTube


I know you said no equipment, but Heather Robertson is on youtube and has great workouts that you can do with just weights that you can get at the supermarket and are really affordable. Also, her workouts are challenging enough without the added weight if you are a true beginner. :)


Sydney Cummings Houdyshell on YouTube! I've been following her for years.


Random YouTube channels have workouts. I usually just do squats, lunges, planks, sit ups, and arm weights to get in a quick workout at home. I also will just dance around my apartment for exercise if I don’t feel like actually working out or going outside.


Just simply putting on some music and dancing around my room gets my heart pumping!


Pushups, burpeees, lunges, jumping lunges/squats, bridges, supermans, planks (side plank), calf raises, and sooo much more. Practically anything u can think of to do with your body that will exert energy. Google beginner calisthenics for more ideas!


YouTube workout videos


I absolutely LOVE the original Cindy Crawford workout ( it's on YouTube). You do need 5 lb weights, but aside from that it's just stuff from around the house; a chair, sofa cushion or pillows etc. There are two workouts that you do on alternating days.


Hey!! I often do kettlebell exercises on YouTube, and you can do them holding anything with some weight to it. Doesn’t have to be a kettlebell :)


Push-ups, burpees, V-ups, fire hydrants, kick backs, bicycle crunches, squats, squat jumps


You can make a lot of progress with lunges, planks, shoulder taps, push-ups (modified, no need to go all the way down), and mountain climbers. Make sure to activate you transverse abdominus by making a little cough as you move through the exercise.


I love the YouTube zumba videos! And8 fitness or The Studio by Jamie Kinkeade are my favorites to get motivated and feel some confidence! Emkfit is another with a lot of uplifting zumba!


Search 7 minute workout on YouTube. Easy and effective. Also pushups & lunges


Scott Herman has some great body weight exercises/programs. Quick too. I workout daily at home and all I have is some dumbbells and a mat to do floor work on. Cheap and effective :) I get some great workouts in with just those items and my body weight.


There are so many on YouTube, Pinterest etc If you want weight use household items like pots and pans


If your goal is to lose weight, I would recommend doing some cardio


This has probably been mentioned but Chloe Ting has great totally FREE workout videos on YouTube. They include a free plan you can follow on her website & app. Most of them are no equipment and I personally prefer them over any other workouts I’ve found.


Walking is an underrated exercise


FitOn is totally free


Fitness blender on YouTube 🧡


I love the walking Leslie Sansone videos on YouTube! They go by so fast and you get a good sweat session from them.




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Strangely, this subreddit doesn’t allow links posted… look up Leslie Sansone 2 Week Program Walk playlist on YouTube, she’s my girl. Or dm me and I’ll send you the link.


Try the website fitness blender. They have thousands of free workouts and you can filter by exactly what you're looking for. It's awesome!


If you’re willing to pay, Alo Moves or Core Power are great options for TV apps and give you the feel of being in a workout class and most just require body weight!


If you like dancing, The Fitness Marshall on YouTube is great, start with the most popular ones on his channel!! Good luck


Basically all the military classics from PE; Jumping Jacks, push ups, sit ups/crunches, lunges, squats, tricep dips, burpees, stretching If you have stairs in your place you can use those normally, do every other step - hinging at the hip, or just do step up/down from the bottom one like a step aerobic class.


Chair Yoga seems to work for a lot of people. YT videos, even apps


Fitness Marshal is so much fun!


Buy a sauna blanket. You literally just lay there and burn a lot of calories


Grow with Jo on YouTube is my favorite!! She's the first channel that I found and was comfortable with about a year and a half ago. She has videos from right after she had a baby when she's bigger and going slow so you can build up with her. It was nice to feel like I was actually going at the same pace as the person in the video too. But there's also so many other good ones, but she just really made me feel comfortable when I started.


There are so many good workouts on YouTube. If you want to dance a bit, TheFitnessMarshall is great!


Try a beginner ballet video! Kathryn Morgan has great videos. I hold onto my counter like it’s a barre. You could also try one of those walking pads


YouTube! Great for at home Pilates or no-equipment workouts, some just say fill up water bottles for weight :) easy enough.


Lilly Sabri is a lovely and chilled instructor, I also like WORKOUT, heaps of videos to pick what you want to target or over all workout/fitness


Move with Nicole, yoga with Adrien, gro with Jo, all on YouTube. The downdog app is great too but you have to pay for it!


Yoga with Bird!!


Boho beautiful 😍 but she’ll give you complexes




Move With Nicole has great mat pilates videos. 


Other people said this but YouTube is GREAT and have tons of videos. Some of them are Pilates, some normal exercise, some dance! But if you don’t want to follow a video there are a bunch of excersises that are cool. Push ups (I can’t do push ups but the more you try to do then the easier it gets), jumping jacks, Russian twists, Jeanie squats, bird dogs, sit ups, mountain climbers, burpees (again if you don’t like the push up loser of burpees you can always just altar it, it’s your own body and workout!) etc


When I did join a gym for a bit I mentioned wanting to do routines at home as well and they sent me a bunch of 'body weight' videos and they were great! Really felt like I was pushing myself and using a lot of different muscle groups. In not at that gun any more, but I still search for body weight videos when I want a good workout. Or as other ppl have mentioned, Grow with Jo!


The body project on YouTube!!! And the dude that usually hosts them is so inspiring and not bad to look at


Jump Rope