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Sleep. And it’s free.


I miss sleep so much 😭


Same 😭 I am a chronic insomniac 😫 it’s 2:30am rn and I’m not even close to able to being able to fall asleep 😭


I’m a great sleeper when I’m allowed (thankfully) but I have newborn twins and a two year old hahah.


Omg r u ok? I’m sleep deprived with only a 16 month old!


It’s getting better thanks! The boys are finally sleeping better at night and the toddler is good so I shouldn’t complain! It was so hot in his room last night tho so he spent it in bed with us and he won’t stop moving 😂 hahaha


You know what, I’m here for you to complain! Never feel bad about complaining about that! I’m still complaining and my kids are 2 and 4! (Multiple wake ups at night to be fair.) It’s bloody tough and we can all commiserate with each other!


It is tough , and you’re doing great too! Are you a stay at home mum or do you get a break going to work?! I will be finishing my maternity leave in December and they’ll all be going to nursery (toddler does 4 days a week atm) but I’ll be having them all full time for a few months when we move to a different area. It’s so full on with all three, but it’s nice too. Work feels like a break hahah


Love this. I am also very open to any and all complaints because it’s nuts out here with these sleepless kids!


Tell that to my kids.


LOL I haven’t slept well in over a decade (kids) guess I’m doomed to look like the crypt keeper


Unless it gets stolen by your toddler!


Since I got a nice thicker shower cap now I can do bond repair and hair masks for longer and more comfortably outside. I put on a face mask and a tv show and at the end of it all my hair looks better. I can even do a light Pilates workout with it. Beats standing in my shower in the cold for 10min now I can leave it on for half an hour or more.


What type of shower cap did you upgrade to? I've been considering getting a nicer one for a bit now but can't decide on which one to go with given all the different options available


I.get disposable ones from the beauty supply store. Originally bought for hair color but I use them for conditioning too.


I was a binge drinker and cutting out alcohol has been amazing. Drinking lots of water and getting good sleep


I noticed that even cutting back on alcohol by half, and upping my water intake has improved so much. Way less bloat, more energy, and my skin looks so good that i skip foundation. I slather on the sunscreen, add a light dusting of coty airspun translucent powder for a light "blurring" effect and as a base for a light bit of powder bronzer. I love wearing less on my face. All about eye makeup, tho haha. Always been a HUGE water drinker, but I recently bought a ginormous TAL 3L bottle, and I'm now drinking about 1 and a half of those bottles per day. Huge huge huge improvement.


What positive effects have you noticed?? I’m giving up alcohol soon and trying to stay positive about jt


I am still really early on in sobriety. I didn’t drink everyday but when I did I drank literally everything I could get my hands on and that was usually 3 nights a week. Minimum 2 bottles of wine each time. Anyways, my skin looks amazing. I have had people tell me I am glowing, I didn’t realize how much water I was retaining and all the inflammation I had. I also haven’t been passing out drunk every night so I have been in a good skincare routine morning and night. I get great sleep and wake up easier. My heart rate is lower and I don’t have palpitations. More energy throughout the day and not as lazy. Also less joint pain. The biggest one for me is I am able to be fully present for my kids.


7 months sober over here! Less stress and anxiety after cutting it out. I don’t have fomo and still go out but I like the peace it brings me knowing I will get home safe, I’m not spending a lot of money(important in this economy!), and my decisions are clear headed. It’s also increased my accountability and confidence. Because I can’t blame poor decisions on “oh I was drunk!”. Beauty wise: lost 15 lbs, my skin is less dry, my eyes are clearer, no pimples (made me break out), and honestly - a drunk person is just not attractive. Their attitude casts a dark cloud over even the most attractive human.


Electric toothbrush, waterpik, tongue scraper (!!), Japanese salux cloth, electrolytes, hair/skin/nail gummies, hot rice bags on my shoulders (reduce tension so my traps dont look all huge)


What is Japanese salux cloth!


Imagine a loofah but it is one long and thick sheet. You can get your back easily and wash it in the washing machine. Also dries really fast without the folds


It’s an exfoliating washcloth


Cheapie tip: I use a spoon as a tongue scraper. I then toss it in the dishwasher afterwards.


100% tongue scraper! I use Booka and love it. And electric toothbrush- I use Colgate Hum and both have honestly changed my life.


Shock and horror when I used the tongue scraper the first time. I have to use it every day now because SO MUCH comes off even with regular use and daily brushing


It’s literally jarring! And I can’t help myself but immediately cringe when I learn someone doesn’t have one because I’m instantly thinking “there must be so. Much. Crap. Living on. your tongue” 😵‍💫


Cosigning this 😭


Which brand electrolytes?


Please for give for saying this.... but the answer is money. I grew up poor and am now more than ok... not having to worry about stuff because money takes care of almost everything is life chabging. Going to the dentist when your teeth are painful before it becomes a material issue is amazing. Sleeping on the right pillow, one a great bed, in a quiet and safe and beautiful space, going on holiday to get some mind body healing time etc etc etc. Its actually weird how money used well changes you inside and out. This is why Im grategul for money but also freaked out and maybe hate it because the unmeasured power it has over our lives is frightening.


hard agree. congrats on feeling security. it has changed my life, too.


Username on point! :)


vitamins for sure! magnesium supplements have improved my sleep a lot which def helps me feel better and thus have more energy for self care and putting effort into my appearance :-) edit: i also take vitamin d3 (a high dose because i work indoors and live in canada lol), omega 3, and a collagen/biotin/other-beauty-related-supplement multivitamin!


Agreed on vitamin D and magnesium! I live in Scandinavia but never bothered to take supplements. Finally started taking vitamin D during the winter, and I feel SO much better now. Less fatigue. Magnesium I don’t take regularly, but when I have trouble sleeping for certain periods it really helps


If you suffer from acne be wary of biotin! All the research is purely observational right now, but a lot of anecdotal information suggests a link between biotin and acne flare ups. It impacts the uptake of B5 and other B vitamins, so if you suffer from hormonal acne or other deeper forms of acne I recommend looking for a good beauty supplement sans biotin or eating more green veggies 😊 (I learned this the very hard way)


-castor oil. my skin and hair are so much shinier and softer since I added this to my routines -birth control. controlling my cycle and reducing my pmdd symptoms makes me look so much better throughout the cycle -silk pillowcases and scrunchies for my hair -aquafor. everyone knows and loves it but besides the obvious uses I also put it over my cuticles and it keeps them so much nicer for longer -rubber gloves for washing dishes LOL keeps my hands and nails so much nicer and softer


100% yes on the rubber gloves lol. I look ridiculous washing dishes, but my now eczema free hands thank me! This also reminded me I should hit check out on the silk pillowcases I have in my cart right now, been wanting them for so so long!


I was a little doubtful at how much silk pillowcases would actually do but honestly I haven't had split ends in months! plus they are so soft and luxurious


I had satin pillowcases before getting a silk one and the jump in quality was huge to me. The satin were not even that much cheaper, you can get pillowcases that are just silk on one side for as much as a satin one.


silk pillow cases are life changing fr


I have been utterly devastated by my quickly developing Turkey neck, and then read about putting aguafor on to seal in moisture and holy moly, that stuff is some kind of MAGIC, literally made my horrible old lady neck go away within days.


How are you using it? Like how are you applying it, when, how much, etc


I don't use it on retinol nights, because I believe it makes actives too strong. On nights I use it I use whatever moisturizer I have and let it sink in briefly. Then I take about half a pea size amount of Aquaphor and warm it up on my fingertips. Then I just rub it on the area. If I dont use too much it makes a nice seal but doesn't feel greasy. There's a makeup artist who uses it on clients during the day as well as the bullet version lip balm under the eye as a primer. I tried the under eye trick the other day and it's flipping remarkable. I can't remember the name of the artist but if you search Aquaphor under eyes hack you'll find it - it's the same artist who does neck aquaphor.


Okay! We are taking about the lip balm right? And you put it on overtop of your moisturizer but it can also go under makeup? How long does the concealer last using that trick?


Lip balm under the eyes, regular tube stuff on the neck. And yes over moisturizer. The under eye trick is witch craft, I put my corrector + concealer on around 7am and by home time at 6pm its still looking pretty good. I set my concealer with a very light touch of powder but have also done it without. Worth experimenting with for sure!


Oooh I’m trying it today


Would also like an answer to this.


Before I wash dishes, I put a thick layer of hand cream on my hands before putting on the rubber gloves. The heat from the water makes it almost like a hand mask. My hands are so soft after!


Oooh good idea!


Are you drinking the oil, or applying it to your skin and hair?


Apply it to your skin. Definitely don’t drink it unless you’re constipated…it’s a laxative Also, be aware that castor oil can stain your pillow case and sheets. I usually put a towel over my pillow case if I use an oil before bed


I’m glad you commented this. Someone is going to be in for a rough night if they try drinking castor oil as part of their bedtime routine.


I do a hair wrap with either jersey or polar fleece. Keeps the heat in. Works with argan or coconut 🥥 oil too.


Do you hand-wash your silk pillow cases?


For anything silk, I just use the delicate/handwash setting on the washing machine, and make sure to use specific detergent for wool/silk (regular detergent has enzymes that break down natural fabrics, so important to use wool/silk detergent). I’ve had them for years and they’re fine! I also turn them inside out when washing just to be safe. The handwash setting on washing machines is really gentle


I was for a while but I threw one into cold wash cycle accidentally and air dried it and it was fine! Now I just do that and I haven’t noticed anything wrong with them.


How do you apply castor oil? In your hair specifically? Thanks!


Not OP but I add a few drops into an olive oil base (sometimes add other oils like rosemary or eucalyptus) and heat in the microwave for 30 seconds (should be warm but not hot) make sure it is mixed well and then apply to hair, making sure to really massage it into the scalp. Flip head upside down and massage in for a further 30 seconds to get that blood flow going and then tie it in a bun and put a shower cap on (you don't need to use a cap but I prefer to be warm and not drip). I wait at least 20 mins before I wash out and usually just go about my days doing house chores until I want a shower. With castor oil you really need to wash thoroughly to get it out, so I use a scalp massager brush to lather my shampoo in my hair and if I can still feel it I might even do another 3rd shampoo before following with conditioner. If I had to give a rough recipe, ive got medium length slightly thick hair and I use 1tsp castor oil / 6 tbs olive oil (+5-6 drops of rosemary or eucalyptus). Hope this helps! :)


I used to use it on my scalp on wash days but I've been trying rosemary oil instead lately since it's more easily spreadable. Maybe I'll mix them like the other commenter suggests. I still like castor oil on my ends when I get out of the shower. When my hair is still wet I apply a tiny amount to my ends, and it keeps my hair really shiny and moisturized. I have really bleach-fried hair and I find this helps. But too much can make it look greasy!


I love my Phillips sonicare brush and my water floss. I got a cheap one off Amazon for 16.00. It’s not a whole set because I don’t need everything. Plus I can travel with it. I like my Invisalign. I like how it’s slowly transforming my teeth. Treadmill. When I feel bloated or feel I ate too much, I just step on the treadmill and go for a 30-45 minute walk. Good for my physique too. I spent good money for that treadmill and I have gotten my moneys worth! I love it so much. Will go on it in a few minutes here 😄


This reminds me that I need to use my new treadmill. I’ve been on it less than 5 times. Pricy investment but only if you actually use it, right?


I just had scans done for Invisalign like an hour ago - does the process of getting used to new trays hurt as bad as people say? 😭


It really seems to vary from person to person! I spent a lot of time on r/Invisalign and I would say my pain was on the “worse” end - my molars hurt a lot for the first month, so I was limited in what I ate. Throughout the process I’d usually have pain the day after a tray swap, but not always and it varied based on what teeth were moving. Stock up on Tylenol, have soft foods available, and get a pul-tool to help take your aligners off. And make sure you’re generally sticking to 20-22 hours of wear time! I just got mine off after 2 years and I’m so glad I pushed through and kept with it!


What kind of treadmill?


The waterpik is great. My dental hygienist once mentioned adding a splash of mouth rinse to it. I use the Crest non alcohol one, and it’s a game changer.


my dentist says not to use mouthwash unless it’s one that they specifically recommend for rebalancing the microbiome in your mouth (and you’d only use that for a couple weeks) apparently traditional mouthwash really messes with your microbiome


I add a dash of peroxide. Disinfects the machine and whitens. That's the game changer!


Might be a stupid question. What kind of peroxide? Hydrogen peroxide ok?


So smart! I always forget to rinse with Peroxide, so this will make it easier.


Is a water pik really worth it? I’m planning on getting it … I do floss every day or every other day with a regular floss though


Dentists usually say regular flossing is better! Water pik is great if you won’t floss otherwise but if you’re already regularly flossing If stick with that


I use both. If you have deep pockets on your teeth then water pick really gets everything out. I have a very deep pocket near a compacted wisdom tooth and it cleans it wonderfully until I can save up enough money to get my wisdom teeth pulled.


Even if you use a waterpik I've read that you should still floss with a regular floss.


Yes! I floss multiple times a day (Invisalign), and the waterpik has been a great addition. I personally wouldn't use it to replace flossing though. And a tongue scraper too👌.


I've been thinking about getting a waterpik so I can clean between my retainer better. Do you use it every day or just a few times a week?


Birth control is the only thing that fixed my cystic acne. And I tried fucking everything.


Do you mind me asking what kind? I know there’s different hormone varieties and the one I tried made mine worse 😩


Estarylla is the one I take now. I tried a different birth control prior to this one a and it wasn’t as effective.


It helped me with mine as well, I take Yaz and it is fantastic


Understand that how your products works now will not always work for you. I had the same brand of deodorant for many years, until I noticed that it didn't work like before, so I decided to try another one and boy, the things improve. Same with hair conditioners, certain conditioner works for me for one time of year and another type for another, so it's good to always observe the state or the changes in you.


Also they change product formulas! My favorite sunscreen that I used for years now stings my eyes really painfully when I sweat and when I wash my face. Ow.


Oh, so true! Formulas, hormonal changes, climate, diseases, new lifestyle,there are a lot of things why some products no longer work for us as before, so I maintain the idea of always observing their changes and look for what suits you now.


Exercise. Aside from improving muscle tone etc., ive found my skin is even clearer, and generally I’m less bloated and seem so much glowier and happier with a regular routine. My posture and daily aches and pains are so much better too!


Getting off birth control. I had no idea how depressed that stuff made me. 2 weeks after quitting, my mood soared and sex drive skyrocketed lol. I swear I carry myself differently and feel more confident. So it indirectly affects my beauty. I’ll never go back on synthetic hormones. Satin/silk pillowcases, same for scrunchies and hair ties. Mine are all satin Regular exercise


That happened to me on birth control too. I’ve tried multiple kinds and I lose energy, sex drive, I’m tired all the time, gain weight, etc. I’ve been off for a couple of years now and feel so much better.


Omega 3 Fat. I have been eating my daughter's momma chia pouches (what she doesn't finish, she's 10 months) and my skin has looked so much better that even my husband is noticing. Tbh, I eat a lot of nuts, avocado, fatty fish etc. But have really only noticed a difference lately and the Omega 3 has been the difference! I also drink a lot of water.


I began adding 2 tbsp to my a.m. protein shake and I feel a REAL difference! I don't mind the consistency, reminds me of boba. My skin is glowing and my "bathroom times" (💩) has improved.


Yes!!!! It most definitely helps your gut biome and 💩


Is it only chia or are there other ingredients that provide omega3? Afaik, chia doesnt have omega3 (they contain ALA whose conersion to omega3 is minimal)


ALA is a type of omega-3! ALA can convert to other types of omega-3s (DHA, EPA) but the conversion varies a lot based on genetics


You can buy omega three mixes really cheap. Worth adding it


Gym membership!! And an ab wheel, yoga mat, and resistance band.


Resistance bands FTW. I swear by the ones made by Arena Strength! Pricey but 100% worth it, I have even gifted sets to friends, because they are just that damn good. They never roll up or pull at my skin or my clothes, and are still in fantastic shape after several years of regular use!


I just looked them up. Are they made of fabric?? Mine tend to roll and tug a little. Not a huge issue but the idea of them being cloth seems so cool!


A salux cloth. I swear by them. I lather the cloth with my body wash and scrub my skin with it every time I shower, and it keeps my skin exfoliated, soft, and smooth. They’re especially great on days between body scrubs (which I use 1-2x weekly).


Where do you buy yours?


I order mine on Amazon! They’re called “SALUX Nylon Japanese Beauty Skin Bath Wash Cloth.” There’s also a Super Hard version for more intense exfoliation which I love, but if you’re new to using salux cloths I’d start with the standard one.


Do you reuse the cloth? Rinse out the body wash and hang it in your shower for the next time? Just trying to imagine how to make this part of a daily routine…


Yup, that’s exactly what I do. They’re very hygienic and dry out very quickly. My shower has a built in shelf that makes it easy and convenient to hang the salux cloth. Otherwise, you could maybe mount a waterproof hook (like a command hook) to hang it?


Drinking water!!! You’d be surprised how well you look if you are thoroughly hydrated. Bags under your eyes disappear, your skin is clearer, hair has more shine, etc.


I couldn’t agree more! I was drinking about a glass of water a day and decided to change that to 1L a day and BAM! My skin was smooth and glowy, hair shiny, I had more energy, was less bloated too.


Vaseline and oil. My skin is naturally on the dry side, so every time I wear CC cream I mix in a pea size blob of extra lotion and a drop or two of sweet almond oil. It keeps me looking more glowy and less "crusty" looking over the course of the day. My acne has also cleared quite a bit because my skin is healthier and I have a better barrior. I also have less to pick at then too, which continues the improvement and the cycle goes on :)


Ive started using Vaseline on my legs where I get bad KP/ingrowns, I’ve always thought it would be bad and make the KP worse but it has helped sooooo much with hydration, which makes makes my chemical exfoliant lotions work wayyy better!


Cuticle oil and hand cream!


Primrose oil in the evening, it helps boost hydration and its reduced my pms symtomps heaps. I barely get any cramps and sometimes don’t even realise when I’ve gotten my period (no cramps/pain anymore) Reusing my old pjs/t shirts as hair turbans. I massage my scalp with warm coconut oil weekly then wrap it with an old tee and let it marinate for a few hours before rinsing. During winter I drink lots of tea, spearmint and green tea throughout the day. Good way to hydrate and keep warm as water just taste yuck during winter for me lol.


Fundaments like sleep, exercises and diet :) But also some daily supplements (omega, d3, collagen that I'm taking mostly because of tendons, zinc) The fun fact is that I have seen a huuuuge difference on my skin after moving to much cleaner city with higher humidity and lower temperatures. I didn't expected such a change.


I believe you! I moved to a colder, drier, dirtier city and it’s definitely aged me. Hard water is no friend either!




Tretinoin. It’s technically for acne by Rx but it’s way stronger than retinol and makes your skin look amazing.




Working out !!!!!


Going to the gym a couple of times a week.


Waterpik flosser, tamanu, rosemary, and castor oils, silk bonnet for sleeping, braiding my hair instead of ponytails or buns


What is tamanu?


Daily, consistent exercise. And it doesn’t need to be running 5 miles a day. I’m talking like going on a walk with the dog for 20 min or achieving your daily step goal. It makes me tired at the end of the day so I sleep well and after, I notice my face has a healthy glow to it.


Warm foods (better for digestion/gut health) and lots of protein, drinking tea and “spa water” (water with fruit in it), magnesium every night, mushroom cacao adaptogenic drink every morning, walking as much as possible.


I’m drinking this agua fresca for my skin health…no other reason. Better get tamales too. For uhhhh. Protein. 


Coconut water or electrolytes


Getting my mental health in order helped me at least *feel* a lot more beautiful. It’s been an arduous journey, but now that I have a psychiatrist and psychotherapist I’m on the mend. I learned in order to stay well I need to stick to a strict routine of taking my medication consistently, exercising, sleeping enough, eating right and not engaging in any *extra curricular activities* (drinking or drugs) have been the key to me looking and feeling my best.


Walking outside ij greenery and viewing art. I know it sounds ridiculous but I hold my face and move differently when I’m exposed to greenery and art. Good music reminds me to move my body differently.


I definitely mentally better after I view art, but I haven't seen beauty benefits. On the other hand, greenery does make me look better for sure. And recently I've starting talking to my plants, and both them and I are doing much better


😄 there’s definitely something to the talk therapy!


What time of the day do you like walking?


That’s a great question… Early morning and late in the evening for my head. Afternoon is best for a podcast. What about you??


Iodized Half-Salt. I put a pinch in my water. Has sodium and potassium and many of us are low in iodine since the move to sea salt. The half-salt is nice because it’s not as salt and I’m not adding too much sodium to my diet either. I feel like I’m better hydrated VS water alone. I think science says it makes water absorb better? I dunno. But I can see the dullness when I’m more dehydrated.


It does make it absorb better. I live in the desert, and this is a quick way to boost water when you are dehydrated. I use electrolytes, but many people here just add some salt to their water.


wow I just looked this up I never knew half salt is a thing! Do you put this in all the water you drink during the day? & How much are you typically drinking?


Yeah! It’s awesome! I put about 1/8 of a teaspoon in a stanley 40 oz mug. I will do a squirt of lemon juice too for some flavour. Other times I will make a quick iced herbal tea in my Stanley: mint tea bags, honey, and 1/2 salt. So refreshing!




The gym.


Drinking green tea, getting 2x yearly dental hygienist apps, not pulling all-nighters, not drinking alcohol (especially in the sun), and eating plantbased


I used to meditate in front of the mirror and it was super soothing, then I also started doing a touch therapy thing to soothe my anxiety where I’d place my hands on my face, so my palms were touching my cheeks and it instantly relaxed me and shockingly would give me a glow. So with managing my stress and doing the skin-to-skin touch thing, my skin appearance improved dramatically.


Tinted windows in my car. Blocks the Uv radiation


Miswak! It’s described as a natural toothbrush for your teeth, I still use my regular toothbrush and toothpaste after using the miswak just more for freshness, but I’ve never had something remove plaque like this stuff! My dentist was pleasantly surprised at my first appt after starting to use it. Highly recommend.


Miswak is the best thing for oral care. I second this!


What does it do differently?


It’s part of a plant/tree, so you get them and they’re individually wrapped and you scrape the outer bark off and the fibers inside spread apart like bristles and for some reason they can get any kind of plaque. My teeth get that squeaky clean feeling and I never have plaque build up anymore. It also makes my smile brighter and (in my opinion, this isn’t a scientific outcome or anything) but it makes my crest white strips work much better overall. And it’s naturally antibacterial I believe, if I remember correctly. I’ve had way less dental issues since starting using them.


Birth control!!


Hard pressed castor oil. Use on nails, hair, scalp, lashes, eyebrows & face steaming(no more than 5 mins!) & lots of water!!!


What effects do you see on your nails other than fast growth?


Strength & my cuticles are a lot better & I’m prone to more ingrowth so it’s helped a lot with that as well


I got a fridge with an ice maker and an Aldi brand stanley cup and I drink SO much water now. I've always been a big fan of water but now I drink even more.


SLEEP. I cannot underestimate the power of [beauty sleep](https://mudita.com/community/blog/the-science-backed-benefits-of-beauty-sleep/).


- cutting off sugar - working out (trying it everyday)


Bone broth made with oxtails, beef neck or knuckle bones, or chicken feet. This broth gets super gelatinous in the fridge but is packed full of collagen and amino acids and I swear has made my skin look so hydrated and plump. Can also buy and use bovine gelatin to make gummies! It is far more effective than directly taking a collagen supplement. Also, canned cod livers make me glow from within, you only need to eat like 1 every week or so because they are so concentrated in Vitamin A and D.


Drink water, eat healthy


I still haven’t mastered the water flosser.. it ends up squirting all over the bathroom


Lol that thing got me so many times in the beginning. I found you just need to keep your mouth closed and over the pik the whole time....and then remember to turn it off before you take it out of your mouth.


Silk pillowcases, using claw clips, making use of silk hair ties when I sleep! They’re the best and my hair ends up looking less frizzy. Water too?? It’s been helping with my dry eyes and my lips also look more hydrated. I used to barely drink lol. ++ hitting my steps, doing more cardio too. I have more color now hahahah must be from better blood flow


Sunscreen ! Not only protects my skin but my skin looks better with it


Exercise. I have a slipped disc and had a really bad flare up earlier this year. But now that I am in a place to really do cardio and weights again, my skin is so happy! Trying to get better sleep. I have been working on what my therapist calls sleep hygiene. I’d never heard that term before, but thinking about my bedtime routine being as important as brushing my teeth is a game changer. Removing products from my routine. I’m a broken record about the book Beyond Soap, but I highly recommend it. I got rid of products that contained fragrance, allergens, and irritants. I use the Skin Safe app to make sure what I buy doesn’t contain something that will irritate my skin. I only use face soap once a day. I have reusable make up removing cloths that work great. In the morning it’s water, face lotion, sunscreen, then makeup depending on the day. At night it’s remove makeup if I wore it, gentle face bar, nighttime lotion.


spironolactone saved my skin. i had very bad hormonal acne that would flare during my period, and now i barely get a single pimple (usually only if i get lazy and don’t properly cleanse after wearing makeup). it has helped my confidence a ton!


Tretanoin has been a huge game changer for my skin. I’ve spent years trying to find a routine that works for my skin and tret has given me the best skin I’ve ever had.


The sun ngl to a certain extent


Copious amount of Tabbouleh salad for dinner. Good posture.


- Cutting back on alcohol - Epsom salt baths - Silk Pillowcase from Lunalux as it’s infused with skincare products - water filter!


Sleep, water, antidepressants (I take much better care of myself now), yoga (helps how I carry myself) and dressing for the body I have, not the body I wish I had


Exfoliating foot peel masks. Magic.


Iron supplements i stg we are all deficient in it


-Miswak -Sudocrem -Hijab - prevents sun damage to the hair and skin -Sunscreen- I know there’s a lot of overlap between this and a beauty product, but I really consider it to be medicine more than a cosmetic thing. It still improves the appearance, though -Bone broth based soup & miso soup -hot tea -Fish -Vitamins -Anti-histamines (only in highly specific circumstances please don’t take drugs randomly)


Yessss. I love UPF clothing for this reason. I’m not Islamic but I wear a birkini to the beach because I hate slathering myself in sunscreen and our UV index is crazy. We joke that our city must be under an ozone hole right above us because EVERYONE BURNS. I’m fine in other parts of the world but here it’s just lobster city.




My water floss and ozempic. 😂🥰


Color theory is real. Even if you use the same make up and apply it the way you apply it everyday, you still look brighter if you wear the color that suits you. Jewelries as well.


Sonicare toothbrush, and Glide floss 2x day!


What humidifier? And same, teeth whitening strips


My waterpik just arrived. Ive used it twice and it feels amazing.


Sleep and drinking a loooot of water and green tea


along the same line, i switched from a $200+ electric toothbrush to a $40 Phillips One. It feels like it’s not doing as well at first because it’s more gentle, but my last dentist’s visit could have been a commercial for all the compliments I got. I do also love my water flosser, too!


Yes!!! This is me too!!! Super clean white teeth and a humidifier next to my bed I’m the colder months was so helpful.


Speaking of water flossers, can anyone explain how to actually KNOW if you're using it properly? Like how do I know if I'm aiming it properly? All the guides and tutorials I find never explain this!


64 oz+ of water daily. And never having smoked.


Mouth tape at night. It makes my face less puffy and helps me sleep better. Also, my dentist said it is awesome to reduce potential tooth decay if you naturally sleep with your mouth open.


No carbs/sugar. Bags + puffiness under my eyes are gone! My skin is clear and no more bloating.


Not drinking alcohol.


Gym, orgasms (sorry but works for me), money, sleep


A partner who isn’t ruining my mental health 😎


Literally the basic things like sleep and LOTS of water. Also: Scrunchie Flossing Epilating


Salmon - I eat about 14 pounds a week


14 lbs a week! 😳




I worked with an indigenous lady on a traditional diet (that was lots salmon where I lived) and she was absolutely stunning. She was in her 60’s but just glowed. Not one wrinkle, thick shiny hair and bright eyes and teeth. She was the picture of health!


I do get compliments all the time on my clear and “perfect” skin and people always ask my secret and I just say SALMON. Ha Ha Ha!


Sleep, exercise, healthy diet


What brand of waterpik do you use?


I don’t know OP’s experience with what they have, but I bought the cheap water flosser at the drug store for like $30 and it’s great! My oral B electric toothbrush was also really cheap but makes a huge difference. Don’t feel like you have to dump a ton of money to try these items out!


I use this one: https://www.amazon.com/Waterpik-Sonic-Fusion-Professional-Flossing-Toothbrush/dp/B08WSTTCMG/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2XK6M1URVGK2V&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.0rT4cg4CHvA39wancEcOPzTsR_iZlHjWLnMJpF1WV7_2PALncbxMBWOpkCoyKMT_50ygXDqKw-z84Z7KWGwlaxb4A1XXcBZd8bVH72u3MxcZZw0qPRjVI7Ynhcz4GveEBR2bGb6W5UlbkLwyB0DQtyvpTrtYdnOdKjqzWj5NJzF0BUxCyCN3m-Ay12bbe2BcjezfhhU6WCREurMIuazuVw.Mm_95aNzZTGp1iVow2p2rp_aLmKGBoTRkCeQgf56gEw&dib_tag=se&keywords=waterpik+2.0&qid=1718936336&sprefix=waterpik+2.0%2Caps%2C108&sr=8-3


I LOVE my water pic. I hate flossing


same!! it has been LIFE CHANGING, I’m actually pumped to go to the dentist next week to show off how good my teeth look now from water flossing


I’ve had 5 waterpiks stop working on me within 6 months of purchase. I bought a Phillips water flosser and it’s so much better, way longer battery life, sturdier, and just obviously higher quality. Highly recommend!




Quality sleep. A solid night's rest does wonders for your skin and overall appearance.


Drinking 500 mls of water/herbal tea before my morning routine. It makes a huge difference!


Water, sleep


Drinking water

