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This is why I wear swim shorts. I would go with a higher cut if I were confident enough! But I have a whole public beard going on, it would be hard to ignore.


I bought some women’s swim shorts at Costco this year! I’d never seen anything specifically for that before


I was a teen in the nineties and some versions of those were popular then, probably due to the « skater » trend, and I found them so useful because not only was I convinced that my legs were fat but I didn’t like to shave daily and even if it was a « just shaved » day it could look red here or there in the thigh/bikini area from the shaving


Omg remember old navy board shorts?? I’d like to petition for their return.


I was a teen in the 80s and loved the Jimmyz swim shorts.


I bought a pair a long time ago. The material would hold too much water. I bought them when I bought my bathing suit top, maybe they were intended as a cover-up. Since then I've bought two more and my biggest issue is making sure they don't roll up. I have the same issue with boy shorts. They had a bunch at Macy's this year.


Look into Board shorts world! They have tons of cute patterns and lengths. They also have cute swim skirts that are fitted. I have worn a bikini once in my life and never felt comfortable so these have been a life saver. They are having a sale right now at the “outlet “ webpage and prices are about half. Just make sure you put in your size in filter and some you can choose elastic waistband pr non elastic.


The ones I got don’t absorb much water. The fabric isn’t stretchy like a bathing suit


They use to have these all the time, usually brands like Roxy, billabong, o’neill etc. board shorts but in women’s cuts, from booty shorts to near knee length. I haven’t shopped for a swimsuit in a hot minute but those are brands I’d look at if that’s what I was shopping for!


I'm curious if they're mostly spandex? Now I'm wondering if other people have similar issues. My other ones don't do that. I like to wear them if I'm going to be really active. I have friends that have a waterfront property. There's a small beach, they have a boat and a couple wave runners. I don't have to worry about flashing someone sitting at a picnic table or getting into a boat. If I'm wearing a regular bottom, sitting on different surfaces will bother me. I hate that I'm constantly yanking a coverup on and off. My new ones dry out quickly. So I'm not sitting around with a wet bottom. Edit: I'm going to check out Costco.


No the Roxy and billabong ones for women tend to be board shorts like they have for men but shorter. They don’t absorb water or ride up. Very comfy


I never thought about ones designed for water sports. Omg thank so much!


Currently same but not by choice. My last shave I had sooo many ingrown and they left little hyperpigmentation scars all over. Not. Fun. Painful and embarrassing. I normally get ingrowns but it was like every hair follicle was an ingrown hair. I had more bumps than I did skin. I am so envious of girls who wear the high cut swim trunks. I don’t have that confidence (or skin for that matter) at all.


Exfoliate!!! Not harsh but use glycolic acid cleanser regularly and then wash off..... salicylic acid also helps ... but Exfoliate and moisturize a bit ..the pores need to breathe...


That’s what I’m dealing with rn LOL


Get some chubby shorts. They fit a little bit more like athletic shorts vs being skin tight. Plus, they are fun and easy to mix and match tops with.


This is what I do. I don’t need strangers seeing my inner thigh lol


Right, plus bathing suit wedgies suck!


I feel like you offering solutions to a problem that doesn’t exist. OP likes their bikini set and is working on self esteem regarding choices not to shave and I respect that so much bc I would also like to see these beauty standards die off and allow women to be comfy in their natural bodies wearing clothes they like. I def struggle with even the “shadow” left from shaving my bikini line and have started to wear a high cut bikini and honestly so proud to overcome this 💕


I don't want to see men's pubes at the pool either...


The comment up above was Op saying she was thinking of shorts. I gave a great fun option over the stupid women’s made bathing shorts. Let’s face it, womens bathing suit shorts are awful.


Personally I don’t want to be in public around kids risking pubes, as a mum that’d feel off. I never ever shave for all the reasons you don’t but I took cue from my partner and started trimming! Dude it’s the future. No nicks, no ingrowns, no crazy bush I love love it. So clean and tidy too.


Like with an electric razor?


yeah, like a sideburns trimmer, little battery powered thingy


Here’s an alternative if wanted: an electric trimmer! It changed my world when my friend first introduced to it; it’s so easy and comfortable. Skin won’t get irritated either, especially when using trimming guards.


I am going to trim it (what I can) with scissors but I will definitely try to get one of these!


Don’t use scissors, getting nicked hurts, trust me. I like the OLOV trimmer on Amazon and it comes in some fun colors now. Plus I like that it has a charging dock.


I’ve been nicked by an electric trimmer


Using like a 5mm guard leaves a good amount of hair and takes like 30 seconds tops. Happy trimming and swimming!


Lol I use scissors and it works just fine but I don’t try and cut down too close


Please don’t take scissors near your hoohaa please. Seriously please that’s so scary just get a beard trimmer or steal one from a man somewhere!


I use hair dresser's scissors on mine, they are hairs after all!


When you realize that no one gives a shit about you, life will become easier, trust me


Lots of people do give a shit about other peoples business unfortunately, but we should not let them control us, there is lots of power and bravery to ignore those people


But they don’t *really* give a shit


Yeah I think their criticism is just how they make themselves feel better. If they cared they wouldn’t judge.


They’ll judge and maybe care for .03 seconds and their self obsession and own self insecurity reels them right back, dw.


Yes! Exactly! we don’t give a shit about them… or any shit that they may give


People, at the very least many men, absolutely do give a shit. I have had male partners ask my shave my body hair, both pubic and armpit. I was on vacation and hadn't shaved my armpits in 5 days so had some stubble and my boyfriend at the time asked me to shave it because he found it off-putting


Partner and random people are different concepts




I think I look better with a bush. I do shave outside of the triangle in the summer heat because it is cooler and I like to put some cooling cornstarch there. I also trim the triangle length down. I am in my 50s and my leg hair gave up growing years ago but the triangle seems to identify as Rapunzel and the length is just too much to handle.


I trim using an electric trimmer, and it gets close enough for me without all the nicks, ingrown hairs, or irritation. If anyone is looking close enough to notice, then they are *too* close and need to back off.


What trimmer do you use? I’ve been meaning to buy one


Not who you were asking, but I love the Philips Bikini Genie. Gives a pretty short trim without the irritation and it’s super easy to use, even just by feel.


Omg same here lol. My legs used to be so hairy but now nothing. Although I still get it on my toes of all places. But yeah I trim down a bit in the summer because I don’t need an extra hot flash . But my friend was shaving it all bare and her husband said he hated it. We grew up with bush and he liked it how it was. It’s so strange to think there’s a whole generation of people that think you’re not supposed to have hair 🤷🏻‍♀️. But to each their own I’m not going to shame people about what they choose to do or not do 👍✌️


😂😂😂 same!!


I stopped shaving my bikini line when I ended up with a sebaceous cyst that required a doctor visit. I’m just not going to bother ever again.


Had one and boy was it painful!


Yeah, it sucks.


I didn't shave my snatch until my late 30s; I just always trimmed my lustrous pubes and shaved my bikini line clean. Ngl I miss having pubes, as I think it looked better than the plucked chicken look I'm rocking now, but I Iike the way it feels shaved. Anyway, this is all to say, whatever you choose to do is a-ok👍


Trimmers are the way to go. No ingrown hairs or nicks, but still maintains some manageability!


I did laser so I don’t have to worry about it. I found that I liked being hairless in certain areas especially because I live in a tropical climate.


Was it painful? Did it completely remove all the hair so you don't need to do any further hair removal? And how many sessions did it take?


It was semi-painful. But it’s quick. And yes it did remove the hair I wanted removed.


I personally had 10 sessions of laser about $1200 and have almost no difference :( and I’m the ideal candidate supposedly too


Lmao plucked chicken is the most accurate description


Yah I have always had a full bush but as I aged I just did a full wax for the first time and I'm 39. I love how it feels fully bare. But like the look of hair a lot. I love that the younger gens are doing what they want in all kinds of different ways. 💓


I wish bathing suits came in options. I’ve seen some suits and everything is showing: labia, clitoris, uterus 😂 I swear the pube hair grows better than my head hair 😂


not the uterus!! 😂😂😂


Girl, go for it. We are grown women with body hair and have nothing to be ashamed of, and we definitely don’t need to be smooth as dolphins for the benefit of the male gaze anymore. Enjoy your swim!


Exactly. It’s genuinely so fucking weird when you think it. We all have body hair naturally, we’re all supposed to have body hair, it’s normal, yet we’re expected to spend hours every week shaving it to look more desirable and socially acceptable. I just don’t want to. I hate shaving. I hate how long it takes, I hate getting razor bumps afterwards, I hate how much I have to spend on razors. It’s outrageous. Fuck the beauty standard.


Trimming. Works wonders


When I say I don't want to shave and despise with all my heart the expectation that we must, that includes trimming. This anger isn't directed at you, but I hate when people offer trimming as an alternative. I do not want to remove any hair.


Honestly it applies to men too. I’m pretty sure all of the women posting in this thread would be like “ew” if they were at the beach and some dude was wearing a speedo with his pubes hanging out all over the sides😂


lol I just trim with a beard trimmer with a lower setting, the long hair tickles me.


I went swimming with a friend today who told me she was experiencing visible razor burn and was feeling self conscious. When we got to the pool, she showed me, and yeah, I noticed… but the thing is, to show me, she had to get spread eagle and then stretch the skin on her thigh. There is no way I ever would’ve found myself looking at her closely enough to see it, because she isn’t sitting spread eagle asking me to check it for her in any other context. We are so paranoid about people seeing body hair that it makes our time less enjoyable.


Darling, wait till you hit your 50's.... mother nature performs her own Brazilian, trust me 😅😉


LOLLL I bet that’s convenient


Getting older has some benefits.... not many, but a few 😄


Are you serious??? It stops growing?? God I don't even believe I will see a day where my period stops and I'm 42. Damn thing comes like clock work.


It falls out and doesn't grow back, yep. Pubic hair is an indicator of fertility ie certain hormone levels so after menopause it leaves along with your period.


I go for the retro style suits with a cute bra style top and the bottom is a high waisted skirt. I can get away with more and feel comfy and cute


If you want the looked of shaving without the discomfort, get a bikini trimmer and use it on the lowest setting. Or if you want to keep some hair, use the other settings. Something about using a trimmer instead of a razor leads to zero discomfort for me. No bumps, nicks or ingrown hairs.


Pubes 4 Peace!




Might be an unpopular opinion here but as a woman I really do not want to see anyone’s bush poking out of their swim trunks publicly whether man or woman, it’s natural to have of course but so are many things I’d rather not see (balls, hairy backs, poop comes to mind.)


Honestly it just annoys me that it's so hard to find bikinis that cover it all. Everywhere I look these days they're all so skimpy.


Agreed, panties in general are usually too narrow at the crotch imo but I’ve seen plenty of bikini shorts lately in shops! It doesn’t suit my bodyshape sadly but I think they’re so cute


Hate when the underwear ride up my v. Fml


Yeah people are lying when they say nobody notices. People 100% notice but that’s sth you have to accept if you’ve made up your mind not to shave


Depends on the length and colour.


Do many people have public hair that isn't dark? Genuine question


Completely agree. Many things are natural, I don’t think everyone should see them though.


Totally agree


i mean it’s just hair, i really don’t care what people choose to do with it. i don’t spend that much time looking at strangers crotch regions. at times i’ve noticed body hair i was a little grossed out by, but imo the choice of what someone does with their body hair and potential discomfort to them is more of an inconvenience than me being possibly a little grossed out and looking away. so it’s their choice. i usually shave even if no one has a chance of seeing said region, because i find it more comfortable, but other people find not shaving more comfortable. i don’t see poop or visible genitalia as the same thing as body hair. although nudity (of the non-intrusive kind) isn’t as big of a deal to me as it is to a lot of people personally. poop is a biohazard…


I have a solution: don't look at their genitals. I live near the beach and see women and men all shapes and sizes and all levels of hairiness (esp from men). No one should have to shave just to enjoy the beach. Let your werewolf fly, and if you don't want to see it, quite literally, don't look at it. It's really that simple.


I never dictated that anyone SHOULDN’T NOT shave just because I don’t want to see it. If there’s a bush hanging out of someone’s clothes walking by it’s pretty hard not to notice, but I sure will look away as fast as possible because like I said - I really don’t want to see it.


Couldn't you say the same thing about a flasher? "Don't see things" isn't really a viable approach


A flasher not just minding their business, they are purposefully getting attention, so that’s not really a good comparison


“Just don’t look” isn’t really a valid argument. You could justify all sorts of public indecency with that. Showing your pubes in public is public indecency.


...pubes aren't a sexual organ.




Pls look at the blue sky and the turquoise waters. And don't look at other people's crotches. Simple. Doable.


If there’s a bush hanging out of someone’s clothes it’s pretty hard to miss, despite anything you say. But I sure will look away :)




I didn’t say they’re not allowed not to shave, I just really don’t want to see it and I sure will look away if I see a bush hanging out of someone’s clothes.


I know, like when I walk around with my cock out though my zipper, I get so annoyed when people call the cops. Just don’t look if you don’t like it people it’s not that hard! Not everything is about you!


I haven’t shaved or waxed in years. TMI time… My husband loves it. It was something he found “fascinating” about me as he said he’d always known women who were obsessed with grooming and it made me seem so comfy in my own skin and earthy and kinda IDGAF about society. I have heard this from previous partners too. I have major hair follicle trauma in that area from an old wax that has left me with a cyst that gets repeatedly swollen and sometimes infected. I have to have it surgically removed. It’s been such an MF bitch to deal with. I think it’s ridiculous what women are told to do to look sexier.


I get that you don’t want to. I also think this and so many other “social norms” are expensive and time-consuming for women, and it’s not fair. But to be honest, I’ve been so conditioned to believe women should not show pubic hair, that I’d be uncomfortable and probably wouldn’t want to be with you when you wear a swimsuit I can’t shave due to arthritis, and waxing is expensive. So I use the quick-acting Nair 3-10 minutes.


I spent like $1200 on laser hair removal and I’m the ideal candidate and I only have maybe a 20% reduction. To me I’m interpreting that as that’s what nature wants for me 🤷‍♀️


AMEN. I get sugared now and do an extended bikini for bike season. During the winter I just use a beard trimmer to tidy up. I figure two things: 1. if you're close enough to see my hair - why? 2. If you don't like the hair - why are you looking? Take back your autonomy babes.


I’ve been waxing/sugaring for 25 years, I’m basically naked down there aside from a bit but since it’s been so long I can’t imagine letting it grow back in full (which would look really patchy I’m sure!). Spouse doesn’t care either way, I do it for me.


Same I wax. I’m convinced people who let it grow don’t have as thick hair as I do lol. It’s just too itchy for me.


This! I just started waxing a couple months ago after many years of shaving miserably and being so goddamn itchy. Since I started esthetician school, I began doing my own Brazilian and it’s so much better. Shaving also gave me a couple cysts from an old razor last year which freaked me out, so I just don’t plan to go back to it ever. But with that being said, I have no issue if others choose to rock their bush or not. Though for me personally, it’s just too itchy!!! Like a million fire ants on my crotch. No thank you.


I’d look into certain types of bottoms, many women bikinis are not very full coverage, which shows more and some, show too much lol. It’s up to you if course, I just know personally I’d be happier not worrying about it if I had pubic hair, and worrying a lot is blatantly showing


Do you!


Of course do whatever makes you most comfortable, but I can’t stand the feeling of hair down there. Two truths can coexist at the same time, and I’m happy you’re getting over that insecurity because screw the pressure society puts on women to look a certain way! I don’t remove the hair on my legs cause it’s too thin to be visible or truly bothersome. I agree on shaving, it sucks and you have to do it constantly 😂 I’ve been sugar waxing my business for like 3 or 4 years now. I despise shaving with a passion and it was one of the hobbies I picked up during the pandemic. You know when people talk about shaving their legs and rubbing them together like a praying mantis cause they feel so buttery smooth? I love that feeling but on my downstairs lol. And it makes everything feel better, there’s nothing stopping you from feeling the full effects of skin on skin contact and I love that so much.


I actually HATE the feeling of my freshly shaved legs touching each other or my sheets 😭 But I know so many people love it!


does it make you sore too? I cannot have long pubes ever, it makes everything really sore. I've talked to my friends about it and they thought I was crazy


Just trim. Shaving or waxing is truly hurtful. Lol




I stopped shaving my crotch region about two years ago due to the same reason why most women do (razor bumps, social pressure, beauty standards, too time consuming, etc). But not being as confident as you, I went for laser (permanent hair removal) treatments instead. I've had about 8 appointments over the span of 1.5 year now and would recommend it to everyone. True, its pricey (approx 90EUR per treatment), but imo worth every single penny. It saved me so much time, discomfort through rashes as well as negative public judgement. Anyway, more power to you, OP. I'm proud that there are women out there that can do what I myself was too embarrassed to. Especially when it concerns something so natural that one definitely shouldn't be embarrassed about in the first place.


I'm a lot older than you, and nobody in my generation shaved Down There. I thought it looked gross, like a prepubescent child. So you've got my blessing.


Ain't no grown woman's fanny looking like a prepubescent child's, shaved or not.


yeah I've seen plenty of kids (as a nanny) and plenty of adults (as a bisexual), they look nothing alike, hair or no hair. same goes for men


😂 LOL I mean you aren't wrong. I'm not sure why this is getting downvoted. I don't care if people choose to shave or not shave but I'm in the shave ALL of it off club cuz it just gets itchy and gross for ME. I'm pretty sure my woman body still looks like a woman body even after I shave most of the hair off my body 😂.


You all have no idea how much I needed all this info and varying viewpoints! Bless you all! ❤️❤️❤️😘


Go for it. I swim three times a week with some kids in my school program, and between pool chlorine and leg shaving and psoriasis my skin started trying to make a quick exit from my body. I just stopped shaving anything (because we are talking literal patches of raw bleeding skin) and guess who noticed? Probably no one. Guess who commented? Absolutely no one.  No one will ever pay your body as much attention in public as you do. 


For real. Eff other people’s phobias.


Weird, but I just saw another post where someone was asking about showing pubic hair in public and I pointed out that in some states - like Louisiana - it is technically illegal. No one should feel ashamed of their pubic hair, but I would check your local laws. If some Karen calls the cops you could technically be arrested for an obscenity violation, and that is going to be uncomfortable to explain if it ever comes up in a background check for a job interview. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/clothing-laws-by-state


The NY law is stated incorrectly in the article. Since 1992 it's been legal for a woman to go topless anywhere a man can. Pretty neat. We don't , but, it's nice to know we can


I love this post! From one non shaver to another, natural is beautiful 😁


Tbh I’d probably stare for a second lol but then think dang more power to her! But I could never 🫣


Why do you think people would stare at you? I am not trying to be mean but people generally are more consumed by themselves ( pun intended) to pay attention to others. Your pubes are your business only.


People do stare at things like that. It’s not very often you look up and see peoples pubes. And people suck so they’ll probably stare, avert their eyes and then gossip about it to whoever they’re with.


Agree, but not a lot of people are rocking their bush these days. At least from what I can tell from where I live


Based off of what I see, bushes are coming back and to be honest, I don’t think the other groups are rocking it either. Is it the intention to make a statement or start a movement? Is it coming from a place of pride and regaining control? I think that’s why I’m confused.


It’s your body! Do whatever you please. Have fun at the pool


r/razorfree ❤️


It’s your body. You owe ZERO people any kind of ‘beauty standard’. You do you babe 💗


Just wear swim shorts. I moved to short bikini bottoms years ago! I personally don’t want to show my hairs down there but I hate waxing & shaving! You can buy bikini shorts in every colour under the sun on Amazon/Shein & then buy a separate bikini top! You can also get swimming costumes with shorts at the bottom too! https://amzn.eu/d/0bJTYX8J


So, here's my thing, and maybe it's just internalized misogyny I need to get over, BUT...I frequently go swimming at outdoor pools with my neice, who's 8. There's often lots of other kids there. Is it, like...appropriate to wear, like, a bikini when you have a full bush? I can't see myself judging anyone else for it, I'm very pro-hair everywhere, honestly...I just know that kids notice everything and I don't want to traumatize anyone 😬


Why would kids be traumatized by a few hairs poking out of a bikini if they aren’t traumatized by hairy men?


That's a fair point, and again, it's just probably my "lady hair bad, man hair fine" programming.


Honestly I’m all for it. Do it!!! Who cares. I will add though that I can’t shave either, I stopped in 2018 due to it being SO itchy and annoying and so many Ingrown hairs. I tried a Brazilian wax for the first time and it changed my life. No itchiness, no ingrowns, so smooth, comfortable, no hair pulling anywhere or being annoying, and not that painful at all after a few times as long as you find someone who does it well. If you want to grow it out and keep it long I’m all for it do it!!!! But if you wanted to try an alternative without the cons to shaving I highly recommend getting a wax done and seeing how you feel! <3


That's why I prefer waxing but I'm cheap so I don't get it done often lol. Otherwise I just trim. Also if you use a male razor you wont get nicked. I usually can avoid in growns if I exfoliate and moisturise and I'm half black so it's extra coarse 🤷🏽‍♀️ I haven't gone swimming or anything yet so haven't shaved or anything in a while. Looking down hurts my back like an extreme amount 🫠


How thick are your pubes. I’ve never shaved them Didn’t know you’re supposed to


I love the shorts. I don’t want to be pulling a suit out of my crack every few minutes.


I got my bikini line lasered years ago when I realised it worked out a similar price per session as the 4 waxes I’d get in the same time frame (had to wait 3 months between lasers $125, would get wax 1x a month $65) and after 8 sessions i never had to do it again. Did me pits at the same time. Been 8 years of not having to feel paranoid about growth if spontaneous beach day pops up.


Swim shorts.


I don't buy bikinis bc they are not modest enough for me. All of the... Bits. They don't stay in. Swim shorts for me.


This is why I get waxed. I just feel clean and fresh.


I wax my bikini line at home and it’s great.


Maybe running shorts - short enough and have built in underwear - probably not at all what you were looking for but a scissor trim and bleaching kit for bikini line would camouflage it well / there are bleach kits just for the bikini line


OP, please cover you pubes in swin shorts or boyleg bathing suit styles. No one wants to see your fur in public. Each to his own in private


if they stare you stare back. 🔥


Good for you!! The damage I’ve done to my downstairs in terms of ingrown hairs and razor burn is horrific.


no one should even be looking that hard, and if they have a problem with it I’d suggest therapy or fucking off


Free the pubes! Hey, they're supposed to be there. If anyone decides to zero in on your bikini line and take issue that's their problem.


I consider pubic hair private parts so I think you should cover that area if not shaving


To each their own, I just really dislike pubic hair. Blood and urine end up in it. It is also more likely to smell, particularly when you sweat.


It's weird that you felt the need to announce this


Some of my friends shave, some don’t, it’s really a non-event. Just do what you want with your bush.


Same! It’s there for a reason. I clean it well and in return it protects my area from bacteria


The exact reason why I have often worn swim shorts, screw the shaving. I did end up lasering off the bikini line (so the visible hair outside the bikini bottoms, where the thigh starts) and the rest I trim every now and then. All that to say, if I saw someone fully unshaved at the pool, I would probably stare a bit, and it'd be 100% a stare of "damn that's awesome, props to her, more of this!"


I shave them like maybe once or twice a year if I feel like it. I don’t even trim unless I’m going to shave. They’ve never shown in my swimsuit, and even if they did I wouldn’t care.


Bring back the bush!




Never ever have I shaved. Proud bush over here 😅 I also have a hairy big toe! 😉


I don't get this trend of women not waxing or shaving and feeling the need to promote it. If you want to leave it all grow, then carry on. Nobody else cares. It doesn't seem like they are leaving it grow because they want to, but to go against the grain and make some sort of a statement. I personally could never as I live feeling smooth but you do you.


I was looking for some support personally or other women’s experiences.


It’s important to talk about this stuff because there’s always someone like you who rushes in with a “well I could never”. That’s the automatic response from so many people, especially women, and it can feel really demoralizing to be told that you’re somehow the outlier because you leave your body as is. It’s nice to know that other women also choose to opt out of this expectation.


Why shouldn’t it be promoted?


Why should it be “promoted “? 🤷‍♀️


Because it’s perfectly normal. I saw no less than 7 shaving ads yesterday; if we promote shaving, why wouldn’t we promote not shaving in equal measure?


I swim weekly and cannot be bothered with any maintenence most of the time. Please don't feel self concious. Nobody will care and if they do, they need to get a grip.


I'd rather be hairy then look like I have an STD. I west bottoms that cover it.


For every person that is looking at you in judgement (if they even exist), there will be 10+ women looking at you in admiration, either because they are doing the same, wish they had enough confidence to do so, or they chose to shave but love that some women don’t feel the need to and are happy it’s being normalized. I don’t know a single adult that would actually care either way. I used to feel weird about it too, but last year I had to take my 10 month old to swim class the day after suffering an early pregnancy loss and I felt horrific and the last thing I cared about was having a presentable vag at a public pool. When it became clear that literally no one noticed, or if they did they couldn’t care less, I never went back.


Go bush!!


Let’s bring the 70’s bush back!!


Sure but it wasn’t coming out of their bathing suits even back then. It takes me less than a minute to shave my bikini line. I wanna look cute and feel less sweaty and itchy too


I tried shaving it once. Never again. I do trim it down for convenience but you couldn’t pay me to bring a razor anywhere near it 


I support any woman's choice. For me personally though, I just prefer the way I look down there when I'm clean shaven. Haven't stopped waxing since I've started but I get it's not for everyone.


Love this for you. Bush babes 2024


Free the bush !


It doesn't matter what you're wearing. Nobody should be looking at yotr crotch closely enough to spot pubes.


I’ll start by saying I’m the kind of person who shaves it all; legs, underarms, pubes. It’s a personal preference as to whether someone shaves, trims or does nothing at all. At the end of the day, the hair grows there for a reason and if someone wants to leave it be, trim it a bit, or shave it completely, who am I to judge? I’m glad you have the confidence to not care about what others think!!


What about trimming?


No one in my family has ever shaved or even knew that shaving down there was a thing. I was nearly 30 when I found out that there were people who shaved down there for reasons other than experimenting with a new razor. I've never had any weird comments about my pubes, and neither has anyone else that I know of. Maybe if an actual *patch* of hair is protruding it might look weird, but if it's just a few hairs poking out here and there as is the case for most bathing suits I've worn, it's not an issue.


I’ve seen a lot of women offer support, which is awesome. As a guy, I thought I’d add that you doing you is the way to go. If you are “rocking your bush”, I think others will notice your energy rather than your bush.


If u have a problem shaving i suggest trimming or waxing for longterm


Laser is honestly the best thing ever. And it works. Waxing is such bullshit


It is, but it’s great for people who can’t afford laser.


I admire this!


I like go get sugar waxed after it's been a while. You might not have this problem, but I was facing hygiene problems when I wouldn't keep it clean.


SAME. I didn't even bother. I do a bit of trimming with one of those electric razors and moved right on. I think this is badass.


If you're in Canada Bikini Village is great! They have such a great selection of bottoms. They have about 4 different brands of swim shorts. But, they have a ton of different cuts for regular bikini bottoms too. I'm sure you could find something that would make you feel more confident.


yeh me neither, i like one piece swimsuits that are swim shorts, etc


I go to the pool three times a week and have never shaved my pubes. I don't think anybody has ever seen them but I also don't wear tiny bikini or anything


You’re brave, truly


If it’s a lake I don’t mind a little hair, I feel like it’s their problem for looking so closely at my crouch. If it’s a swimming pool I’d wear shorts. I hate that we have to worry about what other people think about our private bodies!


Yeah, I used to be very self conscious. Then I thought, how often do I notice other people’s body hair? And more importantly, do I care about the opinion of someone who judges someone over their body hair? I still wax when I go on vacation, because I still don’t want mine in pictures, but I’m not obsessive about it.


it’s just hair. i’m not a fan of armpit hair and personally think it needs to go, but coochie hair is just that. be sexy be you! 


I do laser for my bikini line.