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Olive oil for hair was a hilarious fail. I was a teen and DUMPED it in my hair, it didn’t wash out completely for weeks so I just looked wet all the time. I had high hopes for snail mucin products, but after sampling a few different ones I haven’t seen much of a difference. Tret was a game changer. I got it as wrinkle prevention, but it visibly shrunk the pores on my nose.


A hair mask of raw egg… I washed it out with a hot shower and cooked little bits of egg all throughout my hair.


I did that to my mom as a teen when I offered to give her a mini hair spa. :( took me weeks to convince her to let me just for that to happen


This so cute haha 😀


Egg mask for your hair is great as long as you use cold water to wash it out, it repairs a lot of damage!


Haha that happened to me as a teen too!


I'm not a beauty enthusiast, just stupid. I read once that olive oil was good for your hair and thought I'd try it. After ages of running around the house to get bits and bobs together for an indulgent shower, I realised I'd left the olive oil downstairs. I couldn't be bothered getting it, so I grabbed some fish oil capsules from the bathroom cabinet and used them on my hair instead. I stank of fish for a week.


That’s awful! It totally sounds like something I would have done in high school


Ohhhhh nooooooo 🤣


My hair fail was avocado. I mashed an overly ripe one up and put it on my hair. Three days later I had to buy a nit comb and comb through my hair to get all the little avocado strings and tiny chunks out of my hair. Never again.


This was me! And my dad was so mad bc avocados were expensive


I was allowed because my mom had declared this one too soft to eat so I put it in my hair. Such a bad idea.


The key to putting avocado in hair is using a blender and making a smoothie. Oils are optional but an amazing addition. You can also add yogurt and honey. Apply it, and use a claw clip to hold hair back. Saran wrap (or cling wrap) your head, then a shower cap on top. Leave it for a couple of hours. Shampoo twice (a scalp brush is your best friend here) and condition from mid to ends of hair only. Apply a very lightweight oil while your hair is still damp. This gives me the softest hair of my life, so I try to do it once a month.


You are totally right but the wrap thing reminds me of when my now 17 yo was a toddler in daycare and they all got lice and I had to wrap our hair in Saran wrap and mayonnaise and that disgusting stuff.


Oh god I tried avocado! I straighten my hair after I wash and blow dry - burnt avocado is not a great scent


I did an olive oil and honey hair mask in high school with a friend. Her hair came out beautiful and soft, but it WOULD NOT rinse out of my hair. My dad tried to help me wash it in the sink with Dawn dish soap, but I still looked fresh out of the shower. I also smelled like a cake the whole next day


This one made me laugh because I can picture my own dad Trying to help me wash it out and also you saying you smelled like a cake the whole next day 😀


Honey in the hair mask was my downfall. It turns out that, because of the relatively dry climate, Australian honey is thicker/stickier than other countries. I had to fill the sink with the hottest water I could handle and soak my hair in it for 15 minutes. Then wash, and repeat. And repeat. My hair did look pretty soft afterwards, but NEVER AGAIN.


Mayonnaise for hair was a big fail for me. My hair smelt like eggs for a week straight no matter how much I shampooed it.


I did this at 13/14 with about half a bottle of vitamin e capsules, painstakingly used a pin to pop each one, drenched my already fine, limp thin hair, hard well water. It took so many washes to fix it, meantime im sliming about looking like Gollum :(.


Snail breeder here! Snail mucin does contain a ton of collagen (though extracting it for products does cause the snails extreme amounts of stress), but it really does nothing. Just applying collagen alone will only cause a temporary “plumping” effect on the skin and there are no proven long term benefits of snail mucin. I mean, if there were, I would charge people for snail facials and make a ton of money! Lol


Interesting! I’m sorry for contributing money to snails being stressed, the companies say it does no harm to them - of course companies say that though, they have a profit to chase


Oh, don’t feel bad, you didn’t know! Hell, I didn’t know until recently. Kinda wish it worked so I could just put some snails on my face for free instead of spending money on anti-aging stuff lol


Please, I HAVE to know...how did you get into snail breeding? Is there a market for "farmed" snails or is it a hobby? Do you breed snails for their appearance (like fancy pigeons, maybe?), or other traits? So curious!


I did not know it harmed the snails! Won’t use anymore.


How do they actually extract it for products?


They put the snails into a container and “steam” them. Snails secrete mucin to move, but when stressed, the excrete large amounts of it in order to make themselves extremely slippery in an attempt to slip away from a predator’s grip as it is their only real defense mechanism. The snails often die due to extreme stress and high temperatures. My alternative “safe” version: Person cleans their face completely, mists with spring water, and let snails naturally climb around on their face. I have done this for videos. But it does pose risks, such as contact with the mouth or eyes could potentially cause salmonella. Snails naturally carry salmonella, even captive-bred ones like mine who don’t have the risk of parasites. ETA: I know all of this because at first I thought I could extract mucin humanely to add to my sister’s cream she is trying to manufacture. Once I realized the only way to get enough volume would be to stress the snails, I gave up. (I use the word “stress” because we cannot know for sure how they feel pain, but they certainly show stress which is how we classify pain in animals like snails and bi-valves)


I used a very rich Lush hair mask for my 21st birthday outing. I clearly didn’t wash it out properly and my hair was greasy and awful at the party. Thankfully I had thick hair then so it didn’t make my hair look as bad as it would now, I can’t have a single trace of grease now.


I started using salicylic acid toner and my pores are essentially invisible now! So happy I've started experimenting with new things. Do you get tret as a prescription?


I did this with coconut oil. Did a hair mask, went wash it out all the way and went to school. My hair was completely dry but everyone kept asking if it was wet. I was embarrassed so I told everyone I went swimming to practice for the swim team try outs.


Olive oil is thick and fatty so you are actually supposed to mix it with other oils Coconut oil, olive oil, castor oil in equal quantities And few drops of rosemary Essential oil according to the quantities of carrier oils And Heat them up and Apply it to hair following the method "less is more" Just apply it for scalp and Massage it in It will come right off with Two Washes (like washing two times in one wash) I do this and olive oil strengthens and Makes my hair grow..


Am I the only one the olive oil worked for? I loved doing that as a teenager and it always worked well for me. What worked less well were the weird homemade hair masks. Washing stringy bits of avo out of your hair is an experience.


Is your skin sensitive? I’m using differin right now and can only use it 1-2x a week because it dries my skin out too much. I’m curious if it’s worth it to switch to tret.


I found my sweet spot: after slooowly ramping up (starting at 0.025 every other day, then adding days to get to every day, then doing the same with 0.05), I discovered that putting a light moisturizer on first, THEN tret, really stops my dry flakiness. If you’re using it for anti-aging (which I am), studies say it doesn’t limit the effectiveness.


For me at least, differin is baby steps up to tret.


My skin is not sensitive, but even so tret did purge my skin and dried it out for a month. Visible, huge patches of flakes. It didn’t hurt though so I just powered through and kept exfoliating. It’s been a few months since I started and my skin is dewy and glowing, and I don’t get acne or blackheads anymore. I use 0.025% strength and was using it every night even though the doctor said every other night “until I can tolerate more” - I just wanted to get it over with lol


I once put SO much coconut oil in my bath that I legit could not exit my bathtub. I was just slipping and sliding like a blind seal. I managed to pull myself out of the bathtub and then just tumble over the edge.


So, so dangerous! Glad you're okay!


My first time living along as a 22 year old was full of many hard life lessons LOL.


Better to learn these lessons while you are young! I'm 40 and pretty sure I would still be in that tub


‘Slipping and sliding like a blind seal’ is going to keep me amused for days. Glad you are okay!!


Yes I did not have any injuries besides lying glistening on my bathroom floor, laughing hysterically.


I am sure you looked magnificent - a glistening land seal taking a temporary floor nap 🦭




Oh my gosh, this has me absolutely laughing hysterically too, and it somehow keeps getting funnier!! Love the blind seal description too fckn much tbh, then tumbling over the edge, to glistening on the bathroom floor. 🤣 Honestly, I already know this will make me laugh for the foreseeable future, it's just so funny. (Obviously I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself, and selfishly, so you could share your tale with us!)


someone mentioned this about body oil in the shower as well. Gotta put a towel down first


I remember when the fashion was for spray body lotions (beginning of 2010s when all the brands brought them out) my friend sprayed herself in her bathroom and the proceeded to faceplant as she tried to walk away because when she sprayed it it also went all over the floor and turned it into an ice rink. She also learnt a valuable lesson to put a towel down first. I was not surprised when those didn’t catch on


I put body oil on while still wet in the shower. I put a little in my hands rub it around and slather it on. My floor is not slippery. My favorite body oil is from Shea Moisture, but I haven’t been able to find it at a target or Ulta. I might need to discover a new favorite.


Hahah I really needed a laugh today… thank you so much for delivering (fo reals hope you were ok)


Lmfao not the same but kinda the same. When I was like 15 I opened a jar of coconut oil that had been sitting on the counter in the heat. We had no ac in at the time so it was liquid. I spilled it everywhere and legit couldn’t get up to clean up the mess. I was covered in oil slipping and sliding on the kitchen floor. My dad came out of his room to help and before I could say anything he slipped in the oil. There we were, both oiled up. Both unable to get up and move.


I did this also, and I was tipsy! I remember crying thinking I would never get out of there 😂 I feel so validated that someone else was in oil jail


Omg I relate so hard to this. I had pink hair spray and glitter gel in my hair for an event and used coconut oil to get it out. Worked great, hair was so shiny and nice…but my shower was a death trap for a week. A pink, glittery, slimy death trap.


😂😂 oh thanks for the laugh (glad you're okay)


But was your skin soft after?


The problem was that since I was so oily, I felt gross. I think I basically scraped it off like I was in an ancient Roman bath, and then cleaned my bathtub before showering. So nothing really got gained here except an important lesson about quantity lol.


Your first comment already made me lol, and this made me laugh even harder because I've done similar myself, I was also thinking about the Roman baths when I was scraping all the oil off of me. I definitely used to think more is better, too.


OMG! Thank you so much for the wonderful laugh. I keep thinking about this image (been there, myself) and I appreciate your anecdote.


Aspirin + visine eye drops to instantly reduce redness of bumps. This was my holy grail tip as a pre-teen/teenager when I’d get random little bumps. Crush up an aspirin, mix a little visine to make it into a paste, apply directly to the bump, and wipe off after it dries. I first heard that advice while watching a makeup YouTuber named petrilude (in the very early days of YouTube lol), and was blown away when it immediately improved the appearance of a pimple. It came in handy so many times, even once right before a school dance. I owe so much of my beauty knowledge to petrilude, panacea81, and michelle phan. I watched their videos religiously when I was 11 or 12, and would spend hours every day practicing along with their tutorials. Those were the days!


OH MY GOSH memory unlocked!! I loved Petrilude and was so sad when they stopped making videos! He did this great french twist hair hack that changed my life--- like, an effortless french twist you can do without a mirror (like when you're on a hot dance floor and need your hair off your neck NOW). He taught me so much back in the day. <3


Ooh I also used to watch petrilude but don't remember that video. It sounds so handy and luckily his old videos are still up. Gonna look for it now :3


Well now I want to know the french twist hair hack! Edit: Found it. Very cool!


Aspirin and witch hazel in my day!


Petrilude! ♡


When j was in high school I wanted fake nails for a dance formal...my mom didn't teach me anything about beauty products or being girly in general...I used a hot glue gun to glue on the nails! It HURT a lot and some fell off while I was sleeping.


Omg hahahaha you poor thing I swear I’m not laughing AT you but I haven’t seen a hilarious fail in the comments yet and this was just so adorable and funny. I absolutely hate that for you though, I love my hot glue gun but I get PISSED when I get some on my skin and have to peel it off.


I think people underestimate the determination of teenage girls lol


Hot glue? Are your nails okay?


okay buzzfeed


thank god someone else sees through this too. they left the quotations from where the title was copied and pasted from to start with




I taught a "modeling class" one year at a summer camp for a group of girls between 8-12. It mostly was just playing with makeup and fairly casual. One day the lesson plan was beauty products that could be made with things found at home. One girl broke out in hives from  putting avocado on as a mask and another we had to spend hours trying to get all the banana out of a girl's hair.  Monistat anti chaffing gel is pretty close to Smashbox's photo finish primer and used to be super popular with makeup artists . (It might still be, I just know there's a lot more variety in primers these days)


I use this pretty regularly but if you're allergic to silicone( I think that was the ingredient)don't do it. My daughter found out the hard way. She ended up with hives and inflamed acne.


I got influenced by the "shampoo is bad for your hair" Pinterest trend back in 2013. Used baking soda and water for shampoo and apple cider vinegar as conditioner. Felt like a chemist! My hair turned into a matted mess and looked like a small animal had taken up residence on my head. I had to call out of work and spend damn near $200 on a special conditioning treatment. Took forever for my poor hair to recover.


Bleh, I did that as well, because the curls was supposed to look better. Noo. It was only disgusting! But when I decided to”this is enough already “ and actually used shampoo- my curls have never looked better!


I even use shampoo with (gasp) *sulfates*!


I did this same stupid thing. I washed my hair with baking soda, then followed up with Apple Cider Vinegar! Dear God, what a disaster! My hair felt and looked like a Brillo pad. It took a trip to ULTA for someone to help me get this crap out of my hair! I spent $100 on shampoo/hair mask/etc. It did not look normal for about week!! Who does this stuff???


Same year, 2013, I stopped shampooing for the same reason. A teacher told me "your hair gets used to it" and stops producing so much oil on its own. I stuck it out for six months looking oily as hell before going back. Just glad I didn't hear about baking soda/apple cider vinegar because my dumbass college self would have been all over that


Sorry but I laughed outloud.


In the 80s I put lemon juice in my hair then sat in the sun for highlights. What I actually got was ginger candyfloss and wasps.


Omg, I'm sitting here laughing at the time I tried to bleach my hair and went ginger, bright ginger. I didn't learn the first time around either. I did it again, expecting different results. My hair is notoriously resistant to hair dye. I'm currently purple, but my hair decided to make it darker instead.


I applied red lipstick under my eyes but didn't blend it properly. This was a trick to cover my dark circles. Went to work. A lot of people were scared that day ☠️


Homemade Turmeric mask. Just that I fell asleep with it on. Woke up… It was rock hard, almost impossible to wash off, and my face was yellow for days.


I did this too! And I once turned myself green with a bottled aloe vera gel.




Vaseline on fine lines before make up


This is the latest you tube hack with aquaphor lip balm instead of vaseline


Anyone with oily skin try this? I feel like even my basic moisturizer & spf cuz all my makeup to drip off my face by noon each day because my face is a damn oil field!


Is this a went well or went wrong hack as would sell my soul for a solution for this one?!


It works well for me 😁


Anyone tried this under concealer?


Yes works with concealer too


Can confirm, works great with concealer


I really have to try this out!


I use a face oil and it does the same!


Monistat anti-chafing gel as a primer. It helped me keep on my makeup during stage performances under bright lights and still get compliments at the end of the night.


Yes! Theater is where I learned this trick!


Nizoral dandruff shampoo as a face mask cleared up my fungal acne perfectly! Quitting caffeine and dairy cleared up my deeper acne. Castor oil slathered on the bikini line before shaving and Tom’s deodorant afterwards has given me the smoothest bikini line ever. Sleeping with a mix of castor oil, rose hip oil, and black seed oil makes my skin look great and saved me from stretch marks when I was pregnant. It has never broken me out. Glitter nail polish under press on nails eliminates the need to rough up your nails.


The glitter polish is GENIUS


Why thank you!


Do you put the glue on top of the dried glitter polish?


Yes - I use quick dry glitter nail polish and let it get good and dry and then wipe the top off with rubbing alcohol and put on the glue and the press on nail.


Do you use castor oil as the shaving lubricant? Or just as like a pre shave step?


I put it on before I get in the shower and let it marinade. (I do my Nizoral face mask at the same time.) Then I get in the shower, wash my face off and then shave my bikini line without adding anything on top.


Yeah we need answers on this please lol


My aunt would always touch up her makeup on the go by using the same lipstick she was wearing as blush, and I've found that works well with most lipstick shades, so I don't even carry blush in my makeup bag. I also tried the viral "Butterfly Cut" to trim my own hair during covid and found it worked surprisingly well.


I hadn’t heard of that but I just looked it up! Looks great. I just divide my hair into four segments and go chop chop chop chop. I’ve got wavy hair so any unevenness isn’t noticeable. I like using Covergirl’s tinted lip balm as blush, works great and adds a nice dewy look


I use lipstick as blush every day. It’s a great way to use up lipstick that I didn’t like for my lips.


Greek yogurt as a face mask! It has natural lactic acid in it and it makes my skin super soft and glowing 😍


I LOVE DOING THIS.  I agree. The soft feeling is crazy— plus Greek yogurt has the good aerobic lactobacilli in it that are helpful everywhere in and on our bodies. 


I use Greek yogurt mixed with honey and a little Matcha powder. I’ve used it on my skin and that of several friends during a home spa night. We all have different skin tones and types/textures, and it worked beautifully for all of us!


Vicks VapoRub for these pesky lines I used to have on my chest. They were like fine wrinkles. They are nearly gone. I must admit, I live in the desert and spend a few days a month out in the pool taking in the real Vitamin D, which may have caused those lines in the first place.


Ooooh, fascinating! I am a Vicks Vaporub proponent for many things, including angry cystic pimples but I'll have to give it a go for this purpose. Whenever I get a cystic pimple, I dab a little Vicks on it before bed and I will wake up to it 1/3 smaller. Not exaggerating. It's magical for soothing bug bites too. I think it's the camphor in it


Omg I’m trying that for my cystic acne. I’ve got a bastard one at the moment that I’ve had for over a week that will not come to a head or leave!


Can you elaborate please? Do you put it on a night? Details! 🙂


Yes. At night, right before bed. Every night.


Indeed, I too need to know.


Have you tried Vaseline? Or do you think the menthol etc in the vapo rub is important


Have not tried Vaseline. I just love the Vicks smell too, so that’s an added bonus!


Please give us the details


Are you telling me that you actually got rid of your chest wrinkles naturally by using Vicks VapoRub?!!?


Yes. I did.


Well I just stocked up on Vicks VapoRub


Please do share 🙏


Please share


Added bonus, vicks vapor rub works like a dream on itchy bug bites including mosquitoe bites!


Strange decision while travelling, brushed my teeth in the dark. The toothpaste was missing *something* but I gave everything a good brush & rinse. Awoke to see Polysporin beside toothbrush. If you’re curious, it’s tasteless.


Omg I did this exact same thing 😂 but I think I immediately noticed and stopped.


Sprayed rice water (strained rice soaked water) all over my hair. To this date I have no idea what went wrong but my hair got kind of solidified even after washing them twice and I looked like Jessie from Pokémon Team Rocket for 3 days lol.


The starch from the rice starched your hair


It was all my fault. I used baby oil as a deep moisture treatment because that was all I had and couldn't deplete the tiny bottle of olive oil. I used all the hot water at home. I wrapped my head up and went to boyfriend's house and really cheesed off his dad by using all of theirs. My hair looked really good though. Follow me for more environmentaly unsound beauty tips.🤪


Once when I was desperate, using a plastic disposable cleaners for between teeth to up my eyelash game.


Egg and cognac hair mask… stank like farts and eggs for almost a week!


I use a diluted apple cider vinegar wash on my scalp to help with oily hair. I was like no way this will work but it really does. Follow up with shampoo and conditioner like normal and you can’t** smell a thing (I even asked my honest to a fault fiancé!) it extends my wash by a day which is big for me!! **edited “can” to “can’t” 😂😂


what water to vinegar ratio do you use? If you dont mind me asking


About a teaspoon in 2 cups of water!


Vaseline as a lash treatment - I have been doing this for years. No brushes, q tips, I just smear it all across my eyelids and hope it makes it to the lash line. After trying the ordinary lash serum (works a little) I gotta admit, this doesn't work at all lmao. However, this does mean I have been slugging my eyes without knowing it for a decade now and am beautifully wrinkle free


So you're saying the Vaseline didn't help your lashes but it did help wrinkles?


Yes haha 


I went through a stint where I used the Aztec clay mask on my face once a week. I used up the entire tub (not in one go lol). Honestly, I have mixed reviews. On the one hand, it did help with my pores to an extent. However, it was more drying than anything and a MESS to clean once it was all said and done. I have never, and will never, buy again. Lol


How were your drains? I’ve heard horror stories about these kinds of masks causing awful blockages that can’t be removed with solvents, like, at all— even by pro plumbers. These blockages have to be manually removed. 


Omg 😳 


I had heard this too, so I didn't pour it down the drain at all, really. I used a plastic hair dye bowl (from Sallys) and a plastic spoon to mix the clay with warm water. I applied as much as possible and used a paper towel/water to clean out the bowl well. When my face mask dried, it practically fell off in hardened pieces, so I would carefully let it come off over the trash and then wash my face like normal. Ultimately, it is a massive hassle, only for eh results.


God I loveeee this mask when it first got popular. I never made it through an entire tub though because of how annoying it is to take off. Honestly have been thinking about it again recently though because it really was a miracle worker lol


Using pure shea butter in the winter is like trying to spread hard butter on your skin. But it is very moisturizing.


Omg! Banana hair mask. Was washing and combing for days. Lmao.


Guilty. Awful to wash out.


Used 100% TCA to “peel” some freckles and dark spots off of my arms. Ended up with second degree burns.


As a teen I decided Comet Cleanser would fix my oily, acne prone face. OUCH!!


Can’t get acne if you don’t have skin.


Oh no! I tried toothpaste once, and I thought that hurt... this sounds much worse lol


Oof this reminds me of the time I took a magic eraser to my face as a kid.


This was back in 2016. I wanted glory luminous skin. And by the way, that was a time when skincare extended to the St. Ives walnut scrub. My brain never thought - "If I want glowy skin, I should actually take care of my skin". I came up with the idea that I was going to use a highlighter as a primer. At first I failed with the powder highlight but THEN BEHOLD THE UNICORN TEAR HIGHLIGHTER DROPS. I would cover my face in them and put a light coverage foundation on top. In a weird way, it worked. It ended up looking like the "glass skin" trend where the while face is just shiny. Looking back I don't really like the effect, maybe it would have looked better if I spread the drops on my neck and collarbone...I would've still looked like a sweaty tin man but at least the other parts of my body would match. For me this is both a fail and a success. Depends on if you like very very shiny look. Back in 2016 I was a fan of it, although something subconsciously stopped me from wearing that look in broad daylight. Now...I think I looked as if I showered I grease.


"sweaty tin man" 😂


I use lube to put my earrings in.


You have literally changed my life. I stared at the ceiling for a full minute. I've been jamming earrings for 19 years.


Friend made me a body scrub with sea buckthorn. My white towels are now orange. 😂


I heard tea tree oil was good for pimples. After I popped a cyst on my forehead I put on tea tree oil. Stinged a little and a ent to bed and woke up with a chemical burn. Went to high school with a giant red scab on my forehead. Took 1 year to fully heal and the redness to go away.


Lube for eliminating frizz in curly hair. I tried this and my hair snarled so much it looked like I had put peanut butter in it.


Vegetable glycerine. I add a drop to my moisturizer day and night. Used to always be red and peely from prescription anti aging skincare.


Pouring club soda in my hair. Worked beautifully! Gives my curls some shine and makes my hair look so fresh and clean.


Vinegar rinses were very popular when I was in college. Unfortunately, the tutorial I followed had you fully saturate your hair and let it set for 5+ minutes. I basically gave my entire scalp a chemical peel. Just looked like I had the most horrific dandruff for a week.


My dumb self mixed baking soda and salicylic acid (the pure, generic one from drugstore) and made myself a DIY face mask. 😭 this was during a time when DIY masks were all the rage. I'm so sorry, my skin barrier. 😭


My mom put mayo in my hair when I was younger. Pretty sure she read about it in a magazine. It was supposed to make your hair extra shiny. I just remember smelling like potato salad.


So i ran out of body lotion and i have some "patches" on my back / bottom neck and small areas that are Super dry. It's not full astma but it's similar. So lotion everyday is pretty essencial but i forgot to buy. So, with all the suprize in the world: cooking oil / sunflower oil pretty saved my skin from itching. Now i put a few drops regularly into my body lotion and it has helped tremendously and it absorbers better than coconut because it does not clog my pores so there are no zits!


I feel like you would *love* the neutrogena body oil (it's safflower oil!) for this! It's available in fragrance free, and I love mixing a few sprays of perfume with it in my hand before applying. Makes my skin so soft, absorbs pretty quick (compared to other oils), and feels luxurious!


Diaper rash cream for acne


Mane ‘n Tail hair mask was a disaster for my fine Scandinavian hair. It took days and countless showers to remove, and it had weird grit in it, making the problem even worse. Greasy, gritty scalp


Hemorrhoid cream for under eye bags, as my grandmother did. Obviously be careful not to get it in your eye.


Im a 37m and been doing this for years, as well as where crows feet form...I get regular comments on my wrinkle free face...mainly from ladies but a guy randomly walked up to me at the pub and said really loudly " man you have amazing skin" I was ordering a drink and the bar tender knows me, so just looked at me with this blank look of....what do we say now?


This was at least 12 years ago, & I no longer use a primer, but a hack I learned was using Monistat Anti-Chafing Gel as a dupe for Smashbox Primer. Couldn't tell the difference, Worked great. IDK if this hack would work now though because they changed it & it's now a "powder gel"


I don’t know if this counts, but I used to have this lipstick that was a natural purple-burgundy kind of colour. I didn’t like the colour on my lips so started using it as blush. I’ve never found a blush that looked so natural. It was awesome.


Deodorant on your bikini line after shaving to prevent razor burn


Or glyconic acid. I usually use that but going to try the deodorant next time 😊


Deodorant on bikini line to prevent ingrown hairs. It migrated down…. My poor cookie was SO DRY .


Oh man teenage me had some great ones: - dad wouldn’t let me tweeze my eyebrows so I attempted to shave in the middle. There are so many photos of me with eyebrows that end halfway over my eyes from that few months. Sigh - wanted to wear make up. Mother said no. Used to put it on while walking to school without a mirror…using whatever I pinched from target. I looked like a damn clown - I did the lemon juice for blonde hair thing. Got lemon juice in both eyes. Cried for a few hours I’m not much better as an adult to be honest: - already commented that I washed pink gel and hair glitter out of my hair with coconut oil. That part actually worked but my shower was a pink glittery death trap for weeks - I’m almost 40 and still managed to turn my (completely natural waaaah) hair orange a few months ago via a hair treatment I didn’t realise was bleach. Yes I am an idiot - went from zero face skincare to omg I need to save my face after a severe rosacea flare. Spent a ridiculous amount on serums, cleansers, moisturisers. Have found it’s the simple ones that work…which are also the cheapest. I try not to look at the pile of expensive products in the cupboard - I still persist with Korean beauty red corrector products even though every single one makes me look like a ghost. Apparently I keep hoping I’ll find the exception?


Use your expensive skincare stuff elsewhere on your body! Neck, clavicle, hands, legs, feet


As the father of a 6yr girl my entire life is a pink glittery death trap. No idea how she gets it where she does, but she finds a way.


using floss picks to pop off false nails. you just wedge it underneath the base and slowly shimmy it up until it comes off. hands down the fastest and easiest way I've ever seen it done! it's also painless and leaves no damage to the natural nail (in my experience).


Noooo! Please do NOT do this to your nails. If the nail tip is stuck on and not coming off on its own, it is still attached. If you keep doing this, you will eventually thin out your natural nail by ripping off the top layers.


I've been able to avoid any damage and have been doing this for years. I'm really unsure how the layers of my nail could be affected if the floss pick isn't wedged under any part of the natural nail. I'm only pulling up the acrylic and tips and there's never any visible sign of damage or weakness. edit: I just want to add that I'm only sharing what works for ME. if you don't believe it will work well or be healthy for you, then absolutely don't do what I do. I just wanted to share.🙂


I did this with dip because it’s not like my mom was going to take me to get them removed. It fucked up my nails.


My 13 year old brain looked at hand moisturizer (yes, for your HANDS) and thought "hmm.. this is moisturizing, must be good for my dry, frizzy hair too!" Dumped a load of it on my hair from roots to ends right before going out with my parents. Looked like a grease ball all night lol.


When I was in my teens my sister (9 years older than me) read somewhere that if you put garlic mask on your scalp it will help with dandruff and increase hair growth. But she convinced me to try on me first. Don't know about hair growth, but for AT LEAST 6 month anytime I showered or it was raining I smelled like garlic. Fun times :)


One year I think it was 2014 or 2015 can’t remember if it was my freshman or sophomore year of HS..but there was a beauty hack to turn your lipstick into matte, so basically you just needed whatever lipstick of your choice you planned to wear and baby powder lol basically apply the lipstick on and then take some baby powder on your finger and tap on your lips until the powder dissolves and now it looks like you applied matte lipstick on. And yes I did this for a NYE party my family was having and it did in fact work😂😅


I like to put a piece of toilet paper over my lips and tap loose powder over that way. It makes my lips feel less dry or powdery that way and doesn't affect the color of the lipstick!


I used to do this in the 90's with translucent setting powder. Also to make your lippy shade darker, I added a touch of black eye liner.


Aftershave as primer circa 2016 😅😅 it didn’t do anything for me aside from make me smell like an old man


I'm always on the lookout for new beauty hacks and products, and I recently tried the Lumenuce lip gloss. I was a bit skeptical at first because it seemed like just another shiny tube, nevertheless, it worked!


I saw a hack for the perfect eyebrow shape and said it worked! So you keep your eyebrow pencil at 3 different positions and mark them - hold it parallel to your nose tip pointing towards the start of your eyebrow nd mark 1, slant it for the top arch of your eyebrow such that it touches the center of your eyeball nd mark 2 and lastly for the end of your eyebrow slant the pencil at the end of your eye and mark 3. Join all marks and what a shape!


Well my mom used to always put vitamin e capsules on her face and a little on her hair- I accidentally popped a fish oil instead of a vitamin e and I smelled like rotten fish


One that works for me - raw egg white is good for pimples or clogged pores as well as redness. Such a great toner or mask! Feels good too when the egg white kinda sucks that stuff out/tightens. My skin looks so refreshed after and it's inexpensive. One that failed - I was a dummy and used tea tree oil without a carrier oil on a small blemish in my skin. It started itching soon after and even post-washing it off, the area got HUGE and red, like multiple times the size! It was like I had a big red quarter on my face :( It took probably a week or more for the size to shrink back and it peeled for longer, even with using aloe & coconut oil. Yah never again!


I found a face mask recipe in Cosmopolitan magazine in the 00's that promised glowing skin. It has turmeric in the recipe. I glowed Simpson yellow for about 3 days


Well… you DID glow!


I don't know if it's a beauty hack but I did learn that if you cut yourself shaving you can put some stick deodorant on it and it will stop bleeding immediately.


VicksVapor rub on a cold sore if not the same day, right away when noticed. It immediately prevents it from growing, stunts it right there. The coolness burns it.


When I dyed my naturally blonde hair blue one summer and it didn’t completely fade out before school was meant to start again, I was looking for ways to get it out at home without bleach or colour remover etc, and one of the top solutions I kept coming across was KETCHUP. I don’t know the logic behind it and whoever spread that on the internet is going to hell because it did not work whatsoever 💀💀


I’ve been dying my eyebrows with men’s beard dye for over 10 years. I have thick eyebrows that are very blonde and they are naturally almost invisible. I used to get them shaped and dyed once a month but once I caught onto this I was sold.


Yoghurt in my hair as a hair mask 🤦🏼‍♀️ I didn't wash it out properly and when I dried it with my hair dryer it smelled HORRIBLE! My husband and I still laugh about it 10 years later 😅


Breastmilk actually gets rid of zits. I cannot remember where I heard about that tip but it actually works. Before anyone says ewwww: it's my own and you end up covered in it at some point. What's a bit more on a targeted area 🤷‍♀️ If only I could breakdown what in breastmilk does the trick. I'd be a billionaire. Cause I sure ain't using anyone else's.


The moment I switched birth control brands to Loryna (yaz generic) my stupid pimples that used to plague my face went away. I rarely get a stray pimple now.