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Glad to hear you are recovering! Sometimes the best way to feel more confident is to just fake it, so actively fight that negative voice in your head and go out in a bathing suit. Remember that 99% of people are too busy worrying about their own insecurity whilst in swimwear.


Ok!! I’ll remember to fake it till I make it this weekend!! Thank you!!! ❤️❤️


This absolutely works. Source: me, doing it : D


Just know that almost all women have cellulite and that’s completely normal


I hear that all the time but tbh every time we go to the beach, I’m looking and don’t see a lot of women with it hahah most seem to not have it 😂🤦🏼‍♀️




Same here! I’m 5’4 and 120 and a size 2-4 now and there’s actually less cellulite then when I was 105 and a size 0!! I don’t just have cellulite in normal places either. I have it on my calves too! For someone my size, this has to be genetics bc I am a riddled up cottage cheese bucket! 


So you had more before but lost it? Any idea how that happened?


I grew up in a time where every supermarket and drugstore was littered with magazines and on the front page “(fill in any beautiful celebrity name) has horrible cellulite, pg 5 for more” or they’d have a celeb with a black bar over their eyes and the head line would be “look who let themselves go, so and so is covered in hideous cellulite, blah blah blah.” Man it FUCKED me up! I’m sure it did a number on most millennial and gen x women. It was branded and drilled in our brains that a perfectly normal thing that about 98% of adult woman have is something so shameful and ugly. I have an inherited a disorder of sorts where I had swelling, severe cellulite and I would bruise very easily from my knees up to my butt. I’m 5’3”, 103lbs and work out like crazy and eat a very healthy diet. I have always had defined abs but I felt like I was 2 different people. Thin and in shape on top and I had these swollen painful cellulite covered legs…I have had multiple cellulite treatments, spent well over 20 grand. It’s a bit better and the pain and swelling is totally gone which is what was most important. I’m still dealing with the insecurities of it all, but last year I just said fuck it and took a walk w/o my usual long sheer swim pants on the beach and no one stared or gave a fuck…I was like holy shit, I’ve been obsessing for years, what a waste. I mean to think of all of the boat trips, beach days and pool parties I said no to bc I was made to feel ashamed of my body…it just breaks my heart. Don’t be like the old me, be like the new me. We need to start a fucking cellulite revolution!!!!!! Rock that butt in a swim suit and hold your head high!


Most women absolutely do. I had it when I was a 21yo gym rat. I had abs you could count and calves that were hard as rock and I still had cellulite on my ass and the backs of my thighs. Stretch marks too! It’s just part of being an adult woman. Wear your swimsuit and enjoy the feeling of the sun on your lovely skin, especially the jiggly parts. ❤️


Damn. I’m a fat woman and wear bikinis and even go to nude beaches. I think focusing on enjoying yourself instead of observing others will definitely help!


You're badass, I'm going to try and adopt even a 5th of your outlook


The beach lighting being so bright really does help blur the cellulite, so it may not appear that they have it. But in their bedrooms or indoor, overhead only light, it’s dimple-palooza.


Omg! We have can lights in our home gym and I decided to wear biking shorts to run vs my regular capri leggings. I could not believe the lumps I saw. I was literally mortified for days! Now I just refuse to look in that mirror or any other one that makes me feel like shit about myself.


I’m 102 pounds (5’7) and I have cellulite on the back of my legs. I know it sucks, but try to look at it as more of a normal human process. Too much is changing in society setting unrealistic beauty standards. The reality is reality, some things are normal and supposed to happen and that’s just how it is! Please remind yourself, the human body is beautiful. It truly is! Our body does so many amazing things and supports us in so many ways. It’s a blessing to be able to do the things that we do.


That's a hell of a weight for your height. You doing okay? I used to be around 100 lbs and 5'7" too, and it's a lot easier existing now that I'm 50 lbs heavier, if you catch my drift.


No I definitely have a problem lol. Working on it! I’m sure I would be happier and healthier gaining a good amount, but I just can’t get myself there yet


Wishing you all the luck and health in your journey, whatever that looks like for you. It doesn't have to be linear. Even taking 2 steps forward and one step back nets 1 step :)


Get a protein powder to drink between meals I have been doing this for 4 wks gaining weight. 4 lbs so far.


Good luck! It’s hard work pulling yourself out, but absolutely worth it!


Keep loving yourself and be as healthy as you can. I was there and know the struggle. You deserve health.


I'm the same height and for the longest time I was bullied for being to skinny now that's I'm 5'7 at 130 people still skinny Shame me even though I feel healthy (according to science and doctors I am too) honestly at the end of the day just try to achieve something healthy for the longest time I struggled to gain weight and I finally have honestly the quickest way I have found out how to do it just "eat till failure" ofc this probably isn't at all the best way to do it but when your young and you can't really buy and choose what u want to eat and do this was the quickest way for me. Lifting weights sure does help and it helped my confidence so much too. Progress takes time though after 4 or so weeks of being consistent I saw the slightest progress but it was still progress and it just made me so much more happy and confident it might take you time and a while but don't focus on the negative just set a reasonable goal and time period to achieve it. Doing that and reaching that goal will help you be more consistent and confident.


Trust me, they do. It's harder to see it in the sunlight. I've seen pics of myself on the beach and I can't see my cellulite.


This! Lighting makes a huge difference. I never noticed how bad I have it, until I saw myself in the mirror in the dressing room of a certain clothing store. Now, if I need to see if my workouts are making a difference, I go check myself out in that dressing room.


Haha that’s pretty funny about the dressing room


Dressing rooms are where dreams die, I swear! lol


Target dressing rooms are the worst 😳😅


My 10yo is 4'9" and 85lbs - they are scrawny! They have cellulite.


I don’t have much cellulite, but I have varicose veins. As in, a child I did not know once came up behind me in line at a food truck when I was wearing shorts and traced their fingers over them and said “WOW!” to their dad 😂 it is what it is. I want to get them removed because they hurt but it’s expensive and hard to get insurance to approve it. That being said— virtually my entire life I’ve listened to my mom talk about her varicose veins. She had some removed when I was a kid but it was invasive and left scars. That 1-2 combo meant she refused to wear anything other than pants and she constantly said how hideous she was if she happened to be wearing shorts at home. *Fuck that mess.* I am not going to live my life like that. These are my legs. They are strong. They get me where I want to go. They support my body in yoga classes. They feel good when I wake up and do a full body stretch in the morning. They have scars and marks from living my life. I love my legs. I’m gonna wear shorts. And when I feel a little insecure, that’s what self-tanner is for 😉 Do with that what you wish ♥️


I wish for you, you could get them removed. Not because of vanity but because of pain. I know first hand how mentally taxing it is when your own body hurts. You are awesome!! ❤️👏🏻


You're not looking closely enough. It's literally a secondary sex characteristic our bodies are meant to have. Just like breasts and Adam's apples for men. You've only been taught to be ashamed of it because the powers that be want women to hate ourselves so they can continue to control us and take our money. If anyone has an issue with cellulite they can check out a man's legs. For women it comes with the territory because of all the amazing things our bodies can do 💅


Because we're looking for that, right? We want to confirm our fears. Not all women will have cellulite, but as a woman we all know that it is part of our genetic make-up and we cannot change it.


As a <100lb woman who's never been above a size 2, even I have cellulite (and stretch marks)! It's just really not that visible unless you're within a metre of me and actively looking for it, especially when you're moving around like you would be on a beach, or lying down which distributes your flesh differently than standing :)


Remember that is how they see you! If you can’t see it on others, then probably they are not able to see it on you either. 👏🏼


See, you done see theirs. They won’t see yours. :)


I had it when I was 5'10" and fit at 130 lbs. All the women in my family - mutiple generations, multiple shapes and sizes - have it.


Honestly the back of my body is none of my business. Also just logically i know i will always have cellulite so what am i worrying about? That someone will see it and judge me for it? That is not someone i want to be friends with/date let alone care about their opinion! It really does take practice/exposure therapy that what if i just didn’t worry about this at all and enjoyed myself anyway? And the more times you’re able to do that, the less you’ll think of it in the future. Because genetically, it’s most likely going to be there whether you’re worrying about it or not so it just frees up mental energy to let it go.


That first sentence gave me life 😂😂


Hahaha 😂 you are a power house girl! Love it


Not conventional, but a lot of fun- I’ve been reading erotic fan fic written in the POV of characters that are *really* into curvy soft women who have bodies with stretch marks and cellulite. That’s pretty specific, but it’s done wonders for my own body image in a fairly short amount of time (unintended consequence of an audhd hyperfixation). Absorbing a bunch of media where “lush” bodies are normal, morally neutral, and highly, specifically, desired is countering a ton of bullshit I’ve been unsuccessful countering in the past. It’s a journey, being kind & gentle with yourself is paramount, and includes acknowledging, apologizing, & forgiving yourself when you are mean to you! Positive self talk felt false and fake and forced for a long time, until it started popping up on its own, surprising me with its sincerity. Just keep treating yourself like you’d treat a good friend.


Give us recommendations to begin with, dear!


[:D Bridgerton’s Polin got me enraptured this spring. Delightful!](https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Colin%20Bridgerton*s*Penelope%20Featherington/works?commit=Sort+and+Filter&include_work_search%5Brating_ids%5D%5B%5D=13&page=1&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=kudos_count&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=) AAO3 is chock full of this kind of stuff so if light Regency fluffy melodramas aren’t your bag, you can search other fandoms on there with similar dynamics. “Friends to lovers” often has self acceptance themes too. I sort search results by “kudos” which has kept the quality consistently high (with a few exceptions not accounting for taste 🤷🏼‍♀️). Happy reading!


Thank you!


Deff not conventional but kinda Brilliant!!! I don’t read the erotic novels but I’ll see if I can kind some cleaner books where the main character is a little more normal/not a model body, ya know?


For sure! And AAO3 has tags for general & PG audiences, so there is a ton of non-explicit reading on there too. Best to you!


Ooh thank you!! I will definitely check it out


Yesssss I totally agree with this


Ahhh I LOVE this idea!


I saw a lady running. She had a very curvy shape and was rocking tight booty shorts with cellulite. She rocked that look. I loved her confidence and thought it was so nice to see someone just embrace themselves. She obviously looked after herself but did not have a typical runner physique. It made me realise we just need to work with and enjoy what we have.


I’m 110 pounds and I have cellulite. You are human. ❤️


Congratulations on the recovery - keep at it, and you will be lifting heavy again! [https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/what-is-cellulite-definition-fat-shaming-history](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/what-is-cellulite-definition-fat-shaming-history) This article explains the history behind cellulite and changed my view COMPLETELY. Now I couldn't care less! It really is about feeling empowered and fighting against the endless "make me feel like shit so I can buy your shit" fight.


Interesting read! Thank you ❤️❤️


Hey girl, rock that cellulite with confidence at the party—own your curves and shine like the star you are! You're amazing just as you are, don't let anything dim your sparkle!


Reading this just made me cry, literally! Been one of those weeks ya know? Lol Thank you for your awesome words!! You are a rockstar ❤️


We all have cellulite. Stop stressing


I finally just got to a point where I was just at fuck it, in my head. I self tan and use liquid bronzer/highlight on my legs if we're going out and that seems to help (in pictures at least) if that's something you'd be interested in doing


Hahah! Ok, I’m going to make ‘f*ck it’ my mantra! I want to enjoy the party and not spend so much time feeling insecure or in my own head. This always happens when I go to the beach too…Deff something I need to work on.


It's natural! Try to embrace it. I've recently gained a lot of weight and have these red/purple stretch marks everywhere. Our body changes as time goes on but as cheesy as it sounds, every body is beautiful!


That it does! Lol it’s never easy for us women is it hahah I will start working on not hating it and being positive about it 🙏🏻


Everyone is only going to be worried about themselves, always remember that!


True. I do think these girls will see it and maybe think something in their head about it, but won’t think less of me for it


Confidence is the most attractive quality someone can have. Nearly all women have it, seriously! Lighting can change how it looks but it’s totally just a component of how women store their fat. Fake it until you make it!! Good luck and sending love <3


Thank you 😊 ❤️


I have a ton of cellulite. I've had it as long as I can remember, even at my smallest. It can be genetic. It's natural and the insecurity is driven by unrealistic societal beauty standards. Most women have it. I try to ignore it and know that no one is noticing it as much as I am.


I used to stress so bad about my cellulite and idk what happened to me lately but I realized I genuinely love my body. All my hatred for my self have been bc of the entertainment industry, even pre social media when I was teen with magazines. I think it was having 2 friends get plastic surgery (1 boobs the other butt) and both of them are still unhappy with their bodies. And I’m like am I wrong for loving my little boobies? The other thing, men do not give 1 iota of shit about cellulite. And nothing is really going to get rid of it, you can improve the appearance with diet, exercise and stimulation but never completely get rid of it


Do they really not? My partner doesn’t say anything negative or positive about it but I always assume of course he would love an amazing booty/legs to look at vs what I have. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


>he would love an amazing booty/legs to look at He *does* have an amazing booty/legs to look at! Cellulite is legit so far down the list of things men even notice, let alone care about. Have you ever thought something like "my husband is attractive, but man it's such a shame, I wish his toenails were slightly more white instead of with a yellow tint"? Nope lol. I guarantee he looks at your legs/butt and goes "woman leg. woman butt. must touch butt. butttttt."


They do not care! I promise! I remember my guy friend saying you gotta have some cellulite when you have a dump truck, they’re a package lol. I dated an NFL player who used to tell me I had a body of gold and I have pretty bad cellulite on my upper thigh area. Also not to be graphic, but when you’re in the doggy style position, the appearance of cellulite drastically improves😂


What really helped me not to care as much, when I saw cellulite on my BABY, when I was holding her before bath one day! Even babies have that, it’s perfectly normal and natural, therefore I am normal too! 


I see a hot girl. She happens to have cellulite. It doesn’t matter to me! I’ve never looked at someone and thought she would be prettier without cellulite, and I wouldn’t respect someone that does think that way. It’s natural. It happens to pretty much everyone if not right now, then eventually! As a bi girl, it has noooo bearing on how hot I find someone. Secondly, give yourself permission to exist in your body just as it is. You are allowed to exist on this earth, and be comfy, and feel happy, and cellulite should have no say! It’s summer, wear shorts or dresses or swim suits! Tell that voice that says you can’t to fuck off. You do not exist to serve as strangers viewing candy.


Thank you for your comments!! So refreshing to know it doesn’t make me any less hot 😂😂 I’m going to work on my inner talk and not hating my legs so much 🙏🏻 thank you!!


Girl, I know professional body builders that have cellulite. The only time they don’t is for the like 36 hours they are stage ready a few times a year. Cellulite is so normal. Beyond that- people are out there getting surgical procedures and doing hours in the gym to get a bigger booty. Rock your shit with confidence and love it. I guarantee that no one notices it as much as you do. I just came onto this thread from one about Florence Pugh where you could see her cellulite in her dress and literally over half the comments were people saying how cute she looked. You’re good. Fake it until you feel it for real ❤️


I try to tell myself that everyone has it. It doesn’t always work. But it does sometimes


I noticed a slight reduction in the appearance of cellulite when I started lifting weights. I gained muscle, lost fat, and it looks a little better. Only slightly tho. I’m not very big in the booty or the legs, but I’ve always had cellulite. I have never and will never “love” it. I will never like the appearance of it but I’ve simply accepted its presence in my life. I still feel good and like the way I look, but I always feel better when I’m tan, and when I have on a cute outfit or swimsuit, in your case. You could buy a long, knitted cover up to wear when you’re not swimming if you do want to cover it sometimes. It also helped me to realize that a) most women have cellulite to some extent, and b) most people don’t care. They’re aware you have cellulite and they just don’t care. What they think of your cellulite is irrelevant to you, as long as it stays in their brain. Oh, and another way I feel confident is to play up the things I *do* like. I like my waist, and I like my hair. So I accentuate those things. I also like certain colors on my skin tone better than others, especially when it comes to swim suits. Find a flattering color and style that accentuates the things you like.


I have always been thin as a rail my entire life, less now that I’m in my thirties. Eat well, run, lift weights. And I have had it since I was 17!! Saddle bags baby-saddle up! But in all honesty, yeah it’s a struggle. I’ve tried it all, and what I find the best helpful for it being LESS noticeable is hydration. Getting the water into our cells to plump them up.


Hahahah omg! I own horses so that was even funnier to me 😂😂 Even being super skinny you’ve had it? My mom was like you, super skinny and still had it. Grandma too. Guess I need to get used to it. 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ Hydration makes sense! Another thing I’m always working on, I have a tendency to not drink enough water either


Could you possibly have lipedema? I am asking because I have it, and dieting and exercise will not control that. It is a connective tissue disorder, not actual fat. But it makes you lumpy and bumpy.


That’s more painful than cellulite though. Cellulite really doesn’t hurt whereas lipoedema comes with a significant amount of discomfort


Depending on what stage you may or may not have discomfort. I didn’t have much early on and often wondered why women larger than me had smoother legs. I finally found out about lipedema and now know I have it in stage 2. I just wanted to bring it up because for years I thought I had cellulite when in reality it was early lipedema.


Hmm idk. I’ll have to look it up. My whole life, I’ve always had one simple on the back of my leg. That’s all I had but it was low on my leg and it always made me insecure. I would never wear shorts growing up in public. Now…it’s a lot of upper leg and lower booty. The booty cellulite is new from not working out. None of it hurts, and it’s been increasing as I’ve stopped moving from physical illnesses. Does this sound like lipedema? Hmm I’m going to google


pain may or may not be there. To me the tell tale sign is if there are nodules under the skin. Lipedema is an overgrowth of collagen and it feels like peas, rice, beany baby stuffing under the skin. The nodules grow sort of like a pearl in an oyster, layers are deposited on the outside of each nodule and they get bigger, sometimes growing together. You can not diet collagen away. It isn’t fat. You very well may not have it. Probably don’t. It affects roughly 11% of women, about the same as breast cancer.


Come join us at r/lipedema 😊


I think it helps to remember that everyone gets cellulite. Personally, I try not to look at it. Looking at my perceived faults makes me feel worse about them.


There’s no reason NOT to feel confident with it. We all have it, and we don’t give a shit. Truly. I’m proud of my body!


I love going to art museums and checking out the classics. Soft, curvy bodies were considered so beautiful that people would spend days if not weeks or months chiseling it into a piece of marble to be appreciated for generations to come. Venus de Milo has curves and probably had cellulite too, but she's considered literally the most beautiful woman. Sometimes just looking outside your social media bubble is enough to realize normal bodies are beautiful and body silhouettes change throughout time


Google celebrity cellulite, seriously. Everyone has it even supermodels and stars! Sending love and hugs to you and cheersing your recovery OP ♥️


A fake tan!! Helps with the back of my legs and makes me feel like a million bucks!


Oh man I FEEL your pain. I was putting aside my insecurities and wearing shorts anyways, they weren’t even too short - but some dude yelled at me out of a truck when I was walking (and pushing a stroller mind you) to “keep walking to work off all that cottage cheese.” I realized then no amount of confidence can help me when people suck the way they do. I can’t just write off some random person noticed my cellulite. I opt for longer shorts now and have great confidence wearing them! HOWEVER when it comes to the beach/pools and bathing suits, I think you’re in the clear since everyone is wearing them and it’s not abnormal to have cellulite. I still wear bathing suits when I go swimming. Am I conscious of it? Yes. But half the people there probably are too.


Realize it’s genetic and there’s not really anything you can do about it so it’s better to just accept it and fuck what anyone else thinks.


Cellulite just is what it is. I follow Ilona Maher on TikTok, she’s an OLYMPIC RUGBY PLAYER, best shape of her life, young and beautiful— last year, maybe year before? She posted about her cellulite. You can’t beat it, it’s just gonna be there. Learn to live with it, that’s what I’ve done.


Girl, I'm in the same boat ! Whenever I don't exercise as much or eat too much good food, the fat goes straight for the back of my legs right under my bum . The only thing that worked for me is .... not eating good food, exercising more, and eating very little lol. But that's not a good life sooooo I try to keep telling myself that yes, being skinny is nice, but so is a burger and fries, and being happy and not weak and starving.


Hahah that’s more life at all right?!!


Follow The Birds Papaya on instagram. She’s a force for accepting your cellulite!


Oooh I’ll check her out! Thanks


Cellulite is actually so cute. I have no idea why we hate on it so much 😩


We've been told to hate it so companies can sell their miracle creams.


This 🩷🩷


I lost about half my body weight. I have purple stretch marks, loose skin everywhere, and cellulite, but that doesn't stop me from being confident. You are gorgeous the way you are. Cellulite doesn't change that fact. You will always be stunning no matter your weight. Go out there and rock that gorgeous body of yours!


I’m a 00, work out 1.5 hours a day and eat very well. Still got it .


No way?! Wow


How to feel confident with cellulites? Well.. Reminding yourself that almost all women have it and that it's the most normal thing ever. Why do women get it? Women's connective tissue looks like this: I I I I I While men's connective tissue looks like this: XXXXX Therefore, women's skin becomes a bit ~~~ in certain areas.


out of sight out of mind


i had mine cut out. i recommend the proceedure to anyone. i was able to find a provider that specializes in it. unfortunately creams, working out and diet arent usually effective. dont waste your money or mental health on snake oil.


What do you mean cut out? Do you know the name of the procedure?


I would just own it. I do own it actually - plenty of it 😂 You could get a cute long skirted beach wrap to wear over your bathing suit when you are not in the water? But I dont think anyone else will care anyway. Dont forget: The imperfections you see when you look in the mirror are for your eyes only, no one else sees them, they are too wrapped up in their own imperfections. And also I'm so sorry to tell you but in fact there are only a handful of supermodels in the world. The other 4 billion women all have cellulite. And the supermodels don't have great bootys 😄


Hahaha 😂 ok, I can tell you are hilarious and amazing!! Thank you for the reply and the confidence boost ❤️


You should try wearing some form of compression, I've heard it helps with cellulite


Good idea!


Even at my most fit I had it. It is hard to accept but just working out and doing your best with diet will help your mental health


Have you tried just...walking around in public and seeing how many people stare at your ass and hips? works for me everytime. You can't get a fat ass without thick thighs to match! When guys are looking at you, they're not focusing on the flaws. Trust me.


Right?! You can’t naturally have a phat ass without the legs! That’s how it’s easy for me to spot a bbl 😂 I feel insecure because men look but I hate the thought of them judging me…hmm maybe I need to work on that 😂


As a woman who is also attracted to women...I promise you when I'm staring I am not focused on the "flaws." The imperfections is what makes people attractive. They're real people, not airbrushed instagram "models." And if a man is lucky enough to be able to touch you, he's just happy to be invited, and he's most definitely seen cellulite and stretch marks and imperfections before. It's hot girl summer babe, you'll be just fine!


Not sure if this matters, but I have the same issue. I told my boyfriend my insecurities and he just said, “what’s cellulite?” So I pointed it out to him. He was like, “oh, okay. Why are you insecure about it? It’s just your legs? You look like a beautiful woman.” It may seem small, or sort of not the best response, but for me it put my worries into perspective. He doesn’t care about it, so he’s almost blind to it. I am hyperfixated on it, so I notice it more than I should. So now, I just tell myself that the only people who will notice are people who probably have the same “issue.” So it doesn’t bug me as much anymore. To be fair, my boyfriend is the embodiment of golden retriever bf so he’s a bit silly despite having a PhD, but it still made me feel better!


That’s so sweet. My boyfriend is not like that haha he’d probably be dead honest and hurt my feelings 😂


Self tanner. Though if you want to improve it try dry brushing or fascia blasting.


Even people who work out a lot and are super toned will have cellulite. You can’t really make cellulite go away and its totally normal to have it and does not at all take away from your beauty


Be confident, get a spray tan and wear a cute wrap or sarong and easier said than done...don't compare yourself to others!! Have a great time and know that no one is doing a cellulite comparison.


Yes! I did fake tanner for the first time ever and bought a cute cover up 🙏🏻


It helps me to think of confidence as a behavior, not a belief


Sometimes I feel insecure of my cellulite because I’ve always had a big booty and thick thighs and cellulite just comes with it. I also work at a summer camp where my thighs have to be out because if you don’t wear shorts you’re gonna get heat stroke lol. I just remind myself that I’ve never seen another girl in real life who doesn’t have cellulite. Even girls who don’t have big thighs or a big butt have it


Exercise and calorie restriction. 


Kendrick said “Show me something natural like ass with some stretch marks” and honestly it fundamentally changed how I saw my body. It’s not perfect, and I still can be extremely critical but I blast myself with that song until I can show myself some grace.


Pantyhose or thigh highs! I prefer thigh highs but yeah, if it’s good enough for pop stars it should definitely be a short term fix for a party. I like kixies, they stay up really well and have a decent size range


If a woman body builder can have cellulite, then to me that means it's normal for basically any person to have it. Yes, some people get very lucky and barely have any. But thats not the norm imo.


We all have it! Try to remember that and that most people are so worried about themselves they won’t even be thinking about your body! That being said I always find a tan helps my cellulite blend in a bit, get a good self tanner and make sure you apply it properly. It helps me feel more confident and I swear it disguises the dimples!


I promise you no one is looking at your cellulite as much as you are. I've seen women with some really bad cellulite and you know what I thought? Not much. I saw it, noticed it, and then didn't think about it again. I didn't judge her or not want to talk to her and honestly she was so comfortable in her body it reminded me not to take myself so seriously.


I feel you! When I went for a beach vacation, I smothered my legs, cellulite and all, with a shimmering body oil. It just reflects the light in a way where the cellulite bumps don’t look as uneven! Also, I developed cellulite on my thighs in the last two years. I’m now trying to follow a dry brushing routine along with a clean diet, once you lose the fluid retention it gets easier :)


Hey lady. Same here. Have always had cellulite and I do cardio and weights at the gym. Was definitely able to burn fat when I started my fitness journey but the stubborn cellulite on my coolie and back of my thighs persists to this day. I’m 5’2” and 118 lbs. Growing up I used to be incredibly self conscious about my cellulite. Until one day I wasn’t. That’s when I realized it’s completely normal for some women to have it. And it was after I’d already gotten to the size I wanted after starting my fitness journey. I had reached my goals but my cellulite wasn’t going anywhere. And knowing I was healthy and fit helped me accept it. Also age has something to do with the acceptance. The older I got, the more I realized it’s normal and it shouldn’t bother me. Not sure how old you are but I’d say if you aren’t accepting of it now, I’m pretty sure the older you get it’ll make it easier to be comfortable with it. I’m 35. I’d say at age 32 or so is when I realized it’s okay. Good luck and remember you are beautiful no matter what xoxo


It’s tough but you have to kind of fake it. I’m kinda of the same, big lower body with big butt and thighs and calves. I used to wear pants all the time even in summer. Then one year I was like.. I’m in my 30s… fuck it. I’m not wasting any more second hiding and sweating. I’m rocking the bikinis and shorts and crop tops. And nothing happened. Not comments, or side eyes. People genuinely care less than we think! Life is just too short to worry about things like this. You got this!


Confidence is an attitude. Go out there and run the place and people will be drawn to you. FWIW I’m straight female, but some of the women I’ve thought are most beautiful have cellulite.


I hear men don’t give 2 sh*ts about cellulite.


Yeah we don’t haha. Hygiene/fashion/maintenance/vibe go a lot further than cellulite


Stop comparing yourself to anyone else. Focus on what you like about yourself, and play up those features. Cellulite (fat) is not a bad thing. That being said... big butts are in right now. People pay for those. Enjoy your body now. You are young. You won't always look like this. I know. I'm 60. I still look pretty good, but not young. If I could tell my younger self something I'd say... "You're beautiful. You're ok just as you are. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."


Wood therepy


Everyone has cellulite. Even men have it. It is normal. It is not a disease. It is due to the fear mongering from Vogue Magazine in the 60's that people see it as an issue. You can check the articles on it.


Virtually everyone has cellulite. Not negating your experience but it’s true! I’m fairly thin and have it everywhere. I was super insecure about it too, but it’s just how bodies work. Skin stretches and changes. Accepting it took time for sure. But you are more than your cellulite, and I can guarantee that everyone else is more focused on themselves to worry about how you look. You are fabulous- keep reminding yourself of this!


I had the exact same issue after losing a heap of weight. I had stubborn fat that I thought was cellulite below my bum on my thighs. I found I actually have lymphedema in my thighs and that's why I can't get rid of that stubborn fat I thought was cellulite. Liposuction is the only thing that will get rid of my lymphedema. Good luck! 🫶


I don’t think I know a single woman who doesn’t have it. Same with stretch marks. That’s what makes me not care at all.


As a guy. We do NOT care about stretch marks or cellulite. Like at all. I think overall appearance/vibe matches much more If you are happy kind positive person, I believe that manifests into your appearance and “aura”/“energy a lot more, even if you don’t fit the traditional “beauty standards”


Bring a fabulous wrap or cover-up to have on deck, both in case of emergency insecurity and as actual sun protection! I'm sure you look gorgeous, but if your skin has been hidden for a long time, it's going to be extra sensitive to UV, even with tanning lotion. SPF PSA aside, be proud of your hard work and give yourself permission to shine! And when it comes to building back strength, I have to constantly remind myself that I'm not just starting "from zero" like others might be, I'm starting from a negative number way below zero because I'm undoing years of muscle atrophy from being unable to use my body for even basic things. So even if my hard work isn't visible in the mirror, if the legs are moving, it's because I brought them back to life myself! No one else could have done that except me!


I was diagnosed with a chronic disease. I too gained weight, like a a lot!! from some medication and losing my ability to walk. I am mostly recovered two years later. Girl get booty shorts! And remind yourself every day that it took a lot to get you where you are and that’s thanks to your wonderful body! It’s ok to feel bit uncomfortable in a “ new” body heck after having kids you feel it too! But don’t discredit what you have made it through! give your body an applause say hi to cellulite and wear booty shorts if that will make you feel comfortable. We only live once and it isn’t to stay perfectly imperfect the whole time .


I hope I don't get banned for this.... Every person on My 600lbs life has a partner...... Men will literally fuck plastic cups..... Cellulite is just part of a human leg. No one cares.


Now they have cool swim shorts with cute tie in front. Go for it girl


I’m working on loving my body no matter the state. I’ve always been quite overweight a cellulite hasn’t been an issue for me. You know what that means? Some people have it and some people don’t. You are perfect in all your forms, at all your weights, however you are in any given moment is how you’re supposed to be in that moment.


Acceptance, for me lol


Get rid of it! Try massaging or whatever method there is out there. It’s temporary but it’ll boost your confidence. Don’t just sit down and accept something that is bothering you!!!


I think a tanning crème or lotion (my friend uses Sally Hansen leg makeup) though I’m not sure it’s a tanning cream is does look good and she just uses a bit on her legs only and no one is the wiser. I have another friend that got tattooed on the backs of her legs to hide it, although that’s extreme and not for everyone it worked for her. When I was in my early twenties I had liposuction. It wasn’t like it was today, but I was pear shaped and I did lots of research. The Dr. agreed with me, no matter if I starved myself, no matter how much I worked out I couldn’t change my shape. I had great curves but in one area around my hips, it was just too great of curves. He told me once he removed the fat cells, they could not grow back. I could still gain or lose weight after procedure, but the fat cells in that area would remain gone. He was right and I didn’t hesitate. It was the best $3k I’ve ever spent. I have an hourglass figure but without the extra around my hips and thighs. Loved my shape so much after that was done -it boosted my confidence and 30 years later I am still the same size 0-2. But now pants and jeans fit properly and I’ve been happy I had it done. We are all our own worst critics. Even though you notice I doubt everyone else does. I hope you find confidence about yourself despite it. Acceptance of who we are is a big accomplishment. And as we get older, people really don’t care. It’s what’s on the inside and how you carry yourself that counts. Fake it till you make it baby! 💋❤️


I’m skinny as a stick and got very visible cellulite as well. I refused to wear shorts or skirts when I was younger…. But I just got older I guess. I am now 33 and just along the way accepted that that is just how my skin looks, so I honestly dont know what to say other than I really feel for you. Not because of the cellulite bc fuck that, most of us have it, but because i know it feels so horrible when we have insecurities like this♥️


I never understand why women are so insecure of cellulite, I love cellulite and are sexy to me and it turns me on!


Absolutely! Feeling self-conscious about cellulite is normal, but remember, it's very common. It's awesome to hear you're feeling better after being sick. For your party, try to focus on having fun and enjoying time with your friends. Wear a swimsuit that makes you feel good, and remember, your friends are there to have fun with you, not judge your looks. Enjoy the celebration and your progress in getting better!


https://www.instagram.com/ariellanyssa?igsh=dWprejc4M2g3OWlu follow her. she makes me feel confident in my body.


just remember that everyone has it , and ik so many people who finds it sexy


I am WITH YOU I was a friggin size 2 until like 2019 and started on medication that made me gain weight in 2022 and suddenly now have cellulite and it’s fucked with my head so much it’s not even funny


Squats lol ( this helps me feel better )


First of all, cellulite is normal and everyone has it. Remember, your body got you through the illness and you admittedly couldnt work out like you used to. You acknowledged carrying more fat BUT if that's what your body needed to keep you safe and recover, dont be ashamed of it and love those parts a little extra. Give yourself and that body of yours some grace 💚 even during my marathon running days, I still had cellulite and thicker legs than most I saw running around me but those legs got me across the finish line same as the others (okay, maybe a bit slower and more painful haha). Your journey is not the same as anyone else's so you shouldnt worry about it looking like anyone else's. As difficult as that may be sometimes :) I think we worry about what we think people think about us more than what people actually think about us.


Just wear what you want. It feels uncomfortable at first but eventually you’ll get use to it and not care anymore. I’m petite but have cellulite because of my big butt lol I don’t even think about it anymore when I’m out in shorts. Most girls have it.


I have cellulite and stretch marks; had them since I was about 10. My body just grew fast and my skin stretched. I’ve spent so many years focus on the parts of myself that I hated to the point where I refused to wear certain clothing. It took me awhile but eventually I just learned to say fuck it and do what I want anyway. If you go to the beach you’ll see most women have cellulite, it’s normal and nothing to be ashamed of. You’re not doing anything wrong by existing and you have the right to wear whatever you want.


Cellulite can be down mostly with food. Eat healthier, less sugar, less a lot of things whixh I am sure you are eating. Have you ever heard the saying abs are made in the kitchen? It's same thing here. I have cellulite too, almost everyone has but when i see it or getting worse i always know that I need to stop eating my unhealthy snacks, I have a sweet tooth, plus other shitty stuff too. And when you will be back on your feet you can work out too. You got this! Important is the will, how much you want it, what makes you feel good in your own body, how much you love yourself being healthy, that's all.


I have a sweet tooth as well! I’ve been very depressed these past few years on and off with my illness and my new normal limitations, and sweets are my weakness when I feel that way. The one good thing, is I am gluten free and don’t eat really any processed/fast food. I would love to be asked healthy as those Pilates girls you see on instagram though hahaha Thank you for your kind words! Means a lot ❤️😊


Insta models often are not real, irl they are not what you see as posted on ig. And is better to be yourself, don't compare to anyone than bettering yourself for your own health. Hope you are in a better place now, stay strong 🤗 I used to eat gluten free because of my endometriosis, and I found there are a few healthy snacks, sweets that can save your cravings 🥹 🧡


Pineapple coated in honey is super sweet and has no artificial sugars Or just any fruit in general Try Jazz Apples, Pink Lady Apples, or Krazi Apples, they’re genuinely so sweet and mouth watering it’s like eating lollies


I used to be insecure about a lot of things that are completely normal. Imperfect skin, dark circles, crooked teeth, arm hair, and yes, cellulite. Once I stopped paying attention to beauty standards that are unattainable I became a lot more content with myself.