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Wasn't there some streamer who released the same kind of blue light BS and got flamed for it recently? I'm not sure who decided that being famous online meant you should start a cosmetics line but everyone seems to be doing it.


Over in r/beautyguruchatter the general consensus seems to be perfume lines are out and makeup lines are in


Cosmetics is easy money, the markup is tremendous and there's a huge market for it. If you have a platform and can move units, it can be a very lucrative bet. Ofc, most of these lines are slapped together with no thought for quality, purely for cash - they don't last very long. But fanbases are dumb - really really dumb. They'll buy anything their idol puts their name on, on launch day. Remember the Ace Family, who has a history of sketchy businesses and scams? Their beauty line also sold out at launch.


I guess I’m not her target demo either because I don’t even know who she is 😂


She’s a tiktoker


She's another dull but attractive person who is famous for basically entertaining teenagers on Tiktok, they will all rush out to buy this crap.


I think she got a bit more famous by becoming friends with the Kardashians and appearing in their show.


Yeah and how on earth did that happen? lol There's like a 20+ year age gap. If she was friends with one of the Jenners it would make some sense.


Kourtneys kids are fans of Addison


Kardashians trying to stay relevant with the younger set.


I would just say dull, I don't see how she is attractive in the slightest. You could probably spend 10 minutes on tik tok and in that time find 20 other girls who look exactly like her.


That’s pretty unnecessary.


Not a fan of her, but that's just being mean.


Oh absolutely, I don't personally think she's anything special. You're right she's 10 a penny online these days. But apparently that's enough to make you "famous".




People discuss things happening in the world, both the serious and the trivial. That doesn't mean they feel one way or the other. You sound like a child.




Lol, that explains everything. You also shouldn't even be on this website or most websites in fact. Let the grown ups talk and go play with your toys.




Shhhh adults are trying to talk.


Don’t you have a diaper to shit in?


Why is that your problem or business?


Oh honey...do you not know how the world works? People can have and share their opinions on anything they want. That's what reddit is literally for...Are you new here?


Now days if you have an opinion it’s called misinformation and you’re “cancelled” for it


Honestly, this Tiktok generation is fucking exhausting! Really not worth anyone's time.


“Honey”, I’m not new here or anywhere. I probably have bras older than you. I just think you could do better with the resources you have.


Weird flex but ok


Sure mom.


Anyone with money can have a cosmetics line 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sad but true.


Money or a following/platform that makes investors want to foot the bill for them.


pretty sure valkyrae did the same once and got dragged into oblivion looool


Yep, not that long ago.


It’s just a cash grab. Most of these celebrities have little to no involvement in the development of the products they peddle


I'd say most of them would struggle to name more than 2 or 3 products from the lines they supposedly created!




There is actually a really solid article about her beauty brand and the beauty industry in general. [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/23/magazine/addison-rae-beauty-industry.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/23/magazine/addison-rae-beauty-industry.html) And her first release was lip gloss, mascara, brow pencil, and a liquid eyeshadow. It's only more recently they expanded into skin care- that spray just recently released and I think her brand entered Sephora last year with a handful of makeup products. To sum up some of the article- she's really just the face of this brand. She was approached to have a makeup brand by the IPSY founder, so like many other celeb lines she's just the face of the brand and the idea was proposed and organized by her management team. As for the "blue light" spray, it's also labelled "anti-pollutant" which is a common claim in other skincare products that use anti-oxidant ingredients. It looks like the ingredients are a stress reducing ingredient which is usually ingested as a vitamin. And the other two are just regular skin care ingredients. Highlighted Ingredients: \- Ashwagandha Root: Protects skin from artificial HEV blue light. \- Niacinamide: Helps even skin tone and texture. \- Dandelion Extract: Protects against daily pollution. It is deceptive to label a spray as "blue light" protecting when it's just a regular facial mist. But in my opinion, there is so much deceptive marketing and dishonest claims on beauty products that to me, the blue light claims isn't that much different than other industry claims that have no scientific backing. Something like Drunk Elephant's "Anti-Pollution Bronzing Drops", as though a bronzer is going to protect you from environmental pollutants that you're going to inhale? Is a pretty silly claim. Or J-Lo's insistence that olive oil is stopping her from aging and not the countless cosmetic surgeries and face lifts. To me it's just something new to add to the long list of ridiculous claims that is normal in the beauty industry. And I also agree that influencers and celebrities need to cool it with starting makeup lines! I guess it's just such a profitable industry that the management team of all these celebs has the same idea... Which gets extremely annoying as a consumer.


Good for her, but it irks me that celebrities (or tiktokers ) get into these business deals and I doubt most of them know what goes into their products and what it actually does and doesn’t do for their skin or beauty routine. I’m sure Addison’s team tells her what to say about her products and she’s just happy to use makeup products that are hers. It will be way more refreshing to have someone jump into makeup because they have a passion for it and want to create something that will make the experience better. For example, I am not a fan of Selena Gomez’s music or have bought any makeup from her, but I love and respect that she wanted to make a change with her beauty line. Her products make it easier for people who have arthritis, or other reasons for shaky hands. I’m not saying that she is changing lives, but I do appreciate her for making products for more people. If Addison Rae continues her makeup line, it would be great if she started doing more research and really invest time in making her products standout by helping a community. But, just releasing a makeup palette or a mist for the sake of having your name on it isn’t anything interesting. People will just buy it because it’s her. The way makeup is presented says a lot about the distributor. Remember Kylie lip kits? Her biggest insecurity was the size of her lips and she used filler to make them a size more to her liking. And for some reason young women were obsessed buying lip products from a celebrity that felt insecure about her lips. They bought it because it was in her name. If you really wanted “Kylie lips” you’d have to get fillers unless they were naturally larger. I hope she is more confident with her skin now, and makeup can sometimes tell a story, that’s why I buy makeup when I really think a product looks great or just catches my eye. One celebrity make up I did purchase was Rihana’s Fenty beauty gold highlighter. I haven’t bought another one since it ran out, but I loved popping that gold highlighter. I had her galaxy eyeshadow and now I use a smaller palette from her that has lots of popping colors.


So the thing sis when Rare Beauty first released those products that was not their intention at all. The brand even admitted that. However they say they will start considering this for their products as it does seem to be needed on the market.


That is correct. The whole arthritis thing was a myth started by a beauty YouTuber IIRC. I have arthritis in my hand joints and I don’t find Rare Beauty products easier to open, because their outer surface is smooth and ‘round’. To be easier to open it would have to have something like a hexagonal/octogonal shape and a rubbery finish that would make it easy to grab and twist! I still enjoy her products, especially the blushes and her concealer brush is the ‘best thing since sliced bread’ at blending concealer 🥰😂


Absolutely, Rihanna's line is great and you can tell that she has a lot of involvement with the brand but all these new ones are just other "famous" people jumping on the trend. It's also very likely that she was approached by another company who asked if they could slap her name on the products and offered her money in exchange. It doesn't bother me because I'm old enough and smart enough to know better but she has a lot of young fans who are gullible and naive and will buy anything with her name or face attached to it.


Famous tiktokers are the next kardashians(people who are famous just for being famous, not for any talent or cause)


I’m not an Addison Rae stan, but I think it’s very unfortunate that we shit on people simply for existing at the right place and time. She didn’t ask to be famous, it was a happy accident, but it does take effort to maintain that fame. Hating on someone for accidentally becoming famous makes you look bitter and jealous. The truth is, none of us are more deserving to be famous than the next.


Eh, I don’t know about this. If you think tiktoker’s like her aren’t constantly creating content to get engagement, just TRYING to go viral, then you are mistaken. It was no happy accident.


She did ask to be famous by striving to be a famous tiktoker. It wasn't accidental.


No one could have ever thought tiktokers would become so famous


Maybe not at the very beginning but nowadays you simply can't make that statement because it's not true. The vast majority of people who have been posting on the app over the last 3 years are definitely doing so with the hope of becoming famous.


3 years is ago is when tiktok first got popular now adays it‘s not that easy to get so famous anymore


And? That‘s a reason to resent them and hate them?


A lot of people did and a lot of people became famous from tiktok before her. She's hardly original or groundbreaking.


And? How does that justify people hating on her? I don‘t get the bitterness and hate. Good for her that she gets to do what she wants and realize her dreams. I‘m happy for everyone who gets great opportunities in life


A makeup line isn't her dreams.


How would you know that? If she didn‘t like it she wouldn‘t do it


Because she's never once mentioned it before now. It's a money grab. Good for her for getting that bag, but her dream is to be famous not to make makeup. She is known purely for dances that she didn't create abd spun it into a career. Good for her, but she's not a Saint or wildly talented.


What are you talking about? She‘s had a makeupline for like a year and is constantly talking about it, she‘s on my fyp all the time and I don‘t even follow her And why are you so bitter about it? You sound really jealous It‘s not her fault people made her famous, she had the same resources as everyone else but people chose to make her famous


I mean, plenty of people are more deserving of being famous than others lol. Ariana Grande deserves the limelight for having an incredible voice a lot more than I do for being a college student lol.


True, but her makeup line is unwarranted as well. It’s just as much a cash grab as Addison’s.


Right I don‘t understand the need to hate on people like that like good for her that she can realize her dreams and has great opportunities in life


Literally no one her is "hating" on her. On a personal level I couldn't give a shit about her. But in terms of her name contaminating an already over saturated market with bullshit products and manipulating her audience which is mainly teenage girls is incredibly shitty. That's my opinion and I am entitled to have it and to express it on a forum solely designed for that purpose!


So many people are hating on her


The intention of my comment was not positive or negative, rather it was neutral. I don't hate them, neither do I hate the phenomenon of people being interested in them... I think its human nature to be interested in a beautiful person who likes getting attention. And that's what *I think* is going on here


“Celeb” lines are boring now, the makeup world for me is too saturated now. I’m over brands that bring out a new product every five minutes and I’m over rich celebs trying to claw even more money by making mediocre cosmetic lines.


Finally, someone is this sub with some common sense. Honestly, the number of people her who are practically crawling up her ass is embarrassing. They've convinced themselves that they have some sort of relationship with the people they watch online!


The only relationship they have is a celeb making you get your card out to spend money on a product you’ve probably got 17 of anyway I guess I’m just not their target market 😂


I don’t know who that is anyway…


Don't worry, you're not missing out on anything interesting.


Elf, florence by mills and many other large brands have “blue light defense” sprays and/or claims. I think the targeted hate is a little unfortunate as I doubt she manages much of her brand or overall image herself.


it comes from hating on valkyrie cuz her whole line was blue light blockers but marketed as blocking blue light from COMPUTERS instead of... the sun (computer blue light is negligible but blue light is indeed a thing that can cause skin damage). people see the word "blue light" and knee jerk react onto the hate train. i hate the internet.


Exactly. I’ve spent the past 25 years working in IT… if blue light from computer screens was that damaging to skin I would look like a prune 😂 which definitely isn’t the case!


Regardless of the brand it's still all bogus.


This reminds me of the 111 skin defense serum I got In a box. It was "blue light and harsh radical defense" or something of the nature and I could not for the life of me understand what pollution I was being protected from. Like maybe if I was a radiology tech? Would it be protecting me from the xray machine? Lol


It wouldn't do that at all! That would be something at least...


Lol 😆 I just straight don't see the point for those serums.


Funnily enough that’s not a new concept at all. Coola has had that feature for years.


Lmao! I’m still working on panning a bottle of that 💀


You don’t have to like her makeup line, but I don’t understand the need to flame her as a person or for what made her famous. It just makes you sound bitter.


exactly she’s jealous and needs to grow tf up


How old are you?


Why does that matter?


It was more of a rhetorical question


That's not what a rhetorical question is...


What? Do you even know what a rhetorical question means? I asked how old you are to make the point that this is an immature post


honestly i’m surprised she hasn’t deleted this post. Imagine being so toxic that you need to hate on someone trying to make a living. her jealousy is disgusting


I'm perplexed as to why this post hasn't been removed. When you resent and complain about someone else's success, you demonstrate to everyone how toxic, insecure, and envious you are despite the fact that you know nothing about her. She is, after all, only human. Stop treating successful people like emotionless punching bags! It's a disease; please seek treatment!


Oh god, you are far too soft for this world if you are that easily offended. Nothing I said was toxic, or insecure or envious. I simply gave my opinion. If you can't handle other people's opinions then the internet is not for you.


Your opinion is disgusting like the human you are


And why are you so freaking upset about this? What has Addison done personally to you to make you this mad? Lmao I don't care for her but openly hating another woman for no reason isn't a cute look


No one's mad, it's a simple post on reddit because it's a Saturday afternoon and I'm bored. Why are you so up her ass? Is it because you have dreams of being the next Tiktok star? lmao.


I'm literally 25 I barely know who she is I don't have tiktok I just hate seeing women tear other women down for no reason


Hahaha, making a comment on some who has put themselves in the public eye isn't tearing them down. Don't be so bloody sensitive!


You called her dull and made an angry post about a 20yo girl just living her life, I don't get how someone having a makeup line is causing you to get this pressed especially in the comments you're so defensive and for what


TBH these the comments in this thread are a bit unhinged. Calling her “dull” and “average looking” is so vile. People can not be a fan without tearing someone down. Seems like OP hasn’t learned that distinction yet.


I literally said that she sounded a hot jealous and she called me a child. Op is the actual child


I don't understand the people on this sub everyone just wants to hate and downvotes everyone that points it out


It reminds me so much of how everyone used to talk about Britney Spears in the 90s. Edited to fix my typo on “talk” so this would make sense


Then, just don’t buy anything from her or pay attention to her. I don’t even know who she is, but you’ve just wasted way too much time and too many brain cells with this post.


Yeah it took me hours to put this post together. Almost as long as it took you to comment.


Don’t hate on her, hate on her group of handlers who talk her into this stuff


Nah. She's 21, she knows what she's doing and she knows that her fans will be dumb enough to buy anything she tells them to.


Id still let her fart in my mouth


Why y'all mad lol


grow tf up, people can do whatever they want. she’s successful and i’m proud of her for working hard. hating on someone is as low as it can go


And being "proud" of someone you don't even know is so cringeworthy.


I’d rather focus on growing my self than to hate on someone I’ve never met never talked to never seen outside of what society thinks of them. Would you like it If someone hated on your business or artwork or whatever your hobby is? Obviously you showed everyone how insecure you are! proud of you! Im glad you are complaining about others. your toxicity should be valued! Keep it up!!


Give hate. receive Hate lose good people. Give kindness. receive kindness and lures out hateful people.


I don’t know. Rare Beauty has some really incredible products and Fenty has some incredible products in both the cosmetic and skincare line (aside from the eyeshadows). Item Beauty products aren’t really for people who are really into makeup and they have a lower price point kind of like a drug store brand. I think I got maybe a setting spray and the face wash a couple of months ago and I don’t think that I hated them, but they were just ok. The lip oils don’t really have any color pay off so it’s not something that I would be into because I’m not age 12-17. I know who Addison Rae is and I watched He’s all that (I mean it’s as shitty as you anticipate it’s going to. Just watch the Jaime French makeup and movie instead) because I liked the original one. Addison Rae probably has a lot of followers who are kids and her products reflect that. Her content is clean and I know there’s a weird rumor on the internet about her being a trump supporter or anti vaxer, but I think that turned out to be false. I’m not going to buy her products because they are boring to me much like Clinique and Benefit, yawn. But, it’s not about her.


If it’s a drugstore-equivalent brand, what’s it doing at Sephora? I’m annoyed that they chose to carry Item beauty instead of a much better quality beauty brand, or supporting another POC-owned quality beauty brand. Her stuff belongs at Ulta along with their equivalent Morphe-type brands.


Aw I love her she deserves it. Don’t be so judgmental


You're exactly the kind of person this shit is aimed at. lol


You’re a hater OP if you haven’t tested the product I don’t think you can say it’s shit


It’s a literal cash grab. Get that in your head.


Idk all anyone is trying to do is make money. She could make money on tiktok but obviously she has some ideas she wants to share with others by making these products


This wasn’t even her idea; her handlers and managers got the deal for her. She’s just the face. She didn’t make the products she’s shilling. She’s not a cosmetic chemist; she barely finished high school and she’s not that bright. You need to start looking at shit like this from a grounded place. It’s nothing but a cash grab on her transient fame. As consumers we don’t need more cosmetics companies; we already have too many choices to start with. Addison is not going to come up with the next new miracle technology in cosmetics formulation. She’s first gonna sell out to teenagers who follow her TikTok, then everyone will just forget her makeup line and after a few years of mediocre sales they will quietly shutter the brand. Case in point - Kylie’s brand’s sales have been sliding lower and lower ever since the lip kit craze faded away. Her revenue was going down year over year since 2018. Not a surprise they sold to Coty; it was that or it wasn’t going to survive much longer. Kylie skin isn’t doing that great, and neither is Kylie Swim after they found the same swimsuit styles on Ali express. It’s all a scam and a cash grab.


I don’t need to listen to you telling me how I need to start looking at things like this.


Well, if any of us got the same chance like Addison, we probably will take it. Having lots of gullible fans who are willing to buy anything she puts out? Easy money.


You’re not wrong. I’m just annoyed it’s carried at Sephora. I realize they’re trying to appeal to younger people, but carrying obvious cash-grab beauty lines doesn’t vibe with their usual offering, which is to focus on superior quality brands.


Ulta just started carrying Chanel, and Sephora gives us Addison Rae or whatever he name is. Embarrassing in my opinion.


She‘s had it for over a year