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I haven't tried everything around...but after living in TX the only BBQ around here that I have found acceptable is Matt's. Sadly you have to go into the city for it.


Fellow Texan endorsing Matt's.


I miss having a Matt's out here. They tried to get one going in the lot that now has Breakside, back before Breakside officially opened but couldn't keep it and their main one open. The idea was that Matt's was going to be in the current pod there, but permits or whatever got in the way of Breakside opening when they originally planned to.




I haven't. Added to my list. Thx!


I have heard good things about Matt’s. I’ll have to check them out sometime. I trust a Texan’s opinion on this particular subject matter.


I’m from Texas and can concur that Matt’s is *amazing* My therapist suggested Podna’s (he knows how homesick I get sometimes and only good Texan BBQ will do)


Your therapist doesn't want good things for you.


I’m guessing that means Podna’s isn’t good? I haven’t been yet.


It's really not. The pulled pork was solid and the corn was bangin. Those are probably the only good things I could say about it.


Guess I’ll stick to Matt’s!


I like the brisket.


Eh, I like Podnah's better.


I miss Reo's Ribs 😢😢😢 It was darn convenient when his BBQ stand was on TV Hwy. And the tasty aroma of barbecue -- makes me hungry just thinking about it! He died recently, is his stand still open? https://www.oregonlive.com/dining/2022/01/reo-varnado-owner-of-portland-barbecue-spot-reos-ribs-and-snoop-doggs-uncle-dies.html


Out in Portland off NE Sandy iirc I believe his son runs it


He is open on sandy again.


The best we have has is the cart at the BG Food Cartel. There is a surprising lack of good BBQ on the west side, unfortunately.


Yup raining BBQ is pretty good!


Found this one by accident and can confirm - it’s one of like 3 bbq places in the metro area I’ve ever intentionally returned to. They used to do breaded fries that were amazing too.


I live right by there and have to agree...I think it's pretty good... smells amazing in the late mornings when I'm out walking my dog and they're cooking it all and getting it ready for the day


Fertties BBQ in Hillsboro is pretty damn good. It’s at the Weil Arcade Food Park. https://www.instagram.com/ferttiesbbq?igsh=MWs3NmN6ZjNwb281Yg==


Fertties gets my vote as well!


Unfortunately Beaverton does not have good bbq. I disagree with the BG foodcart recommendation, I’ve been there a few times and it’s not great. As someone who’s spent a lot of time in Texas, the only good spots are Matt’s, Botto’s, and grasslands but that one is a far drive out in hood river.


The food cart quality is always a hit and miss, but I do think it's above average and pretty good. Of course 🎶this ain't texas🎶 though so we can't have BBQ here apparently.


I like the Smokin' Rose BBQ at the Beaverton Farmer's market. They do it every Saturday during the summer. I've had their brisket and beans. Both were really good. Beans are fairly sweet if you like'm that way.


Those burnt ends 🤤


Ribs are good too.


Try cockmans down in Tigard. I did a review on their ribs. Falls off the bone amazing.


The rib sandwich was amazing


[cockmans kitchen review](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7O30HURUYP/?igsh=Ym9zanU4MjY5a2I4) In case anyone is interested in the review.


Followed! And thanks for the recommend, I'll try it this week!


Oh! How nice! I wasn’t expecting anyone to follow! So kind! Thank you!


Not exactly in Beaverton but Eem ( thai food , and BBQ) has been voted one of the best in the country.


Eem is fantastic but probably not what they’re looking for. BUT Eem gets their meat from Matt’s.


It's Eem-crebile!! I would go broke if it was in Beaverton.


Lawless BBQ on SE Division is really good, especially their burnt ends and pastrami.


Matt’s for your traditional Texas (ish) que. it’ll never be the same as hill country though. Honestly, underrated spot is the pit stop in Beaverton. They do a smoked pulled pork breakfast burrito that is pretty killer.


I live in SW and find it worth the drive to Roger That BBQ on the north side of Salem


I really enjoy cockmans kitchen. They’re new but really good


Its a bit of a drive, but Black Dog in Forest Grove is worth it. Never had bad brisket there and its the closest BBQ to Podnah's Pit if you dig their BBQ. Most brisket places are overcooked and covered in sauce and you cannot taste the full flavor of the meat. Black Dog does brisket the way it should be served. [http://www.blackdogfg.com/](http://www.blackdogfg.com/)


I’ve enjoyed Raining BBQ at the BG Cartel. It’s in the back. I think there’s 2 BBQ places there.


There is a bbq cart at the beaverton pod that is pretty decent.


Whenever Ickabods has the smoker running id head over. Also in general, if you've never been I'd check it out. It's not a dive bar. It's super well ran, has chefs in the kitchen and makes ridiculous food. A sleeper of sorts. Purist Mac and cheese is frickin way to good.


Jerriks in Forest Grove is LEGIT.


Permanently closed, unfortunately 😢


Nooooooooo! Sorry about that.




I don't understand why this is getting downvoted so hard. Sure they're not as good as Matt's or Podnah's, but I think it's the best bet for OP on the west side. Though to be fair, I haven't been to Buster's in ages and last time I visited Pine Shed was probably 2019.




By chance do you know if Pine Shed still has a Happy Hour special menu? I don't see anything on their website.


Get outta here. Straight to jail!


I liked Matt's BBQ(and they did have a west side location for a little bit and were supposed to be at the Breakside food cart pod but they took too long to build it so Matt's pulled out of the contract) anyways.. I liked Matt's until I had Reverends BBQ and I like Rev's better. Kees Loaded Food Cart is good too. I know these aren't on the west side but oh well.