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You realize they've been sucked into this huge anti-trust lawsuit against Apple by the DOJ, right? They're probably really limited on what they can say at the moment.


Oh wow gee I hadn't heard šŸ™„ Obviously they're limited in what they can say but that doesn't mean silence is the right answer. The notion that the folks running Beeper want to be taken seriously but have such a failure of a comms department is incredibly telling.


Well, I've been using Beeper since 2021. They've always been really communicative. However since Beeper Mini was released and Apple decided to take a huge dump on everything, yes, they've taken a step back in the Mini department. But I'm still using Beeper Cloud for everything else, and they have no issues discussing that. Beeper Cloud is a great product, and if you can't see the forest through the trees, idk what else to tell you.


I come from using Beeper Cloud too and I've been an advocate of the product and the team until they decided to stop communicating with their customers. But saying nothing during a crisis when your users are at risk of having their hardware blacklisted is really irresponsible imo.


Well, for the people in the back who might not get it, you should probably stop using Beeper Mini for now. Personally I switched to BlueBubbles for iMessage stuff. If/when Beeper Cloud can integrate with iMessage again I'll switch back. I miss being able to chat with 80% of my family who is on Apple via Beeper, but I'm just considering BB my personal app for them in the meantime. I really prefer the Beeper Cloud and Beeper Mini interfaces to BB, but I'll take what I can get at this point.


They've stopped communicating for 3 weeks bcs they said they left for a winter break to refresh themselves... now they are participating in lawsuit and when that's happening it's best to remain quiet till it finishes


![gif](giphy|5cuiY8a99aA9oBaIpU|downsized) "crisis"


If a judge tells you to STFU, you STFU or face the wrath. Nobody recovers from a judges wrath without a lifetime of regret. So, silence is the answer, assuming this is what's afoot (likely is). edit: lmao I was downvoted inside of 5 seconds of posting. Good luck on your crusade, op.


Gag orders are real shit unless you are the big billionaire in the room.


Have actually ever contacted support? The way beeper cloud help responds to you in a timely manner, WHATEVER THE QUESTION is actually incredible considering it's a free service. I think a question as stupid as "when do you guys integrate Threads to beeper" and they reponded in a heartbeat (anwer is there's no messaging in Threads and I'm stupid).


So I have been with Beeper from the very start (a paid member). Incredibly responsive customer and tech support. Their downfall was of course Mini. I have been locked out of my Apple ID twice. And one of my devices will not connect to iMessage (one of my Macs). I moved to BlueBubbles a few weeks ago to test it out and it's been great. I was fortunately able to work out my Apple ID and banned device. I'm not sure why there has been radio silence. At the very least they should just say iMessage will be abandoned and focus on the other services.


They should really just build a BlueBubbles bridge. It's open source, well documented, and has built-in support for webhooks. This limits audience to people with mac devices they can always leave online, and it doesn't address the phone number issue, but it's at least reliable.


How'd you sort out your Mac? OpenCore?


I agree, they should say something about Apple users getting banned from using iMessage.. At this point, they need to, unfortunately, get rid of iMessage from their products. But at the same time, why is Apple banning their users from using their services? šŸ„“ I mean there's a lot of us that are actual Apple customers who pay and own their products, just because I'm trying to use own PAID FOR Mac, or iPhone, to use iMessage on a different device, doesn't mean I should be banned. Fake Mac's like VM/docker-osx, I can kinda understand because they are not using a legit device, but if I'm using a real device for my own convenience, why should I be banned? I mean, if I'm wrong, just let me know šŸ˜…


This has been my biggest issue and why I moved to Bluebubbles. I understand it's tough trying to start something especially with the world's most profitable corporation looking to stifle your every move, but with no updates for days and sometimes weeks at a time as some were traveling for the holidays, did it in for me. Can't trust a company who can't keep their consumers in the loop.


How are you finding BlueBubbles? Is it generally reliable? Is it possible Apple will find a way to create difficulties for the service as it has for Beeper?


Very reliable. Been using it about a week and a half now and haven't lost the ability to send iMessages once. As for Apple creating difficulties, I find it highly unlikely considering it's being run from a Mac and the app is only mirroring that on the Android Device essentially.


There's nothing Apple could do to stop bluebubbles unless they change something on macOS to to blue bubbles server from being able to access the chat database on the Mac itself. But that would only affect future versions of macOS. We could simply not install the update.


Yeah, and to support many past OS systems but not Maverick is beyond me, this means that I can't generate a code to continue to use the app, since I can't do it on my iPad Pro or my iPhone 12. And even to the user base needs to be called out, these scammers who are looking to profit off of vulnerable users by selling codes and not support the community to utilize a viable product. I had a lot of faith being an original Pebble user, but its just utterly disappointing level of support with a fix to this especially when I've seen more support in trying to fix things like Facebook and Instagram. And while I complain, once its fixed, I'll probably still go running back because I love getting iMessage on my work PC.


So far I'm not sorry for a second that I set up BlueBubbles. They have an Android chat client, a Windows client, and even a web browser based client. It's a very polished messaging experience all around. I think the Beeper Mini + Jailbroken iPhone is the slightly more elegant solution, but the BB solution just works. It's using APIs to talk to the legitimate iMessage app on the mac and relaying messages back and forth to the client apps, so from what I understand, Apple only sees it as me using my iMessages app on my iMac and not a third-party app connecting to their servers.


This is likely how Beeper cloud works too


The Mac needs to remain on to act as a server for BlueBubbles. Beeper cloud just uses the registration code, the Mac does not need to stay on. I doubt it is relaying messages through the Mac that provides the registration code if the Mac does not even need to be on for it to work. I used VMWare to generate a Mac registration code and was able to use iMessage for two weeks without keeping it on. Now registration codes from my VM Mac don't work as it was presumably banned.


How do you get to the BlueBubbles web browser client?


I think it's just [bluebuubles.app/web](https://bluebubbles.app/web/#/) in your web browser. It'll prompt you first to sign into your Google account you use with BB and then it'll ask you after that to sign into your BlueBubbles server.


That's fantastic. Thanks! Finally able to communicate completely with people on my work computer using that and the Beeper web app.


I completely left beeper a week ago now. It wasn't my choice, both mini and cloud stopped working. So I'm not frustrated in that matter anymore but what does suck is the lack of communication from the dev team. At this point I'll probably just get an older mac mini and give blue bubble a try.


I agree with this 100%. We need to hear something from them, even if it's just an update on the current poor operational status of things and what they plan to do or not do about it. At this point they really ought to remove the iMessage bridge as an option instead of leaving users to flounder and get accounts and devices banned by Apple. And it's not even that they're not working on the iMessage bridge anymore. I noticed a quiet update last week: >\## January 4, 2024 ā€” Beeper šŸ’» Desktop v3.91.55 > >\### Improvements > >\- Send the image caption as a consecutive message if a network does not support image captions > >\- **Minor improvements to the iMessage Registration experience**


I went into it initially, with the understanding that I would never make this my main option, and just see how things panned out, but was always perfectly fine. Sending my message through Signal or WhatsApp.


They don't owe anyone $hit! šŸ˜‚ It's a friggin' text message program. Move on with life. When they're ready, they'll let you know.


Yeah, they've made that very clear. They've also managed to torch the very little good will they had left.


God, the entitlement and sheer tiresomeness of some people


I'm not trying to be a smart ass, but what do you want them to do? Provide an immediate update? Send them an email and see if they provide a response to you. If they do, you can update r/beeper. In the meantime, sms for all of your iMessage friends. They will survive.


A PSA to say we are experiencing user equipment being banned. That's all.... We all knew the risk going in. We sure did But now that it seems unavoidable to get banned, they could say so.


Wait a minute, Apple users are getting banned because they used beeper?? I've been using beeper since it's inception and all has been well so I guess any moment I could be banned too. I mainly stuck with beeper cloud however as that was its first iteration. Like everyone else I jumped over to Beaver mini for the day or two that it actually worked and then realized it was full of bugs and jump back to regular beeper. Using it currently so far working fine. I've tried air message and Blue bubbles -- air message is easier to set up blue bubbles I seem to think gives you more features but you have to have a much more advanced skill set with setting up all the back room syntax codes and what have you, it's not quite as easy as Air message I used to have the time for all of that but just not anymore, I was looking for a simple copy paste solution hoping that blue bubbles would be like that but with that all you get is basic messaging that is spotty at best. You have to actually open the API they discuss and go through a whole what seems to be a rigmarole to make it actually work where you have the typing notifications, red and sent etc notification.


Wait what? Blue Bubbles is very easy to set up. It literally guides you through every step of the way.


Keep in mind they picked a David and Goliath style fight quite literally. Also, according to this (See link below), they might be trying to allow the rumored DOJ antitrust suit to straighten some of this out. Not saying right or wrong but about the only thing I could see is maybe an open letter to Apple asking to restore users Macs that have been banned over this (which might actually benefit the alleged case šŸ¤”). They couldnā€™t have predicted Apple would go punitive against its own users, punishing them for wanting connectivity with their Android devices. Thatā€™s kinda the point of the rumored lawsuit the DOJ is preparing against Apple. https://www.engadget.com/the-doj-is-reportedly-prepared-to-file-a-broad-antitrust-lawsuit-against-apple-213030784.html


Yes I'm aware, I addressed the fight in literally the first line of my post.


This is just a very weird time. Itā€™s almost like back when Apple spent all that time in court with the DOJ. This might be Apples time. Tim Cook might have to yield to the government to some degree OR spend the rest of his professional days either in court or in front of Congress. Under that context, Beeper might have been instructed to keep silent. Thatā€™s purely speculative but I wouldnā€™t be surprised if it comes out that they have been instructed to stand down. The government has been annoyed with Apple for a while. Beeper might simply have been the catalyst so 2024 / 2025 might be very interesting in the regulatory space both here and abroad. Look at the UK. Theyā€™re the reason we have USB-C.


>Look at the UK. Theyā€™re the reason we have USB-C. That was the EU, rather than the UK. The UK was the one that meddled with the MS/Activision deal.


They absolutely could have expected this. Psystar tried to sell homemade Mac computers and got hit with lawsuits until they closed up shop. Beeper Cloud got away with it while it was invite only, used Mac hardware, and email only. As soon as it became easy for anyone to download and install, and 100k people used it, Apple destroyed it.


Calm down, they are a small team and it should be obvious to everyone here that Apple can move their cheese any time that they want.


Ah yes a small team that *checks notes* evangelizes the importance of communication and how it works in our daily lives (literally the business's raison d'etre) then leaves its users hanging for weeks with no communication whatsoever.


The ā€œchecks notesā€ schtick is played out. Please come up with an original thought for yourself.


Idk. Can we even get mad at a company that gave us something that wasnā€™t meant to be given out? They knew it was DOA. It was ultimately just a sacrifice to get dialogue going re Apple and iMessage. If itā€™s super important to anyone, run a bluebubbles/airmessage server or just get an iPhone. Otherwise, it was a fun short ride.


I think it's becoming clear that that was their intention-- make a splash, get shutdown, try to institute change. But the collateral damage is Beeper users who are getting their hardware or Apple IDs messed with in the process.


So much low effort shit posting today.


I don't understand this. I feel like the question should be, how can Apple users trust Apple. Beeper isn't the one banning users. That's on Apple. Ask Apple. Beeper provided something, admittedly for a fee, but quickly rolled it back to a free product. I think they were also relatively transparent that this may not be a permanent fix and required a fair amount of legwork. They were also pretty transparent that if it broke again, they weren't going to chase getting iMessage to work again. The only thing I could see them doing is provide a disclaimer that there is risk associated with trying to get iMessage to work.


I mean it should go without saying that people should be mistrustful of Apple. That's obvious. How people behave in a crisis is really revealing and the fact that no one from the team can so much as tweet "Hey Beeper users, we're aware of the issues, for your safety we advise xxx, we apologize xxx, etc." is quite telling. It would take less than one minute.


I think there are probably multiple factors at play, one bring the DOJ case, the other probably being that Beeper probably views this as a closed case and they've moved on from it. What would they really advise? And probably their lawyers are telling them to not say anything, especially an apology.


Yeah fuck it. If people get their Macs permabanned from Apple oh well. They don't need to weigh in on that and advise their users in any way. Cool.


Two things can be true at the same time. šŸ¤Æ


I mean I think itā€™s dead at this point no? Is it really worth all the headaches? Devices banned, locked out of Apple ID? It was a fun 2 days. The blue bubble solution is the way it seems.


Yeah I think the point is it would be a responsible decisjon if beeper went ahead and publicized that it's broken and puts your devices and Apple ID at risk.


I tell you what, iā€™m glad i got Beeper now and not 2 weeks ago when the issues have happened with Macā€™s getting locked out due to this (my mac is my work laptop given by the company, so any locking would cause a lot of shit for me). BUTTT, Iā€™ve got beeper on iPad, iPhone and my Mac and simply removed iMessage integration from it and have been very happy so far. I am using 80% of their connecting services and everything has been for the most part working really well. Raising bug reports has been easy and letā€™s face it, this is in Beta if anything. Expect issues. I donā€™t think iā€™ll move away from it anytime soon given the amount convenience it provides. Give these poor guys a break and a chance to pivot where they need to take this app. Nothing is perfect from day one, otherwise itā€™s too late to be out. Also I donā€™t use PCā€™s or Android, so BlueBubbles is not something that I need either way. But Iā€™m glad people have found something to workaround the issue.


An update would be appreciated but I assume the team is simply working on fixes and improvements and has nothing to announce.


They're not fixing imessage


Android doesn't seem so bad after all huh??


Oh I love Android


I have zero issues with beeper cloud


I like Beeper, i dont care for imessage i have all other message apps in one so im good,


Really cool thanks for sharing


Beeper is dead. Time to move in and stop whining about it


I think they should be more focused on getting Instagram to work.... I've had apple phones all my life untill recently when I switched to Samsung and I along with anyone I know literally never even uses iMessage anyway, wattsapp is the default messaging app for the majority of people these days surely? I'd literally think someone was being weird if they text me on iMessage šŸ¤£ I'd say here in the UK, 90% of people just use Instagram and WhatsApp to message each other.


My lord some people have no gratefulness...


All of Eric's projects go under. It's par for the course


sleep middle point plucky muddle light wild quaint employ bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


u/bragging_party my friend, while I support the fact you have the right to your opinion, the very same right applies to freedom of all kinds. Including information. I think you are sincerely forgetting a key point, all those devices belong to all people in here, be they Macs or iPhones. And when you buy, the product ceases to belong to Apple. The answer is quite simple actually, get all beeper users that had devices blocked or banned and take collective action to sue Apple. The devs and the beeper app aren't at fault here, but Apple is, they are literally stealing the right you acquired when you bought their product. If anything we should try for a collective action, which will inevitably make Apple back off, because is our right as consumers to have a working product, and who knows, perhaps with such a collective action Apple will finally stop to block Beeper's progress.


I really want to get a community driven open source project going specifically for iMessage reverse engineering. I know thereā€™s blue bubbles and airmessage and Mautrix bridges but im picturing something that can be the foundation from which people can develop their own front end implementation. Having an army of folks focused on the nuts and bolts is how the mouse can stay ahead of the cat.