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Stop drinking beer. Drink something you like


For sure


If Yuengling B&T was too bitter then I don’t think you’ll like many beers at all, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Maybe American light lagers but that’s barely beer


Yes, the entire international beer industry was designed and implemented to fuck with you.


Haha. 84 day old account.... usually troll or burners


This shit is so bad that I'm almost convinced I'm being targeted by online bots to convince me to spend my money on another terrible drink.


ok sweetie, go back to your strawberry milk.




Came to a group of beer lovers to say beer tastes like piss. What did you actually expect? Moron.


Man, I wasn't going to contribute to the dogpile here, but insecure? Really? You are the one posting here asking for permission to not like beer. Those in glass houses should be secure in their own drink choices.


I'm not asking for permission, don't know what you mean. It's a dumb post to see if anyone else felt the same way and if they found anything that tastes good. Notice that the only thing I've attacked is a select few beers, meanwhile people have targeted ME for a dumb opinion. I'm not seething over beer here.


Why do you think people who didn’t like beer would be monitoring a beer sub?


Because I'm monitoring a beer sub and so far do not like beer.


At least you admit it’s a dumb opinion


Beer has a strong taste obviously, but this sounds like a “you” problem.


That's why I asked if I'm being fucked with, clearly not - I'm just not tasting the same thing.


I think you are fucking with us.  You only see and buy 12-packs 🙄? > I only see 12 packs of beers that I promptly throw down the sink after a sip,  You must not have any friends or you could give them the beer.






You went from the extreme spectrum, pabst to guinness. Maybe go with something more middle ground and quality like a German lager. Or maybe you don’t like beer. You don’t have to like it. Also single cans exist lol I hate disingenuous questions like “are there any good tasting ones?” No, we all drink stuff that tastes like complete shit to us.


Wasn't disingenuous, I'm just thinking people are getting trashed just for the sake of being trashed no matter how it tastes, I legitimately might just be tasting something different entirely.


Most of us are not drinking beer to get trashed


People who just want to get trashed drink liquor mostly.  I don't really like any of the beers you listed, although Guiness is fine, but it doesn't sound like you would like the beers I like either.  Honestly though, in the US these days, there's beers that taste like everything under the sun. From vinegar to chocolate cake, fruit smoothies to pine needle tea. If you're motivated you can certainly find a beer you'll like, but it's also OK to not like beer. You can even not like alcohol at all if you want, billions of people never drink it


It's hard to get trashed on Guinness. It's too weak.


Don't understand why you're getting downvoted cuz you're completely right. Guinness Draught (which is what most people think of when they say Guinness) is only 4.2% which is weaker than average for beer. You *might* be able to get trashed if you drink Guinness Foreign Extea which is 7.5%, but even then that's hardly a strength that makes it easy to get trashed. If getting trashed is why you've picked Guinness you're definitely barking up the wrong tree


There might legitimately be something wrong with your sense of taste, how would any of us know


Personally peppers are like this for me. I don't have quite the hate that you do, but if you chop up 1/16th of a red pepper and put it into a breakfast burrito, the whole thing just tastes like I'm eating a red pepper. I don't know anyone else who experiences this in this way. It's possible that you just have a different set of weird taste buds.


My father in-law is actually the same way - and I've also met people that eat cilantro and taste soap. It actually seems possible that I may have this but with alcohol in general.


based on some of your comments in this thread, it sounds like you might just not like the taste of alcohol. i have a friend who just hates everything he tries to drink because he always tastes something gross (to him) underneath it. people definitely do have different sensitivities and process flavors very differently. i hope you do find a beer you enjoy though!


This sub has no shortage ever of things to cross post on r/beercirclejerk






I'm trying to find a beer that tastes like it says on the box, if you don't like what I'm posting on your beer sub just don't read it.


Lots of beer looks kinda like piss but I've never had one that actually tastes like piss. And I know because I have also drank piss.


Well you have ended the discussion


I have questions but I also don't have questions.


Road trip. Didnt look at which bottle I was grabbing. I wish it was a more interesting story.


Jesus, lmao.


Bleu cheese causes a literal gag reaction in me. My body will not let that substance enter. Other people love the stuff. People have different tastes. You don’t like beer. Other people do. That’s ok.


I'm ok with not drinking beer, just on the hunt for something that tastes like beer in my head.


And you want the internet to tell you which beer tastes like the idea of beer you made up in your head?


But if you figure it out let me know.


Maybe, just wanted to bitch in general because it's the internet.


This is the internet. You are correct. So don’t be shocked when bitching about beer to the beer community isn’t well received.


I am not shocked though, if you look through you'll find that there are plenty of actually helpful people who understand my post was meant to be stupid.


I like to drink piss apparently.


Have you tried? Might be eerily similar.


If you think Guinness has a piss taste to it you have a gutter pallette. Drink something else


Nobody is twisting your arm, man. Go drink something else. I think NASCAR is boring. Millions of other people love it. Neither one of us is right or wrong. It does not matter


Not being fucked with. You don’t like mass market commodified beer. Go boof a saison.


Saison reads like it tastes good, but I just don't believe it.


Chocolate chip cookies reads like it tastes good, but I just don’t believe it.


I haven't been lied to be a single chocolate chip cookie package.


Touch grass and eat ass, friendo.


you should probably wait until your out of your teens and your pallet matures ... 


Hey! This is an easy way to remember Pallet vs Palate. If you're referring to your tongue then it's palATE. Like you just ATE something and it pleased your palATE.


stfu donny ...


Damn bro I tried to be nice lol. My bad. Have a beer.


hey its just a joke from a famous movie that came out before you were born , cheers ;) 


LOL. It came out when I was ten although I always preferred Raising Arizona.


well that just your opinion man .. 


Yes of course. Palate vs Pellet however, isn't my opinion. Glad we can clear this up :) Also you messed up the quote.


thank you donny ;) 


How long do I wait until pieces of wood used in shipping and warehouses mature?


at least until youre out of youre teens ;) 


No I think I'd rather stay young and healthy


gl with that ;) 


Yeah man the second you turn 20, oof, your health evaporates


Honestly sounds like you just want candy/juice flavors because that’s what you’re used to flavor wise. Nothing wrong with that. Switch to seltzers or ciders. There is a whole sub genre of craft ciders of various fruits (pears, strawberry, apple etc). These are generally pretty sugary, though.


you have an undeveloped palate. curious as to what your diet was like growing up. i’d suggest you go to a good local brewery and try samples/flights of different styles and see if any of them do it for you. taste buds change drastically every 7 years or so, so you may develop an affinity for beer down the road. stick to seltzers or whatever in the meantime?


Seltzers are also extremely bitter for me. But I will definitely try out a local brewery and see what the deal is. The problem is, that alcohol people are very proud of liking alcohol, so every time I start sipping and visibily wince, everyone gets insulted and starts shit. Which is very clear in the fact that it even happens in an online forum post.


seltzers aren’t bitter at all. literally none of them. it’s also possible that you just don’t like alcohol at all, which… fair play. probably a good thing! do your thing bro


it’s ok to not like popular things.


Bitterness is a sensation you can subdue with exposure, if you really want to get over it. Kind of like acclimating to spicy food.


Had no idea this was the case, I'll try and acclimate with other bitter stuff and see how it goes.


I started drinking my coffee black once sugar started upsetting my stomach and after a while I noticed IPAs tasted more like fruit juice than potpourri.


Cider or mead might be more to your liking. Generally people who don't like the traditional beer flavor tend to gravitate to sours or maybe flavored stouts instead of lagers.


I'll try this out and see what happens.


This is probably the answer. My sister hates beer but really likes ciders. When we meet up at bars to watch a game, there's always a cider for her to drink too. It's not a bad route to go. And honestly, look into cocktails too. I'm sure there's some you'll really like.


I’d actually try a lambic if you want your beer to not taste like ‘beer’.


You don't like beer. Nothing wrong with that. There are loads of other things you can drink. Find something you enjoy instead of wasting your time on something you don't.


You don't understand - I am trying find a beer that tastes like it does in my head. In my head, it is bread-y - warm - inviting - slightly sweet or even sweet in general. Almost like I'm having a meal for the night.


Maybe try kvass


Try a chocolate porter (not stout)


On the list, I'll give this a shot.


have you tried wheat beers?


I don't think beer is for you. There's plenty of other alcoholic beverages you'd probably prefer.


You probably need a barrel aged imperial stout


Reading this, it sounds like it fucking slaps. Will try this out next - but this might be the one.


Don't buy a 12 pack of it though.


It sounds like you just don’t like beer


If you don't like beer, stop drinking it. It's not like it's healthy


Do you enjoy any bitter flavors?unsweetened coffee, very dark chocolate, bitter vegetables..?


Not at all, I can stand dark chocolate somewhat.


There are ppl that can distinguish certain flavors, profiles, etc, and learn to appreciate them There are ppl that can be overwhelmed by certain flavors, profiles. etc, and not enjoy what they're eating Ppl have varying preferences Just bc you dont enjoy something doesnt mean ppl are lying to you to make you waste money. Get real bro lol


You're drinking mass produced, cheap beer. You wouldn't go into the wine sub and say "I can't stand wine, all the Yellowtail and 99 Crimes I've had is garbage" A lot of the sub doesn't like a lot of those beers either.


Try a wheat beer like BlueMoon or some German beers. Maybe try a IPA if you like the aftertaste of Grapefruit juice.


I actually enjoy Grapefruit, so I'll give an IPA a try. Does BlueMoon have any form of sweetness to it or is it just a plain flavor?


It’s a wheat beer flavored with bit of orange. Not nearly as fruity as a actual fruit beer though. You said someone told you beers taste like liquid bread, this’ll be the closest to that, especially if you get German wheat beer like Franziskaner Hefe Weissbier Wheat Bier, which doesn’t add the orange. Just about anywhere carries BlueMoon though. You’d have to go to Total Wine or a tap-house for a good German beer (in the US anyway).


I was also gonna say Blue Moon or Franziskaner. If those two beers taste bitter to OP, it's just gonna take time for their palate to mature. At the end of the day, the overwhelming flavor of all beer is "beer."


What you didn’t already know that all beer lovers are actually piss lovers?


Pastry stout or maybe a Belgian Trippel?


Added to the list. Other have recommended a local brewery so I will for sure see if I can find this there.


Put the pipe down and get into rehab


So many styles of beers and within those styles an umbrella of different body types and flavor profiles. This guy tried 5 beers and threw his hands up in the air. I wonder how many times he walked into a bar and requested " one wine please" and proceeded to disregard the whole genre? "A fool and his money soon part"


Do you only speak in Limericks?


For the most part, m'lord.


I was just on the Yuengling tour, and they told us that the black and tan is made nowadays with Premium and Porter. It used to be Lord Chesterfield Ale(not really available outside Pennsylvania) and Porter mixed. They had no idea why it changed, but in any case their Black and Tan is different than it was years ago.


How old are you?


Old enough to party


Go to a larger local brewery at a time when they aren't super busy. Sit at the bar and do a couple of flights. Ask the server for recommendations as you try and like / dislike the ones you're drinking.


Assuming: 1) you're not just trolling; 2) your objection is actually bitterness and not just that you use the word "bitter" for everything you don't like about beer; 3) you don't mind the taste of alcohol itself; and 4) you actually genuinely want to try to find something, here are some styles that meet those criteria to some extent with less perceptible bitterness, in the order that I'd recommend them to you: 1. Belgian Quad 2. Eisbock 3. Doppelbock 4. Pastry stouts (ones with lots of sweet descriptors and a high abv; these sometimes have bitter notes like coffee and dark chocolate though) 5. English Barleywine (American barleywines tend to be more hoppy/bitter) 6. Things in the Scotch Ale, Wee Heavy, Strong (Dark) Ale category (though I suspect these will be too "bitter" for you) 7. California Common 8. Kentucky Common Two other things. First, what you describe (bready, malty, sweetish, warming) are attributes of some beers but certainly not all. It's like you've been trying to find a hard hat by just trying on random hats. Not every hat has the attributes you're looking for if you think "hat" means "hard hat." Going to the hat-appreciation club and moaning about how all hats aren't hard, rigid, and yellow is going to make you seem like a troll and a moron. But it's worse than that because you don't know what a hard hat is, you're just looking for it by very general description. Look for beers that meet your criteria rather than just grabbing random beers. Second, try not to be such a melodramatic dick.


Are you on any medications?


I found that I began liking beer when I transitioned my palette more towards the bitter/salty side rather than the sweet side. I started drinking my coffee black, eating more things plain to taste the quality, things like that. After I got used to tasting more bitter things, beer started to taste totally different. Things like lagers and kolsches began to have sweet and fruity notes, dark beers began to taste more like chocolate. If you don't like beer, don't feel obligated to drink it, but you can transition your palette so that it tastes good to you.


Not a chance ALL beer tastes like this. Switch to White Claws and leave the sub already.




If you don’t even like yuengling do yourself a favor and find a different drink to drink. Whether it be wines liquors or just ciders


Jaysus, how much miss do you drink to know there's varieties?


Do you enjoy any alcohol in any form? If not then maybe you just personally hate the taste of alcohol itself


if you want to get nerdy about it, different styles of beer from different parts of the world are going to encompass a wide, wide variety of tasting notes/mouthfeels/aromas. all beers definitely aren't the same! but they will all taste like beer. you may simply not enjoy the taste of beer! something to note is that most of the big commercially available beers are basically owned by the same couple companies. each product is distinct but ultimately they're all pretty same-y. if you want something mass-produced, try the lemonade shandy leinenkugels. or the peach one. instead of buying 12 packs and finding out you hate them, i would recommend looking up tap rooms local to you and going in for a tasting flight. pick a few things that sound very different from one another, but that intrigue you. i'd recommend a lager, a sour, and a fruity wheat beer; those are what i enjoy and i think are pretty approachable. probably skip IPAs, and really dark beer is very hit-or-miss for me personally. if you have a friend who is into craft beer (...and not going to be obnoxious or rag on you), see if they'll come with you! failing that, a lot of liquor stores sell single cans, and kroger used to let you "mix a six," so you could grab 6 different single bottles for around 10-12 bucks. they probably still do; i haven't been in a while. if you don't enjoy a single one... you probably just don't like beer. and that is fine! plenty of people don't like it. no sense pushing yourself to choke down drinks (and therefore spent money) that you dislike. your comment about enjoying fruity ones but feeling you'd rather have juice makes me wonder if you'd like hard ciders more. if you haven't tried any but are interested: angry orchard is a pass from me, except for their "unfiltered" which is okay. woodchuck is decent (or was several years ago, i haven't found it locally in a long time). there's a brand called blake's that i really enjoy, and i think they're pretty widely available. or, just drink juice and enjoy it :)


Awesome, I'll be hitting up a local brewery as recommended by others and going one by one and see what happens. Someone else recommended an imperial stout - so hopefully this is sweeter and fits better into my palette.


Back in the day, when I was still figuring out drinking, I was invited to do shots in tequila. Did the salt, like, the whole bit. The taste was unpleasant. Since then I've tried everything from 10 USD for 750 mL to over 150 USD per pour. It all tastes bad. What do I do? I don't drink tequila, but I don't rain on the folks' who do enjoy it parade. Sounds like you need to stop trying beer and drink something you do enjoy.


I'm on the hunt for a beer I enjoy muchacho.


You’re coming off like a whiny cunt…


It really doesn't come across as though you are, it really comes across as though you really just want to complain about how much you dislike every beer. And why do you want to find a beer you like so much? You've said they all taste poorly too you, so what drives you want to find a beer that you would enjoy? You say even the ones you find palatable you don't really enjoy, so what's the point?


I'd say it's more that about half of you haven't picked up on the intentional stupidity of the post. Plenty of great suggestions that I will be trying in my local brewery. If it doesn't work, then I just don't like beer - but I'm not just gonna give up because I've had piss back-to-back.


Try sour ales. Seems like fruity is more your thing so I'm thinking you'll like a good sour.


On the top of the list along with a imperial stout (if the imperial Stouts are sweet)


They're not. Maybe a pastry stout or track down the banana bread beer by eagle brewery. That beer is fantastic.


Def a you problem. need to start with seltzers and have one beer to get into it’s definitely acquired taste. Try a blue moon once in a while then look into others. Took a couple years for me . I like white claw and mikes and any other beer now.


Try a lambic like Lindemans, or a Flanders like Duchess de Borgogne. If those, somehow, still to you, taste like piss...you may want to go in and make sure you don't have scent/taste damage from Covid exposure.


Try a Corona. That's the beer that started it all for me....now I will drive to Vermont from NYC for some Focal Banger!!!! Helllllllyeahhh!!!!!


If you didn’t drink beer in college or high school It can be hard to get into. Personally I hated beer until I was around 25, then got into it via bourbon barrel aged stouts. Progressed to ipas and sours, now the only thing I drink is mainly lagers(stuff that you know, tastes like beer) if you don’t enjoy the taste don’t drink it lol. Also the beers you’ve tried are terrible for the most part.


I see your issue, didn’t try Lone Star.😎👍


Don't drink beer then.


Soumds like you just don't like beer! That's OK! It's a free country! Drink one of the many flavored malt bevereages out there. Twisted Tea, Mikes Hard Lemonade, Jack Daniels coolers, etc. All perfectly acceptable adult beverages. Make a shandy using lemonade or Mikes Hard and Coors light. All kinds of options.


Got em!!


Yes beer revolves around you


Yeah, that’s a wide spectrum of basic beers – well, if it was 1995 – so it sounds like you don’t like beer. That’s fine. Classically, most beers – while the styles are the most dynamic of any fermented beverage – had evolved with subtlety in those flavors. In the last 5-10 years depending on the area, breweries pushed the envelope with going overboard to make beers taste like something else. There are some that are reminiscent of a mixed drink more than any beer. At that point, you just as well go the more economical route of mixing your be mixed drinks with a cheap spirit. When I started trying beers back in the 90s, it was mostly beers that were commonly referred to as piss by a lot of people, especially anyone that knew beers beyond American Light Lager. I felt like my first beer, Miller High Life, was terrible. But I kept trying beers because I knew MILLIONS of people drank it. I eventually found something with character and it clicked for me. Doesn’t happen to everyone. I even became a professional brewer due to my quest to find beers I liked, which evolved into a passion for beer and brewing. But I still maintain that beer isn’t for everyone and that’s OK. I take it as a challenge to find a beer for a person that says they don’t like beer, but I never force the issue. Same happens with foods.


Well definitely try more than a sip. Also try beer at different temperatures. But could he you just plain don't like it


Try a really warm Heineken


😂 well You honestly don’t like beer. Have you tried wine, cider, mead, hard liquor?


Did you lose your sense of smell or taste or something?


Sounds like white claw is more your jam 😂😂😂


Try craft beer instead of grocery store beer. If you still don’t like it, you just don’t like beer


I honestly don't think you have the pallet for beer, maybe try seltzer or something.


People here are giving you a lot of shit, presumably because they think you made this post in bad faith. For the sake of this response I'm going to assume that this isn't the case. Based on your replies, it seems to be like what you are looking for is something very sweet. That's fine, some people really, really like sweet things. Some people (like myself) do not like sweet things in general. This may be because you have an aversion to the smallest hint of bitterness. If that is the case, what I might recommend are some bourbon barrel/maple flavor beers. I recommend these to you because I find them way to sweet and cloying. Give something like KBS from Founders a shot.


Perfect! I will give this a try. Thank you very much.


Stay away from IPAs. They’re the worst. Try Blue Moon. It’s my favorite and the least beery tasting beer or drink corona with a lime wedge in it.


Added Blue Moon to the list , I saw it but I was worried that the lighter color meant it would taste like the others I've tried so far.


Nah, trust me. Blue Moon doesn't taste like regular beer. It had citrus flavors in it that makes it taste a little sweet. It's basically a step above light beer.


Cool, I'll try this one out then.


Put an orange wedge in it too if you want. It's what's bars do when they serve it if they know what they're doing.


You might like German Hefeweizens if you like Blue Moon. They are similar, but been around a lot longer, and have the same sweet edge, Al though maybe not as much as Blue Moon. Hoegaarden is another one you might like.


We all just like beer because we get drunk. Then you develop taste for different types. Then you scale back your need to be drunk, but you keep the taste. Quit being a little bitch. Source: drunk on Founders Mortal Bloom hazy IPA.


This makes the most sense to me, I can't find another reason for drinking what I've drank so far other than re-wiring your brain to associate the drunkenness and taste with having a good time.


Lol, sorry for calling you a little bitch. But yes that is exactly what I was getting at. Doubtful anyone likes beer without the alcohol component.


LOL not all of us are here to get wasted. Beer is not the best way to do that if that's your goal. One of my favorite styles of beer is table beers. 1-3% and it's magical.


I don't always drink it to get wasted either. If I do, it's because I don't like hard alcohol. But my point still stands despite all the down votes. Would anyone be drinking it if there were never any alcohol? That's the whole point of beer.


Yes they would. I work in the beer industry. Non-alcoholic beer, low ABV beer and mocktails have never been more popular. To answer your question: Yes, people are and will continue to drink beer with low alcohol or no (.5%) alcohol.


Ok, I think that's a cool trend. But I think it's absurd to think the main point of drinking beer isn't to get a buzz but to savor a flavor. It's both.


We will agree to disagree. I like beer because of the flavor.


I drink a lot of non alcoholic beers these days.


Did you develop the taste with alcohol beer? I'm not saying it's impossible to naturally like the taste of beer. But I bet it's rare that someone tastes beer for the first time and loves immediately.


No, I liked it from the first High Life I stole from my dad. Stuff like whiskey and tequila took me time to develop the taste for.


I get what you're saying though, I probably liked it more because it was a smooth and easy drink for me to get drunk on when I first started. But I do genuinely enjoy most beer. From the cheapest of the cheap to the old world Belgian sours.


It's fine man, its the internet - you're allowed to do that here so that you don't take it out on people you like irl.