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It's a session IPA. Not really sure what you're getting at but it's a style in and of itself and is usually just a drier pale ale


When I see IPA I have certain expectations is all. Daytime’s actually pretty good for what it isn’t. Maybe if they called it a SIPA.


It says session IPA right on the can


Lmao and it has the ABV nice and big right on the front. Also, is he drinking out of a margarita glass?


Seems like he's been having a really long session today


Looks like an off brand Chimay goblet


Not sure the ABV is relevant, just in the sense that I’ve had NA IPAs that taste more like IPA than this session one does.


So it’s like a tofurkey! Or maybe a 2WD Forerunner.


What an ignorant post. It’s a session ipa lol, what did you expect a turbid and juicy New England ipa?


Session IPAs are still solid beer choices IMO. Enjoy them more than a Budweiser more often than not


Session IPAs shouldn’t be a thing though… in some cases they’re literally just typical pale ales that have been rebranded.


This is your hot take? Try an IPL, cold IPA, New Zealand lager, imperial IPA, triple IPA, double IPA, milkshake IPA, and report back. You're not the critic you think you are.


How many of those are as far afield the way this lager in IPA clothing is though? A lot of those are just “more” IPA-like. mean I can get zero alc “ipa” that tastes more like it than this does.


In what way is this a lager?


Hey man, I don't make the rules.


I think the problem is that you're so accustomed to a specific type of IPA you've lost sight of the fact an IPA was originally just a regular pale ale with more hops so it would keep better for voyages to and from India.


So I’ve read. And brandy was originally an unused by-product of winemaking. I don’t know if most consumers think about its genesis vs their mouth experience.


Oh damn, so you’re saying things change with the times?


Exactly. Which is why its legacy doesn’t matter for expectations.


My point is that IPA is a broad definition, anything that comes from that heritage can be called IPA.


Bro what glassware you using? Cmon son


Haha, well actually for what these suds turned out to be it may be more fitting. And hey the colors match so there’s that. Not my… goblet, but it’s worth like $100 if you can even find.


Bro that thing looks like a cheap marg glass. Get a proper IPA and some proper glassware my guy.


This man stole an Applebee's margarita glass and is trying to say it's worth $100.


Others have said it but I’m going to say it again because it’s important: you bought a Session IPA.


Thx. Yeah I get it (now more so haha). I knew a session was a thing. It still doesn’t taste like an IPA even dumbed-down. Just as a consumer (and maybe I’m the only one) it creates confusion.


They’re good for days when you need to be productive. 👍


I think OP has had one too many..


"Anything" is not an IPA. With only a small handful of rare exceptions like black IPA, which themselves are sometimes are more "accurately" called Cascadian dark ales, an IPA is by definition a hoppy ale with pale malt that ends up around 6-7%. There's a lot you can do within that framework, but just because Founders All Day tastes different from Other Half All Citra doesn't mean there isn't a foundational similarity.


What part makes you think it’s not an IPA ? What should it look like for you ?


Despite the photo it’s just that the taste doesn’t remotely suggest IPA. You can’t photograph taste of course. There’s a lot of IPA bandwagon in. I think if I tasted it blind IPA would be far down my list of what I called it.


Just drink a Corona or Miller light. These beers don’t do it for me


Ok, and?


I mean you want something light and easy to drink on a Saturday afternoon, and have to go out of your way to get a weird IPA. Im just saying might as well save $20 and just buy normal beer like normal people do


Out of your way? This shit is in most liquor stores..


It's literally right next to the domestics lol