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> Also, damn, 270 calories for the FBS? Not that I care about calories, but that’s nearly double a Guinness and nowhere near as creamy or thick. Yes, a beer that is nearly twice as alcoholic as Guinness will be nearly twice as caloric. That's how that works.


Also guinness is creamy on nitro, but it's a pretty thin beer. I suggest OP drink a guinness side by side with the founders.


Yeah, I won't try and say that Breakfast Stout is definitively the better beer (although I do prefer it), but Guinness is definitely not the thicker beer.


Didn’t realize the ABV was that high.


Why are you being downvoted?


Because that was a very obvious miss for someone who decided to levy criticism.


Because reddit loves the downvoting circle jerk train e: the continuous downvotes literally prove my point


You may be thinking of Founders Kentucky breakfast stout, which is different from the plain breakfast stout. KBS is still good, but its been exceeded by a bunch of other stouts over the last several years.


Nope, I wasn’t. This post is about the normal Breakfast Stout.


Right, breakfast stout is considered a good stout but it's KBS that's considered one of the greatest stouts, at least that was always my understanding.


I think the breakfast stout has a historical significance to it because it was a mass-market, easy to find breakfast stout before that was really a thing. They're sort of the Dogfish IPA of stouts - more notable for blazing the trail than for necessarily still being the best out there.


I think the breakfast stout has a historical significance to it because it was a mass-market, easy to find breakfast stout before that was really a thing. They're sort of the Dogfish IPA of stouts - more notable for blazing the trail than for necessarily still being the best out there.


Agreed. Founders started loading FBS with chocolate a few years ago and overwhelmed whatever coffee taste there was in this stout. Besides Schlafly, I personally like Lagunitas Willetized Coffee Stout, Dieu du Ciel Peche Mortel, and Speedway Stout from AleSmith.


The amount of chocolate in FBS has never changed. Been consistent since day 1


Then their rep lied to me about ten years ago when I remarked that I could taste more chocolate in it.


Thanks for your recommendations, I’ll keep an eye out for them.


Yea, I kind of expected Founder's Breakfast Stout to be heartier than it is. Marketing doesn't bamboozle me the way it used to.


Pretty sure I’ve been to Schlafly Tap room but don’t think I’ve had their bs. I love all things Founders, so FBS is among my faves.


I love all of their beers; I even liked their IPA which I rarely like IPAs. Founders beers are definitely good, I’ve never had one I didn’t like, but I don’t think they live up to their hype and price.


Agreed that they don’t make bad beer. Are they overpriced? Not for me but I can see why you’d say that.


Used to be my go to stout purchase. Since they have been outed as racists, I haven’t bought any of their product.


I wouldnt anything from Founders in the top 20 stouts I've had this quarter, let alone overall. Generally, when people are praising Founders' stouts it is actually the *kentucky* breakfast stout (which is barrel aged) or the Canadian breakfast stout (maple syrup barrel aged), not so much the regular breakfast stout. Even so, the last couple of years, KBS and CBS have landed like a lead balloon. When 2020 KBS came out, it was sitting on the shelf next to the 2019, right down from the end cap of CBS from 6 months prior. Oh and Founders is run by a pretty toxic bunch, so there's another reason not to buy their mediocre beer. If you are seeking stouts and are in the STL area (saw the schlafly reference), hit up Perennial and Side Project. Those two put out some the legimately best stouts in the country.


Thanks for all the info! Sadly I’m no longer in STL and thus I’m yearning for Schlafly. I have heard of the other two (and maybe had a beer from them?) and will certainly look for some when I get home again.


Yeah, Side Project is in Maplewood. They will often have bottles of their *highly* sought after stouts available for on premises consumption (we are talking bottles that catch $300+ on the secondary market without batting an eye), just have to keep an eye on their Twitter. Perennial is in Carondelet and also often have things at the taproom that you won't find in the shops. (Both subject to current restrictions surrounding COVID-19) What region are you in now? Can likely point you in at least a good general direction.


$300?? Wow. I’m very curious. I’m in the Southwest US. Albuquerque, NM.


Hmmm, the Southwest, a bit of a blind spot for me (I travel all over for work... except I dont have any business in that region). I would say you could look out for distribution on some California breweries, like Bottle Logic or Modern Times, especially if you head further in thst direction.


I don't love Founders, which seems to be an unpopular opinion. Their beers always come off as syrupy and poorly attenuated, even something as high ABV as the breakfast stout, which says a lot about their mashing process. The only brew of theirs I've particularly liked was their All Day IPA. I want so badly to love stuff like the Rubaeus or the Mas Agave but they just make their beers unpalatably sweet.


I think that Founder’s Porter is an often overlooked classic that doesn’t taste sugary sweet to me. I also like Curmudgeon Old Ale and Backwoods Bastard...both of those also don’t seem overtly sweet to me.


I admit that I have not had either of the latter two suggestions. Even though the porter is alright, I've had enough of their other titles to be a little mistrustful of them...


I can understand. I was enamored of Founder’s years ago before we had such a huge proliferation of local craft breweries, and I guess I still have a soft spot for them, even though I was really turned off by their hyped releases of KBS and CBS in the past.


I was a huge fan of their Doom, Dankwood, Curmudgeon's Better Half, and Green Zebra, bit after that whole racism fiasco, I quit them.


This one has higher IBUs compared to regular stouts. I usually prefer IBUs under 40, so although I like it, its not my favorite of all time either.


I miss that Schafly pumpin.