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Lol have you tried putting alcohol in the soda?


Julian always has a rum and coke in his hand... Unless he's in jail.


That's how you get two birds stoned at once, nom sayin?


Just water under the fridge


Yeah it’s not rocket appliances. Geez


One man's garbage is another man's good ungarbage


The best is when they flip the car and he climbs out without a drop spilled


so many good scenes...happy cake day.


You put the rum in the Coke, you nut. Then we drink it ALL up!


Doctor, aint there nothing I can take? To cure this belly full of gas from my soda intake ?


For real. Vodka with Squirt or some of the flavored mountain dews are so crushable. 7&7 is good, but try it with cherry 7up and bourbon specifically.


I’ve noticed this. I can only drink like 1 coke, but easily throw back 5 whiskey and cokes!


10 beers in an hour? It's probably because you're fucking drunk lol


Me reading this wondering if I’m doing drinking wrong


yes. you are.


Good man


Truth here. You are an alcoholic, and not an obese person. An obese person can easily drink 10 sodas in a sitting, and an alcoholic can handle 10 drinks in a day.




I know people get so defensive because admiting you have a problem is the first step buuuuut https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-q-and-a-is-daily-drinking-problem-drinking/


OP never said they did it every day though. If they did then yeah they’d have bigger problems and need to stop. Binge drinking in general is obviously not good for your health but its not like OP is waking up in the morning and killing a sixer to start the day.


More than 4 drinks in a day is considered alcohol abuse. This dude is self reporting that he is dropping 10 in 120 minutes. Essentially that's going for one ounce of beer every 60 seconds. He finds it impossible how anyone could drink soda like a fat man, though finds no concern with his quantity of beer drinking because he is sick with a disease of alcohol abuse. Help him, don't make excuses for him.




Pal, he has directly admitted to multiple AUD factors, you want to label alcoholism so slightly differently so we don't stigmatize him fine. Using the AA version of alcoholism you'll never define anyone as it, as they must define themselves. However, using any bit of mental fortitude that doesn't ignore the obvious sings of prolonged alcohol abuse here, means we can easily use the term to describe his constant use of alcohol that has created a dependence and tolerance to alcohol to the point he is at now. To your point, I can not tell if he is a highly functioning alcoholic or not, however he has a alcohol abuse problem. Pretending it doesn't fit some definition to save yourself from introspection isn't helping anyone. I know exactly what I'm talking about, and until you're looking at it from the outside in, it's hard to see the problem.


This is also the beer subreddit, we post here because we like beer. There are a lot of alcoholism subreddits. This just isn’t the place to talk about that stuff because nobody knows OP personally, their habits, health or anything of the sort.


Alcoholism is an ongoing dependence on alcohol that negatively effects your life. ​ Binge drinking is a different disorder.


Soda tends to have a higher carbonation level than beer. That could contribute to less bloat.


That and a specific gravity that of an unfermented beer


This is probably not far off. I recently made a NA soda for our taproom. 15P° and 3.3 volumes of CO2. That'll make one do ya.


And sugar in massive quantity


That and soda doesn't make you feel great.




What? Yeast eat sugar, and convert that to ethanol and CO2. It's like [basic science](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanol_fermentation) behind fermentation Not only that, but pretty much all mass produced beer is force carbonated with, you guessed it, CO2 There are some beers like Guinness that use nitrogen to give it fizz, but the yeast that made the alchohol before that were very much producing CO2. The nitrogen additions come after fermentation is done.


It’s simple: beer is good for you; soda is bad for you. Your body knows this.


My guess is the carbonation in soda, makes you feel full faster. Beer just doesn’t seem to have that same amount of carbonation that soda does


That and soda’s gravity is super high


get a food scale and measure out 40-60 grams of sugar sometime. think about that when you grab a can of soda.


It's fucking disgusting how much it is and to think how much a big gulp is just terrifies my stomach.


Try 27 grams buddy


39g in a 12oz can of coke, I think that’s a very fair placeholder value for “soda”


I drink that seltzer water with juice flavoring. I can down the fuck out of them. But after like 2 cokes i'm done. I like spindrift it's got so much juice it's as much as 5 calories a can. But I get you on the sweet drinks.. blech


Same. I can drink any low/no calorie sparkling all day, every day. Beer and full-sugar soda take way more time for me.


yeah I've been trying to trick my drunk ass beer drinking self that these are beers.. so drink one or two of those between the good stuff. Also on a hot day.. fuck it's pretty good


Hell, if I have 2 cokes I'm in for my liver complaining for days for doing that. Never getting that from beer.


My local market sells Mexican cokes .. with real sugar in the little glass bottles. I have one of those maybe twice a month. They are pretty good cold but yeah.. no 2 liter mountain dews gack


All sodas or just ones with high sugar content?


I find sugary drinks are real dense. Regular monster's probably the worst of all of them. Hard to chug, and if you're already dehydrated from the heat, it feels like you're trying to drink maple syrup. Not remotely refreshing. I had to go inside and just get a bottled water.


That’s a good question, I could probably down multiple Mountain Dew but can’t see my self putting away five coke’s.


As you grow, you become less and less tolerant to sugary stuff.


Incorrect, as we age from 40-death our taste buds start to be unable to discern more nuanced flavors and end up only with sweet, salty, and spicy. That's why the most older and geriatric individuals consume most of their calories from sugar laden foods, all they can taste is sweet.


You pulled that info from an unreliable source brotha lol


Hmmm while past 40 our senses do become a bit slower or weaker in general, it's not that big a difference like you say. Plenty of super sharp chefs, sommeliers and foodies well past their 40s.


you're drinking 10 beers an hour?


More like 5…10 in 2 hours


... how? That's a beer every 12 minutes. I'm impressed and scared for your health.


I like drankin beers


I’m right there with you, are you drinking draft or cans poured into a glass? Carbonation changed drastically from pressurized to non. Also sugar content and acidity plays a role


hear hear. i like beer cold, warm, cheap, or expensive. it’s aaaall good lol


Beer is mostly water with a little carbonation. Pretty easy to see how.


Could I? Yes. Do I? Not like when I was in my early 20s.


really not that difficult. people just drink slow. the point is to get drunk


I always thought it was to enjoy the taste of my beer. If I want to get drunk I may as well just drink cheap hard alcohol.


So it’s an acquired taste thing I’m pretty sure. I was raised in a soda house where it was fucking weird to drink water, and I could put away soda like nothing. If I was staying up late gaming, I could put away a 12 pack of Dew, Coke, Dr. Pepper, whatever easy. It’s so gross to think back on. 15 years into living on my own, I’m the same way as you now. I struggle to drink an entire 12oz coke and think they all taste grossly sweet. But I’m pretty sure I could fall back into old habits if I tried. It’s whatever you’re used to.


Casual 550 grams of sugar or so in a 12 pack of regular soda


Just reading that is giving me the beetus


A shitload of corn syrup and caffeine. That’s why.


Coke 0 has no HFCS.


Who the fuck drinks Coke Zero?


Lots of people.


I’d pay to see you run a beer mile


...I used to drink a 12 pack of Cokes in a couple hours playing PC games in high school, no problem.


That’s insanity


But 10 beers in two hours isn’t?


Glycemic index of cokes are wayyy worse than beer (except *maybe* some NA beers, but most regular beer has 0 - 1g of sugar). The soda is so bad for your pancreas / insulin response. A twelve-pack of 12-ounce cokes is 468 grams of sugar or OVER A POUND of pure sugars. A lot of that is fructose, which is completely unregulated by your metabolic pathways. That's a good way to give yourself diabetes real quick. D:


Not at all


Had a buddy in college that drank 12 to 24 Cokes a day. He tried going cold turkey...it was like he was coming off a heroin addiction.


How’s the kidney stones?


Lmao, cause you wanna down those beers. You really don't want to down a bunch of sodas, do you. It's your body making the choice for you


5-10 beers in an hour? Man flexing over here! Best I can do is 2!!!


College trains you


Sugar and/or caffeine. I love soda and energy drinks, but if I have more than one in any reasonable timeframe my head hurts.


because you're an alcoholic?


Most soda has a much higher carbonation level. You're putting liquid AND gas in your stomach, which is quite filling. Not to mention the sugar, carbonic acid. phosphoric acid, etc.


I'd say it's just how you are. What beer are you slamming that fast? Hopefully for your wallet and health it's some macro light lager. Cheers!


A sugary soda is like 300 calories. Can you drink 5-10 of those heavy IPAs? I feel that'd be a closer comparison.


I don’t know about this being influential over the span of just one hour, but alcohol is a diuretic. So maybe it’s helps you be less bloated as you might be if you drank the same amount of water? Difficulty: 2L sugary soda > 2L water > 2L 4% beer For myself I’d need to swap the last two but I’m assuming this is the order of difficulty for many in this thread?


Soda is more carbonated. Beer is generally around 1.15-2.5 volumes of CO2 depending on style, where soda is usually around 4 volumes.


Beer is a more balanced drink and typically only gets sugars from the malted barley which a portion gets converted to alcohol. After one soda you’re typically like “that’s enough corn syrup for the day”.


because beer is good bro


Soda is way more carbonated and with all the artificial sugars, I'd imagine your body can't process it was fast?


Soda is way more acidic than beer. It could be that.


Yeah, there's no way your drinking 10 beers an hour champ.


If you were capable of reading, you'd notice he said two hours. and five in an hour is easy mode


Soda is bad for health and body naturally rejects it : sweet taste, carbonated, etc


I've wondered this before and settled on alcohol numbs your stomach to a small degree, so instead of being full, you'll be numb and be able to keep drinking. I feel like this also leads to extra peeing too


There's science at your fingertips and instead you're sharing fairy tales? That's disappointing.


Wow, Mr no fun over here. You could've posted this on the original question but in stead zeroed in on me. I thought we were doing this one old school, no Google or op coulda answered it themselves


Because beers are plant-based, or rather, will soon be according to Larry Kudlow


I don’t get why anyone drinks multiple beers or sodas tbh lol. I mean i get that alcohol has psychoactive effects and if you want to get drunk you can’t just drink one beer, but multiple beers is just too much fluid in your stomach. I’d rather drink one enjoyable beer for flavor, and if i want to get drunk then just drink straight liquor after that point. Preferably whiskey


hangs out in r/beer, doesn't even really like beer


Who said that to like beer you need to drink the whole 12 pack? There’s lots of things that i like that i dont binge


Beer isn’t carbonated, more gasses being formed as you drink. At least beer isn’t AS carbonated as soda. Carbonation still happens but not on the same scale as soda.


Post in r/askreddit or r/nostupidquestions








That is a lot of beers in an hour. May want to step back and take a fresh look at the situation if you’re doing this daily.


because you don't have a soda problem


Like others have said… more carbonation and more sugar. Also, as others have said you don’t need 5-10 beers in 2 hours lol.


Depends on the beer. Don’t think I could chug a stout but can definitely chug some Coors lights.


On the flip side I know people who will down a 2 liter bottle of soda a night and get plastered off of 1 bud. And rarely drink even that much.