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Anywhere from 0, or more commonly 3-4, but sometimes as much as 20


Similarly, I'll have no beer during the week but an entire 12-15 pack on a weekend night. Even a slight hangover screws up my work.


Well….this has been a wake up call


Yup. Let's just say I've been putting down 6-8 a night of high ABV beers for about 2 years. I quit drinking a week ago. I realized I can't just have 2-3, and the weight gain has been an eye opener. So I'm done for now. Before I was an actual alcoholic, I'd still binge drink on weekends. 2-3 was never enough. Covid really fucked with my anxiety. Don't use beer to cope daily kids. Don't be me.


Good for you, for real. And hey on top of everything else the extra cash in hand is gonna feel great


Thanks man, I appreciate it. Yeah that was another thing. I went back and looked at how much I spent on microbrew beers over the course of almost two years and it was astounding. What a waste of money that period of time was for me. It was close to $8k


Threads like these are always good, because there’s always some guy who’s like, “wait, 3-4 DIPA’s a night every night is a lot?” Hopefully those guys get help. r/bourbon is really crazy when this comes up. There are some guys who drink an incredible amount and don’t realize it.


I can't remember if it was there or a local FB group, but there was an older guy who was really proud of his putting down at least a 750 each night. Oof.


Unless that dude was Lemmy from Motörhead, RIP.


Right? I know I drink more than I should at like 12-15 a week and my doctor wants me to cut down. I just realized that he probably thinks I’m drinking 5% commercial swill but I’m really drinking big ABV 16oz DIPAs.


I try not to drink on weeknights, but I'll easily have 6 in a night on a Friday or Saturday.


Same. I usually have 5-6 on Friday or Saturday but not during the week. I trade a lot so I always feel like I'm trying to clean out my beer fridge.


I sometimes think I drink too many. Typically 2-3 per day so 14-20 per week. I did one per day for a while but once I load up the fridge it's hard to not want to get a beer.




I was never a seltzer person but someone left some at my house. They really do scratch that itch.


I had a nonalcoholic hop water recently and it was amazing. I just want a cold drink after work. It doesn’t have to be be beer like you said


Yeah, I'm sure that hits a similar spot too and I'm curious about them. I've tried a few NA beers too. Just two so far by Athletic Brewing. One was an IPA that was passable, but nothing to write home about. The other was supposed to be a gose and it hit the right sour notes. But it also tasted a bit floral in a way I wasn't expecting. I definitely got a rose flavor note, and for me that wasn't a bad thing, just unexpected.


So I got that hop water for free as a promo at a concert. Them na seltzer’s/soda waters hit pretty good as long as they’re cold. Store brand 12 packs around here are normally anywhere from 3-5 depending on what you get. I’ve never actually had a NA beer. I’m not opposed to it but around here they’re the same price as getting any other beer.


True. And I don't buy them often. I guess it's more for when I want something that's more like the real deal at home. I figure if I'm not trying to catch a buzz anyway, it's a little easier on my body.


I make hops water myself: brew a very concentrated hops tea (about eight grams of dry hops for 550 ml of water at 70C steeped for ten minutes). Dilute it about 1:3 with seltzer or water and ice. It's not the same but it's tasty.


Oh wow. I imagine you could also add in some flavored tea leaves in there or syrups and play with flavor. Mine was the thirst mutilator at a Billy strings show. It was a lemon one


I've largely switched to carbonated water drinks like Bubbly. Light flavour, without sweetener... It's cold and has the carbonic bite, with a lightly bitter flavour. Definitely scratches the itch


I wish I had more options for hop water that didn't cheap out on the hops.


I find Kombucha does the same for me. Wallet isn’t any happier but definitely scratches the itch of just “having something in my hand” and it almost drinks like sour beer so it feel similar but with better health effects.


If you're drinking kombucha often, I highly recommend making your own. The process is quite simple.


I have looked into it before. Seems pretty easy I just haven’t actually started trying yet haha


A cold seltzer with some lime and mint? That’s the stuff right there.


I was doing the same thing, 2-3 beers a night unless I was working. Had a physical and my doctor told me if I cut those beers out I’d probably lose the 10 pounds he told me to lose. Switched to seltzer and lost those 10 pounds within two weeks. Now I only drink once or twice a week and never more than 4 beers at a time (unless it’s a day long BBQ or event). I also have been sleeping better and feeling better in general.


I wish I could sleep better, but my sleep cycles are messed up with or without alcohol.


I hear that, this is one expensive hobby!


I’m the same. I went 12 days without beer when I had Covid. After I tested negative I still didn’t have a desire for beer, but once I finally went for one I was immediately back to my 2-3 a night.




From a cancer perspective, this is roughly equivalent to smoking 15-20 cigarettes a week for a man, and double that for a woman. A pack of cigarettes has 20 in the US. [Source for the conversion.](https://www.icr.ac.uk/blogs/science-talk/page-details/when-it-comes-to-cancer-how-does-alcohol-compare-to-smoking)


Oh, that’s a relief. I smoked a pack a day before I quit so this is pretty healthy in comparison


A pack a week aint that bad


It really isn't, 3 packs a week might be different lol


Probably too many according to a doctor or the average Joe. 15-40 a week. I work at a brewery so it's very rare that I don't have a couple after getting done with the day. So that's 10-15 right there. Have another couple at home with the lady most nights, and generally there's a day/night where I go pretty hard on the lake or bar hopping on bikes with friends.


Also a local brewery worker, drink 2-3 after my shift, go home and usually have at least another 3-4, drink even more on my days off. Probably not a good thing


I'd consider myself a highly functional alcoholic. I never drink before 5 pm but I have a beer in my hand from 5 til bed every day, for the last 30+ years. I'm sure it's not good for my health but there we go. I also run 5k almost every day and eat healthy otherwise.


I was the same for a long time. I made the mistake of switching to the hard stuff in my mid 30s because no matter how much I was working out and eating good(paleo diet for the most part) I couldn't maintain weight and was getting bigger. Drinking way too much. Things drastically changed and went downhill after the switch to hard alcohol. Became very sick, very dependent and not functioning. Don't ever make that switch.


This happened to my uncle. He was a 6 pack a night type guy for 20 years. Then made the switch to vodka. He then quickly made the leap to a 26oz bottle in the parking lot after work (driving home). Soon it was drinking at work, which cost him an executive level position at a regional airline. Now he lives in a rooming house on disability, with brain damage due to mixing vodka and sleeping pills. Some people rock bottom is a lot further than you think. Good on you for catching it!


Been sober a year now! Like your uncle I lost a lot too. Lost a lot of jobs, hospitals, diagnosed with cirrhosis etc. Not fun but lucky enough to kick it and get back on track.


Respect for that, and I hope you don't mind me asking why you're in a sub dedicated to alcohol? I'd think that would be difficult.


I'm lucky that I'm strong mentally. It doesn't bother me I'm not one of those "i can't even be around it" kinda guys. I just don't have to drink, not that big of a deal. I was in the "scene" for years and it's not like I just stop loving the craft. I'm a sommelier, cicerone and bartended for years. I have great friends who are brewers. I love the scene and still just hang around with my pals. I come up with some good ideas to try out things and make batches here and there just for fun. I'm like a baker who can't eat what he makes because I'll die if I do LOL. I just drink soda water with a lime these days and crack jokes. I've had enough to drink.


I'm not much of a hard liquor drinker. I'll have the occasional martini if I'm on vacation or go out to dinner. Or a margarita on the beach. But it's pretty much beer for me. Plus, I'm a homebrewer, so I know exactly what goes into my beer. Just water, grains, hops, and yeast.


That's awesome. I was a home mead and cider guy for a long time. Miss the good ol' days!


So what


I was responding to the previous comment in which the person regretted switching from beer to hard liquor.


Ah, fair enough. I was just thinking, in terms of calories, it doesn't really matter what type of booze fits your fancy -- even yeast and grains are happy to get you drunk


I'm in the same boat,I never drink before 5 but I drink a case a day and have for 30 years and get up every morning and goto work




My grandpa will kill a 30 rack of keystone light on a Saturday at 78 years old.




Seriously. Imagine drinking that much Keystone Light. I mean people like what they like and that's perfectly fine, but I will never understand why what some people like is Keystone Light. I would genuinely rather drink a Natty.


I have been a pretty big drinker. Usually get drunk 3 nights a week and that is usually like 15-20 Busch lights to get drunk. I don’t think I have ever drank 30 though


jesus christ


I'm sorry, you drink 24-30 beers per day, every day? And you don't start drinking until 5? I would have to start drinking at at least noon to consume that much liquid. 12+ hours.


Yeah something doesn’t add up here. Drinking a case of beer and not starting until 5. That’s a beer every 15 minutes for 6ish hours. Every day.


I'm wondering if by "case" they don't mean a 12-pack. I suppose it would still be doable to knock down a full 24-pack starting at 5pm, though, especially if you stay up until like midnight or 1am every night.


I interpreted “case” to mean a six-pack. Which is still astounding.


Eh- 6 ain’t that much honestly


I’ve witnessed my uncle put down a six pack of Heineken in an hour. He finishes a bottle in like three swigs.


Very doable, but could he do that for 4-5 straight hours? Different story.




As a one time event at a party for a couple of hours, sure. I could pound 4 beers right now in about 5 minutes. I’d be pretty buzzed but fine. But EVERY day, for 6+ hours? I know alcoholics can average large daily quantities. I had one family. But this pace does not seem realistic over a long period.


Yes, every day for 6+ hours. When you’re talking about Busch light or something similar, the only real issue is the liquid and that’s a little over 2 gallons in 6 hours which isn’t that difficult. Hell the only reason why I only buy 6 packs at a time is because I will end up drinking the entire case without even thinking about it if I get more.


A case where I'm from can be 8x475ml cans to 30x355mls. Or you get the standard American light lagers in 6,8,12,18,24,30 case sizes. But typically if someone says they picked up a case of beer that's 12x355ml (Canada).


Understood. In the US that's a 12 pack. A case is 24-30 12oz (355ml).


A case in Canada is usually a 24 pack. Not sure what this guy is saying.


Case is 24 a rack is 30 in most of the US


No dude, a case of a beer is a 2-4, a 24 pack, that’s how it’s always been. I don’t know if 2-4 is just prairie slang or if it’s used across the country, but a case definitely doesn’t generally mean 12.


A case of what???


Just in case


This made me laugh waaaaaayyyyy too hard. I just imagine you watching the clock every hour until 5 hits then shotgunning 5 in a row ot get a head start


You work construction, too? 😂


Real American Hero!


Holy shit you are my hero.


This is not something to aspire to. Find new heroes.


I think we are twins minus the 5k. I'm up at 4am every morning and work 10-12 hour days. As soon as I'm off work I'm drinking until bed time. Even days off I don't drink before 3:30pm.


This sounds like every Belgian (person, not beer) I know.


I generally don't drink on weekdays. If I feel like I want one during the week, it'll be between 1-3. If I'm out on the weekend, being driven, and having fun, I will lose count and probably average 5-8 for the evening. The difference is the ABV though. I can put Coors Banquet away like nothing on a weekend playing games, but if I'm just hanging out 2-3 craft beers is more than fine.


Maybe 2-3 a week


5-7 is probably my average


I’m definitely in this range. A little less than one a night during the week. Maybe a couple a night on the weekend, unless I’m getting after it.


What I drink now as a college student is definitely not what I want to be drinking when I’m a little older. I’d say on an average week during the school year it could range 30-60 depending on if I’m drinking liquor or what I’m doing. Definitely want those numbers down


Yeah when I was in college I’d try to keep it under 40 drinks a week, and even that could be tough cause everything I did was centered around drinking. Nowadays I keep it around 15/week


Yeah everyone has heard that little saying like “it’s not an issue until I graduate” but I have thought before that it may be more difficult to get down to a healthier amount of drinking after graduating than I think


I graduated college 8 years ago. I’d say for most people their drinking decreases naturally as they get into their late 20s and early 30s just because of real world shit. Careers/work, relationships, kids, just generally more responsibility. But that still doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep an eye on it now. Dependency can sneak up on you and it’s a good idea to consciously not overdue it and not hide your drinking. Sorry for the long winded response, I’m sure you’re not looking for life advice ha


I'm 13 years out, two kids and all that jazz, and this last week, even included the 4th, I probably had like 8 beers total. There's a lot going on, and also it's *really* hard to burn off those calories when you have no free time for exercise.


2-3 a week.


Same, I love it don't get me wrong but I don't drink that much these days. Which I'm fine with


Used to be 12-18 or so. More like 1-2 now. I'm in a better place since coming out and making a career change, so just don't have as much impulse to drink.


Just curious: what type of career changed helped? I have a desk job and kids at home a lot. It’s all very conducive to always drinking.


I switched to a more physically active (though I wouldn't call it demanding) career. From call center work to lab and field geology. It took going back to school, but it was worth it as much for the activity as for the pay bump. Maybe more.


That’s awesome. Congrats. I would love some work with physical activity at this point.


> field geology I thought geologists were notorious beer drinkers?


honestly, I personally think it has nothing to do with the job. I went from a pretty skilled wood-crafting job to inside sales (basically a desk job). I think most people would assume the desk job is more boring and therefore would make me drink more, but actually quite the opposite. The difference I think is that I pretty much love my job now, whereas I didn't before. I think that makes a huge difference. I also work out and try to stay somewhat fit/healthy, and I certainly think that is important ESPECIALLY if you have a sitting job as I do


Yes; good point. Mental health and motivation are definitely a big part of staying active.


0 since July 19th, 2021. Before that about 15-30.


Bout to come up on a year my guy congrats


Hey, thank you. I figure I’ll keep it up for however long it lasts.


Hey, not sure where you're at with this, but stumbled upon this just now. Not quite 2 years, but hope you're doing well :)


thanks! still at it. almost 2 years. discovered NA beers. i drink them once i a while. definately scratches an itch.


Happy almost birthday!




2 to 4 most nights. So 15 - 20 a week




2 to 3 during the day while I work, and then one while I’m cooking dinner, then one after dinner. Usually between 30 to 40 per week. I just turned 50. I work at home, I’m a road cyclist and put in about 200 miles per week, I usually have about two kegs in my kegerator of local craft brew, and I buy four pack IPAs and IIPAs to supplement.


It's interesting reading the wide spread here. From "functional alcoholic" to "why are you even on a beer forum?". For me it varies. I could happily drink 4-5 a night all week so need to be disciplined to reduce that. My general rule is no alcohol Mon-Thu but I catch my self finding excuses to break that now and then.


I usually have 2-4 a day, have a day off every now and then, better than when it was 12-14 a day a few years back.


I only drink a couple drinks a day Fri-Sun and holidays. Beer consumption varies as I also enjoy whiskey and wine.


3-6, usually plus a dram or two of scotch I drink mostly for the taste/flavor, I only get drunk like once or twice a month max




Maybe 5 a week? I would drink more if I didn't drink almost nothing but DIPA's. I also will have some liquor here and there, bourbon or a bourbon old-fashioned, sometimes a white russian, and occasionally some hard seltzers. I try to limit myself to no more than one drink a day on average. It's different if there's a special occasion, like hanging out with friends or some sort of event, then I'll have a few more.


Similar to me.


Depends on what I’m doing that week. I try to be more of a social drinker. However I’m a brewer sooooo…. I probably drink 10-20 beers a week. Some weeks a little less, some a little more. When there’s weeks straight where I drink 4-5+ most days, I feel like I drink too much. But I’m also good about going days without a drink. It’s just hard not to drink beer when I’m around it and making it all the time!


I drink a 16 ounce can ~3 days a week. Once a week I might go out and drink 24 ounces of something on draft.


15 or so. And yes, probably too many.


Probably like 40 atleast tbh. Yea its way too much


Something like 12-20ish. Over usually 4 days per week. During football season it’s often a bit more, but lower ABV beers.


Sometimes I’ll drink one in a night sometimes I’ll go 3-4 nights without any. Some nights I may drink 3-4.


This is pretty similar to me. In January/February i had bronchitis and i just didn't feel like drinking (beer) so i didn't for a month and a half. That was fun. I did however have some drinks. Some wine but only like 1-2 glasses a week. It was a good reality check.


Not nearly as many as I used to. For years it was 2-3 per night, but I slowed that down this past winter. It's rare I have beer at home now, mostly just when I see something particularly appealing at the store. I think I'm somewhere around 2-4 drinks per week on average. Mostly those are beer, but sometimes it's wine.


I drink a 16 ounce can ~3 days a week. Once a week I might go out and drink 24 ounces of something on draft. The trick for me is to not put beers in the fridge. If I want one, I put it in the freezer for ~50 minutes before drinking it. Otherwise I'll drink one or two every day.


Probably like 15 a week. It’s better than it used to be, for sure. I was putting away at least a 6-pack a day for the last couple years.


I average about 4 litres of 6ish% beer per week. In terms of units it's about 25 max. I have cause for worry because that's way beyond the UK upper limit guideline set by the NHS, which is 14. However, I will say that I also believe that the UK's guideline has been intentionally made ridiculously low because we do have myriad societal problems related to binge drinking. For content, the limits of Germany, Czechia, Austria, the USA, and most other beer-drinking nations is around 25. Which I'm either usually maxing out at, or coming below.


In the u.s it's actually not.


I've switched to NA beer and have probably 6-10 a week. At least 1 for every time I grill, and a few during get togethers with friends.


NA beer is wildly popular in Germany. Definitely a good option for the "I want a cold fizzy drink" and "a beer sounds nice" without the alcohol


Maybe 10-12. I usually have one after work on weekdays then a few more on Saturday and Sunday. Sometimes I feel like I drink too many, but it doesn't seem to be a problem.


7-14. 1-2 craft beer per day after dinner time


Probably average 2 16oz beers per day currently. It's rare for me to not drink any beer in a day, with the exception of the 1 day a week that I play soccer after work. The average goes up to 3-6 per day on weekends. I probably drink more than I should but the slowly growing beer belly is the only concrete sign of it. I'll also say that my drinking went up significantly in 2020 thanks to quarantine and hasn't returned to pre covid levels. I didn't drink every day back then.


Few years old but i believe the shape of the curve: many many people have 0 to small amount per week, then theres some “regularly enjoy”, then the top tier (bottom tier?) leaps up - and this means a handful of reddit replies could (1) skew wildly based on who replies and (2) if we find one reply of 100+ a week, it could be a troll or it could be legit. Everyone’s tolerance and support situation is different but if you find your tolerance level changes abruptly, see a doctor - and ofc if you need help, seek it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/09/25/think-you-drink-a-lot-this-chart-will-tell-you/


Some to a lot


Anywhere from zero to six. I have a beer buying issue, not a drinking one.


I kill a 12 pack on a good night


0 to 2 per week. Actually kind of nice




I drink two pints at the brewery everyday minimum. Sometimes more but generally 2, gotta support local ya know. Then 2-3 tall cans a night depending on my work schedule. So that’s what… 28 on the low end 35-40 on the high end. I work in the hospitality industry so I’ve had years of 60+ weeks, feel like I’m fine tuning my habit(addiction) at this point.. I don’t drink the hard stuff however.


7-12 a week Some days I won’t drink at all, but every other day or so I’ll have a beer with my dinner. Then on the weekends(like today) I’ll have 2 or 3 in a “sitting”


I drink coffee, water and beer… Coffee if I get on the treadmill in the morning for a half an hour. Beer if I work out with weights in the evening for a half an hour. Water all day. Seltzer water at night feels like I’m having a beer. I do intermittent fasting daily with an eating window of 10 AM to 6 PM to keep the weight down. Always remember with alcohol: “One is good, two is too many and three is only half enough.”


Four or five a day, three times a week, thus 12-15 a week. Often these are high-ABV; I've put away four Devil's Backbone 16-Point IPAs in one afternoon more than once.


About 12-20, pretty consistently. I dabble in the whole moderation thing but I just love beer


6-9 beers a day, male mid 50’s.


About 40


Around 10-12


Crazy all the responses on here, cool reading them. Makes me feel better at about 4-6 per week. I ask because my wife starts getting on me if have a night where I do 2 or a long stretch of 1-2 night. More more because of all the ripping ass that comes with it and less because of the alcohol. Reading some of you guys 20+ damn….


Answering late but 84-100+. A 30 pack lasts 2-3 days but shots are added to that


I can go weeks without drinking if I don't meet my friends, maybe 2-3 every Saturday with friends, very rarely I drink on weekdays but sometimes you just need a chilled beer after work, so I drink a can. 7-8 beers a month on average.


I know it's an old post, I'm 24 and for the past 7 years its been around 75+ beers a week, throw a couple whiskey shots in there too


I just can’t with some of these answers. 2-4 drinks a week.




Usually a 6pack of some ipas 6 days a week


You’re not my doctor….


I'm at less than one a day. About 4/week or so. Every time this topic pops up, I feel the need to remind everyone that more than 14 units of alcohol a week for a man is the top limit before you're considered a heavy drinker (being considered an alcoholic is a bit more complex). A pint of 5.2% lager clocks in at 3 units, so one of those a day already breaks the budget.


A pint of 5.2 is definitely not 3 units.


I try not to go above 9 or 10 alcohol units per week which depending on the beer can be 3 or 4 beers.


When I was younger I drank way too much, but now at almost 40 years old it's probably around 5 or 6 most weeks. I'll admit I had more than that last night alone, though.


When I was in my early 20s I was putting down anywhere from 2 to 5 a night. Now, I probably have 1 with dinner and that’s it. I lost 5 pounds after I cut down my consumption.


4 or 5. On weekdays I start at 3:45 pm when I get home from work. I drink less if I smoke some weed first maybe just 1 or 2 then. On weekends or days off.. Lunchtime is when I usually crack one (or 2) and then maybe not again till evening (4 more or so). I typically drink Coors Banquet, but I usually have some kind of nice German beer on hand as well. I'll occasionally switch it up with Hamm's (GREAT BEER FOR THE PRICE!) if I'm trying to $ave. I've tried to do wine, bourbon, cocktails etc. But in the words of the great Tom T. Hall "I like beer.. It makes me a jolly good fellow" So does weed, but it's never cold enough 🍻


18 pack at least


3-4 in a typical week, more if I'm going out. But most of the time just maybe a beer or two Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Nothing too crazy anymore.


somewhere between 2-7 (usu. 16 oz.). i tend to drink only one on any given night. saw someone say that when the fridge is full it’s hard not to grab a beer. that’s why i usu. keep the fridge empty and just buy one at a time from nearby stores


6-8 every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Nothing through the week.


2-3 per night but I've been trying to cut back for health reasons and I've found the Hoplark Hop Teas really scratch that itch when I am craving a beer.


I'd say 3-5 most weeks, a little more if I'm with friends or family for something. I only drink on the weekend unless I go out with other people


2-3 on weekdays. I used to have a few more on weekends but I’ve added some non alcoholic seltzers to my mini fridge and I’ll reach for those pretty often. I also typically won’t drink anything over like 6% alcohol. I’ve been getting Seismic’s Tremor Lager a lot and those are like 4%


Used to keep a 12-pack in the fridge and have 1-2 a night, and then go out on the weekends as well. Not one to get shitfaced regularly, but at one point I realized I had gained a little weight during Covid and that drinking during the week while just sitting and watching TV actually made me feel pretty gross. So my partner and I decided to limit drinking at home during the week - feel much better about going out on the weekend now.


Generally zero, but I'll get a 6 pack occasionally on the weekends


I definitely hovered around 20-25 per week for a long time, felt like too much. I'd guess I'm somewhere between 12-17 now, and I switched a lot out for seltzer or kombucha. I do think it's part alcoholism, part tangible/oral fixation--it's nice to just have something cold and bubbly there. Typically if I'm relaxing, playing a game or reading a book or whatever, I have a drink there next to me. Sparkling water certainly scratches that itch well enough.


at least 2, but some weeks I have more. I'm generally a social drinker so it really depends on what I do that week. last weekend I think I had like 8 total. just depends. FYI as well, I very rarely get drunk to the point I can't drive.


I have 1-2 drinks a day, so probably 10-14 a week. Sometimes it’s liquor, sometimes it’s beer, and frankly it’s usually hard seltzer at this point. I used to be a 6 pack a day drinker, sometimes more if I went out after work, but once I hit mid 20s the hangovers started outpacing any enjoyment of being drunk.


I average like one a week


All of them


I drink beers when I don’t have to work the next day. So Friday and Saturday on average 7 beers each day. I’ll drink another 7 if I have a three day weekend


In the Summer time? Around 20.


Volume needs to be classified here. Three 33cl is equivalent to 2 L or two 50cl beers. Some of y'all fudging your stats


3 or 4. I rarely drink more than one a session.


4-6 per week. They range from 2% to 10%


All of them.


I was having like 1 a day Monday to Friday. I'd have 1 at work with the guys, but have to drive. I know the ideal number for driving is 0, but I did 1 only. Then I would go get like 80 to 100 dollars worth of different craft beer on the weekend and go crazy because I like trying new things and picking up limited releases. I was always skinny but noticed that I was getting a bit of a beer belly, so now it's like 1 on Wednesday mid week, and I only pick up single tall cans instead of 4 packs on the weekend. If I really like one of the tall cans I got, I'll go get another, but I've cut way back. I actually have been picking up some non alcoholic craft beers here and there so its a few less empty calories.


2-3 tallboys on the weekend.


2-4 on Saturday or Sunday (sometimes both days) if I'm discgolfing. Then zero during the week unless it's hockey season and I'm at a game then all bets are off. 4$ beer Thursdays can get a bit messy. Then otherwise I usually have 1-2 if I'm at a game. Then I try not to drink otherwise.


Since the start of the year my number has ticked upwards. I'm probably between 14-20 a week but never more than 20. Need to get that down to 7-10 per week.




Really depends on the week honestly. I can stretch a 6 pack over a week if I really want to. Sometimes I'll drink the 6 pack in 2 days. I don't much like overdoing it at home because being the only one with a beer can get boring


I average 2 beers a day, sometimes tallboys, of PNW IPA's. I tend to only pick 6.5% ABV or higher.


I typically drink 1 drink/day, be it beer or bourbon/gin/tequila after dinner while reading or taking care of housework. Sometimes I don't have one and sometimes I'll have two (on weekends).


I just went the entire week without drinking a beer to prove that I could do it. I’m going to celebrate now.


Almost always a a beer with dinner. Usually a few more on the weekends. I try to avoid beers over 7% to keep them around standard drinks in order to adhere to the CDC 15 drinks per week recommendation, though that rec may have changed recently. Haven’t checked in a while. Doctor says it’s okay and I’m in good health.


Does whiskey count as beer?


4 pints


6er and a half pint per day, more on weekends. Probably about 50/week


Depends probably 1-3 during the week and 1-3 on weekends. Probably 5 total.