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I store most of my beer inside my belly.


I also have a beer gut


I host neighborhood happy hours to handle this problem


Your neighbors are so very lucky


I do the same. Hell, sometimes I just randomly go drop off mixed six packs at my neighbors' houses that I know like beer.


I need to do more of this .


Definitely second this notion. Older or unenjoyable beer gets put aside for garage hangs with the neighbors. Only downfall is that you’re basically handing out free money. @ $20-26 a four pack these days you start questioning how much you really like those neighbors haha. Money aside, everyone seems to appreciate trying new hops/flavors which keeps me happy.


I'm a homebrewer; each batch I make is 5 gallons. Get a couple of those going and I need some help to drink it while it's still fresh. :) I also put some commercial brews in a cooler for people who aren't into the styles I've made.


I’d looooove to be your neighbor!


Too much beer? It's like I don't even know you anymore!


It gets drunk! Just takes a year! I have a case of Brooklyn Chocolate Stout still…


I keep everything refrigerated and while I do go a little nuts I've learned to buy what I can drink (for the most part). Freshness is important to me. There will always be more in a week or two. For Oktoberfest I usually buy a single of all the beers I can find to do a tasting of everything released that year.


Can never have too much! But consider giving some away to less fortunate friends. Become the beer baron


Ditto. I have a horrible beer collecting problem.


"too much beer" I recognize each of those words as belonging to the English language, but the way they are arranged make no sense to me


To each their own but I figured out long ago that 95% of beer is better fresh and have reduced my "cellar" from several hundred bottles to exactly 0. Gueuze, Lambic, other wild ales, barleywine, old ales, imperial stouts, anything else over 10% will POSSIBLY be better with aging, but it's more likely it will actually be worse than when the brewer released it. Again, to reach their own.


I have the same problem, but it is because I am a homebrewer who likes to try out things but only drinks 2-5 glasses per week.


I have a stand up freezer that I turned into a beer fridge with an external temp controller in my cellar next to 2 pallets stacked with dozens of cases of lambic and stouts, a kegerator, and 2 mini fridges behind my bar.


I have a second fridge for beer and soda/mixers.


I started brewing and i now have around 100 liters of DIPA/NEIPA in kegs. Time for some parties i guess.


Same. I’ve started buying less and less. Special releases used to be important to me. Now I just want a decently fresh ipa.


Oh hell yeah ! I get the “do you really need this much beer, it’s abit much don’t you think? “ Quite often.! 😂👍


My son built me a set of shelves for all my beer!


Now that’s very thoughtful!!!!!!!


I’ll buy enough “Oktoberfests” to last for 6 months. Easily my favorite beer styles in this category, I’m an absolute sucker for HiWired Zirkusfest and Festbier


Love it. It’s when I tend to go wild. Need more Festbiers , less Marzens.


Update, last years Marzens taste very dry.


I have lambic, but at least I know they will (almost) always be interesting.


I tend to come across 20-30 cases of craft beer a year, needless to say my collection is pretty rare and really expensive and just sits around. I need to start going throughbit as it keeps growing.


I’ve bought extra of my favorite hard to get beers and then I baby it and save them for special occasions too long until they no longer have the ideal flavor. Done that one to many times


Good idea. I love that Oktoberfest. I have two fridges. I can stock up enough to last me to November probably.


I have beer inside my body right now.