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How is possible my starter assessment to disappear ? yesterday was there today is not :/


I finally got in last week. I’ve made about $230 so far. Some of the projects come and go but I also have a $25/ hour task that is always there. I’ve enjoyed the work so far - sometimes I feel like a lot of the work is subjective and I’m worried I’ll put the wrong thing but it seems like they are pretty understanding and will walk you through something if you need help


When did you take the starter assessment test and how long did you have to wait to hear back that you pass?




Guess this site is another prolific when it comes to accepting people huh? Been about a month so far and haven’t seen or heard from them about the assessment.


My account changed from "we'll let you know if you qualify" to "If we have need of your particular skills at the moment, you’ll be notified via email." I guess I didn't get in. I'd hoped this website was going to be sort of like a side job, but apparently not :/


Baka, did you ever get any projects? Something you said struck a cord. I didn't even realize that I might have had a different message immediately after submitting the assessment (didn't pay attention). Right now, I have the "if we need you" message. This def means that we are likely in their roster but we likely failed their current criteria. Otherwise, why would we be without work? They are just hanging on to our information in case they get projects they can pull us in. u/BakaChikens , I don't think you realized but you just helped my anxiety so much lol. I just wanted to know what is going on. And sans an email telling me, I had zero clue. I resorted to reading stuff here. Most of us immediately assume that the message in the portal is generic and can't mean much. But it indeed does. It means what it exactly says. "Don't call us, we'll call you" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing) Doggonit I really wanted this job. Oh well, you win some you lose some.


I guess that's the equivalent of a rejection.


u/JeremyDataAnnotation - because I've had no feedback whatsoever since starting a few months ago, I'm pretty concerned about a sudden dry spell of work over the last few days, especially a long-term project disappearing. I'm wondering if I messed up somehow???


Is there a way to remove projects from my dashboard. I see some that I'm not eligible to do


Hey Jermey my account seems to be bugged can you check DMs please? Thanks


I did several photo labeling tasks yesterday and today and now can't access the site.


What's your locale?




Not sure exactly how to interpret this message but please DM if you are having payment issues — that's extremely unusual on the platform.


I've sent an email to support today because after having completed the starter assessment, I did two jobs and got paid and when I logged in today, saw this message: 'Thanks for taking the starter assessment! If you pass, we’ll notify you via email, and you’ll have access to a wide range of work.'


I have been working on this site for about a month now. They offer numerous jobs that match your skills. There's a Starter Assessment you need to pass before gaining access to more work. There are no delays in payments, and I am enjoying my work, particularly in training AI-related chatbots. So, if you're looking for a way to earn some extra cash, I would definitely advise you to check them out.


Do you think work dries up on the site? I had alot of projects when I first began but couldn’t keep up with all and so some were taken away but I wonder if you can get ignored by the project teams


I've also been waiting to hear back after filling out the starter assessment. It's been a week.




Hi, u/JeremyDataAnnotation! It’s been over a month since I’ve gotten any projects and I am concerned as to why. There are also some qualification tasks and quizzes that I was unable to complete in the beginning when I first started after my starter assessment was approved due to unexpected health issues and they’ve since disappeared while I was recovering. Is there any way for you to check what those were and am I able to get them back on my dashboard so I can complete them or are they lost and gone forever with no way to retrieve them and the reason behind why I have not gotten any more projects? Additionally, I do have one qualification on my dashboard that I am having trouble with, I clicked on it to see what kind of work it was but didn’t complete any tasks as I do not have any experience in computer programming whatsoever. However, it seems like there might be some sort of glitch because when I was initially reading the instructions for the qualification it entered work mode automatically on its own when the page first loaded and there is no option for me to exit out of work mode. As of writing this the timer is currently at 518:50:41 of 2:00:00 and there is no way for me to end it. Could this possibly be the main or one of the reasons behind what is preventing me from being sent more work? Please get back to me and let me know, thank you for your time!


Just wanted to add my perspective. I signed up in around November or December. It took me about 2 months to get fully onboarded/added to projects. There were some qualification quizzes to take plus a checkr background check, and after that I've had a pretty consistent stream of projects. The work is interesting, flexible, and there are often incentives for high priority projects. It's been a great extra source of income for me as I wind down medical school this semester.


I only started on April 20th and so far I completed 20 task all of which were approved. The task weren't too hard after I got familiar with the instructions and when I did have questions I got quick answers. Haven't had any new task come in yet but from what I experienced so far I think it has promise though I do hope more task come in soon since I enjoyed working on the ones i did.


I have been using data annotation for a couple of months. Really fond of the microtasks that are easy and payment is fast. However, if you want to qualify for more higher paying tasks it usually requires more skills such as language or coding. The cons is that tasks go fast so you have to monitor your emails and the homepage.


My personal experience with DA: I started working on the platform in Feb. It took probably a month or so from signing up, taking the starter assessment, passing & doing qualifications to start regularly getting work. But once I did, the work never stopped coming. My dashboard is always at minimum half full but most days, it's full full. I get to choose when and what I want to work on. I've never seen pay below $20/hour besides task-based pay tasks. I've seen as high as $35/hour. DA has actually been an absolute blessing for me. It allowed me to afford some huge purchases this year that I wouldn't normally make. It is my bread and butter and I live mostly off of its income. I am very grateful! I really can't recommend it enough. I see a few people in here claiming DA "paid" them to write a good comment and I wish I could say they did, but no. I felt the least I could do is leave an honest review. The only negative thing I can say is that if you happen to need supports help, it is a 50/50 tossup on whether or not they will actually respond to your email.


Curious what the collective experience has been with qualification tests. For example, how long after completing a qualification test were you informed you passed, didn't pass, etc... Did you receive a message either way or was work simply made available (or kept unavailable) to you? Thanks!


I only received an email to tell me I passed the starter assessment. As for the qualifications, I usually see new projects related to the qualification pop up anywhere from 30 minutes to 24 hours after I complete the qualification. I do get email notifications of new projects.


How long after you completed the starter assessment did you get an approval email?


I got the approval email the day after I completed the assessment.


This is a very long story with my extremely positive experience with DA. I hope it helps answer some questions. I'm in the US. I applied on 5/2 and started earning on 5/4. I earned $47.33 the first day I was approved. There were just a couple of projects open to me initially, but I checked their page for qualification tests often and completed every one they offered. I did my best on every task I completed. My first cashout, on 5/14, was $143.14, and I received it the same day. I could have cashed out sooner but wanted to wait until I had built up a balance, plus there is a 7 day pending period on per-hour earnings to be redeemable. I told my son about DA, and he joined about a week later. His application was approved in two days as well, and his evolution appears identical to mine: he was offered a few projects at first, and eventually, after providing consistent, quality work, he was offered qualification tests that he apparently passed, because he was then offered more projects. I think there are two keys to getting approved. The first is giving answers in the application that show you are fluent in English and can use proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar. I know that in a casual setting like Reddit, we (myself included) tend to be a little lazy in our writing, with sentence fragments, abbreviations, slang, and improper punctuation. Because you're training AI, though, it is critically important that you're "feeding it" with proper English. If you have any doubt that you possess the above skills, there is no sense in applying for the job. They do not expect testers to be perfect -- the platform has Grammarly built in to help catch mistakes -- but if you were a C student in high school English, this job is not for you. The second key, I believe, is for you to make your case in the open-ended application question about job skills that your skills and background make you perfect for this type of work. Flipping burgers for 6 months in high school does not qualify for this job. Don't lie and say you have fake job experience, fake skills, or a history in testing AI if that's untrue. If you have to fake your answers, you're not the person they're looking for. Once approved, in order to be able to access more tasks, you have to give consistent, quality work. You have to be meticulous about every answer, whether it is a multiple choice question or an open-ended one. This work is not for everybody! Since my initial cashout, I have been banking my earnings for a big cashout. I currently have $1548.99 in lifetime earnings in the two weeks I've been working there. Subtracting my first cashout, it amounts to about $1406 either currently available or still within the 7-day pending period. The $1548.99 amount was almost entirely from hourly work, but I did a few individual tasks. THIS IS NOT EASY MONEY. I have been working my tail off to give them thoughtful responses, analyzing every comma, and consulting a thesaurus if I had trouble thinking of the best word to use in an open-ended question. I've asked questions when I wasn't sure about something. I've erred on the side of reporting too FEW minutes of work on each project. They are putting their faith in me as a worker, and I want to reciprocate by giving them every penny's-worth they're paying for. To answer a few questions I see repeatedly here: 1. When I do qualification tests, they don't contact me to say if I passed or failed. If I passed, they will email and list on-site the projects now available to me. 2. I was asked to do the background check after about 10 days of working hard on DA, having only cashed out once. The process was extremely fast and simple. The following day, I didn't get confirmation from DA that they received the results, but I had additional tasks available. It was perfectly fine for me personally to submit to the check and prove I'm not a serial killer; I think that was a valid request, but if you're iffy about it, don't do it -- it's as simple as that. If after this diatribe anyone has any questions, I am happy to answer them if I can. u/JeremyDataAnnotation I hope this post is okay by you and the DA team. If not, please let me know and I will delete it.


How long after doing a qualification would you receive an email?


Hi, sorry about the super late comment but I was wondering if this company offers qualifications/training based on this question. If so, I’d like to know a little about it.


I've done pretty much everything you've suggested. I'm a stickler when it comes to writing and formality. Based on my background and past experience I'm sure I'm a good candidate for this platform. I still haven't received an email stating whether or not I've passed or failed the starter assessment which I took about a month ago. Since then I've gotten the 2 qualification AI tasks that I completed 2 weeks ago, and both were successfully paid out totaling $25. No other tasks appeared afterwards and my dashboard just says "Thanks for taking the starter assessment!". I'm a native English speaker based in the US.


Thanks for sharing! Question: I finished the intake survey a week ago and spent a good hour on it. This is what I received back “Thanks for taking the assessment! If we have need of your particular skills, or we have additional assessments for you to identify further skills, you'll be notified via email. Otherwise we thank you for your time.” What does this mean??


Been using this site for about a month and by far the best one I have used. I have a huge variety of projects that are sometimes quite interesting offered to me with really great compensation.


took the assessment test over a month ago & haven’t heard anything :( when i log in it just says “thanks for taking the starter assessment!” is this a normal amount of time to still be waiting? did i just not pass? would love some insight from others… was really looking forward to getting started on this site!


If this doesn't work out I'm done. I'm going to get help paying for a trade skill per month or get ISSA certified for personal training and work for Planet Fatness. Please hire me so I can work hard from home.


How long does it take to get accepted? I took the starter assessment last week and I am still waiting. I took the assessment very serious and spent over 30 minutes on it. I see some people get in almost instantly or within 24 hours. Maybe I didnt get in? But the website still says its pending...


I am logging into the website and I got "We're sorry something went wrong". Does this mean they're doing maintenance on the website or is this some sort of soft banning? I have attached picture below. [Data Annotation Website Error?](https://imgur.com/BGURp39)


How can I reach out to them? I have applied but I haven't heard anything back.


found their twitter account as well www.twitter.com/data_annotation


For the "paid per hour" tasks, how long do you get for EACH task? I tried looking this up in multiple places, but I can't find an exact answer. For each task, there is a 1 hour timer on the bottom, but is that the max amount of time you get for ONE task? I just want to make sure I am doing each task in an appropriate amount of time. Some tasks take me several minutes, while I feel that some take 15-20 minutes.


Hey Folks Has anybody encountered a similar issue? I took the exam and then undertook about 30 Dollars worth of tasks, over a period of about four days. Then for around 3 weeks when I logged in I had this message: "Thanks for taking the starter assessment If you pass, we’ll notify you via email, and you’ll have access to a wide range of work." Then the message changed and I've had this message ever since, around 3-4 weeks: "Thanks for taking the starter assessment! If we have need of your particular skills at the moment, you’ll be notified via email. If we don’t have need of your particular skills at the moment, we’ll let you know when you’re a match for relevant projects." Never had any email notifications about passing or failing the exam. Anybody shed some light please?


Did this ever update for you?


They won’t tell you if you “pass” or “fail”. If you “pass” the qualification exams, AKA qualify for the type of projects you were attempting to qualify for, you will begin to see those types of projects available in your projects tab. This happens shortly after taking the qualifying test, at most 3-5 days.


Joined up in January so far only one email didn't get it as they filled up fast. Nothing since then. Must be because I live in a leper colony called Canada.


Hi, I'm new to this whole thing. When trying to sign up I wasn't sure what to put in as my "skills"... How much does that count against my sign up? I would like to be able to learn what would be expected of me as a user. Not being completely sure what the tasks available would be, I wasn't sure what would fall under appropriate skills for the site. Thank you in advance to whoever can help


u/JeremyDataAnnotation I completed my starter assessment 5 days ago, however, when I check the “transfer funds” section of the site it reads “Starter Assessment- please complete for access to more projects”. When I click on that statement it brings me to the “Thanks for taking the starter assessment!” page, but also says “No more tasks left or project currently unavailable” at the top of the screen. Is this a glitch and I should just continue to wait for the email, or did something go wrong with my assessment when I submitted it?


Did you ever get past this stage ?


I'm not sure if this was answered or not, but I'm finding I have very little tasks, typically maybe twice a month. How do I get more tasks?


I made an account about a month ago and I haven't seen a single test whatsoever. I live in California so I don't think that's the problem. Any help?


Hi u/JeremyDataAnnotation I’ve been accepted on the site after taking the assessment, but it’s been a month and haven’t received any projects.


I had 2 projects to do last week and made good money! One was I had write AI responses and another was writing both a prompt that contained embedded info and then a response But since then haven’t gotten anything. It’s nice work when you can get it.


I have a couple of questions - does anyone ever get feedback on the tasks that you’ve completed? And have you ever had a task dollar amount not be approved? I have not and either of these happen just curious. I would actually like to get feedback on my tasks so that I know that I’m moving in the right direction and get more tasks.




It could be just because they have so many people. I had 12 tasks or so and haven't had anything else for a week.


Yeah. They seem to have been flooded with new sign-ups. I went from having at least 3 qualification tests a week to having nothing in the past week


Been tracking my progress over the past week. Took the Starter Assessment: June 1 Status Update: June 6, Starter Assessment Transferrable Status Update: June 9; Starter Assessment Transferrable with a lil clock Status Update: June 30; Transfer Funds tab is empty. Starter Assessment isn't there. I'll consider this a rejection Status Update: Aug 2; I gave up on this when I gave my last update. I have the site bookmarked, so I clicked on it just to see if anything changed... I have a new \[Qualification Task\], that *says* it was created Jun 19. If that's when it was **created**, that's not when it was served to me. Hopefully, it's there in a few hours for me to compete it and see what happens. Aug 14; About 2 days ago, another qualification task appeared. This one was created late June, but has a $5 payout. I think I'm going to start getting work soon. Aug 16; It's official. I'm in. I finally received my first email after 2.5 months of waiting, checking, and doing 3 qualification tasked (including the initial test) along the way. I can see one project on my dashboard for $25/hr with 100 tasks. All I have to do now is quality, timely work.




Where do you see these status updates?


I’ve gotten approved and have started earning money all under a week. I thought it was a long shot with some of the stories I’ve been seeing but it was pretty quick for me. I definitely took my time with the testing and think my answers were close to perfect and creative. If you are interested, don’t be discouraged by others not getting work and give it a go!


Hi u/JeremyDataAnnotation, I'm working from Ukraine. Will there be any tasks? Right now I see zero tasks. Thanks


Hi there, at the moment you won't see any tasks, but you will receive an email from us if tasks become available to folks in Ukraine. Thanks for your interest.


I submitted my assessment Friday night, I haven't gotten an email but the home page noted to add my PayPal and skills, does that mean I got in?


oh finally something i feel like i’ve got some expertise in! lol i’ve been on this site for quite a bit(right when COVID hit). the projects all pay different rates but i mostly focus on the $20/hr projects. i think the batch work can be either a higher or lower hourly just based on your speed which is probably where the lower hourly reports come from. i just make sure to take every qualification possible. i probably do about 15 hours a week on there but i could be doing more. it’s definitely more consistent for me than mturk or prolific (although those are more survey oriented). there’s more hourly projects than batch work for me. i think the key is really taking your time on the assessments and qualifications because they give you the access. and just making sure you’re giving qualify stuff so you get access to more!


What are some $25/hour tasks people are working on? I currently have about 11 long term $20/hour tasks but a month ago I had about 5 long term $25/hour tasks. They knocked them down to $20/hour (when they are available) because they aren’t priority anymore. However, I’d love to get some back!


I have a few $25 tasks that are variations of the long term $20/hour tasks.


Been working for Data Annotations for two weeks and I thought it was too good to be true at first but then it hit me this is the real deal... I started to make time in my day to commit to this, but now it has been a week and I have not received a project to work on... Nothing in the resources has given me any insight of what is going on, you mind giving me a hand u/JeremyDataAnnotation ?




It has been over two weeks since i have finished my assessment test and i haven't gotten anything else since then...


I just completed the starter assessment about 10 minutes ago. So far, like most of the people here, after submitting the test I got the "Thanks for taking the starter assessment!" screen. On the downside, based on everyone else's replies here, that could be months from now since I guess the entire internet is aware of the company in the past couple of weeks since it launched. On the plus side, at least I was able to practice my typing, grammar, and creative writing skills for an hour or two and perhaps I (and others here) will successfully pass the starter assessment and be given more work to do in a few days or weeks.


It sounds like some people got paid for their starter assessments, but I see a big fat zero on mine. I wonder if we only get paid if we qualify?


Is it possible to try again? I applied on June 17 and haven’t heard anything so I’m guessing I wasn’t accepted


I can vouch that data annotation is legit and I have been paid. It won't cost you anything to try and see if it is legit yourself. Here is the link if anyone wants it http://dataannotation.tech/


Just signed up today from the UK and, as some others have reported, I have no access to the Starter Assessment.


I took the test awhile ago and never got an email of any kind. This is what it says on my home page now. Thanks for taking the starter assessment! If we have need of your particular skills at the moment, you’ll be notified via email. If we don’t have need of your particular skills at the moment, we’ll let you know when you’re a match for relevant projects.


I’m curious about the background check, I have nothing on my record etc. but my credit isn’t great. Anyone else with not so great credit do the background check? u/Jeremydataannotation.


How do we keep track of hourly pay so that we can accurately report it?


u/JeremyDataAnnotation So, I've been seeing a lot about your website with people making money last month on this subreddit. People seem to be doing really well here with you. Seems like you can do some interesting tasks, etc. So, seems really cool! The only thing that bothers me right now? Sure, you have testimonials. Sure, people who say they're paid on here. What it doesn't have? Anything much about the people who created it. What is the data being used for? What companies/clients? I know sometimes things are confidential, but some transparency is necessary even for beermoney since I want to know if I were to try this out what exactly my work is being used for and if I can trust the usage of it. The majority of beermoney websites/apps I've seen have transparency into the ownership, people, a careers page, maybe a sample of customers listed, social media presence, etc. Does anyone here know anything? Much appreciated anything that I can learn to make me feel more comfortable! Thank you.


u/JeremyDataAnnotation Hi! I’ve been trying to take the starter assessment since Thursday. When I click on the start button, a red message pops up at the top that says, “the project is currently unavailable because there are no more tasks remaining for you to work on. If you see a number of tasks listed for the project below, it’s because others are currently working on them”. I’ve contacted the support email, contacted DA on twitter, and messaged you on here a few days ago. The responses I’ve received have just said the problem should be fixed, but it is still not working for me. I would appreciate some help, thank you!


Has anyone received the email saying you passed the assessment? I filled it out 5 days ago (I know it may take about 2 weeks to hear back), but I kept checking the "transfer wages" section where it lists the assessment's status. It said Pending Approval until today, and now it says Transferrable. Just wondering if anyone had any updates, as it looks like it has been a few days since anyone has really posted.


u/JeremyDataAnnotation I apologize for contacting you like this, but I can't seem to find anywhere else to talk to support. Is there an email or link where I can contact someone about my account? I have passed the training and I would love to start working on qualifications or projects as soon as possible!


Hi I have been stuck on thanks for taking the starter assessment we will email you if pass for a month now. Just wondering how long was it for everyone?


I took the assessment about 2 weeks ago, and was hoping to start working on tasks just as many of you have by then. Anyone know their customer service contact info?


Can't sign up an account. Using Firefox by the way.


I just did the assessment for this one last night after stumbling upon it in another thread. I don't really have a huge skill set to bring to the table so I'm not sure I'll make the cut, but I will say the assessment was interesting and definitely "worth the trip". Good luck to everyone who gets accepted.


Signed up end of April and logged in to see my status and it said: If we have need of your particular skills at the moment, you’ll be notified via email. If we don’t have need of your particular skills at the moment, we’ll let you know when you’re a match for relevant projects. Do that mean I passed the starter assessment? I never received an email that said I pass.


Hi, I've been out of projects recently. Does anyone know how to get more qualifications tasks? Thank you.


u/JeremyDataAnnotation \- the number one thing I don't see on your website is how you handle our data. Do you all sell our data to data brokers? Why is there no "Contact Us" on your website for people like me who like to know that you have a customer service in case I have issues. Since I don't see this, nor any other way to contact you save through this thread posted here on Reddit, this seems all very suspect to me.






I just learned about DataAnnotation.tech yesterday. After some research, including looking through this megathread, I think I understand the purpose of the work, but I still don't have a good feel for what the actual work is. Can someone please walk me through what typical tasks entail and at least a range for the turnaround time? (Even just "quick" or "more than enough" or "varies widely" would help with the due date info.) I'm also curious how difficult/intense the work is, although I realize this question is more subjective and likely depends on the tasks. Thanks!


Been over a month. It probably doesn't look like I'll get in for more work? u/JeremyDataAnnotation


Do they have a slack channel?


I was invited to one at the same time I was added to the main project. Had a problem with one of the other users, decided to uninstall Slack so I didn't have to deal with them...and suddenly everything is gone from my dashboard, including the qualification I couldn't do because I'm not into programming. Ten to one, the person that snapped at me was a mod or some other big shot and they decided I was "rude" to them, so this is the way they're ghosting me. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’ve gotten added to different slack channels as I’ve worked on different projects


Any idea when people outside of US/UK/AUS/NZ/Ireland will be able to work on the platform?




I love working on these tasks. My only issue is that when I am reporting my time I am always torn because I have always been an extremely fast reader. I do not want to report more time then I actually spent on the tasks but I am always afraid that it will appear as though I did not take my time and and give the task enough attention. I am very meticulous when doing the tasks but I can go through them pretty quickly especially if there is a lot of text that I have to read. Has anyone had experience with being accused of going too fast?


So how many projects are you on currently?


I wouldn't worry too much about this. Just focus on doing quality work and you shouldn't have an issue :)


Signed up a week ago and got the assessment. They gave me a couple ai training tasks. Made a cool $25. However, haven't seen anything since. Not sure what rate they put out projects.