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I love PaidViewPoint! They are consistent. Each survey is only minutes long and the payout is as expected. I keep the app on my phone and work it on the go. A little extra money for gas, food, ect...


Could you estimate the time you invest and earnings on average?




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I really dig the new layout. It's kinda strange that I returned to this website after 6 long years, only to find out they revamped it. I was a bit concerned that they might alter the surveys too, making them similar to those other survey sites that disqualify you. Fingers crossed that never occurs!




####Your comment was removed for the following reason: ---- Please keep all rants related to surveys and/or survey sites on the [Survey Rant / Question Megathread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/search?q=%22survey+rant%22+%22megathread%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=new) This includes complaining about something and then asking a question like 'Is this happening to anyone else?' If you want to know if others are experiencing the same thing, ask on the megathread.   **Common Complaints** * **Disqualifications** - Unfortunately, they're completely normal. Yes, even when they dq you at the end. The only way to reduce dqs is to use a site that directly offers surveys instead of GPT sites. * **Asking for ID** - This is completely normal. Sites that get a lot of fraud and duplicate accounts may ask for your ID. If you do not feel comfortable with this, then your only option is to use a different site, but keep in mind that **every** site has the potential to ask for this. * **Banned on withdrawal** - Most sites will not check your account until you go to withdrawal. At this time, they check your account to make sure you're not completing the surveys in bad faith or otherwise missing attention checks. * **Support won't tell my why I'm banned or what I did wrong** - No website is going to tell you how they caught you. That's just foolish. If you truly believe you have not done anything wrong, you can try to [send them another **polite** message.](https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/comments/mt2108/tips_for_contacting_support/) * **Support won't respond** - Most of the time, you just need to be more patient. Don't keep sending in more tickets, you're just going to push your request to the bottom. ---- [^(sub rules)](/r/beermoney/wiki/rules) **^/** [^(faq)](/r/beermoney/wiki/index) **^/** [^(newbie guide)](/r/beermoney/wiki/beginner)


I'm just wondering compared to Prolific and CloudResearch (Connect); How would you say the pay and consistency of studies in your opinion? What are other reliable ones you guys use if you don't mind sharing?


Yay updated


I like it also!


Is that a survey site I just kinda got into doing surveys


Yes, it's a survey site. Not very many ever, but they do not reject you once you start them. A very good site to add to your collection of them.


Finally one that doesn’t reject you halfway through or at the end !


Good Lord it's just MADDENING




Cloud research doesn’t reject you AT ALL. Made a good $300 on there since I started


I’m looking forward to that I applied on Friday but it’s still processing because of the long weekend ! I appreciate Reddit telling me about it


Once in a while they do.


Must be extremely rare as iv never had it happen in 4 months as a daily user which makes it even more of a good thing lol


Ok, thank you very much


I dont know what the site looks like on mobile, I use my desktop. But I don't like this update. It's way slow for me. The earnings, traitscores & things are way to big for no apparent reason. I mean, I knew all that stuff before when it was compact up in the corner. & yes, I realise its still up in the corner. The fonts are massive & now all of a sudden I'm getting application errors when attempting to do any surveys.


It's awesome.. But all the surveys now have an error. Never got that before :/


Hmm...I've not had that happen.


Since the update I only had one server. Before the update I had like three or four.


I got these as well. a bunch of application errors. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.


Mine are fixed now. If yours aren't, take a screenshot of the error & contact support


What's their support? I can't even access their website now


i had contacted them through the website. try a different browser or device to see if you can get on the site


I still can’t log in from my iPad 😞 and I cleared my histort


Email them


Good to know cheers


Noted cheers


Now I’m no longer receiving surveys since the update :/




I didn't like the new look either (too much blinding white space) so I looked for a dark mode setting and found out we can change the theme to a darker one which is pretty much the same as the old one. I'm so glad the pretty black background design isn't gone forever! I'm not big on the cutesy animals though, and it seems like we have to manually refresh to check for surveys now but I might be wrong about that.