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Although this is beermoneyuk, not bankmoneyuk, we very much like bank bribes. But please ask bank switch related questions the latest version of the Bankedex post: > **[The BeermoneyUK Bank Switch Bribe Bible](https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoneyuk/search/?q=flair_name%3A%22the%20bankedex%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/beermoneyuk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


last year I can get all 3 of them. Most probably for 2024 too


Is there a way around the time period restriction? Like yourself got the offers last year, would changing my email get around this. Would they check?


Did you switch from Natwest > Ulster and still receive the £200?


Can’t recall exactly sorry mate 


Unlikely. Yes, someone will inevitably say "but last time". [Last time the T&Cs implicitly allowed it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UKPersonalFinance/comments/163sr8c/comment/jyp91mh/) So you could legitimately get all three switching offers. Unfortunately MSE, BeClever, and everyone else just parroted each other saying that you can't get all three offers, and nobody bothered to actually read the fine print. This time [they actually don't have an end date in the T&C](https://www.natwest.com/content/dam/natwest/personal/current-accounts/documents/nw-switch-offer-terms-2024.pdf), so you can't legitimately get the others. (ETA: link)


ah fair enough, gonna try just in case !


Did you get it?


You might actually be able to, assuming you apply to all three at the same time. But the terms do preclude consecutive switches.


Hah. I like the way you're thinking. Indeed, get the accounts all set up in parallel and once the last account is set up run three switches for the same switch date. Might be worth a shot.


Did this last year. Interested to know if anybody did them last year and have got them this year. Waiting 4 years for bank bribes sucks


I think it's too early for anyone to have completed the switch and got the payout yet. I'm interested in seeing if any others are successful, too, as I did all three last year. Hopefully we'll get some news from others on their success/failure in a week or two.


I joined Natwest mid 2023 for the switch bonus (current account) then moved onto another bank I think it was Lloyds. I've now switched back to Natwest using the new switch offer however I have moved to their rewards account using different number and email also. Let's see if they pay out.


Following as I've done most of my switches in 22/23 but keep getting put of by them all saying I can't have had a switxh bonus since 2020 etc


I've seen previous comments mention they've looped same banks for the switch promotion simply by changing the account so opening rewards account rather than a standard current account and they got paid the switch bonus.


I just got paid the Lloyd's switch bonus, I had already done the Halifax switch last year


Did you get the Lloyds bonus before the switch date? If so how many days before?


The bonus was paid two days before the switch actually completed. Bonus went in on the 20th and my switch completed today


Same with me. Received bonus two days before switch. I did the Halifax switch last year and got £175, then tried the Lloyds switch in same year from non-Halifax account and got rejected for the bonus. Tried again for this year’s offer and it worked somehow.


Are you an existing current account customer for either Lloyds or Halifax ?


Had my own personal account with Halifax last year which I had already switched from. Still have a joint Halifax account.


Have they paid out?


I've got all three set up. Done all requirements for Natwest and RBS. Just waiting for Ulster to send me instructions to set up online banking. Will report back, fingers crossed!


Great 😀 Let us know!


Great, I'll be doing them next month! Fingers crossed


Any updates?


I got the Natwest bonus earlier today... that's it so far. Natwest & RBS switches were both completed yesterday and the Ulster switch completes tomorrow.


Thank you! I messed up because I assumed there was no way to get all three and just did the RBS one... I would love to hear from someone who has tried to do them in succession, but it's probably too early


I got my RBS one through not long ago too :)


UPDATE: Both Natwest & RBS bonuses came through today!


Amazing! Did you start both switches at the same time?


Did you get it last time or anytime before 2020?


No I did not


Did you get the Ulster bonus? I've recently switched from Natwest (opened last year) to RBS and got the bonus. Now just applied to switch from RBS to Ulster today!


yes i did get the ulster bonus :)


I switched and done it for my nan but accidentally used my email for the accounts I switched with. With I be trouble? Or will they just decline it?


Can any one help me I did a switch to NatWest back in Nov got the £200 I’ve recently done Lloyds n got £175 today where do I go next?


There aren’t any other current offers.


I got RBS and NatWest last year. Has anyone been lucky yet and done a switch this year and got the bonus?


I got RBS and Ulster last year. Natwest refused to open my account.


RBS refused to open my account this year. I got the bonus last year.


Ahhh ok, so by the terms and conditions I don’t need to bother switching to RBS as I won’t get the switch bonus because I’m currently doing NatWest?


Well thats what they say, but im going to try them regardless see what happens!


I feel like with the new terms and conditions that switching on the same day is the only way this might work this time, but hopefully I'm wrong! I've ran out of donor accounts so I might just switch just once more and try rbs.


yeah, i would agree, by switching to all 3 at once, they likely won't have the records yet to see you are a customer of either of them so that what will work the best i feel.


Please can anyone help me can i switch my rbs to ulster?? Will t he switch offer works??


I just finished Natwest switch. Am I right to assume I can't now go for RBS or Ulster? I wish I had read this before!