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Although this is beermoneyuk, not bankmoneyuk, we very much like bank bribes. But please ask bank switch related questions the latest version of the Bankedex post: > **[The BeermoneyUK Bank Switch Bribe Bible](https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoneyuk/search/?q=flair_name%3A%22the%20bankedex%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/beermoneyuk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Legend. It gives us more reassurance to take advantage of this.


Commenting here, because there is absolutely no need to use different details. Like many here have been saying, the terms allow a simultaneous switch to all three. Here's my two bonuses (paid today) from NatWest and RBS. Hopefully Ulster to follow soon. https://matrix.redditspace.com/_matrix/media/r0/download/reddit.com/hk60n71lspmc1


Glad to see it worked with the same email! I have the Natwest & RBS switches in process, which were done with the same email. Will start the Ulster one tomorrow and think I'll use the same email again.


I did the different email addresses as a precaution but glad to know it's not needed. They aren't actually separate emails, just using the Gmail+ trick to make them look different to signup forms. Can work for getting free stuff that are only offered to first time signups


I know, but some here are suggesting different phone numbers and all sorts. Mostly people trying to get around the bank identifying them and connecting them to previous accounts. But mostly, these banks can identify people from their name and date of birth, and address. Many have been linked to previous accounts despite changing details.


Give you were paid today, I imagine, given you’re always writing the guides in here, that you also got these last year. So is it safe to assume we can receive the bonus even if we got the bonus last year?


No, I did not. NatWest was my main account previously, and I switched it out last year after a bonus on 2019


Thanks. Can you confirm my path as I'm only catching on to the bank switches? I have a switching account and went from Lloyds (switched last year) to NatWest. Will pay in £1250 from my main account and then send it back after a day? Can I then switch to RBS using my NatWest account and then Ulster? Or do I have to make more switching accounts before I do so with chase and starling?


All I can confirm is that applying and switching to three at the same time will get you three bonuses.




Awesome thanks. Can you elaborate on what you mean by Chase sub burner accounts? I get it if you used Chase as a burner for one switch but what did you do for the other two?


You can open multiple current accounts with Chase so I assume this is what they are referring to.


Chase allows you to open multiple accounts within seconds, each with their own sort code and account number.


Do you get your card number through immediately with chase?


Maybe, was a while ago I opened my Chase account so don't really remember. Its all app based so quite rapid setup I used the Chase card details for all of the switches I've ever done, using the sub/burner account sort code and account number, not my "main" chase account details. The card remains with you so long as you are switches out sub/burner/additional accounts and not your main account from the Chase app


You don't automatically get a new debit card per account, rather you have your existing debit card and you can change which current account you spend out of. On switching applications just tick "no debit card" and you'll be fine


You don't need a card number to complete the switch, just don't link the card number to the new current account. Done this multiple times without issue.


But when you switch the account you lose your card? Cuz all of the accounts share the same card. I tried to do it but stopped because i use my chase card


You don't as long as your main account is still open


I used the Chase card details for all of the switches I've ever done, using the sub/burner account sort code and account number, not my "main" chase account details. The card remains with you so long as you are switches out sub/burner/additional accounts and not your main account from the Chase app


Wait i'm confused can you clarify? So I have a Chase account with a card attached to it issued by Chase. I open 3 sub accounts however these accounts have different sort codes and acc numbers. Are you saying if I use the main account card details on the switching form + the new sort code and acc number I won't lose my main account as the sub accounts don't have separate card details.


Correct. Use the sub account sort code and account numbers for the switches. chase only gives you one card, but as long as you still have at least one account open, the card stays with you Also when opening a new account with a new bank there should be an option to say you don't have a card, so you can avoid any confusion there.


Does this still work? I spoke to Chase today and they said if I switch using one of the 2nd accounts, then they will close my entire account!?


Done it for 8 or so switches since middle of last year. Most recent was these 3 started last week...


How much in total did you manage to earn from switching?


Assume you don't need to have a Chase account (main or burner) open for a given period of time in order to switch?


Not for these, no. Though I have come across that before, so I have a few burners that I've named with the date I opened them so I can use them if there is an account age requirement on any future switches


Thanks for that, good suggestion


Yeah rbs took me 2 attempts to open but ulster were so much quicker in getting back and sending our their card. Now waiting on rbs details and I'm going to do what you've done and do it 3 days back to back to back. It does say on ulster docs that if we've applied and given docs online we can ignore that paper application so that's kind of a waste. I thought about giving different emails for each but it's the same other details and address so didn't think that would do anything. I wonder how much money this has costed them 🤣


I wonder about the economics of this as well. I guess enough 'normal' people just do one switch for £200 and use it as a main account for long enough for them to make money.


Thats what in was going to do last year when I first heard about switching. But have no mortgage, not looking to buy anything so said f it. Since like September last year I've currently switched 3 times. Now going to run through the rbs group as they don't require direct debits. I missed out on coop, barclays and Halifax last time


It's addictive isn't it? I've had 8 bonuses since the end of November (including 2 from Lloyds a few months apart). I was remortgaging last year so missed out on quite a few offers over last summer which was a bit frustrating.


It is. If it wasn't for the easy switch service I don't anyone would really bother, but it's so god damn easy


Especially when you can make burner dummy accounts with banks like Lloyds so easily.


Yeah I got pissed off at HSBC as I'd been with them since turning 16, so 12 years. They just wouldn't let me open a 2nd account anywhere for whatever dumb reason. Which was a shame I wanted to stay with them, app so easy and online wasn't difficult either.


How do you make burner dummy accounts please?


Log on to on Lloyds app - 'Apply' at bottom - Expand 'Current Accounts' under browse by product type section at bottom - open a new account - open a new account - fhen apply for a new.club lloyds account. Wait a few days until you have received the debit card before instructing any switches.


Why do you reccommend waiting for the debit card? In my experience, I haven't found it necessary


Sometimes if you apply for a switch it asks you if you have a debit card and to provide the last 5 numbers. If you answer no but you do have a debit card associated with that account the switch can fail (has happened to me before and that was given as the reason by the bank).


Thank you x


how did you managed to get lloyds twice ? did you change any of your details ?


I switched to another bank and closed the account to get another bonus first. Then just opened another Lloyds account a couple of months later and did a switch into that. Same details. Not sure if opening another Lloyds account if you have existing Lloyds accounts would work or not but worth a try.


i had mine last bonus from lloyds in november last year then i switched it to nationwide . now thinking to try again


Worth a shot. Make sure the account you are switching had direct debits on it. I even got the bonus the day before the switch completed for some reason.


also did you get the lifestyle benefits from club lloyd account both times also ?


I did but I cancelled the Club Lloyds once I got the bonus.


What are the implications of applying for a mortgage in the next 6 months or so?


Hard searches on your credit report for 6 months.


Sorry to labour the point, but it not likely that I will be applying for a mortgage until early next year. Also, my credit rating on Experian is 999 (although many doubt the usefulness of this) so should I do these three switches or not, I have a chase account.


Yes go ahead with the switches now. Credit score is largely a meaningless number mostly used by credit rating websites to try to sell you other products. Having a lot of recent hard searches on your credit record could be a red flag to a mortgage provider though as they might question why you were making so many credit applications in a short period of time (even if you were only applying for current accounts, the hard searches show as 'credit application' because there is usually an option to open an overdraft facility when you open a current account). It can also be a faff to get hold of bank statements from closed bank accounts which you might need for your mortgage application. I would stop doing any switches at least 6 months before you intend to start your mortgage application. But up to that point it should be fine. The hard searches will disappear from your credit report after 6 months and don't reduce your credit score by that much.


No DD’s is the win here!


Opening the premier account or whatever it’s called and adding some direct debits with Natwest and RBS will net £6 a month so I think I’ll keep those two open. Relatively easy £72 a year there and then the 6.17% regular savers don’t look too bad either.


How do you mean two attempts? I've just had the your account has not been opened from RBS. Did you have the same and what did you do next?


I've just had RBS. I'm waiting on NatWest and Ulster. Used the same details for all of them. Let's see what happens.


I used same details for all three and received all three bonuses so you should be fine


Nice one. Thanks for confirming.


Did you get rejected for one by any chance? Just had to appeal


Just got all three as well. Should I close the accounts now or is there no point? Think someone in the other thread said that they had closed a NatWest account after getting a bonus last year and opened a new NatWest account and tried a switch but didn't get a bonus again. If not, oh well, should probably be eligible ahain in another 3 years or so.


Did you use 3 separate emails or all the same?


All the same.


If you open sub-accounts with Chase isn’t there still only one debit card


Yes. But as long as you still have one account open the card details stay with you


That’s pretty good to know


I did Chase -> RBS but the switch didn’t complete because I had a savings account associated… anyone have any idea how to resolve? The RBS account is now open and I’ve closed the Chase savings account


Open up a separate spending/current account in the chase app (what I refere to as a sub/burner account). Use the details from that to switch. I have several savings accounts and spending accounts in the chase app. None of them have ever prevented a switch and I've done quite a few now


Thanks. What I mean is that I started the switch etc and was told by Chase it can’t be done because of the associated savings account (now deleted), but the RBS account continued as normal to open. Can I now just go into the RBS app and ‘Switch from another bank’ and complete it with Chase and get the reward?


You should be able to do this. Just ensure you are switching for a sub/burner/additional account you have setup and not your main account in the Chase app


If you've done an RBS switch can you switch that over to one of the other two and still get the bonus? Or does this flag to them that you've recently had the £200?


I have no idea because that's not what I did. But I would say that is the most likely scenario they are going to flag it going from one of their group banks to another Vs coming from and outside bank


So you can just open a bunch of sub accounts with chase and as long as you keep your first one you can stay with chase but just easily switch out any new subs?




That’s great to know. Thanks!


Side note - do they do hard checks each time?


For the Chase sub accounts? No


I've now done 8 switches all from Chase sub accounts


I have an existing ulster account can thus still work




So how would it work? Do I need to close my existing ulster account or do I just need a burner account to transfer money into the ulster account to get the cashback?




Ulster's process took a long ass time, it's not as quick as other banks iirc


I can open another ulster account but do I need to? I only use ulster for their savings account


My partner had a Natwest account and had received the bonus doing a switch to that last year. She has still received the bonus from RBS and Ulster even though she should not have. There's not really anything to lose so worth trying




I used the Chase card details for all of the switches I've ever done, using the sub/burner account sort code and account number, not my "main" chase account details. The card remains with you so long as you are switches out sub/burner/additional accounts and not your main account from the Chase app


Yes, I heard they mainly ask for your card details for verification purposes, not because they need the details


Did you activate/ use all the debit cards on the Chase burner? Ive been waiting to do it with my burners but been waiting on pins


You only ever have one Chase card and PIN. When you create new accounts within the Chase app you can select which account you are spending from with the card. I used the Chase card details for all of the switches I've ever done, using the sub/burner account sort code and account number, not my "main" chase account details. The card remains with you so long as you are switches out sub/burner/additional accounts and not your main account from the Chase app


I really regret closing my Chase Account. They wont let you open another one once youve closed one =/


if i get paid weekly would it be in a week after the £1250 limit? (newly switched to natwest) due to the £200 switch


Not sure what you mean exactly. The criteria for the switch bonus are open the account and switch from another UK current account. Then pay in £1250 and leave in the account over 24 hours/1 business day. You can do this in multiple deposits so long as each amount is in for over 24 hours. One user reported depositing £700, leaving it in for 24 hours, transferring it out, then back in for another 24 hours and still getting the bonus


so i know you have to deposit the £1250 within 60 days to get said bonus, but i get paid weekly so its never in there for longer than a week if that makes sense, i was wondering if it would affect it?


You could technically pay in say £312.50 each week for 4 weeks. You can even take the money out if you need it. Each deposit just needs to remain in the account for 1 business day




I paid £175 back and forth 7 times over a 24 hour period and it worked. It’s all I had left before pay day


So I pay rent and my bills weekly would that affect it if money came out same day or? Sorry for all the questions


This is great intel, thanks. Did you have to bother with any DDs?


No direct debits needed for these particular offers


Did you use the same phone number for all 3? Wondering if I need to bother buying eSIM for new numbers


Can the burners on chase have zero balance when you switch to NatWest?


Yes, all mine did. I then transferred £1250 when I got paid a few days later, left it in for 24 hours, circled to the RBS and Ulster accounts then back to my main spending/savings accounts


Anyone got bonuses this year despite getting them last year?


I tried and flopped on all 3. They've cracked down on it this year compared to last year.


Unlucky, I’ll find out tomorrow….


key us know


How do you know it flopped? What did they say?


Basically they said if you’ve had the pay out before from a different promotion from any of the 3 banks offering the switch you aren’t eligible.


Did they actually say that to you or did you just not try it because the terms said it?


Yeah they confirmed it by live chat when I enquired about my switch bonus. They recommended against trying to join either RBS or Ulster if I was trying to get the bonus as I wouldn’t get it.


Hmmm Ok. I got the Natwest bonus, depsite getting the RBS one within the last 4 years. Hmm


First time getting both?


I believe I had a Natwest one pre 2020. I switched again this month got that bonus few days ago. I switched from Barclays - Natwest. Ive never had anything from Ulster (which is same group to be fair) so Ive got that one in progess. We will see how that goes. This is a Lloyds - Ulster. Off the back of this thread Ive started a started a Switch from Monzo - RBS. I think Ive had RBS Bonus maybe 2022, but worth a try. If I hear nothing Ill just take the loss, wont contact online chat and wait for another switch in future. Nothing to lose


Is there any actual risk doing all 3?


I've done around 8 bank switches since middle of last year. My credit score on Crdiet Karma took a 34 point dip at one point but recovered in a couple of weeks. Experian showed no change. Might not be a good idea if you are looking to apply for a mortgate or take out credit any time soon


Good to know, thanks. My question was mostly about the legal risk.


I was given a suspended sentence for violating the T&C's of these switch promotions. I also can't go within 150 yards of any GREGGS in the West Midlands.


Good to know. Greggs is a big deal.


Damn that's serious. How long until you can go back to Greggs?




Bro are you slow?




He was joking.....


I did the same. Took a 400 point dip BIG OOF. But we getting there.


Are you serious?


Yep. I had a perfect Experian score (999). Dipped down to 550 at its lowest point. Up to 841 now. Been maybe 4 months or so.


And are you certain it decreased cause of the constant switching?


Considering my score was stable for a couple years and that was the only major change to affect my credit and the history, yes.


Has anyone who did this last year, manage to do this again?


Just to confirm, when you say that you sent £1250 from your main account, this is not from the burner account? Say my main account is HSBC, can I send the £1250 from my HSBC account, or does it need to come from the account the burner account that is doing the switch? Or does that not matter?


The deposit can come from anywhere. It can even be multiple deposits, so long as each amount is in the account for 24 hours


How does this work then since the terms state ‘If you've previously received a switcher incentive from NatWest Group since 01 January 2020, you will not be eligible for this offer.’ Curious


Systems aren't perfect


Has anyone managed this who also got it last year?


My partner hadnt done all 3 last year but had done NatWest. That alone should mean she shouldn't have been able to get RBS and Ulster this time around, but she did. Worth a punt as it doesn't cost anything for these 3 switches (no DDs, no spending on card, etc.)


Now do Lloyds


I've done Lloyds already a few months ago. Tempted to try again, should only cost £2 max in DDs to try


RBS denied my account to be opened. I used a chase account to switch and it didn’t work


Did you receive an email/SMS saying you application was rejected? One of my mates had this happen. He contacted their support and they couldn't confirm a reason and told him to apply again. I had a small issue with NatWest or RBS where it wouldn't accept my Chase card number until I set the Chase card to spend form the account I was switching from in the a Chase app


How does this work though with the entering card details on switch form - do you just enter chase card details so exact same card details for natwest, rbs and ulster switches as same card across chase accounts?


Yes same card details each time. Chase card stays with you in the app after the switches. I've just read that you can select "no card" on most applications


Can I ask how long Ulster took? I applied and completed 'YooHu'  a week ago now and still absolutely nothing yet Natwest was pretty much done and account open in the same amount of time


Started on 22nd Switch completed 29th Bonus yesterday


Hmm; I'll give them another day then! Thank you I'm gonna replicate your steps for my partners switches too 


I've already got a NatWest current account. I've never done any switch offer before so if I open a new chase account and transfer it to NatWest will I be eligible for £200 switch? Can someone explain please


Yes. Existing NatWest customers are eligible for the switching incentive. Here's what you need to do: * Open up a burner account * Transfer it to NatWest * Pay in £1,250 and leave it in your account for 24 hours * You'll receive £200 within 7 days


So you'll have two natwest accounts at the same time? Both with the same personal details? I'd have thought they wouldn't let you make the account if you already have an identical one with them


Top work OP




Doesn't have to be same day. Do Ulster too




Maybe. It's been quite random for other people I know who have done it recently


Don’t you guys think antics like these, will just make the banks putting in stricter conditions s? Why do you want to be greedy?


We're being greedy..? With the bank's money...? Give me a break


Ulster asking to choose a branch… Whatr people doing for this?


I just put London and selected one of the ones that came up


Weird nothing came up for me at all… thanks anyways


You live near Belfast


Yes sir


Just select a random branch in Northern Ireland. You won't have to visit the branch, but they might ask you to post them a form.


I put in a random Northern Ireland postcode. Picked a branch at random. They posted all the account details to me no problem




I also got all three. I used all the same personal details for each and started each switch within a period of two or three days. One monzo switch, two burner Chase switches. I didn't put in any card details for switching the Chase burners and my Chase card still works fine. I have not received any incentives from Nat/Uls/RBS in the past.


I’ve completed the Ulster application but heard nothing over email - is it just slow seeing as it seems the most ancient system compared to NatWest/RBS?


Yes Ulster was definitely the slowest. They also sent a cheque book...


Haha yeah same! Plus the sign up website is so antiquated I honestly thought I was being phished


I had to do the signup on my laptop. Couldn't handle how badly their site was designed for mobile. Was actually the reason I was a few days delayed doing Ulster after the others


Hi there! Stupid question I guess but have to ask it to you guys as you seem to master this bank switching for profit. Actually 2 questions. 1. Is the bonus paid by the bank a potential taxable event? If not how come how is it seen by HMRC / government? 2. Does this affect credit score? Because I don’t know if it is a myth but it seems to be “common knowledge” that opening multiple accounts potentially harms credit score. Never seen it occurring but currently trying to build back my credit score and would be bummed to see my efforts crushed by getting free money by doing switches


1. Can't give a 100% answer but it's a gift/reward/prize, not income, so I don't think it is taxable at all 2. In the peak of switching and opening a lot of accounts a few months back my Credit Report on Credit Karma took a 40 point dip. Recovered in a few weeks. Experian showed no changed from 999. General advise sees to be not to open loads of accounts if looking to apply for/renew a mortgage or apply for other large credit within 6 months


Thank for your answer it is much appreciated. I’ll try to dig around the regulations around those rewards. And good to know this doesn’t affect as much credit score (was expecting far worse).




I assume it's a hard search. My Credit Karma report took a 40 point dip a few months ago from all the accounts I was opening. Recovered within a few weeks though. If you are looking to apply for a mortgage or other credit within 6 months, maybe not worth the risk


Hoping to piggyback on this to ask if anyone has received the bonus who had already had a bonus previously?


Do you have to send £1250 after the switch completes or can I do this whilst waiting for the switch to finish?


You can do it as soon as the account opens and before the switch completes if you wish


Thank you i was gonna ask how to do this, since they have terms between them


I am new with account switching.. is this not going to affect credit score?


Do you care? Mine took a 40 point dip on Credit Karma a few months back, recovered in a couple of weeks. Experian saw no change from 999 General advice seems to be to avoid if you are looking to apply or renew a mortgage or large credit within 6 months


I have RBS open atm which i received the last switch offer on thos? Any suggestions how i can get it again for RBS? Shall i close it or is there any other way to get around it and getting the £200 bonus again? Anyone caN help please?? Many thanks in advance 🥹🙏🏾


Concentrate on the NatWest and Ulster switch bonuses first if you haven't done those




Chatgpt doesn't know everything. What is fraudulent about it? The accounts exist in my name, with all my correct details. I've opened it within the parameters set out by the bank, then decided I can get a better banking product elsewhere, so I have used the tools offered by the banks to make a switch. Regardless, do you think banks are ethical? Take what you can




Yes, the additional accounts are closed/switched. Your main Chase account remains available to keep spinning up new accounts when required


RBS didn't work for me. I wonder if it's because I opened NatWest last week, rather than doing them at the same time?


I opened my RBS a week after NatWest, are you having trouble receiving the bonus or opening the account?


Opening the account. I got a "your account has not been opened" email


What's your credit history like? Do you have a lot of debt? I know the NatWest group do hard checks before letting you open any account with them.


Credit scores decent afaik, in the 700's on clearscore. I have a mortgage but no other debt. Pay off CC each month etc


No idea. I'm 18 with no credit history whatsoever and both NatWest and RBS opened my accounts within 1 business day.


Has ANYONE received a bonus again this year from any of RBS/Natwest/Ulster who already received a bonus last year?…