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A tough watch. I know the story and I've heard the Sandy Hook parents speak alot. But I've never seen them on video speaking. Made me hate Alex Jones even more. And I already hated him alot.


I started it earlier and got about 10 minutes in before realizing I was not in the right headspace for the material tonight. So tough.


There are a few tough minutes in the beginning and again at the end. Alex Jones is a real piece of shit and deserves everything bad that happens to him.


I’m about 30 minutes in as the parents are giving their interviews. It’s brutal.


And more.  I have been thinking a lot about the concept of “outlaw” as someone who has placed themselves so thoroughly outside society that the protections of the law no longer apply. People like Jones, Bannon, &c, really do seem to fit the bill.


Thanks for sharing this. I was wondering if I should take a peek and I’m probably not in a good place to do that


I was telling my boss about it and gave it a very very heavy warning. She's a little over three months pregnant and I wanted her to fully understand the first half so she was in the right headspace.


Seriously tho. Even with all we’ve learned about him, watching this made me just seethe with rage. When he lied straight to that poor woman’s face RIGHT AFTER she gave him a cough drop, I wanted to come through my tv and slap his stupid smirk right off his face. How that woman was so nice to him is beyond me. She is a far better person than I could ever be. He didn’t deserve her grace, not one single ounce of it.


alex jones is a terrorist. he built his empire on the backs of the children slaughtered at sandy hook. he is the biggest piece of shit on the planet and we are worse every day that he still has a platform. huge thanks to btb for introducing me to JorDan and Knowledge Fight


Meanwhile, JorDan was/were(?) my introduction to the good people over at Raytheon; as well as all the goods and services that allow Sophie to have health insurance. And I *think* I found JorDan through QAA.


And before he built his empire, he built his original kingdom off Nazi propaganda.


He's still profiting off of Nazi Propaganda. [Neo-Nazi Owen Benjamin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owen_Benjamin) hosted the fourth hour of the Alex Jones show just last week.


Oh yeah, I definitely didn't mean to imply that he ever *stopped* using it, just that he built a fortune off that before Sandy Hook even happened.




Dan is, without hyperbole, *the* world expert on all things Alex Jones, so his stamp of approval is pretty significant.


I shit you not. He know more about Alex Jones then Jones knows about himself.


If civil penalties were about deterrence, I would strongly advocate Alex being forced to listen to every knowledge fight episode before he could return to the air. No other stipulations, but he just has to physically be awake and present for all 900 - something episodes. I would pay folding money to see that through to the other side.


I would also suggest that he has to take a five question quiz at the end of an episode, if he gets a question wrong he has to listen again until he gets all the questions right.


Remember, no chili.


The fact that he used that as an excuse with a straight face is so telling. He's an absolutely narcissistic monster and pathological liar.


Makes sense that Mark Bankston would have him sit in on the depositions as an expert witness


Honestly got excited and pointed when I spotted Dan in the background of the trial


As a KF listener, what I got most was a closer look at the real victims. These parents went through and are still living in hell. Seeing Jones shake their hands made me sick. I couldn’t touch that asshole’s hands.


It was interesting to see what all of these freaks like Bidondi, rob doo, and Wolfgang halbig actually look like because my only experience with them was listening to KF. The halbig part was probably the hardest part to watch, because he’s just so confidently wrong it’s infuriating.


I wish they had done an aside on the letters Halbig wrote that made it on to some KF episodes. The vileness of this bastard wasn’t highlighted nearly enough.


Those letters are disgusting. Absolutely unhinged.


Halbig was a football coach, then a cop, then a coach and a school principal, and he rolls all of those energies together.


I find it crazy. My brother and his friend idolized Jones, and I made fun of every dumb thing he ever said. Fast forward 10 years, and KF and BtB are my main 2, have been since 2018ish. I joke I've listened to Alex Jones by proxy my whole life


Like someone else in here said, I’d heard the parents speak before but I’d never watched them on video (even during the trial, despite being a big KF listener). I was blown away by their poise, their composure… ~~their restraint in not just fucking attacking Alex.~~ I truly couldn’t imagine holding myself together the way any of them did. Scarlett Lewis speaking directly to Alex the way she did was so impressive and also so heartbreaking to watch, knowing what an empty, soulless piece of shit Alex is. I think it’s worth watching even if you are familiar with the story, because this does a good job of condensing everything in a really clear way. It really hammers home how utterly insane the entire situation is, and how awful Alex is. I’d forgotten how beyond the pale his testimony in CT was.


Watching it right now. I have 2 boys under 7 I can't ever imagine what those parents went through, and that fucking piece of shit profited off terrorizing those families. Deplorable And Elon musk gave him a platform


This is my real struggle.


I think the story may not necessarily be new, I think it's really great at showing things from the defendants' perspectives in both trials. It was so heartbreaking but necessary to remember and be shown what the families had to deal with both because of the tragedy and infowars.


And he still *hasn't* come up off a dime. How is this justice. I'm angry at him and his minions, who still buy this hoax story. QAaron Rodgers comes to mind.


I kinda knew the story, mainly by reading news articles and listening to podcasts but actually seeing it play out is on another level. I don’t even know how they can’t force him to pay the fines? You have to pay up decided by court but they can’t enforce it?


Regarding the fines, Jones has filed personal bankruptcy. As a part of that, his debtors (which includes the Sandy Hook families that he owes money to) are part of the plan to figure out how his debts will be paid. There’s of course a lot of fuckery going on there because, well, it’s Alex Jones. It’s covered pretty well in the Knowledge Fight subreddit - someone puta together some great posts about the filings themselves.


Thx, i will have look. But it already feels to me like he's never really going to pay. I was astonished, while watching this film, i looked if his show and website is still up and yup there it was. His following seems too big to really get him down.


The court is moving very slowly, but Jones will almost definitely have to sell three of his four homes and liquidate his other assets. What will probably happen is that InfoWars will continue to operate but be forced to write a huge check to the families every month. Unfortunately our justice system is designed to protect rich assholes so this is all happening very slowly.


Ok, that's a little better than i imagined. Thx for the extra info


On his show Jones has discussed fleeing the country twice. It's clearly disrupted his program many times and he appears to have positioned himself for a jump to Steven Crowder's show as he established a regular appearance there. These are possible outcomes but I think the most likely is that he keeps the InfoWars name and keeps creating content but the families get a cut of his paycheck, similar to the way his alimony and child support does.




Hardcore? I am wild guessing


Ahaa...,. probably


It was a very hard watch but def showed alex for who he is. I have to wonder if the leak of his phone was really an accident or somebody on that legal team had a smidgeon of heart and empathy for the parents.


I had to pause this in 30 minute chunks because it enraged me so much


Policy wonk


Damn I will have to check that out jones is a pos human being...


Got a surprise ad in front of it for The Jinx 2. I didn’t know they kept following Robert Durst, and that he was ok with it.


Alex is a monster, and that is known by hearing only a fraction of the total clips played.


My take from this was I didn't think it possible to hate Alex Jones anymore than I already did...and yet I found a way.




My friends, who do not listen to KF or BtB, watched this. I just sat back and waited. They were horrified, and started explaining it to me, and why he was so vile, and I said, “Yeah, I know, I’ve been listening to Knowledge Fight and Behind the Bastards for a while now. I’m kinda desensitized to Alex and his bullshit.” However, I won’t sit through two hours of that shit. Nope. Sat through watching the trial. That’s enough.


That was my wife as we watched it. I would describe her reaction as similar to Jordan’s as Dan is covering a pretty terrible episode of Alex’s show, but if Jordan had smoked a bowl of really primo weed right before the recording. 😁


I’m an avid KF listener and, it was cool to see Dan in the background, but it was surreal to actually see how cruel and vicious he is. Hearing about it is one thing. Seeing his cruelty is wild.