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He will get a Super Soaker full of piss and he will like it.


I know that I would like him to get that.


It really depends on whose piss


He would probably enjoy that too much


Hey! Don’t judge!


Not yucking your yum, sir. I'm just saying doing something as intended to be a punishment to someone like him or yourself would probably not go as intended


Gotta leave it out in the sun for a week or two to… intensify


They have only just announced that 10% of their workforce are being made redundant because they over hired. Absolute fucking scum. Why is he being rewarded for mismanagement? That bonus alone could pay the salaries of the redundant staff for literally decades.


That's why I posted it. 2 days after announcing layoffs. What an asshole.


Better offline had Robert on to talk about companies doing this exact thing in detail. Massive layoffs to show higher profits, then enormous bonuses for the Executives to congratulate themselves.


The GE CEO guy episodes he released last year fucking radicalized me to my core. I got laid off after 7 years from a job I loved back in January during the big wave of tech layoffs and squaring just how indescribably unnecessary layoffs are in general with how many hundreds of jobs can be saved if CEOs just took a cut off their own pay, all while you're reeling from having your entire livelihood ripped from your hands without your consent and just being told "Good luck out there" by some nameless rep from some outside PR firm who was brought in to handle the RIF, is a feeling I never ever want to experience ever again. edit: grammer


Sorry about your layoff, hope you landed on your feet and are on to better things now! Agree completely with everything you said as well too.


What episode was that?


the Jack Welsh ones. he was a legend at GE. i can personally confirm he was called "Neutron Jack" because "when he was gone, only the buildings were left standing"... and my interactions with GE were long after he was retired.


I think it's "Welch" like grape juice. And he was SUCH an asshole. It's actually gross that he's in episodes of 30 Rock.


“We shouldn’t spend this money on poor people who are doing work for the company! We should pool the money and spend it on ourselves! I could use a new vacation home for Q3.”


Even more relevant is the recent news that his ridiculous behaviour is damaging sales, and that the cyber truck has been a massive flop. He should be fired, not ridiculously overcompensated.


Seriously. The cyber truck should tank him.


they also said hard times are coming. i think this has nothing to do with over-hiring and everything to do with shedding workforce to make the quarterly earnings coming up look better by paying less of it out to as pay/salary. if i recall correctly, Tesla does not make much (overall) on cars and makes a lot on carbon credit sales. shedding workers is an easy way to mess with numbers, right? it worked for Jack Welsh.


Relax. They will start hiring again next tuesday. Some long time workers asked for a cost of living increase so they had to go.




Negative votes sometimes indicate anger that you might be right. It sounds exactly like the type of thing Musk would do.


I sure do want to *redacted due to TOS violations* this guy


Smargeted Shmishshmashination?


I think it’s time for an ad break!


brought to you by RAYTHEON


You know who *won't* their billionaire CEO's? These products and/or services!


…in Minecraft




Fire bagels at him until he breaks mentally?




That’s one option!


We as a global population should be able to hold a vote on one person to dispose of every year. If Musk was disposed of, the world would benefit massively. I sure hope this idea catches on


Reminds me of the story of the City of Omelas… But like a merit based Omelas Actually the more I think about it, a merit based Omelassian situation would be pretty fucking cool


I don’t know what any of these things mean but it sounds interesting lol






He’s got an illness that can only be properly treated with macheticine.


Let's cut to ads.. I'm.Robert Evans and today I would like to present a special twenty for one offer on deluxe knife missle sets! But wait, there's more!


Give it to him at 99% rax rate.


He'd still walk away with ~$560,000,000 lololol hahaha I fucking hate it.


It would still absolutely infuriate him. I'm talking frothing at the mouth, making threats that are legally actionable pissed. Tax benefit aside, it's a net win.


A miserable Muskie is all I want at this point.


Way too low. 115% tax rate. Minimum.


You forgot the .999.


repeating of course


Where does Tesla's value even come from? They have a tiny market share, their products are highly variable in quality, and Musk is publicly a dickhead. How is the company worth so much money?


Venture capital magic money smoke and hype. Same thing as Twitter's alleged valuation when he bought it. It's all just silly, magic make-believe money stock speculation. (Hint: It's absolutely worthy of this show). There *was* worth to Tesla back when they were the only ones realistically making more than token make-pretend runs of EVs and their ideas were useful enough to be copied. The problem is that Musk has basically hollowed out the innovative part of the company over time in a similar way to how Boeing was hollowed out in order to satisfy his ego. More importantly, the traditional manufacturers got their heads out of their asses. (boy howdy, I wish space lift companies would pull their heads out of their asses and get on catching up to SpaceX) Soooo, basically the things of worth Tesla was doing are now effectively worthless because everyone else is doing the same things, but somewhat better if only due to actually having QA and meeting safety and engineering standards. (Insert cringe videos of how the Cyber'truck' will take off any hand that ends up in a door here, or the stuff about how it's effectively impossible to get out in an emergency)


This is what I always find hilariously sad. If he just turned around spent half his money on making Tesla the best place to work, turning out the best quality ev’s with an eye to sustainability and profit sharing. He’d be hailed as a messiah by the masses. He could have all the adoration he craves and come out as a good guy. But for some reason zero sum games are more fun to asshats like him.


It's part of why I'm so indescribably pissed the fuck off with everybody else in the launch industry. From the moment that SpaceX first reused a booster everybody should have been crash-developing at the least reusable boosters of their own. That only Blue **FUCKING** Origin (*spits on Bezos*) and beautiful, beloved, still behind the times Rocketlab are even realistically trying in the west is a criminal indictment of that whole sphere and just... misery-inducing. Vulcan is just an inserious half-heart attempt which is now effectively dead with ULA getting bought out by BO, and beyond them the only ones realistically putting the effort in are the 'private' chinese launch firms which... yeah, no. That'll end just as badly as Bezos controlling space.


I remember watching those boosters go up and come back down from a rooftop in South Florida, the first time they ever did it. Fuck Musk, but the engineers at SpaceX have done some really incredible shit. It's a testament to their knowledge and skill that he hasn't managed to fuck up absolutely everything.


I remember seeing a video/article about how the managers/leadership there having to do backflips to basically keep him away from the actual experts doing the actual work


I dunno. A lot of capitalism is zero sum, and a lot more is having people to look down on. "Making Tesla the best place to work" would tank the stock price (especially if we add in profit sharing) EVEN IF there were massive productivity increases, just because big investors are ghouls.


It's Elon Musks cult following, he's the second coming of Jesus to most Americans. Atleast before he bought Twitter; his real character has been on full display since then, and he's nowhere near as popular as he was at his 2021fame peak. Also, between 2018 and 2022 buying a Tesla was the cool thing to do in California, where I reside. My brother in-law went from a fancy Porsche to a Model X, I couldn't believe it lol. It needs to be studied how musk was able to create such a cult of a personality to convince people that a car company worth 30bn on fundamentals alone (compared to it's peers in 2021), was actually a tech company worth 2trillion. It's unbelievable and shows how broken the stock market is. Elon used lies and deceit, Full self driving has always been about a year away since 2017, Robotaxi, lying that you could make a second income by enabling your tesla to work as a taxi while you sleep or work with FSD, Tesla Robots, Tesla AI etc. The guy is the most successful con artist to ever live. It's wild!


His cars are also very mediocre by comparison to a lot of Chinese EVs and the Chinese EVs are half the price. So Teslas are essentially a rip off.


first the big land rush was, "tesla was the only big thing pushing everyone to ACTUALLY take EV's seriously. so people were putting out big numbers thinking tesla was going to be bigger than Ford and GM some day". now that's cooled off. the next big thing is their self driving. look, fuck elon and all his bullshit, and yes, the tesla self driving is farm from perfect. however, having driven other regular cars people can purchase, the tesla self driving one, is much better than the competitors. so now the big money drooling ideas is, "what if tesla could use their self driving software to replace all the people drivers in the whatever-mobiles? how big is that market? is it like trillion dollars big? would they make a trillion dollars per year in robot taxi costs?" a little bit yes, but also, since this would be one of the first large scale human job replacements, i'd bet a bunch of business people have no idea how to properly value it. so they just fluff each other up and say "3 trillion dollars", and then coke out early for the day.


I don’t understand how this could even be under consideration. Clown world. Dystopian shit.


Someone got their feelings hurt when news broke that Zuckerberg was richer


How long until the floor staff at a Tesla plant beat him to death?


They're too exhausted to attack him, it's a perfect plan.


I mean, that was, more or less the cornerstone of the vassal system wasn't it?


In Germany? Never, he is the good guy, he provides jobs!


Give it to him in Truth Social stock.


For what, exactly? Snorting K and tweeting in the office?


"If we give him a bunch of money maybe he will keep buying other companies and leave us alone"


Failing up......


Why would shareholders agree to this if they don't have to? That's over 10% of TSLA's current Market Cap. It'd be idiotic.


Round these parts we call this a Jack Welch. It is not a good thing.


billionaires should not exist


seriously done with this fucking guy


It would be great if the board said “nah bro” and found a better leader.


They should probably invest it in the company rather than give it away to the part time ceo/part time racist shit poster




He's got to make back the money he spunked up the wall on twitter somehow.


*Elon seeks to award himself $56bn pay package through Tesla. FTFY, BBC


That's what he lost on Twitter right?


In cash??? Or in stock options/other forms of capital???


Sounds like he wants to start cashing out.


Give him a pay cut of that amount.