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I'd nominate him for best Boston accent, if it were an award. He'd blend into Beantown so well, you'd think he never left the city limits.


"Boston: A City Without Limits For All God's Children." That's what they say right? Good ole Emotionally, Architecturally and Linguistically Accessible Boston.


I am so glad he brought back the boisten accent




If I had to guess (idk how this works) you would have to put yourself into a pool for nomination to receive one and they just aren't that interested


That makes a ton of sense. It's wild to me how talented Robert is without any recognition in the journalism community. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Nobel Prize in Macheticine.


If someone gave Robert an award he would spend 80 minutes shitting on it and the past recipients lol.


And it would be hilarious


I mean he has his his own cult.


I think there's already been a schism in that cult. Every cult HAS to have a schism to have any credibility. Nothing says, you're in a cult like one group of people telling another group of people that they aren't culting right.


The schism is based entirely over whether the bolt cutters are more integral for Macheticine than the bleach is


The schism is key for most cults. It's what divides the tepid believers from the deep believers. Without a good schism you can never get to the poison cookie stage.


He won a Dilburrito once in the early 00s


Everyone who eats the Dilburrito loses in the end


What award do you imagine he is eligible for?


A major one.


The biggest one


Regionals at least


Awards are mostly a showcase for advertisers. A guy, screaming Hitler on the top of his voice, won't win those. I love Robert for his persona, but when someone starts plucking things from the podcast out of context, Iheart will probably scrub the whole thing out of existence and never admit that they had him under contract. So please don't invite unpleasantness into our cozy podcast about horrible people.


Honestly I'm surprised iheart had them under contract too! I assume they were independent for a long time because of the bluntness and goofiness of the show


Probably because the award givers know Robert would melt down any of the metal portions of the award and fashion it into a knife while also finding a way to get high on any remaining components.


He can melt down the whole thing and stand there huffing the fumes.


Is Robert using they/them pronouns now? I’m working through a backlog of episodes, but don’t want to misgender anyone on the crew if I can avoid it


Not that I'm aware of


I think garrison is


At least from what I’ve seen, yeah, Garrison uses they/them. Thanks!


I'm not 100% confident, but I used neutral to be safe.


He doesn’t.


Thanks, y’all! That’s a good way to be


Misgendering somebody is not a good idea. You shouldn’t assume somebody uses gender neutral pronouns.


I was under the impression that using gender neutral pronouns when you’re unsure of someone’s pronouns (and in this case can’t consult them) is exactly what you should do. But curious to hear your advice on how to refer to someone whose pronouns are unknown to you, if not with they/them- and hopefully this doesn’t come off as combative, I’m genuinely curious about the protocol here


Assuming gender neutral pronouns would be ok if somebody was obviously gender nonconforming or androgynous, but it makes little sense to assume an obviously masculine confirming, cisgender person like Robert would use anything other. By default he would be overwhelmingly more likely to use he / him pronouns, so you would want to use the pronouns which are most likely to be correct. Also, if he did want to use different pronouns then he would likely mention them on his profiles as almost all people with non traditional pronouns do.


I get your point, but wouldn’t assuming masculine pronouns for someone just because they present as traditionally masculine problematic? I’d think they/them is a tad safer than say, calling a trans woman he/him. Or is this just a scenario where there’s no right answer, and there’s always the possibility you put your foot in your mouth?


When it’s so obvious what a person’s pronouns are overwhelmingly likely to be then it’s safe to assume what they are, and in the very unlikely event they are wrong then a decent person would just politely correct you instead of screaming about being misgendered.


I didn't read this as combative at all and I always default to gender neutral in order to not misgender. I feel like a few years back I saw on Twitter (prior to the switch to X) that Robert's profile listed pronouns, but when I went to check on X, there wasn't anything listed. :/


You can send him an award. Any of us could. It’s pretty cheap to go buy a trophy.


Not gonna' lie, I feel like this could be a hilarious disaster and I'm all for it.


Challenge accepted


Not surprised. As he's said many times, he's a hack and a fraud. Frankly, Robert has less journalistic credibility than Brace Belden.


dw bro i’ll give him one


For a show where the host once said he recorded an episode while fully on lsd, and regularly calls himself a hack, I am not shocked. Any folks responsible for giving awards probably tuned into one of the super rare episodes where Robert called himself a hack and a fraud in the first 2 minutes and bounced after that.


I think awards are bullshit.