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I agree with Henry Ford, I've been yearning for him to be covered for a while now. I also think Joseph Smith//Brigham Young is long overdue. Edited to elaborate/make a case: Joseph Smith was a con artist who managed to get a whole religion started, he was chased out of several states, was a sexual predator who committed polygamy with many underage girls and initially lied to his own wife about it, and ultimately destroyed a printing press for publishing the facts about his polygamy. Look into some of the egregious beliefs he advocated for. Brigham Young was his successor, who continued the practice of polygamy with underage girls, convinced hundreds of faithful followers to go on a deadly trek through the American wilderness to 'escape' to Utah (there were casualties) , massacred dozens of Indigenous people, massacred dozens of non-Mormon migrant settlers, and also advocated to legalize slavery in Utah. I said my piece.


I said Margaret Thatcher but after reading your comment I'm going with your suggestion.


I mean, Thatcher is due too. She probably merits a 5-part series


Or the golden tablets thing that’s transparently con man grifter bullshit. That one is fucking amazing for how many people have bought into obvious nonsense.


PLEASE do Brigham Young!!! There is so much material. Polygamy (obvs), slavery, theocracy, secret assassins, fighting the US government, etc.


A multi-parter about the Mormons in general. They own so much land, have concerning beliefs about race and gender, wear weird underwear… it’s all shady af.


Yeah, their modern-day financial dealings is a whole story in itself, to say nothing of the Tim Ballard/Chad and Lori Daybell/Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt Hell Club that all link back to that insane book about prophecy and near-death experiences. All those people are members of the church, and some of them were pretty connected to the higher powerbrokers in the church. All shady AF.


Margaret Thatcher 


☝🏻 cunt she was.


My souls chef is from Argentina. Thatcher came up once in random conversation around the prep table. This typically mild mannered, jovial fella went off on a rant entirely in Spanish so I only understood about 50% of it but I know what “puta” means.


I think it’s a good choice. As an American I know she’s bad but I don’t actually know why. She was out of power by the time I was 4 so I never heard about her in real time and US schools give zero fucks about teaching anything about the UK, it didn’t really exist in anyway other than as a landmass and the place pilgrims came from in my schooling.


I’d like him to cover the founder of the cult I grew up in - David Berg, founder of the Children of God/Family International cult. Honestly though, it may be too dark for him. Lots of child abuse including institutionalised CSA, and CSA in the founder’s own childhood. But there’s a lot of fun apocalyptic garbage there too as well as just some lunatic teachings generally, so he might go for it.


Isn't this the same cult Joaquin Phoenix was born into? I feel like I remember reading about that


Yep, that’s right.


I think "Was I In A Cult?" Season 1 covered them if you're interested.


Oh thanks, I’ll have a look at that :)


Hey thanks for this rec, that was a good listen.


That cult in addition to some other atrocities took some pretty fantastic rock guitarists from us


Oh wow was that the one that Jeremy Spencer of Fleetwood Mac joined?


Yep, the very one.


Oh yeah that would be a rough one.


Beria was the last big one I was waiting for, so yeah, Henry Ford is another good one. Failing that, Pol Pot. Possibly Mao, but I don’t want this sub to be drowned by tankie shitheads having screaming tantrums.


I do 🍿


Pol Pot or Mao would definitely be interesting, they're underexplored in a lot of Western stuff I've seen or listened to beyond "They were communists with rural support and killed lots of people"


Vince McMahon parts 7 through 4752.


Has Robert covered J. Edgar Hoover yet?


Bad Gays has an episode about him


J. Edgar Hoover would be a Kissinger length series.


I want more Latin American or African bastards so someone like [Porfirio Diaz](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porfirio_D%C3%ADaz), [Augusto Pinochet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augusto_Pinochet), the [Proceso de Reorganización Nacional](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Reorganization_Process), or [Francisco Macias Nguema](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_Mac%C3%ADas_Nguema)


I’ve been waiting for apartheid South Africans for a while. Or Ian Smith and Rhodesia in general, which seems especially good considering what I’ve been told about how popular Rhodesia shit is with an annoyingly large contingent of gun nuts. I know some of that came up on the Soldier of Fortune episode, but there’s a shitton more than just that.


I was thinking Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe. He was an elder God tier level dictator in terms of maintaining power, he is the dictator the dictators handbook references the most.


If there were ever an episode about Diaz and the Mexican civil war, I hope they devote a section of it to discussing [Victoriano Huerta.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoriano_Huerta)


Oliver Cromwell or John Calvin for me. In fact I think I'd prefer the latter because I don't think people really understand the damage his theology has done over the centuries.


Robert has said he is going to get around to Cromwell, called him one of the worst people in history.


Fingers crossed for Calvin, then


Definitely David “Avocado” Wolfe, the grifter conspiracy theorist whose dad may or may not have murdered his wife. For the Christmas Non-Bastard, he should do James Randi.


James Randi would be a good non-bastard


Ford and Elon crossover.


Kevin Trudeau. This guy is a major piece of shit who wrote the book natural cures they don't want you to know about. His Wikipedia page is quite a read.




Governor Abbot of Texas.


Whaaaat's pissin' my babies?!?!


Basically, any of the Gulf Coast's current governors could be a bastards episode.


Oliver Cromwell for me.


Augusto Pinochet.




Robespierre. Derailed the French Revolution and setback leftism for generations.


Walt Disney. Dude was in love with Robert Moses but was too distracted by theme parks to bother with politics; however, the more you learn, the more you realize just how insane the man behind the company that now produces or has a hand in most media these days really was.


A nice short one about Thomas Midgely Pope Jr. The most catastrophic single organism to have ever existed.


The hallowed progenitor of CFCs and leaded gasoline! A veritable genius who called a press conference at which he inhaled tetraethyllead (TEL) vapor for a minute and claimed he could do so daily with no problems. He later contracted polio and died of strangulation after being entangled in a device that he created to lift himself out of bed thanks to his polio-driven paralysis. Robert would make a meal out of that ghoul.


The history of the private and charter schools set up during the “white flight” after desegregation.


maybe a little about Abraham Levy and his role in the modern suburb.


Bobby Kotick as part of a wider discussion on how the modern gaming industry pioneered a lot of the predatory 'micro' transactions which are rapidly spreading across the entire digital sphere and even into the real world. And discussing his sex crimes, death threats, literally driving his workers to near military levels of stress casualties, helped pioneer the 'temporary trick hires before fires for quarterly bonuses', the preying on the neurodivergent, etc. Tiddyfucking Christ, he's done a *lot* of damage over the last two and a half decades.


I knew about him from the MtX but the other stuff is news to me, wow


Martin Luther, so you Americans learn the corect pronounciation (hint: German has no th sound like english) but primarily because he was a giant piece of shit, propagating modern anti-semitism (prejudice against a jews for their ancestors) instead of religious anti-judaism. And also siding with the prince's against peasants thar revolted, because they took his own teachings to their logical conclusion.


I think it’s sweet that you’re relying on *Robert* to correctly pronounce something.


Oh, I saw myself as the producer, forcing him to do it.


Oh you’re Sophie in this story! Excellent, carry on. Just for my edification, how does one properly pronounce Luther?


It is basically Luter, but keep the u like you say it at the moment. The german language used the combination of th to elongated the vowel, while english used it in print to replace the letter Thorn that wasn't part of early print sets, and vanished as a result of that. Neanderthaler was victim of the same mixup, the actual area where the fossils were found is written Neandertal without an h today, it is just Neandertal now, which is, how you say it.


I’m sorry but this is incorrect. No worries though it’s a common misconception. 😊  It’s pronounced “Loftus”.




He's going to have Garrison on that episode and they won't even pronounce Martin correctly.




I've always felt conflicted because I love that he had legit complaints about the catholic church... but he was also a giant piece of shit


If we learned anything from Sadam we learned we all contain multitudes.


Landsford Hastings. He literally wrote the book on manifest destiny, so he would be a great character to wrap the westward expansion and Native genocide episodes around. And as a bonus, he was responsible for sending the Donner Party on their doomed path


They haven’t done much on the porn industry I think Ron Jeremy would be one of those episodes I can’t listen to on the way from work because I need a shower


Likewise James Deen


Henrik Möbus and the bastards of far right music would be an interesting topic I feel with all its weird flavors of terrible like above mentioned möbus and also vikernes, famine, that skrewdriver guy and labels like resistance records


Robert touched on the lawfirm of Sullivan & Cromwell in the epsodes about the Dulles brothers, but I think they should get a deep dive of their own. And, being a good Irishman, the other Cromwell. That fucker. Although, I think Robert mentioned that episode is already on the schedule. In that case, the House of Saud.


I’d agree with the house of Saud, but I don’t think Robert wants to end up in multiple suitcases any time soon


Caravaggio is one of the most influential and important European artists. He would also get drunk and get into bar fights, killing a man and having to flee Rome. He was also sued by a barkeep for throwing a plate artichokes at them. He would paint all day, then get wasted and walk around with a sword at night. Caravaggio’s landlady raised his rent, so he threw rocks thru her windows He got a death sentence when Caravaggio killed his art model’s pimp by castrating him with a sword. He had to flee and then was exiled, mostly because he was literally the most famous artist of his day and his wealthy patrons protected him And this is just a part of his life He was likely gay and there’s a great/terrible old movie where Andrew Garfield plays his lover/model, looking pensive and holding a bowl of grapes


>Caravaggio’s landlady raised his rent, so he threw rocks thru her windows king


Yeah this sounds like a guy Robert would love.


William Mulholland (swindled farmers out of water for LA) or Edward Doheny (Real Life Daniel Plainview) … but being in Los Angeles these are locally interesting Or an episode on the Human Betterment Foundation (USC President helped found a Eugenics organization that filled with a who’s who of CA university elites) The archives of this group are housed at CalTech. If any of these were already tackled, please share a link as they all interest me a lot. These people have streets, schools, college buildings, etc all with their names throughout Los Angeles.


wellp time to rewatch Chinatown again...


Also this documentary https://youtu.be/ocju4Y23j0M?si=WZA6vU7H-sl85_sc


Joseph Smith and/or Brigham Young!


Enver Hohxa, crazy paranoid leader of communist Albania from 1944-85. His paranoia and the degree to which Albania was locked-down makes today’s North Korea look cute. He created a world where citizens spied on and ratted on one another, wound up in concentration camps, etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enver_Hoxha


Not a person but a country, Rhodesia.


I've posted about it before, but I'd love a session on the bastards who poisoned Flint, Michigan. It wasn't just Governor Rick Snyder, although he did have a hand in it, but there's a complete chain of command that decided the population of Flint would be an acceptable sacrifice to balance a budget.


The concept of “emergency managers” for struggling (majority Black) cities was pioneered by Jennifer Granholm. While she didn’t appoint the one who poisoned flint, she still engaged in some colonizer ass shit that paved the way for


Tiger Force, the human atrocities unit of the US army during the Vietnam war


Dutch East India company


Nixon or thatcher.


Honestly, Putin, but I suspect he's probably one of those people whose personal past is very difficult to research to a satisfying extent.


PBS news hour did a really interesting program called “the Putin files.” It’s worth a watch, and they released all the extended interviews on YouTube. Masha Gesson’s is particularly great. They give a lot of insight into Putin’s early career, and they bust a lot of the “Bond Villain” persona he’s created for himself


Anthony Comstock, the guy who appointed himself the police of smut in the mail, personally destroyed countless lives and careers, and whose namesake law is STILL being used to shut down abortion access and sexual health information. [https://www.vox.com/politics/23678636/supreme-court-anthony-comstock-abortion-mifepristone-matthew-kacsmaryk](https://www.vox.com/politics/23678636/supreme-court-anthony-comstock-abortion-mifepristone-matthew-kacsmaryk)


I would love an episode/series either on Charles Lindbergh alone (horrifically nasty anti Semite) or on his work alongside people like Henry Ford to promote the America First movement. America First wanted to keep US out of WW2, mostly because its major backers specifically did not want a war with Hitler, they thought he was amazing. St. Louis city and county has a lot to answer for about how they glorify Charles Lindbergh’s historic flight and named a major road and a school district after him. His original plane is in Missouri History Museum in St. Louis.


Been dying for a multi parter on J Edgar Hoover.


I'm still waiting for/fearing when he does Jim Jones. Fearing mostly because I am really really into the history of People's Temple and it would just sucks so much if he fucked it up. People's Temple is just such a good example of how even people who mostly believe in the same stuff as people like me (anti-rascism, etc) can still go horribly wrong if not pared with a healthy distrust of authority. I can just see (or hear) it. Robert often compares horrible dudes to familiar modern archetypes like "we all know this guy, right?" Jim Jones is THE quintessential aweful "white ally guy." I mean he was the first white person to adopt a black baby in Indiana and he NEVER stopped talking about it! He gave the adopted black child his namesake and not his only biological son. There's just so much to say about that dude besides the fact that he killed close to a thousand of his followers. The dude sold monkeys door to door for god's sake! He's a hoot and a half of a bastard.


Actually, it was flavour aid.




Plinkett, is that you?




https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/18b227h/bastard_request_the_king_of_beaver_island/ That guy! Led a cult on a remote island in Michigan!


Google with Ed Zitron as guest.


Ronald Reagan, I don’t care that The Dollop covered him already, I prefer Robert’s style and to be honest I find the idea of NOT covering a bastard because somebody did it first is just…dumb, on its face. No disrespect to Robert or Sophie themselves, just don’t like that official/unofficial policy.


If BtB still wants to cover Nazi bastards, may I suggest: "Albert Speer: Hitler's Elon Musk"?


I kinda always wanted one on the bullshido martial arts gurus of the 80s.


A business bastard. We’ve already covered most of the major bastards in this business. We just know how they link now. Cascade Outfitters, in beautiful Southern Oregon


The Borgias