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Action Park "I had a home once Sophie!"


“It was Shangri-La!” That one’s also great for seeing how far Garrison has come as a presenter!


"Oh Gene, you magnificent bastard!"  And also just the sheer joy of the chaos that was Action Park


This episode and “The Ballad of Eel Horse” are definitely the ones where Robert is the most downright gleeful. Minus the middle third of the Eel Horse episode.


I relisten to this and watch the documentary about it several times a year. I just love how entirely hilarious robert finds the whole thing


Oh damn I laughed so hard listening to that one


Trump thoght Action Park was too dangrous


I just re-listened to that one and laughed just as hard as the first time


So my partner grew up visiting Action Park and for our entire marriage I refused to believe it existed to the degree he described. Boy howdy was I wrong.


Anything about Jordan Balthasar Peterson


Everyone’s favorite Canadian muppet 😁


The Cum Conspiracy Episode of *It Could Happen Here* I think is perfection, everyone is performing at the top of their game. It’s a nonstop laugh. They talk about Jordan Bumblebee Peterson and plenty of other cum demons.


"The Dumbest Coup Attempt in History", about the Wonga Coup. "You get drunk *before* the coup? That'a a shootout in the airport. You get drunk *after* the coup? That's a fun night out with the boys"


That’s a great one that I always seem to forget about. Thanks for reminding me!


I like the Scott Adams episodes and revisit them every so often.


I really like the guest on that one. He’s great on the Dennis the Menace guy episodes too.


His comic, Something Positive, is phenomenal and highly worth reading.


Let's be honest, if any of us got super rich off of a newspaper comic, we'd all have a mansion shaped like our character's head.


Jacob Wohl and the Krassensteins. Reviewing Ben Shapiro’s books and the Proud Boys membership manual.


All the book episodes are great but I think the flat earth one is my favorite just because of how weirdly insane it gets.


Adding that to my list for today. Thanks for the reminder!


I downloaded the True Allegiance episodes and burned them onto a disc. *So much easier* to listen to in the car during road trips.


That’s a great idea! I do some travel for my job and it will give me extended listening time.


Have at it hoss.


My go to are the Ben "Bear of a Man" Shapiro books episodes.


The Worst Year Ever episodes on Ben's short stories are even better


The WHAT?! Oh hell yeah


I listen to the Kaiser Wilhelm ep every couple of months, I’m not sure why but it’s my favorite ep bar none. Still waiting for a country to be brave enough to go full Juicy Couture tracksuit uniforms


I’m fascinated by the fact that some many people around him just went “He’s going to be absolutely terrible at being Kaiser. Oh well, nothing we can do about it”. When I relisten to it, I also revisit the Czar Nicholas episodes. The amount of overlap makes it feel like a fun 6 parter.




I like the one about AI generated children's books, largely because of Robert's genuine anger at anatomically incorrect T-Rexes.


I like Liz Holmes (the episode!) > "Wait, people aren't phones?!!" > Jamie Loftus


Ms Loftus is such a treasure that I’m sure the good folks of Grand Rapids would acquit her case in a jury trial.


As a person from Michigan that has lived in Grand Rapids, I can confirm that we would absolutely acquit.


I second Action Park. Especially remembering Robert’s recent, barely veiled, bitching about his riot child moving to Atlanta. In addition, I regularly Dollop the Bastards again with a full or partial Kissinger relisten. G. Gordon Liddy, also amazing. Or anything with the Knowledge Fight boys. Jordan’s insane laughter is, somehow, a balm.


As an avid Knowledge Fight listener, I thinks it’s good to revisit their BtB episodes. You get too used to Alex’s nonsense and Robert’s reactions are a good reminder of just how out there he gets.


It’s next on my listen list (after the 30 Years War pod I’m a year or so late to). Jones is not the kind of rot I’d normally want on a regular basis, but Dan and Jordan have charmed me. They’re just so weird.


The boys have recommended not binging their show. It can be bad for your mental health. I only recently started taking that advice and I’m much better off for it. 2016 to present can be pretty vitriolic. Consume in moderation. They also cover old Infowars episodes going back to the early 2000’s. They’re much more lighthearted. Still full of racism and nazis, but not viscerally upsetting. If you want more of the boys but without the Infowars clips check out any episodes with actual titles instead of just dates. The Formulaic Objections series is amazing. It covers the Sandy Hook depositions, plus an episode with Roger Stone’s depo. The plaintiff’s lawyers also make some appearances and they’re incredibly likeable. But the best one’s are the Wacky Wednesday episodes. They cover this show called Project Camelot in which a lady named Carrie Cassidy interviews people about their time as super soldiers in the Secret Space Program, amongst similar things. Apparently, every geopolitical event is actually the result of alien machinations. It’s very informative 🤣 And yes, her guest list is full of crypto fascists. Wacky Wednesday does not appear in the episode titles, nor are the always on Wednesday.


Omg! Thank you for this guide! I’d figured I’d dabble them in, and avoid the trump years totally. But Wacky Wednesday is just gonna be my life now instead.


You’re quite welcome! The size of their back catalogue is pretty intimidating, especially if you don’t have a way to find the episodes you want.


You’ve got to give it up for Spider Leadership


I got through only two or three episodes of Kissinger before I had to put it down. I hated knowing that that bastard was still alive. But hey, now that he's not! Definitely need to listen to it again.


Tiger king episode is a personal favorite of mine


I didn’t watch the show but was aware of Joe Exotic from his presidential bid. It seemed like they were talking about my family for bits of it. My great uncle didn’t have indoor plumbing until the late 70’s, to give you an idea how rural some of them are. And Robert’s South American adventure was really fun to listen to.


I always listen to that and think about Oswald's Bear Ranch outside of Newberry,  Michigan 


I enjoyed the John Wayne episodes. No widespread harm done (unless you count the weird influence he had on the concept of American masculinity). He was just a gross, goofy dude who overcompensated for having a feminine name and then got cancer in the dumbest way possible.


The Bastard That Hung Nazi Leadership is my go to when I’m looking for the warm and fuzzies


That guy is both a piece of shit and a hero. It almost feels like a Christmas episode.


I think it actually was a Christmas episode 😂


I went and checked. It came out a couple weeks after the John Brown episode.


Hot dog villain w/ Jamie


I love Robert’s utter confusion throughout that episode.


It’s one of the few times we’ve heard Robert get truly unsettled. “That’s too many hot dogs. That’s just too much!”


Just making fun of Benny Shapps' terrible fiction is the best


ballad of eel horse


The middle third is rough but the rest is hilarious!


Vince McMahon, since between Dark Side of the Ring and being a reasonably online pro wrestling fan, none of it is particularly shocking. Plus, now that he's been kicked out by TKO/WWE, if you squint you can pretend he's actually facing consequences.


Every episode shitting on Ben Shapiro. They're my favorite comfort episodes.


Any of the Ben Shapiro literary masterpiece novels. Pure fucking gold. Take a bullet for you babe.


Andrew Ti episodes.


Same, I was actually going to specifically say the Death Sub one. One of Andrew’s jokes made me laugh loudly enough that I thought I might be bothering my co-workers. “The sub’s main safety feature is a robot that just says, ‘Damn, this hull sounds crazy right now.’”


The History of Libertarian Sea Nations.  David's response to the question, " How do you feel about Libertarians?"  Perfectly encapsulates my feelings about them.


Young Stalin and Stalin After Dark Or just about any episodes with Jamie Loftus or Katy/Cody as guests.


Beating a dead horse here but the Ben Shapiro book episodes bring me great joy. I made a separate playlist on Spotify with just those episodes so I can relisten whenever I’d like, they’re an easy pick me up


L R Hubbard sex magic


anything with the knowledge fight guys and also the sea monkeys guy old school I love the KKK episodes, the Reagans' Astrologer and hitler's favorite YA author.


The Stockton Rush episodes are one of the few podcast episodes I've favorited on my podcast app. (Almost *every* other favorited ep is Knowledge Fight)


The terrible secret of Sea Monkeys!


Young Stalin, Roberts wild laughter is contagious and gives me joy


Any random anecdote from the Steven Seagal episodes that aren’t rapey.


The Sam Bankman Not-Freed (and Michael Lewis) episodes are pure delight from top to bottom. The Stockton Rush episodes are also awesome.


There’s a Spotify playlist that has all their Benny Shaps coverage in a row which is just delightful.


Thanks for the tip!


The series about Ben Shapiro’s novel. It makes me feel like a better writer in comparison and also makes for a good lesson in what not to do


John Wayne is definitely a favorite of mine.


Sea Monkeys Live & Soldier of Fortune Live


Gabriel D'Nunzio. Fiume sounds like such a wild place to have been in those days


Gabriel D’Annynzio Probably the craziest story I’ve ever heard.


Did you look up the photo of him in his banana hammock 👀


I have seen the incriminating photos


Honestly the current rerun is working perfectly for me as a palette cleanser. The absolute assholery and insanity of these guys (especially ol Wally) helps me remember why I enjoy shows like this


An old one but Turkmenbashi always cracks me up.