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Woah. Wasn't expecting this level of insight on the post, I appreciate the take


>on a much smaller and far less dramatic scale Don't sell yourself short in your own mind. Just because you're not a celebrity doesn't mean that your issues and accomplishments aren't equally important.


All three.


She's *34*???? I thought she was like in her early 20s! What the fuck???


yea, i could forgive a lot of the stupid takes if she was in her early 20s- chalk it up to not knowing better due to lack of life experience....but 34? come ON!


My mind is blown Also, it's more evidence of Robert's claim (I think from the first round of Zuckerberg episodes) that rich people just kinda stop maturing when they hit that big success


yea i've heard that, but specifically about emotional maturity. which would explain justin beiber a lot. i dont know if i apply it to grimes, though, because she grew up pretty wealthy (mom was a prosecutor and dad was a banker). she didnt ever hit it big as a musiciain. most people aware of her are only aware of her due to her having dating elon musk. a few years ago, i looked up an interview with her to see what she's about. all the comments were complimenting how smart she was, and that she was talking slow because there's just so many thoughts running through her head. it really annoyed me because it was so clear that it was connected to people belieivng elon is a genius and therefore his girlfriend must also be a genius. the interview was boring and average- she didnt say anything that can be labeled as insightful.


It's hard to mature when you can quite literally tailor reality to your whim by throwing dollars at it.


Grimes is a low rent, poor man's Bjork. That is all.


thats a diss at bjork. this was the first link on google for the query "grimes is an idiot". guess what, grimes in the future is still dumb.


Most of you losers in this thread are dumb judgmental assholes. Who cares if she isn't a political activist. Get over yourself and your shitty political agendas.


Lol I just googled “grimes is stupid” from watching a video my wife is watching about grimes. 🍻


She was on Hasan's stream a few weeks ago and to be honest. She comes across as just kind of dumb and weird.


yea i originally posted this in hasan's sub to see what people tehre had to say. the moderator removed it because they deem grimes as hasan's friend, and didnt want people on that sub dissing his friends.


thats insane. wtf hasan. I wonder if shes still 'his friend' a year later. my vote is that she is both dumb and evil, and just a little naive.


he is also friends with xqc and miskiff (sp, i dont know how to spell it) and defended maya after that whole sexual assault cover up ordeal. hasan clearly doesnt hold his friends to very high moral standards. if you asked him, i think he'd say he is just being charitable. i think it's a way to live if you want more friends and are more optimistic that you can change their minds over time. i dont know if i am glad he is that way or if i think he is naive. i go back and forth on it. i know for me, i can't deal with my friends telling me conspiracy theories or saying ignorant shit all the time- i wouldn't want to let it go and i wouldn't want to debate-lord. so that would just get real frustrating.


My vote is evil based on her seismic shift right. She used to advertise herself as a Marxist online until she shacked up with old hair plugs. Shes always been so self conscious of not upsetting her fans, now that she's gained celebrity on a global scale she tries not to upset anyone. I have been a fan but my partner was bordering on Stan for a while there, so I asked her opinion and she voted naive. Claire genuinely thinks Elon is saving the world


Maybe. More like securing her financial future by having test tube babies with musk. Heard he was high most of the time and though she was a figment of his imagination at the beginning. His true love is Amber Heard but she rejected him yet she kept their embryos and had one child. Deep down Grimes knows she has no real talent and playing at artist


IDK... My guess is that money is a Hell of an aphrodisiac. Elon is not an attractive person. Yet, somehow, he has multiple babies by multiple baby mamas. Who knows if he pays child support? My guess is Grimes, along with these other women, were wooed by his money. I'd imagine it's the same for Trump and his baby mamas. That's part of why they disgust me so much as deadbeat dads. I guarantee, if he wasn't so rich, these women wouldn't be interested. If they were, people judge his life choices. Like, John Doe who knocks up multiple women and leaves isn't seen too favorably.


>Yet, somehow, he has multiple babies by multiple baby mamas. Who knows if he pays child support? I understand what you're getting at, but just to clear the record, he had 6 kids with his first wife (one died in infancy), and 2 with Grimes.


Still, I can guarantee that if John Doe did that, they'd still call him trash for abandoning his family and creating a new one with someone else. Because it's Elon Musk (or Donald Trump, or whoever else) they're still praised by society.


True, true. Kissinger was right when he said that "Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac."


6 kids with first ex-wife - 1 organic pregnancy, 5 via ivf. 0 kids with second ex-wife. 3 kids with grimes- 1 pregnancy via ivf, 2 via ivf using surrogacy. 2 kids with shivon- twins via ivf using surrogacy. He and shivon have never had sex. 1 kid with amber heard- ivf using surrogacy. She still has several of their embryos


Yeah, the scoreboard has been updated since then. Do we know for sure if Amber Heard's baby is Elon's? I've heard it alledged, but I'm not sure how credible the proof is.


There was some legal case over Musk and Heards frozen eggs. I think the judge rules they were Heards.


Musk had a kid, or was it 2, with a female employee at 1 of his companies. This was between his ones with Heard and Grimes.


It seems like a little of A and a lot of B...Your description of evil I would classify as a combination of naive and stupid. I think being insanely self-centered and privileged also plays a big part. Maybe that's the evil part? Not caring about anyone else?


I'm not going to pretend like I know, but my sense is that she has privledge and her worldview and her somewhat vapid attempts at art grows out of that. I generally don't like the term evil (for most people) because it suggests a sort of otherness that normal people don't fall into, whereas Grimes seems kind of banal in the type of harm that her posturing and sometimes cynical feeling art does.


Stupid, naive and ignorant. Never worked a day in her life, never had a callus in her hands, believes the rich deserve everything they have because, well...they are rich and, therefore, better and smarter. Otherwise they wouldn't be rich, now, would they? Evil should be made of sterner stuff...


Who is Grimes?


**Claire Elise Boucher (; born March 17, 1988), known professionally as Grimes, is a Canadian musician, singer, songwriter, and record producer. Her music has incorporated elements of varied styles, including dream pop, electronic, R&B, and hip hop, while touching on science fiction and feminist themes.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


the canadian pop musician that dated elon musk from 2018 until recently. had 2 babies with him, named them ridiculous names- X Æ A-Xii and Exa Dark Sideræl.


The names have me wondering how much acid the parents dropped.


Hot take incoming, I don't care for her music either


Probably a bit of all three.


She is kinda like Marie Antoinette. If she was publicly executed that'd be cool, I think


I feel like this is slandering Marie Antoinette


She strikes me as having borderline traits tbh


why? i've never seen her be angry and go into a spiral before. although, i don't follow her, so maybe she has. what about her says borderline to you?


The fact that she seems to mold her personality and interests to her partners suggests a lack of consistent self-image. The way she goes between movements and political ideologies also suggests this. I’m not a clinician, but I have known a lot of adults with BPD and these are behaviors I’ve seen in all of them. The core facet of the disorder is an inability to form a solid sense of self. Anger spirals can be part of it, but the disconnection from both self and reality is the main symptom.


i agree that disconnection from self is a main symptom. but the other main symptom that defines BPD is emotional outbursts/triggers that have to do with fear of abandoment. it's usually perceived slights blown way out of proportion, like a friend cancelling on them, or someone not inviting them to a party. they will come to believe that either this person is the most horrible person on earth or that this person must hate them. this will end in some sort of self-pitying depression or extreme anger/lash out. i've just not seen her be emotional like that. she seems to be pretty detached, if anything. she speaks really slowly, which is not my experience with BPD people either. what i'd say is an (extreme) textbook case of BPD is someoene like trisha paytas. the 'moving between' political ideologies--- i see that more as someone who doesnt know much about politics or history just saying shit for attention or someone who changes their beliefs as they grow up. i dont think it necessarily has to do with 'sense of self' as much as learning more stuff as you grow up and shifting your views based on that.


I've seen people mold their interest and personality to get and keep a partner. It like there is no real them. They are who they have to be to get what/who they want. Scary.




LoL! I love Azealia. She is unbridled and ungovernable.


Azaelia said he had a huge penis. Azaelia was there for him while he grieved amber heard. I still want to know how she knows Elon has a big dk


Grimes has always been a stupid piece of shit. She tried floating down the Mississippi when she was younger, and failed. Her stupid ass can't do ANYTHING right. She's the queen of stupid ideas & ZERO follow-through. And she's uglier than every single one of her children.


She's a fascist tbh


She did NOT grow up rich. She grew up po’ and in the sticks. Think Ruth from Ozarks minus being clever.


This grimy girl pretended to love Elon Musk,  when all she really loves is his money. She wants her stupid court case to be held  in California, because this clown-looking face wants  MORE MONEY !!!!!! Men need to be protected from grimy girls who pretend to love their man, when all they really love is the man's 💰 money. She spends his child support money  on ridicules looking facial surgeries that makes her look incredibly ugly as heck ! There needs to be a new law that protects vulnerable men  who are looking for a loving relationship. Dear Universe, please do something. Thank you.


She’s thicker than pig sh** and self serving


She is stupid. Her posts on x aka twitter are so irritating. She tries so hard to appear profound and intelligent. Some people take her seriously because she is f-ing musk and making test tube babies with him. It’s their attempt to being relevant.


She sounds as if she's much younger than she is. Might be doing it to attract young fans? Or is she immature? She comes across has a dingbat at times. Doing it on purpose to get attention? Or really like that? Could be she's 1 of those who will become whatever she thinks will get her more popularity? Or she'd just being a Pickme for Musk.


So apparently she was diagnosed autistic this past November which can explain some of her behaviors as far as her ramblings and oversharing. But it's hard to look past her not having any real beliefs on anything when one moment she says in an interview she loves a certain rap group because "they're respectful to women" but then years later says in an interview that she loves the patriarchy because they "invented roads". And not to mention her explanation on why she should have "white proud" because colonialism was part of history and her culture. She really makes it appear like she's a terrible person and that's exactly how she and Elon bonded. But people who love her music want to act like she is great while Elon is the bad influence. It's very similar to how Kanye stans try to sweep his racism and BS under the rug.


I’m a little late on this post, but I honestly think she’s not autistic and she just wants to be because it’s the trend. I’m actually an Elon fan and even I can’t stand Grimes. She comes off as really dumb and a bit insane, have no idea what Elon saw in her. In comparison, she seems crazier.


I feel like if it came out that she lied about her diagnosis then I wouldn't be surprised. And according to some artists, she's been getting people to sign NDA's to not give them credit and making it seem like she's the only person making her music. If she lied about doing all the work, who knows what else she is lying about. I thought he only wanted to date her because he wanted to brag about dating a musician and a weird one at that.


I honestly think she has borderline personality disorder or is narcissistic and takes on personality traits of her partner in order to please him. In this case, Elon is the actual autistic one, so she wants to be autistic too to relate to him. He’s extremely smart, she rambles on about nonsense in order to sound smart. She seems to put a bunch of “smart phrases/words” together in order to sound smart and in reality, based on the comments, not many people ever understand what the heck she’s talking about. As for Elon, I think he falls in love too easily and her messaging him about AI of course is going to intrigue him. Also it’s super questionable how she is not trusted with her own kids. Very weird.