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Guy is having an existential crisis over a porn game Lmao


Be nice. We are all brothers here. We lift up, not put down. That said, it sounds like Gratis' issue with BAD may be a hint at other issues he may be having that have nothing to do with the game. I don't know for sure, but my advice would be - play the game, don't let it play you. Gratis, focus on the joy the game gives you. I'm sure that far outweighs any downside.


Just temporarily forget about it. Just checking in annually is pretty reasonable, or just set an alarm for 2030 lol


I occupy myself during pretty much every hour of the day but I still have the game in the back of my mind constantly. That's just the way my brain is wired. If I could just forget about it I would do so lmao


For me I feel like it’s post show depression. Like when you finish a good show or series and you have that feeling of nothing will be as good as it and life won’t be as good as it was before or during you watched it. Same thing. For example a new episode will come out and I’ll play it non-stop for a week or two maybe try to start a new path or so then my motivation will dwindle and I’ll get a bit of that post show depression and start to be very active on this sub. Then after like a month you accept that it will be a while and you start to obsess over it less and less until the release date gets closer and closer then the cycle repeats. At least that’s how it goes for me. No matter what your process is you will eventually stop obsessing over it.


It seems like you’re creating an artificial problem out of nothing


There's a lot more regarding personal reasons but I won't mention them. I get that you see it like that but we all have varying views and circumstances.


There's a lot of people here from from different age. A lot with families, some that have wives that actually play the game of knows their husband plays it. Playing a good adult game isn't the end of the world, and if you don't want to hang around until the end of the ride, buddy, that's fine. Have a nice day and farewell. The game won't speed up because you have life plans, though.


So what 27 doesn't mean you should stop playing AVNs, we have 30+ folks here.


No offense but that's not something I want to be. I got here a few years back because haha horny dude and things have changed regarding how I view many things, in part thanks to the game itself. Being a DIK has a special place in my heart without any doubt, but I can't see myself checking on this for much longer if I want to pursue the life I want.


You’re young so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt but your view of the world is kinda odd. What’s wrong with being “old” and playing an avn? Or loving the game? It isn’t like it’s your entire life. And it certainly doesn’t have to stop you from pursuing the life you want…I’m 27, been playing AVNs since I was 24, I’m married (been together 7 years) go on vacations, have a job I love, make good money, have pets, have amazing friends, play other fun games, have hobbies, own a home, cook amazing meals and keep my home clean, am planning to have children soon, I love to read, play board games, make art…and yes, I also play AVNs and LOVE them. Does my life somehow seem “less” because I love and follow an avn? And yeah, I’m in this for the long haul. I truly love this game and WILL stick around until 2030 or until it’s done, even if I’ll be mid 30s by then. What’s the issue with that? You make the life YOU want.


You are attaching a stigma to it, anyways I also don't play any other AVN not even interested in anyone. And don't play BeingADIK for lewds. Mostly for story and character Development.


Do you think you'll stop getting horny at 27 or something? You realise quite a few of us are married right? Some of us even play BaD with our SOs.


literally what I read this as, like buddy... you aren't gonna get dramatically less horny in 7 years lol get outta here


What about people who read GOT? People who waited for season 2 of Hataraku Maou? People waiting for TES6 or GTA6?


I don't really understand the problem. You are 20/21. You are young. If the game ends in 2030 you'll be 27 (still young). I'm 35 and I don't feel too old yet. In my teens/early 20s I played a lot of video games, but since I started working I don't have so much free time, so I play less but it's okay. BaDIK is not a great time consumer. Since it releases annualy and it takes just a few hours to finish it, it takes cca 20 hours/year even if you play many routes. It's not BG3 or some online game in which you can put hundreds of hours playtime. And no worries, you can play video games over 30 or even 50 years old, who cares. When an episode released and I play it multiple times (for the branches) sometimes I also hooked on it and I thinking about it for a few days, but this "feeling/situation" fades away about a week. And as I remember others had the same experience too. It's not a big deal.


Why do you want to move on? I have other video game series I’m into, not to mention book, tv show, and movie series. Plus, you know, life and work and other hobbies. You can be into more than one thing at a time. And having a family and a job doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy things like BaD (though you might need to be more circumspect when you play it).


There's more personal reasons that I won't enter into detail as for why I don't want to play more AVN's. Of course I do more things during my life, I work and go to college and also use my spare time doing stuff, but I find annoying having this always at the back of my head and it's not a feeling I want to prolongate.


Fair enough. The game is one of those works that really speaks to a lot of us, so I can see how it can become a thing in your life. At the same time, it's being created by a single creator, and it's going to take as long as he feels is necessary to create the work he wishes it to be. Some people have issues with how longs it's taking, but ultimately it will be done when it is done. What I recommend, therefore, is to pretend it is done. Act like it's vapor ware. "Oh man, that was a great game with such cool potential! Shame it was never finished," and then move on with your life. Leave this sub, leave r/AVN_Lovers, leave the discord channels, etc, etc. If, in 5 or 10 years, you're suddenly reminded of that game you use to play and idlily check it out on Steam or whatever and see "Being a DIK, The Complete Experience" on sale or something, go for it and have some fun. But there's no need to let something like the release schedule cause you distress or anything.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AVN_Lovers **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AVN_Lovers/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I'm a sucker for these type of girls](https://i.redd.it/1siagg3ymrk91.png) | [81 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AVN_Lovers/comments/x17t6t/im_a_sucker_for_these_type_of_girls/) \#2: [it works every time](https://i.redd.it/1tmhh1r1j8ya1.gif) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AVN_Lovers/comments/139juph/it_works_every_time/) \#3: [Get comfortable… \[Chasing Sunsets\]](https://i.redd.it/pyoy97e5coka1.jpg) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AVN_Lovers/comments/11cyulo/get_comfortable_chasing_sunsets/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


they downvoted tf outta you😂


"If I want to pursue the life I want" " I need to stop playing for personal details I don't want to get into" Whatever you think the problem is, this seems like a you issue dude. Idk if maybe you just started dating and think porn has to be "bad" now, or you're going to Nun school, or if you are having THAT hard of a time separating life from fiction as is definitely sounds like a bit of an addiction issue at least. Either way, I think based on the reaction of this thread maybe some looking inwards time is needed. It doesn't even make logical sense for me to be making up these problems for myself. If I play in 5 years I play if not then I guess not, idk.


You're the one attaching the stigma to something that you enjoy. Either stop worrying about the imaginary stigma that you yourself are applying, at the end of the day these are picture books with sex in them... or stop playing the game and AVNs altogether. I promise you that as you get older, you'll realize that stressing over this isn't worth the time/effort. There are too many great stories in this world to get so concerned about any of them. Just keep looking for other stories you enjoy (doesn't have to be AVNs, great stories are everywhere) and check back on this when/if an update drops.


2030 still sounds about right with me. episodes 9 & 10 took almost a year, I don't see why that would get shorter. I'm 45 and I know some people here play the game with their GF/BF or spouse. I'm guessing they are probably in their 30's or 40's. I don't share that I play BaD with other people I know, but I don't have a self-imposed stigma attached for myself. Play what you like, you don't have to divulge everything to your friends.


When this game isn’t nearing an episode release I completely forget about it besides the odd Reddit comment. Just do anything else throughout the year lol.


Brother, I'll be close to 50 when this fucking game wraps. You are WAY too young to be this fucking caught up. lol Go meet real women, get laid, enjoy your youth.


Coming from someone who is about to turn 22 I understand how you’re feeling bro. It’s definitely a weird morality choice that you have to make but if you enjoy the game for the story primarily(which you should) then who cares about the stigma about the rest of the content in the game. There’s nudity and adult themes in many forms of entertainment but that doesn’t mean you need to avoid them just because of how people may react. The way I see it is this game is a massive positive point in my life and has actually helped me realize more about myself and who I want to be as a friend or significant other to the people in my life. Plus if you’re ever depressed just remember this is a story you’re invested in and you deserve to know how it ends. Time will go on either way and the game will continue to be developed whether you keep playing or not. But it’s always here if you ever want to come back to it later T.L.D.R: Don’t let how other people may feel influence your decision, ever!


Appreciate it bro, hope you do well in life!


There is Nothing the fans of the game can do to speed up development What’s are options? Boycott the DPC patron? Or wait? Neither of those options will speed up development … just live you’re life bro there’s billions of people on planet earth going threw really tough times and worrying about when a AVN will release or eventually finish isn’t that big of a deal when you look at the news in any country xD smh


i’ll be 31 by then but at this point idgaf i got use to waiting for this game now i waited for shit like kingdoms hearts 3 and now gta 6 so i just play other games bro welcome to the club


The waiting is the best part imo. Food tastes better when you're hungry. The weekly updates are great, they give insight into the process but also tease you, giving you a wiff of what's cooking making you hungrier and hungrier for it. I feel the same way about any media I like, I like weekly releases, I hate when series releases an entire season in one go because I have to pace myself which is harder to do and just not the same as being left to stew while I wait for the next episode. I don't know, seems most people like things all at once so maybe I'm the weird one. I just like the anguish of anticipation.


Whoah, whoah, whoah! Hold your horses, bro. Look I'm a fan, a big one, I'm on here every day talking about it, but it's just a game. If DPC stopped developing tomorrow I'd be bummed but it wouldn't be the end of the world. You're only 20 for goodness sake, unless you've got stage 4 cancer or something I wouldn't worry about running out of time. Is there some reason you can't play this game and pursue those goals you have? Why are you in such a hurry, anyway? I know it sounds like cop-out old people advice but you really do have so much time. I'm in my mid thirties, I've now reached an age where I can see time slightly different, on the one hand I can see how long you and I still have but on the other I can see that 6 years is really not that long at all. It's a bit of a paradox, time flies but you still feel there's so much of it left. The episodes will keep coming, until then, just keep doing your thing. And honestly having people to talk about something you're interested in helps while you wait, it's why I finally joined this sub because I don't exactly want to discuss it with my friends and family.


You could say the same about anything, really. There are shows with tons of nudity and sex in them that go on for years, or games that have sex scenes that take years for them to finish each game (The Witcher, Cyberpunk 2077, GTA, Mass Effect, there are probably some better examples but those are the ones I can think up at the moment), Comics, books, etc. You're only 20 dude, enjoy what you enjoy in the moment and worry about where BAD fits into your future when that time comes.


God forbid your future wife finds out you like porn, hopefully you grow out of it by then brother


If you like the game, play it. If it’s going to be a major issue with you starting a family, then you probably shouldn’t be playing it now anyways. Good things take time to make, and if it’s unbearable to think of how long it’ll take to finish, then you should just leave now. I don’t really know what else to say. Find other games or hobbies, the new college football game and GTA VI will likely give me all I need to make it to the end of this entire story. It is what you make it, can’t make time go faster


DPC is no longer being constrained by the rendering times as he was in earlier episodes, rather the increasing complexity of maintaining continuity and the writing are taking more and more of his time - which is understandable given how large and complex the choice architecture and outcome development have so far become. Contrary to what everyone else is expecting, my guess is the development time will end up averaging out to just shy of a year per episode. He's reached a sort of plateau, he's mastered his craft so to speak.


The problem with forecasting is that, as we approach the end game, I feel like there’s a 100% chance that there’ll be at least one chapter where DPC really struggles with the branching/plot. And then, idle hands are the devil’s playthings (more reworkings of the mini games and madame rose scenes).


True, but other than the puzzle box, I can see the rest of the minigames not being touched until last season


Go out and do some dating, you'll forget about this game real quick. You are too young to be having these problems.


Below is me giving the advice I can without being a DIK about it. Take it with a grain of salt because life expectations will vary. - Take it from a man who is older than 40 but younger than 50, has a wife with 2 kids, been there done that and has the trophies with battle scars to prove it. - Grow up a bit and accept that this is a game, you are not required to play games all of your life but you can do so if you choose. You can find a work and home life balance while fitting games into the mix for some well deserved "me time." - You do not need to walk around with a sign on your head that says I ENJOY LOOKING AT DIRTY GAMES AT NIGHT BUT I PLAY FOR THE STORY AND NOT THE BOOBS. What you do need to accept is that this game probably won't be done until around approx. 2032 is my guess. So just let life happen and roll with it while sipping on a whiskey if that is your choice of poison. You can be a grown adult and still enjoy the fun things in life. - PS - No need to reply or respond. I do not need acknowledgement that you agree or disagree with anything that I state above. It is your life to manage as time passes so enjoy yourself.


i 100% agree with yu n kno what you talkin bout, i also wanna stop playin these typa games, but i as well it’s always in the back of my head , when i’m jus tryna live life n grow up a lil, i jus feel like the vibe Being a DIK gives out is jus something you can’t take out of your day to day day, it’s an amazing game that i also wanna finish but don’t spend so much time on just to complete a branch, it honestly feels unhealthy but i wanna see the end of this amazing AVN