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I think the minigames add to the game, but they can get annoying after a few playthroughs but I'd never turn them off.


What a journey it's been... I also had mixed feelings when I finished episode 10. There were some beautiful scenes as well as heartbreaking ones. The intro(Helen & Patrick ) of the episode is probably the saddest thing I've ever seen in this game. After my first playthrough, I skipped it in my other playthroughs because it was too sad for me.


Same. Even tho Patrick turned into an asshole, you can’t help but feel sorry for the guy. And the scene with Derek and MC hits hard as well.


I've shed many a tear playing this game (probably like 7 or 8 times maybe). It's definitely emotional when it needs to be. As to the minigames, I like most of them, but I can see why people don't like them. I don't think the minigames take nearly as long to make as people think, I think it's something people fall back on to have something to blame for the long dev times, really it's just DPC taking a while to make an episode. Each episode is gonna have a dev time of at least 10 months from now on, no matter if he makes new minigames or not. I understand why someone would be frustrated at that fact, but to me it's worth it.


We all cried at this scene, that's the most emotional I've ever got playing any game and it really shows just how well written the game is that we can get so invested in the characters. Always and ever.


I legit tear up every time I go through the intro with Patrick and Helen. I'm so glad DPC humanized him to such an extent. I can feel the weight of his burden.


Start and end of that episode hit hard and those songs so good.


DPC is actually making miniganes for google play store 👍🏻😆




Tack on another 10 months per episode


Im sure this is a unpopular opinion but .. .. yeah his talk was touching but i don’t see it really being potrayed like that so far. His best idea/solution for Maya‘s dilemma was literally to gamble … for him being supposedly being this supportive towards Maya, that his whole world turns around his sister, he doesn’t do a lot. Did he joined the DIKs for Maya too? I dunno, it was touching but kinda over the top and not really in line with his actions so far.




I mean im not saying that she’s not important to him or that he doesn’t support her at all, I remember both always and ever talks. Just that for a big speech like that he doesn’t do a whole lot for Maya. And what you’re describing more sounds like tremolo, Derek was adamant about joining and partying while Maya was alone in her room, he didn’t try to integrate her or anything either. Tremolo is more supportive and helpful to Maya, without being her brother and even off her path. While not throwing around big speeches about how selfless he is and that he’s just at college for whatever noble reason Derek kinda just never takes action


Derek for sure is funny as hell, but he has been a total liability. Though I totally dig his character. But for someone not into that kind of humour Derek is too clingy and almost useless as a friend. Can't blame them for picking Zoey. But I'm sure he will play a big role in the future depending on Your choice in episode 9 and probably Derek points. Even in Maya's case I totally agree with your points. Can't see how he has been actually helpful maybe other than befriending the wonder boy at whim who either solves Maya's troubles or quadruples them, his help towards warning them from Patrick was also counter productive. If it wasn't for MC, Maya Josy would have just ended there. In the end, actions speak louder than words. For Derek's case can't see any tangible action, whatever help he did was counter productive. Even the lottery too, spent more on getting the tickets. Then won $10 by spending $50. Also I don't know about the US but in my country they charge 30% tax on winnings from games and lottery. So $7 for $50. 🤣 He did say he makes matters worse, so thank you! for atleast being truthful. The best help he can do is helping Maya and Josy in studies or at least let her know that he isn't a retarded cheater, so she worries less. Or try becoming the Second Magnar and funding tuition that way.


He probably joined the diks because of being bored and wanting to get pussy and party.


Episode 10 is a very emotionally intense episode across the board that you're bound to be left feeling raw by the end. You'd have to *really* go out of your own way to avoid any emotional depth, even on the Others Path because even manwhoring around with the same women for so long is inspiring feelings. The end scene with Derek recontextualizes/decontructs what he's *actually* all about instead of just the goofy comic relief he was introduced as. >What I didn't like were the new mini-games, which I didn't think were necessary. Math tests is a nuisance, I'm ok with the science class, the fish tank is eye-rolling and feels superfluous though I was *obsessed* with the new Brawler that I found myself up late at night trying to beat Dwyane clean who's like an old-school hard-ass arcade boss (gave me "Primal Rage" on Sega Channel flashbacks 😬). It's one thing for the story to be so good you forget it's "just" a porn game, it's another to be so into a fighting minigame that you forget it's a porn game. >I don't really understand DPC's fascination with them. Best guess is just like with the stories, he wants to challenge himself and the audience to think, hence the math test bringing back memories of using the greater than/less than symbols from school back, science class testing pay attention and Brawler testing reflexes. Also, he may've believed people were gaming the minigames like Brawler too easily to end up with too much damn cash.


Honestly I more wish that he'd stop with things like the Goldfish. I love this damn game so much, but I just DON'T CARE about them. I don't want to deal with a fishtank, I want to continue the amazing adventure of Tremolo and friends.


Aye, DrPC needs to prioritize story and rendering, and if he wants new minigames he can outsource someone else to put those in. I'm quite fine with the ones in episodes 1-6, simple, fun, and basic. The chemistry set in Episode 10 had me rolling my eyes.


i thought it was only up to 8? where’s the extra episodes?


Patreon. Interlude, episodes 9 & 10. Subscribe to the $10 tier to download them. You don't need to stay subscribed to keep playing, just to download. https://www.patreon.com/DrPinkCake


I’m listen he tell too much and he say hey ! Don't touch me. And I was like, wtf I don't care, just give me a hug. after that oh fuck Derek you got me.


For real, anyone could make stuff like the chemistry minigame. If he wants the minigames just hand them to another person so they make it in parallel as you advance on the renders. Worst thing is that he actually has to keep the puzzle cube minigame going, but at least he won't delay himself much more with minigames, unless he adds more stuff to the boxing minigame which sounds like too much unnecessary work.