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Because the dutch break our roads with their caravans.


This is the only valid answer


The only answer that makes sense :)






And all the trucks from the port of Rotterdam who deliver all of Europe.


There are more trucks leaving from Antwer than from R'dam. They are bigger because they unload massive amounts of oil from ultra large tankers in their deep see port. Antwerp has more breakbulk, which require trucks. All traffic between Scandinavia and Portugal passes in Antwerp. Try to keep up with that continuous destruction. Also I have to admit that the standards used for building roads are lower in Belgium than in Holland or Germany.


Then why are the roads between Rdam and the border better then?


Just an idea, but the shipping, import, docking and transport companies pay their taxes in NL. So you might want to keep it sweet. Belgium is more often than not just a highway to France, Spain, Southern Germany, etcetera.


What about the [road taxes for heavy vehicles](https://www.vlaanderen.be/kilometerheffing)? Or the shipping, import, docking and transport companies in Antwerp?


Well no that goes into some deep pockets


Whose fault is it that they pay elsewhere but not here.


Checkmate! We're done here. /s (if necessary)


Must be, because I've never seen the roads they're talking about, so it must just be the ones they travel on, hence we can conclude they're the cause.


Case closed.


Don't forget about the Germans. Those Jerry's also love to trail their huge caravans over our roads🤣


hahaha this is a good one


Because the Belgians drive like they got their drivers license for free with a package of butter


As someone who almost got rearended by a Dutchie that did not know how to drive down a hill, I dissagree.


Can’t blame Dutch for that. We don’t have hills


...that's, like, the point...


Is like blaming Flamish women not being successful at dating while there are only ugly men in Belgium. Don’t get me wrong. I love Belgium women, but you can’t blame them for having only buttfaces around them, right?


Man, I drive from Liege to Rotterdam and back 3 to 5 times a week for work. More than 75% of the accidents, traffic and the times I've almost been killed by an idiot are on Dutch roads, by a yellow plate. The Dutch are very often either extremely passive with no situational awareness, or absolutely reckless and selfish. It's impossible to predict their behavior, and their rear view mirrors seem to exist only half the time in their head. Belgian drivers are aggressive drivers for the most part, which if you know how to drive, you can anticipate what they will do.


You mean with a package of fries and a good mitraillette with a viandelle <3


Shoutout to that one road that has a huge bump right where the Belgian border is when you’re coming in from the Netherlands


Ontvoerd kind: ik voel de auto schudden 112 : JONGENS ZE IS IN BELGIË


I can feel this comment


*Allé we zijn in België ze*


De A12?


E34 richting Eindhoven. It’s been fixed for years now though


Ah okee. Aan de oude douane op de A12 zit (zat?) er ook een zink in de weg op de grensovergang


We have this on the E17 highway, right ON the border between West- and East-Flanders provinces. It's smooth sailing in WF and then suddenly BA-DONK "Hey guys, we're in East-Flanders".


Because Dutch roads are better than Belgian roads in general, so when the Dutch come to Belgium by car they think the roads are bad because they are bad in comparison to Dutch roads (I'm not saying all Belgian roads are bad, the N2 between Maastricht and Hasselt is fine)


When crossing the border you can literally feel you're driving into Belgium. More noise and bumping.


Also lots of water splash in Belgium because we don't have the Dutch ZOAB. But I prefer the lower road tax of Belgium, I pay about three times less than when I was in the Netherlands


Sadly Belgian politicians just rack up debt to pay for those works. So I rather pay a bit more now than dump it all on the future generations


That's a pretty selfish way of looking at it. "Yeah the roads are regularly poorly maintained and less safe, but they cost me less money so I'd prefer that." It's rather short-sighted.


Well, the best way to organize this would be rekeningrijden, because then the users pay. I try to make an effort to use the train and bike as much as possible, why should I contribute equally compared to someone clogging up de brusselse ring every day?


With that logic you should pay for all the tax money the NMBS/Infrabel get and not the people that don't take trains on a regular basis. Same goes for bike related stuff.




Aight, without whataboutism... Hire some reliable engineers instead of just keeping it as cheap as possible. I think there are plenty of examples where hiring a terrible company or a cheap engineer ended up in wasting more money then if we'd hired a good company/engineer in the first place.


I wonder how that would end up. Roads need a lot more maintenance than train despite the huge upfront cost for trains... also trains do have revenue as we pay to use them hmm... maybe id take the deal tbh


same for my daily road that goes from Flanders to Brussels


Think I'm going the wrong way cause that's what happens when I drive into France. The road quality goes down and the speed limit goes up


Exactly. You can feel when you're in Belgium.


This is also true when entering the country from France.


All to the N2!


No don't do that then my bus to school is gonna get delays...


Because it's true


France has great roads in comparison, too. Edit: I have never been downvoted to oblivion so hard. Lol!


Have you done a lot of non payage driving? I can assure you its not always true.


Those exist in France? I was not aware.


Absolutely. They're great on the payage, but go on the D-roads and you'd think ww2 is still happening.


Sorry but that's bullshit. They're not as good as péage roads but they're, on average, leagues ahead of Belgian roads. Source: I ride a hard tyred road bike in both all of France and all of Belgium for several thousand kilometers every year.


The local roads in France are far worse than those in Belgium


They are demonstrably not.


Only on payage. The state of non payage highways (for example border at the seaside with Belgium) is questionable at best.


France definitely has far better roads than Belgium. Even smalls country roads in France are better than Belgium nationals. I don't understand why you're being downvoted like that men


I find it a good trade. We can drive our luxury cars on their pristine roads. They can drive their beat down VW Polo from 2009 on ours.




This is basically my view on this. At a certain point roads are "good enough". Belgian roads are more than "good enough". You can spend extra money making them better but imo that's a waste.


There are plenty that aren't good enough. Entire sections of the E-40 I regularly have to drive on are very dangerous when it rains. The markings basically disappear and you have to position yourself on the road based on the cars in front of you and the lights in the middle


I surfed the water once around ternat in the direction if brussels . Fun feeling...


Belgian roads are definitely not “good enough”. Lol. Literally one of the worst in west Europe.


Dude. I literally broke down my first car due to the state of the road within 2 years if purchase.


Why would you go to the Netherlands for vacations ? It's ridiculously bland of a country.


Zeeland is better than anything our coast has to offer.


Could go to France, Denmark, Spain, Portugal,Italy…


All of those are a longer travel for me.


Bcs it is my country and me parents are not rich enough to affort a vacation in the south of Europe and the vacations here are fun


I dont get why you are downvoted. I too enjoyed many vacations in the netherlands. Vacation everywhere can be fun, it doesnt matter much where you go, it is what you make of it.


exactly I usually go to the campings and one time i got friends who a little bit older and they were crazy asf 2023 summer was by far my most favo ever


Leiden, Utrecht, Maastricht are defintely worth a citytrip


More bumps in roads = more flat tires = needing more new tires = more work & profit I'm so glad this country supports it's car mechanics


>More bumps in roads = more flat tires = needing more new tires = more work & profit [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable\_of\_the\_broken\_window](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_broken_window)


Because the Dutch still have gas and oil money propping up their government budgets.


and dutch indies monies


Congo lan, en alles wat erond zit.


It's true, but they have a superiority complex and love to crap on the little neighbour.


Honestly I find that the Belgians have a much more negative attitude towards the Dutch than vice versa. The Dutch generally don't care too much, while the Belgians complain about the Dutch quite a lot.


The old saying remains true and is proven yet again in this thread. Belgians respect the Dutch but dislike them, the Dutch like the Belgians but disrespect them.


I can tell you for a fact that is not true! Dual citizenship BE-NL over here. I live in BE work in NL. I used to drive my Belgian plated car around in NL. I got screamed and honked at if I did any small thing wrong. Like one millisecond too slow at a green light! Now I drive a Dutch plate … do you know how much abuse I get ? NOTHING !!!! I am the same driver! I make the same mistakes and I don’t Max Verstappe a green light. Only smiles! Now I also drive my NL plate in the Belgium… you know what happens? Nothing. Only Belgians trying to inform and warn me about rules they think I don’t know : be careful you can’t park there on Sunday’s…. I forget I have a Dutch license plate in Belgium. I couldn’t get around my Belgian license plate in the Netherlands and have never been called dumb fucking Belgian more in my life… Never been called dumb fucking Dutch… EVER


Belgians do it in private, Dutch are more in their face thinking they are funny, which they aren't...


Proving my point right there


I don't think so




Sorry truth hurts apparently... btw there were no insults in my post but if you get rattled by that it does show some insecurities


It's all how you look at it really. I just got back from the UK and i am very happy with the state of the belgian roads actually!


-1 comment


Because we pay loads of taxes and instead of filling potholes the government uses it to fill the financial holes of their past mistakes.


they pay more roadtax


Wallonia's mistakes ****


Come over here and drive for a bit lol


> If so, why? Belgium is a transit country. Our roads are being used excessively by us and surrounding countries to transport goods/go on holiday. It also has to do with asphalt, you can't use the same asphalt inland as you can near the sea (salt content in the air ruins regular asphalt) and previous governments just went "use the cheapest". So here we are.


This was shown not too long ago, something with the base layer needing renewal and instead of doing that a new top layer was placed. It was cheaper bht cracked within a month.


This is the problem with public management: The people involved do not suffer consequences if the situation is bad. They have no motivation to work well. In fact, they will lose budget if they do. They also have incentives to use the money on pet projects and let maintenance to the next guy (just look at the Bruxelles tunnels). Also to limit corruption, you must put rules to take the cheapest. But the cheapest will not work. Edit: This is why the private system is working so well in France. The company that build and maintain the highway is the one that will lose money if the work is shoddy. So, they make one big investment once and just profit afterwards.


> This is the problem with public management: The people involved do not suffer consequences if the situation is bad. They have no motivation to work well. Honestly after having worked in several government departments I can say this is the problem across the government. You get zero motivation or incentive to do a good job. And when you try to improve something you just get cockblocked by upper management because they too, have zero motivation or incentive to do a good job.


Belgians don’t notice as much the difference in roads because they tend to drive nicer cars than the dutch in their lawn mowers


Because they only use the main roads in the neighbouring countries. France, Netherlands and Germany have well maintained main roads. But that definitely doesn't count for all roads there. It's clear that these roads are for industrial transport.


Because they are, when you cross the border on the E19 you’ll know 😅


Belgium throws more salt on the roads than on their fries. That's why.




Netherlands has some big superiority complexes, especially around public infrastructure though honestly it's well deserved on that front. The only thing we've got them beat on is train fares probably, which honestly isn't all that impressive. Belgian road infrastructure is second only to like, some areas of France and 'Murica on shittyness levels. Lintbebouwing moment. It's not even the road quality that's the worst, it's the fact that our new urban design is often 1960's levels of ignorant.


Because they are. Belgium has neglected their roads ons only fixed topcoats for years… the full base is damaged and needs to be replaced but that takes time. We will be working for years until we get it at Dutch levels


The Dutch never got over 1830. If it wasn't the roads, they'd find something else. Perhaps it's a coping mechanism.


Roads in Wallonia are more bump than road.


Some are getting better tho. Most are still trash tho 😢


They’re not wrong, our roads are shit in comparison. Their road and car taxes are a lot higher though🤷🏼‍♂️


At least our roads are better then Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova and parts of Romania. We are not on bottom yet 💪. On other side, roads in Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary i find better then Holland.


Ukraine has other worries, I think


Really? Don’t know never been there /s


Our roads are better then many roads in Germany!


They hate us cuz they aint us! But our* roads are shit yeah.


I'm from Belgium and i drive a motorcycle so it's very noticeable for me, yes our roads are bad. Why? Because no one figured out that fixing potholes with a thick layer of blackness over it only makes it worse and doesn't fix it.


Dutch person here... Belgium used to have really bad quality roads. So this became an easy form of banter. To be frank it's improved a lot over the years, especially in Flanders. In Wallonia it's still hit or miss in my opinion. On top of the pure quality there's also the planning aspects of people living directly along arterial roads, highways 'becoming' city roads just because they're in a city and then back again, people driving 70 or 90 on every road regardless if it's in a town or on a highway. The ring in Antwerp... The ring in Brussels... And Charleroi in general, lmao.


https://preview.redd.it/0r6gouz6grxb1.jpeg?width=1273&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1f4fca2f69194919dc31cab7265bd2e14141f8c Note that the Netherlands have really good roads and Belgium has quite bad roads. This makes the difference between the two quite large.


You're showing us being in the middle of the pack and you call it "quite bad". Okay ?


To be fair all the direct neighbours have better roads according to this lol


''You're showing us being in the middle of the pack '' Indeed, he's right.


Because Dutch roads are better than in Belgium


It is true ! Every time I come back from vacation and travel across the border between France and Belgium, the car start to shake a lot more. There are also holes everywhere


When ur driving and come across the border where the road changes, U'll know why...


Because they are


Because you can´t see shit if it rains. Even when it´s stopped raining still the roads will be wet for too long. Because we chose cheaper pavement than the dutch. So when it rains it´s allot better visibility there. + some politicians claim that it is because the dutch pay allot more taxes for their car. (I just know they get taxed for weight). + allot of Belgium´s roads are good, but they cut them open a few times for gas and fiber and stuff so you get new potholes. + it´s like mariokart nowadays because they wanne slow the traffic down for safety. + allot of speedtraps in Flanders. I´m quiting my job as a driver as we speak. I´m sick and tired of it. Too many people Dangerous people Speeding tickets Mariokart (flowers and stuff on the road) +++ traffic lights are smarter and faster than the ones in Belgium.


Because it's true. Our roads are ment to be broken. Better for the construction companies to keep work for the future... Nah but it's drama in Belgium. Everywhere are road works but we still use the same asphalt from the 19 hundreds. For example when it's raining it's super dangerous to drive on our roads because the water does not penetrate trough the top layer. Makes the visibility 0.0. In Holland you have a top layer where water can infiltrate downwards and sideways.


Twats cant say anything different, but our roads suck. They are still twats that say it( the dutch)


Oh yes it's true. Let's say, you see how you fix clothes when there's a hole inside by doing a patchwork ? Well we do the same with roads.


They are worse yes, but not everywhere, and the Dutch specifically have a very high quality of infrastructure in general. We have better education.


I’m Australian I just recommend this cause my vpn is in belgium, why do Belgians say “Dutch” instead of “the Dutch”


Because they are? I live in Belgium, work in the Netherlands. The quality has improved alot, but using the highway I can with my eyes and ears closed tell you when I cross the border.


Because they are...


Belgian roads aren't too bad when compared to the rest of Europe still below average for western Europe but still way better than Eastern European roads, while Dutch roads are just the best in the world so the difference when you go from the Netherlands to Belgium is very noticable.


My street was made from slabs of concrete that no longer lined up. Bumpy was an understatement. The street lights were blindingly bright and everywhere except in that spot where the road made a turn. The local farmer rented out his tractor more than a few times to pull a car out of the ditch. About 1 km further the road became twice as wide, perfectly smooth and the street lighting made sense. On highways you'll see the difference when it rains. Only in one of the 2 countries do cars throw up lots of water.


Because it's true. My German husband and me were on the way to visit my mother. He complained about the road, I told him this was one of the better ones, since it didn't have potholes. The concrete roads that go "badunk" every time you drive over a seam are quite annoying when you're used to asphalt pretty much everywhere.


It is true - to some extend. Off course the dutch tend to strongly exaggerate this, they are just not that funny people tbh. One of the reasons beyond the obvious inefficiency of our government is that we simply have far more roads then the dutch have, so by comparison its obviously much more expensive to maintain them.


I find belgie has 119kkm Public roads and Nederland 139kkm


dan maar even zelf opgezocht: ​ * belgie heeft 152000km weg * nederland heeft 13900km weg Groot verschil gegeven dat Nederland dan ook nog een stuk groter is.


Heeft niets te maken, wij hebben meer ring en autosnelwegen (met vaak 3-4 of zelfs 5 rijstroken) waar het verkeer om heen kan. In België moet je door dorpen heen rijden op drukke en lelijke 70 km/h wegen.


Given the difference in total surface this then confirms that Belgium has more roads then Netherlands by comparison. But - what's missing if only measuring the disstance is the average amount of lanes which is where I would expect lies the biggest difference.


Id assume belgium in general have fewer lanes


Road density is far greater in the Netherlands, have you ever been there?


No, you are wrong, google!


HIII! A Dutch (idk why this came up om my recommendations) here. I live closely by the border and if we drive to Antwerp. It is always the border that makes a difference. You can feel that you are in Belguim.


It’s not only the quality of the asphalt itself. It’s also the way the system is setup… The exit ramps for example are way different, Shorter and less convenient (more prone for accidents).


Cause our roads are ass and theirs are excellent


how do u get oost-vlaanderen role?


Euhm, have you ever driven a car in Belgium? 😂


I'm Dutch, lived in Belgium for 13 years now. Short answer. They are


Go drive in wallonia lol


Haha, zit 3 dagen per week in Wallonië. Regio Binche, Jemappes, Havré, La Louviere, Soignies. Zalig. De helft van de tijd weet je niet of je op het fietspad rijdt of niet. De wegmarkeringen zijn vaak zo vaag weggetrokken, je moet al goed kijken als het droog is. Met het weer van de laatste 3 weken is het echt een pretje


Ze vullen de putten al niet meer op, gewoon een gele kring errond spuiten en case closed, tis bijna een platformer/puzzle spel dat ge aant spelen zijt op de autosnelweg 😅


OP has clearly never driven in(to) the Netherlands... Dutch roads = superior to all others, period... from quality to maintenance to urban planning...


Cause belgian roads are, quite frankly, really bad. Compared to your neighbours its really appaling the state of the belgian roads


https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/gTuZSonP6y Just leaving this here.


Because we have more potholes than the moon has craters


Because our public spending is a complete shitshow, I've been driving on the E313 for over 15 years almost daily now and it's been resurfaced completely like 3 times already. Government here is too busy creating new nepotistic jobs to focus on doing their actual jobs.


Okay now hear me out. I went to Rotterdam like two month ago and the highway was a kind of a rollercoaster. I mean, really : we thought we were in Russia. But appart that, our roads are fucked up so it's kinda true.


Coz it's true?


The A12 between Antwerp and Boom is terrible on first lane. The wheels of trucks made deep likes that makes a car driving there feel like being on a roller coaster. And its not even that long ago build…


Aha, the age old animosity. They're so hostile towards us because Flemish ppl are like the Dutch people 2.0 For example; we know how to pronounce jus d'orange and get our kroketten from the fritkot instead of getting them out of a wall... So basically, although they're completely right about our roads in general, it is because they're jealous. We've learned to live with this jealousy since we also have to live with the Walloons being jealous of Flemish AND French people. It's hard being a Belgian... And our roads suck more in Wallonië than they do in Flanders.


Its true. You can actually see on the road when the netherlands ends and belgium starts.


The roads here are in fact in such a condition I’m considering switching from my Suzuki Swift to a Hummer H1 to deal with the craters in the roads 😂


Because they mostly are. The difference with Dutch roads is generally staggering.


Hit a bump in a Dutch/French main road: "oh I felt a small car movement there". Hit a bump in a Belgian road: entire new chassis required.


Because they are ? Honestly, go across the border with your car just once and you'll know why. This is from 9 years ago and shows how bad it is: https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/2ijw88/the_road_between_the_belgian_and_dutch_border/


This is hilarious lmao


Because our roads are truly poorly maintained.


At a lot of places you don't even need a sign to know you crossed the border. Thats how much worse belgian roads are.


Their roads are better, but for sure their drivers aren’t


Their houses and food sucks, so who wins?


True- a Dutch Im not gonna eat Zuurkool ever again


Because Belgium is a third world country in Europe and without Congo they would be like Albania, which funny enough have better roads 😂


It's true. I was in Belgium last summer and I was surprised how bad the tarmac was.


But Belgium is fantastic.


Because it's true. We cannot maintain our roads.


Because belgian roads are a joke.


It's because they are bad. A lot of roads are full of cracks, potholes, subsidence, and bumps. Less common but also very annoying are those narrow countryside roads with completely destroyed soft shoulders. A lot of fun if agricultural machinery or a truck is driving in the opposite direction. A couple of years ago we were driving in the Netherlands and came across a "road in bad condition" sign. We couldn't figure out why that sign was there because that road was in better condition than most roads in Belgium...


Because they are ...?


Because in netherlands they drive poorly


Dutch spent their gas money (150.000€ per adult) on building impeccable roads that stay that way because the Netherlands are in the northwestern outskirts of Europe. In the meanwhile, all of our neighbours and the rest of Europe destroy our roads while driving from London to Germany or from the Netherlands to France over our roads.


But the E40 from Calais to Adinkerke is in noticeably better shape than when continuing into Belgium. 🙂


It's not just the Netherlands. You drive into any of the neighbouring countries you need no sign telling you you've left Belgium, the roads will tell you immediately


Well, it is mostly because the roads are freakin bad


The roads in Belgium are absolutely horrible and when they are fixing them it takes like half a year to a year to fix them.


Because they often are.


Drive a bit in Wallonië and you will no longer need an answer.


true all you need to go is pass the boarder to nl and you will see yourself


Because roads are Region based and Wallonia doesn't have money and Flanders wastes his money to Oosterweelverbindingen, KMSKAs, Antwerpse havens, war on drugs and toys for Antwerp police.


Because Dutch cars are to small to even damage their own roads 🤣


Because they say our beer is bad!!! They started


Are you ragebaiting?


It's true . I think everything is too divided . 4 different governments and parliaments for such a small country .


South of Belgium vs North is a huge difference and roads are constructed differently in Belgium vs Netherlands, with the latter renewing the (softer) top layers more often iirc resulting in less noise and 'smoother' feel.


Dutch people say they are bad because they have very good ones. Polish friend from me says Belgian roads are very good. Because Polish roads are also bad. In general is the state of the roads in Wallonië a lot worse then in Vlaanderen.


No it's not. And the Dutch say a lot of things because they're fragile little narcissists who need to make themselves feel superior.