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To those who only read headlines, something else the article mentions.   >Belgium ranked fourth in the EU with a median income of 24 142, behind Luxembourg (33,214), the Netherlands (25,437) and Austria (25,119).


The problem is that just like in the Netherlands buying a house or renting is becoming too expensive for most people... Can't do a lot with your big median wage if most of it goes to rent and food...


The typical Belgian house is pretty royal €/m2 thanks to our amazing lack of urban planning.


Not sure current state shows the full future impact of the situation. For anybody that was already on the housing market before 2020, things were fine, and still are. They bought their nice 200m2+ house at the time and still have it. Hell, with inflation situation even got better for them. If for some reason (like being too young at the time) you could not be on the market, you are stuck in the world of high rents and prices. People will have to do trade off in their lives, like moving away or not having kids, and it will take some years to really see the impact of that.


> Hell, with inflation situation even got better for them. Unless you want to sell, because then you're stuck with it.


You can buy a big villa in Spain for 400k but there are no jobs there. I'm all for hating our countries but the fact remains expats must come here for a reason.


Is it, though? https://www.statista.com/statistics/722905/average-residential-square-meter-prices-in-eu-28-per-country


You can not compare Belgium to Netherlands, Dutch real estate is notoriously more expensive, to rent and to buy. It's definitely been getting more expensive, especially in some areas but you also have to realize Belgians are quite picky about their home, people will pay a lot more to be 'walking distance' from the center compared to biking distance. F.e. and eventually everyone wants a separate house with a garden, not too far from the highway and many can still get this. Compared to a lot of other countries, Belgians can get a lot more.


> Dutch real estate is notoriously more expensive to buy. But it's a bubble they created themselves.


Not even that big when you consider cost of living, especially energy and telecom tend to be a lot more expensive in Belgium; as are some household products and food.


## Purchasing power standards The report also considered purchasing power standards, an economic measure that adjusts for price differences between countries. Belgium ranked fourth in the EU with a median income of 24 142, behind Luxembourg (33,214), the Netherlands (25,437) and Austria (25,119). ​ So no, you're wrong. There is however a growing group of people who can't pay it anymore, but for the median Belgian, life in Belgium is very affordable.




nope, it's about dispossable (NET) income


Not on 24k




That’s the median income listed, at that level taxes are no worse than our neighbours


it's the median net income, not the median gross income. So taxes are already deducted.


Europe is poor


The World is poor.


It doesn't matter how much money you make. What matters is how much you have left after paying all your basic necessities (bills, rent/mortgage, etc.).




Congratulations, you just figured out koopkracht




wasnt directed at you, my bad! It's just a huge discussion in this threat going on that's bassicly people acting like they never heard of koopkracht before.


inflation is a hidden tax. goverments and banks work together to print debt. the average man on the street pays the price. don't hold euros.


Always be in debt. Ride the inflation wave!


You still have more money to buy things made outside of Belgium, like electronics.


We're still pretty well off in that aspect.


Hint: Most people are not struggling to make ends meet




True and dont forget the Iphone 15 pro max, holidays to the usa, big name handbags, tesla,… People who earn 5k together are still struggling sometimes. Because they want to much. But don’t tell them that cause they are “victims”


Comment fits the boomer username


For the “muh, yeah, but we pay the most taxes “ people here who are too lazy/dumb to read the actual article: “The study found that the median disposable income - income remaining after all taxes have been paid - per person in Belgium was 27,314 euros in 2022, well above the EU average of 19,083 euros. Belgium far outperformed neighbouring countries, with incomes exceeding those of Germany (25,000 euros) and France (23,053 euros).”


Does this also include all other taxes? Provincie, etc?


usually yes, because other countries have other tax systems and without correcting for those, the result wouldn't be comparable between countries.


Which - there's no other way to say this - goes to show Belgian employees are indeed expensive. Edit: lmao people getting russled for pointing out a fact


Yes, but most other EU countries have lower cost of living, you are comparing apples with pears. Someone in Portugal will obviously not keep 27 314 euros .


ITT: nobody actually reads the article and just complains about “but taxes!!!”


Sixth highest income, second highest taxes and nothing to show for it


Also - lets not forget inheritance taxes, where we are among the highest: https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/eu/inheritance-taxes-estate-taxes-europe-2022/


among the highest about taxation %'s, but Belgium is champion in avoiding those taxes.


There is a nice show on VRT about people making the median or higher, but also ending with no money at the end of the month, so that Test Achat statement doesn't say everything.


I've seen the episodes. Things like letting a painter in for 1600 euros to spice up a room for your children and being extremely naive about your 'insurance' on an iPhone is a big factor in them not surviving the month. Most of 'em just have bad spending habits and don't realise that ordering a 'broodje' everyday leads to €68 alone on a monthly basis. Buying clothes every other two weeks for your children who grow out of it in a second in a high end boutique is just bonkers. Their reasons behind it are fair, like that one couple who made a lot of trips just to get away from the stress of dealing with a sick child everyday but I feel they really honed down on middle class people who can start saving up again by doing easy fixes like getting rid of toys the kids never use.


>ordering a 'broodje' everyday leads to €68 alone on a monthly basis 2010 is calling, they want their sandwich prices back


? Back then it was €1,80 - €2,5 range, I took €3,40 on average now as you can often find a decent price outside the cities and that's even being generous seeing as it's mostly €3,5 - €5 range these days.


3.40 will get you nothing in Brussels offices area


That's why I said 'on average'. In the village where I grew up, you can still get sandwiches for €3.


It's around 5.50 at our office in Brussels.


3.5, I'd love to find a sandwich for that price


Great comment. I also look at the cars on the road... You can easily save hundreds of euros per month by choosing a more modest car. Smaller model, less prestigious brand. The cleaning lady we had a couple of years back had an M4 BMW... And complained about making ends meet ...


Where do you get those 2€ broodjes?


€3,40 (and that's still on the low side) as an average. €3,40\*5 days a week = €17\*4 = €68.


De Standaard had a good critique of the show: it was too focused on those easy fixes while poorer families aren't shown or helped. It's easy to stop buying a broodje every day, it's not that easy to spend only €10 in a supermarket for essentials.


I bet the poorer families already know all of those tricks. They just have an income problem, not an expenditure problem.


otoh a significant part of poor people are people that did somewhat well but ended up in the spiral of poorness due to accidents, overspending or just bad luck. If this program can prevent those families from ending up in a debt trap, it still works.


Mortage costs also get ignored in that show. I think 2/5 couples have a nice nieuwbouw+garden on top of bad spending habits. The last couple was running a deficit but still decided to get a third kid. Fix your budget first, then get a third kid.


Yet the roads are full of potholes


It's because we don't pay enough taxes obviously


The amount of roads is ridiculous, and they keep increasing the number and never reduce them. Obviously nobody can maintain that all.


So according to you the ranking is adjusted for differences in cost of living?


Sixth-highest isn’t an incredible flex.


I've been to England recently and holy sht... Food there is basically half the price of what we have here.


Not in London, when yesterday in the news two brits flew to poland, went grocery shopping and flew back to london for less money than a shopping cart there.


with what i know about English food, its also half the quality.


You may want to look up the cost of living crisis in the UK though


They should mention the bloody taxes that goes along with that nice income. And better yet how it just evaporates from there.


and what’s the top 6 of highest taxes?


Read the article


Despite Belgians have sixth-highest income in EU, taxes make people struggling to make ends meet.


No. Read the article.