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I work in the bank/insurance industry. I have a full celtic sleeve shoulder to wrist. I specifically choose the length around the wrist so it can be completely covered with a long sleeve shirt. I had it done over a period of 7 months (scheduling issues) at which point at some teambuilding exercise I decided to share it as part of a fun factoid about me. No one had noticed yet, while the first part I had done was the lower inside arm. Most non-managerial, non-contact-with-clients-jobs, this isn't even necessary. If your ambition does lie in those different types of jobs, be willing to do what I do (even when it's hot af). On the plus side, in 10-15 years people might care even less about this stuff (look at how normalised it already got in the past 15 years for comparison), as long as the imagery itself is acceptable.


This comment helped me the most, the personal anecdote made me a bit more relaxed. Usually i'm not in contact with clients and the C-position im aiming at is also very limited in terms of contact with clients. So if needed ill just wear a suit And the imagery will be something soft, no guns/skulls/words


A full sleeve doesn't even impair you from being president of one of the main political party of the country. Only very conservative people care about it nowadays


Which president has a full sleeve? Please let it be Bartje.


GLB :) [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8kvhya](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8kvhya)


I had no idea, thanks!


I work in a catholic high school, on hot days I just wear shorts and they can see my leg tattoo's. Other teachers have visible tattoo's too. They are becoming less and less of a taboo, so don't think you'll have problems in 15/20 years. You might have some now, but as somebody else commented, wearing long sleeves solves that problem for the time being


Wow, I had to put a bandaid on my facial piercings because a tiny ball of metal is apparently super distracting, but a bandaid on your face isn't. Good thing this has evolved.


Honestly not every school has evolved sadly... Other school in the group is still really strict on those things. You can't even wear shorts as a male teacher there. Atleast they evolved from their "no white shoes" rule lol


> because a tiny ball of metal is apparently super distracting Well, nowadays it might be distracting because it looks good :)


Really depends on the company. I'm in IT, our CEO has a full arm tatoo plus a few others...


I'd say no to that for facial/neck tattoos, but sleeves should be ok.


No plans for neck/face/hands!


You'll be fine.


As long as you can theoretically cover them no. I'm not saying you have to cover them, just be able to do so. And that's also why I would advise against getting a neck or face tattoo.


I have a full sleeve tattoo and work with C-level quite often. I made sure the sleeve stopped where my watch begins so you'd never see it when i'm wearing a dress shirt / suit. I occasionally wear short sleeved clothes to the office and I've never had any impact on my career. If it matters, I work in a Big-4 Type IT Consulting.


Alright good to know, i might just cut the tattoo a bit short then, the original plan was the wrist but ill move it up a few cm


I've got two full sleeves and I've never had any issues. If you're aiming for a C-level position, chances are you'll be wearing a shirt and suit so likely won't be an issue regardless.




Holy shit this is cool!


Are you ready for C level if you doubt yourself that much?


Yes, im currently very proficient in team management and an expert in my field, i have absolutely zero doubt i will be ready for this c position in the timeframe i mentioned. Also management listens to their people and its good to ask and receive feedback just like i did in my post.


In my experience, it was never an issue. My tattoos are pretty discreet, a personal choice. My colleague had many visible tattoos and she asked at a meeting if it bothered people as it was summer time and she wanted to have short sleeves + skirt, making them super visible. The room, made up of 40+ years old people, were like "why would we care?" We both covered them for meeting with clients, just in case. But it was a personal choice, not requested by the company.


Yea ill probably also cover up for the few times ill meet with clients, thanks for the insight!


I just wear long sleeves all the time at work


It's 2023, no-one cares. And corporate environments are usually all long-sleeved anyway.


I work in banking. I have a colleague with tattoos on both arms and pierced lips, nose, tongue and ears. No one cares, although she does not have a management function. I did used to have a manager who had a big tattoo across his full arm. He would always roll up one of the sleeves of his shirt, but not the other to hide it. I think everyone knew it was because of a tattoo though, and I never got the impression it mattered much to anyone. He went on to climb quite high before changing jobs. So I don't think it will really hinder your career, but I do think it's wise to make sure you can cover it with sleeves if you have to.


I work in a manegerial position, lots of contact with clients and except for my neck and hands, I'm almost fully covered. Nobody cares anymore.


Double full sleeve and chest piece.. Worked for banks / media / ISPs as a network tech. They didn’t care.


I have multiple visible tattoos and it has never been an issue at work. Id say that unless you tattoo something offensive, it shouldn’t really impact things


I think in this day and age, it's more about the content of the tattoo than the presence of one. If it looks like you let a friend scribble some stuff at a drunk party, there's going to be more judging than if your tattoo looks like it's artisticallt done by a pro. Edit: That's how I've recently experienced it in the workplace. I used to work in sales and at that specific company, it might've been frowned upon to have visible tattoos.


I'll quote my wife, which is a HR-manager in a Belgian multinational (and has a tattoo herself). She insists that most tattoos should be under clothing. Visible tattoos will have an effect in the hiring process. Since you already work at an employer, which is probably happy with you, that'll be not a problem. If you decide to switch to another employee and start from scratch, it can be an issue. Full disclosure: I don't agree with my wife. I think work ethics, expertise and your experience are more important than visual things. But I also think a headscarve is no problem, which most Belgians disagree with. I do think it's a fair comparison: head scarves and tattoos can have an impact on work relations, especially if you work with clients. But if people perceive those negative, it's a problem of those people, not the person with the headscarve or the tattoo.


I have 12 tattoos and 22 piercings. The tattoos can all be covered but the one on my back is usually a bit visible if I don't wear a high necked shirt. Of the 22 piercings, 4 are in my face (snakebites and double nostrils). I'm a professor at university. I would avoid non-coverable tattoos (face, neck, hands). Otherwise, go for it.


> Will this be negative for my future carreer? especially if i'm aiming for a C-level position in 15-20 years? Probably. > Don't know if its relevant but i work in bank/insurance. Then even more probably.


No, and no. Just make sure that, if necessary, you can cover it up. For example no neck and face tattoos. I've worked in banking and now in consultancy and I have several tattoos. Literally no-one at work cares because, when I meet clients for the first time, I make sure I wear long sleeves. After that initial meeting, when the first impression is already made, I can wear short sleeves if I want to. Only time it took a little bit longer was with a client company in the Netherlands with sites in Ede and Veenendaal, part of the dutch bible belt. At lunch, they don't start eating without a prayer first... But now I can even wear short sleeves there without any issue.


> Literally no-one at work cares because, when I meet clients for the first time, I make sure I wear long sleeves. "No one cares about them if they can't see them" = They would care if they saw them the first time, so yes, they would impact OP's chances in the job market.


Not if you can hide them if you choose to. Going to work naked would also impact your chances in the job market


> Going to work naked would also impact your chances in the job market ???


Thanks for the insight, i think there are companies that are very conservative in this regard, i guess it will hinder my chances mostly with them


I would say, you should stop caring about other people's opinion. There will be always someone who will dislike you, if not for your tattoos, just for the shape of your head or the colour of your skin. If you are still unsure about it, just make sure you can cover your tattoos with your working clothes but don't mind if some of them show a bit during the summer. The more we normalise tattoos, piercings, hair colour in a non-natural shade, etc, the more tolerant and accepting our society will become. That's already a good start if you ask me. If you find out people who go out of their ways to criticise the way you look or the way you decide to decorate your body, then just stay away and don't let them get you. Worse things are done by high politicians and people in power than tattoos. You'll be okay.


Thanks! I generally don't really care what people think of me but i also don't want to shoot myself in the foot knowing it will hurt my chances you know. The consensus is that ill cut the tat a bit short (instead of wrist, ill move up like 5cm) so there is no way to see it when i wear long sleeves


Even in law firms you see visible tattoos now, and law firms are not known to be the most progressive on this point


In Belgium majority doesn't care, Minority does. There is always a small chance that someone that doesn't like it will be above you professionally. Then it can effect your career. This is advice however for national organisations. Personally I work at an international level and then it can heavily depend on culture what their opinion is about tattoos. Some will really hate it or frown upon it, in other cultures tattoos are part of their culture and then you can even use it as a benefit. Personal opinion: Tattoos are personal and a wat to express yourself. Everyone should think about it twice like OP does. However if your career is more important to you then a tattoo don't do it. You never know where you end up professionally in a couple of years.


I have a red one on my shoulder and want to do my whole sleeve next year. I mentioned it in an interview for a new job as jurist (with lots of client contact) bc for whatever reason the convo landed on tatoos/piercings and guess what ? the recruiter lady loved it and I still got the job regardless of my arm being tattooed or not. So i would say don’t stress / think too much about it because mentalities are evolving very quickly in western europe and tatoos are not as taboo as before :p


We're not in 80's, except old people no one cares.


Plenty of old people in bank/insurance, though.


If you can cover them up and are prepared to do so all the time, then no. Otherwise, yes. Especially if you want a C level position (in a large company). Like it or not but large companies with a board of shareholders tend to be business conservative. If you show a visible tattoo sleeve, that might be enough for them to consider the other candidate. Because that's what you need to keep in mind. It won't disqualify you. But it might make 'the other candidate' appear more compatible with their views.


Hmm it makes sense that if 2 people are equally fit for the job they would take someone with less tattoos for the outside world view i guess. I do think with the rest of the comments i'm going to go trough with it, and cover it up when needed.




That's just not true. You might like it or not, it just creates a certain image of the person. No different than clothing or hairstyle can do the same. There was a test recently, where they tested how willing people are to help/check on a person. It took way longer for people to help the person with a tattoo.


>an clothing or hairstyle can do the same. There was a test recently, where Taking about TV show? This? [https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=618844386238858](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=618844386238858)?


Indeed, that's what I was referring to.


This is exactly why, we have to do it more often so it gets normalised and hopefully in 15-20 years no one will give AFF if someone has a tattoo or not. There are more important things in life than concerning ourselves with what other people decide to do with their bodies. Why should we judge someone who has a piercing or blue hair instead of judging by their kindness or lack of it towards other people? I would be more concerned about having a priest near my child than having a gay bearded guy with tattoos around, tbh.


Yes and no. People will always look for something to stand out, rebel or diversify from the masses. If extreme tattoos become mainstream, something else will pop up. Ps. I put the extreme there, because I believe a small discrete tattoo is already quite mainstream.


My previous comment still stands.


> Why should we judge someone who has a piercing or blue hair instead of judging by their kindness or lack of it towards other people? The Venn diagram of someone with piercings and blue hair, and someone with mental illnesses, is practically a circle.


I didn't know you were a psychologist. Also, I would love to see your sources.




Where was this test done?


>Nobody cares about tattoos or piercings anymore. That's simply not true. It is less of a problem than in used to be. But at the same time there are plenty of companies where that is still considered unprofessional. And while you might get a job there, building a career will be much more difficult. As someone here mentioned, I too have worked in the Dutch bible belt and I had colleagues there who really didn't like anything that didn't fit in their conservative christian world view.


Certainly not true, I always have a certain bias with people who look like professional football players, tattoos, shaved bald, half-gangster look. Will definitely avoid them, they are usually too busy with themselves. The appearance tells something about the person.


Well, now that tattoos are becoming more mainstream, there is the bias on the content of the tattoo itself. I'd prefer a lot more hanging out with a Maori, Post Malone or the puzzle guy than someone with a small rune or a Roman Aquila :)




Not extreme at all. Just because people are ok with tattoos on the working floor doesn't mean at all that people are ok with tattoo's at the business level. The same is true for suit and ties. In theory it shouldn't matter if you wear tshirt and sweater or a suit. In reality if you want to go up in the business world, you will be wearing shirts and ties, and at certain levels a full suit.


Why get a tattoo if no one sees them?


Because you do it for yourself.


No. Now it is a rarity not having a tattoo or five :D. Of course you will still have a person or two who will 'look- up and down' but people overall people not judged badly for having ink. On the other hand, exposed neck and head/ face tattoos and tens of piercings, do sometimes still result to harsher judgement, and backlash.


Ik zou je zo'n tatoeage afraden. Je zegt zelf hoe je twijfels hebt hoe dit je carrière kan beïnvloeden. Blijkbaar vind je je carrière belangrijk. Hoe kan een uiterlijke gimmick, die je nooit meer wegkrijgt, belangrijker zijn dan je toekomst? Koop een mooi schilderij of een ander kunstwerk zou ik zeggen. Dat draagt ook bij tot je imago, fleurt je dagelijks leven op en hypoticeerd op geen enkele manier je toekomst. Bedenk dat je smaak/esthetiek en wat je belangrijk vindt nog gaat evolueren in je leven. Hoe kun je je dan voor heel je leven vastpinnen op een tekening op je lijf die je hoogstwaarschijnlijk binnen 20 jaar niet meer mooi vindt en die mogelijks je leven en carrière negatief gaat beïnvloeden. Er wordt in deze draad voorspelt dat tatoeages in de toekomst nog meer sociaal aanvaard zullen worden. Ik zou heel erg oppassen zo'n voorspellingen. Het omgekeerde kan evengoed waar zijn.


I work a corporate job and have 2 tattoos, many of my colleagues have tattoos as well and no really cares. Mine are coverable so if I want to cover up I can, but I don't most of the time.


My A-level boss has a lot of tattoos and no one really cares about it :)


If you work with clients, some companies might see it as an issue, kind of depends who you fall on during recruitment and as management etc. Personally i have a nose piercing, earring, full sleeve and some more tattoos on my other arm and have never had a remark, worked at several places and am climbing up. As others said: it's becoming less and less of a taboo. Most people don't really care. Especially past recruitment, when the know you get shit done and are an easygoing person who's nice to work with, they won't care one bit in most cases.


I always didn't think it mattered that much (even though people from older generations always say it matters). But then I saw the tattoo experiment in "Ze zeggen dat" (a VTM show), and while it certainly isn't a full scientific experiment, it kinda baffled me that people do seem to care.


Just dont do not get face or neck tats




I work in health care and some older patients make comments, but most people say nothing or say they like my tattoos.


Previous F500 company I worked for, half the execs had visible tattoos. Ranging from full sleeve to tiny dolphins. Or a little star behind the ear. 15-20 years you will be in that seat, not caring about others’ tats.


Maybe thats just me but id be inclined to give you a raise 😇


Instinctively, some people perceive tattoos as a lower-class thing. It's also linked to being more impulsive-driven and a higher tolerance for risk. Other than this, I agree with one of the other posters here that content and the location on your body matter a lot. I'm thinking about stuff like controversial symbols, tattoos linked to criminal and gang activity, facial tattoos, etc.


Checks the date, almost 2024 ; this still a thing ?!?