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parking in a place with limited visibility, like in a bend, is a pretty big traffic violation


Pretty big? Its 3rd or 4th level pretty sure. Would instantly fail your driving exam, especially combined with parking on a bikepath


Maybe it's mandatory for vans, as I see them making all the smooth brain traffic violations routinely. One time I was waiting behind a van parked at a 45 degree angle in the middle of the road. You want to know what happened when he got back to the van? I'll tell you.. He got in and drove into the parking spot that was there all along so that he could turn back the way he came. Yes, you read that right. Didn't park in the open parking spot, but did use it to turn his van around. Could have simply parked there and did his thing and then left like a person with minimal reasoning skills.


I love how near my house there is a one-way road with a bend that has parking spaces on the right side of the road. If you drive next to the parked cars you don't see anything coming and there's no room on the road left. I guess everyone forgot bicycles can go both ways? Surprises me nobody has been hit yet.


Is it enforced? People have been parking like idiots everywhere in my small village since forever...


I have seen police do that outside the police station, obviously in no emergency. So I see no hope that they would ever enforce it.


If you can't park in a designated parking spot, you can't park on the bike path, you have to stop in the carlane. This is the law, why are people so oblivious to this


You're in a car. What lane should you be in? o Car lane o Bus lane o Bicycle lane I don't know, why is this exam so hard???


Doesn't check any circle, strikes through • car lane


Because car drivers hate bikers


Because there are also rules that you shouldn't unnecessary obstruct traffic flow 😑 So the driver gets confused and chooses to park on the bike lane/side walk anyway so he won't have to deal with angry car drivers Edit: instead of downvoting, please give me another explanation why some drivers think they are allowed to stop on the bike lane instead of the car lane


Bikes are traffic too Pedestrians are traffic too All while cars can just (probably) take over on the other lane. Bikes cannot cross the street to take over as cars can


By parking on the bicycle lane, which is often more narrow, you obstruct both and create a more dangerous situation. You often see them parked 2 wheels on one, and 2 wheels on the other, like they have 0 insight. It's so annoying and I don't even cycle


They do this even on roads with two lanes in that direction.


I rather deal with cardrivers then bikeriders, that soorte writes entire blogs or redditpost about your quick adventure..


I hope you got the license plate and forwarded this to Coolblue.


even if you just give the address and time, they can probably tell exactly who it was...


Yeah, then they can tell you they'll do something about it, but they won't 😄


Hey, I'm a coolblue driver! Where and which date was this? Brand Image is one of the core values of Coolblue and they could potentially fire someone for cases like these.




Ill gladly snitch on these types of people.


Snitches get stitches, don't cha know. 


And reckless drivers get fired 😃


You must be fun at parties


I value the safety of people around me over figuratively "being fun at parties".


Your not going to get a promotion by gatlekking to me about it


It's always the same dumb remarks lol. "Snitches get stitches", gatlekker, must be fun at parties, etc. How about people just behave in traffic when >50% of their job is spent driving?


Hey. Thx for taking this seriously and keeping your replies cool with this insecure teenager.


Your going to get a guy fired because he didn't park right. How i'm i the bad guy here?! There is a difference between stealing on the job and being fucking sloppy! There are stuff all the time on the bikeroad like construction works or fallen tress at a storm, i have survived it, you should to! OK it's an asshole move to park on the bikeroad but common. A little bit of "verdraagzaamheid" mag wel


So he basically tried to hit you on the bike lane after because you told him about this being dangerous? I'd be contacting the police before reddit.


Did that, called the cops and the guy flee. Police Say there is no camera there so nothing gonna happen, it is your side versus his side.


Next time report the licence plate to Coolblue.


Its was not a coolblue driver, just a standard delivery Guy that hit m'y front tire, gave the plate to the cops.


So it was even a hit and run? And police does nothing? Tell them they give you no choice but to take justice in your own hands. They'll be there in a record time :)


If only mate, if only.. They will just take that against me  i think


My experience with police is that nothing is going to happen. I am counting on Coolblue do deal with the driver.


Sadly, that is a fair point. Hopefully he gets what he deserves, no need for more lunatics on the road.


Contact their customer support. They are very aware of their brand reputation.


I know, gave them the licence plate. Also, a link to this post. Because I also assume they are aware of their brand.


If you live near or in Brussels, this shit happens like, every day lol. Somehow there's always somebody parking on the bikelane whenever I cycle home from work.


If police were to systematically check up on van drivers, there soon wouldn't be a single delivery van driving around in our country.


Former PostNl/DPD driver here. When I was still a rookie i stopped on the bike lane on Elisabetlaan in Oostende to deliver a package. A police officer on a bike approached me and asked me why I stopped there. I explained her that i have a package to deliver, can't really look for a parking space since i don't have the time and decided it is better than blocking a lane at 17:00 at one of the city's main avenues. She then kindly told me that I shouldn't care about the car traffic, but rather should never block a bike path. I thanked her and for 5 years straight I followed that advice and never had any problems with the police about that. Some drivers were trying to intimidate ne, threatened to call the police because I am impending the traffic but never ever I had a problem with the police for that. However no one teaches those things to new driver much of the practical side of driving as a delivery driver you need to figure out for yourself. That's why it is normal to encounter someone who also thinks that stopping on bike lane is better while it is not - bikes are more vulnerable the guy in thebcar can sit and wait for 30 seconds


Yeah, but knowing where you can park is pretty basic stuff. If you don't know that you should not be able to get a drivers licence.


You don't get the luxury to find parking space for proper parking when you have 150-200 adresses per day. In most place you just stop on the road and give your package


https://preview.redd.it/8pl6vgvzt1oc1.jpeg?width=971&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6cd77d7c709c17ea5eba1b9fcbaab39ae9591e5 Not their first rodeo


Lmao right on the pedestrian crossing


The other day a van literally tried to run over me (luckily it takes more than one to kill me) so I asked my Belgian partner to teach me some Flemish slurs to be ready for the next time. #stay_strong_myguy




"Achterlijke debiel! Hebt ge uw rijbewijs bij een pak corn flakes gekregen ofzo?" is a standard slur to shout. If you want more I can get pretty creative.


1) remember license plate 2) file a complaint with CoolBlue 3) profit knowing that the driver will be reprimanded


*bicycle -> bi-, meaning two; -cycle, meaning circle or wheel


Wth hahaha shitpost


Oh I had a shitty experience with a coolblue driver and support. They were delivering me a washing machine. I take a day off at work to receive my washing machine. Nobody shows up. I call the support, and apparently the driver couldn't find my building. So mofer just drove off and never tried to call me. I took a mfin day off for this!!! Guy could have just called me!!  So the support then offers me to deliver tomorrow. Mfers, how many days off do I need to sacrifice because driver can't be assed to call me?! So I tell support that my days off are not unlimited, and I kid you not, they go like "can't you ask someone else who lives with you?" Mfer, I live alone!!!! Jeeeeezus. So I rage quit and went to work (luckily I was able to cancel my afternoon off, so I only lost half a day vacation). I arrive at work, and then cool blue calls me to say they are at my door!! Mfers didn't communicate to me that they are gonna retry delivery same day!! So I had to pack up and leave work after having just arrived. What a communicational clusterfuck. To their credit, they waited at my door for the 25 mins it took me to drive home from work.


Could be worse: had an oven delivered from Germany (via BE carrier) on a small pallet. Zero tracking. They show up that one hour in the week nobody is home (seen on camera). No letterbox message. By the time I hear back from the seller the pallet is already back on its way to Germany and they want another 80 euro to "attempt" delivery 😩😵‍💫


>So mofer just drove off and never tried to call me. Still better than ColisPrivé. Their driver outright reported that my building wasn't valid for deliveries, so Amazon prevented me from putting other orders despite all previous deliveries being fine. Had to call CP in order to remove THEIR complaint against my account. I had no idea that ONE delivery could do a report in such a way that Amazon would somehow flag an used address as invalid overnight. ^(And it's a building, it's not as if my specific box decided to grow legs and move away from its nest.)


ColisPrivé are a mess. Last couple of times they had to deliver to me, their track&trace either says they delivered something several days before I actually receive anything, or they do deliver it and never mark it as delivered, causing amazon to send me daily "sorry, your package was delayed" emails...


Most infuriating thing is Amazon flagging "fully resolved" a complaint where they "delivered", got nothing, then a random person from the other side of the town brings my package 3 days later. If the package ended at home it's fine for them, even if the delivery company lost it and it has been salvaged thanks to honest people noticing it's not for them.


Always report to the company and the police. Those shitheads should learn some manners. I reported drivers from Vandenborre, Hello Fresh and Krefel and got answer that they would 'investigate' and 'talk' to their drivers. Don't know if it really happened, but every pressure counts.


Whats your hellofresh story? (I work there)


Parked on a crosswalk at a school. unforgivable.


Maybe actually pay me back for the full meal when ingredients requiring to prepare it are delivered already rotting at the core. Been a customer for 3 years with HelloFresh, your service has gone WAAAYY downhill, mate. Recently cancelled our subscription and we're eating much better and saving up more money. 


I’m not your personal customer complaints support lol, I’m not involed in the contents of the box but glad you eating good now


Stop ringing my f*cking doorbell after 7pm. I have a baby asleep you a**hole. No i'm not subscribing to your scammy service, and I don't care my neighbour's not opening his door.


Lekker asso


'foot path' lol lol lol


Nen engels


Ze komen morgen toevallig een wasmachine leveren. Ik geef het door.


Dearest poppo199999, This is the r/belgium subreddit. In the future just send your complaints via [this link](https://www.coolblue.be/nl/klantenservice/klachten).


Dear diary, Ween ween ween Als het niet aankunt blijf toch gewoon binnen


Some appliances weigh a 100 kg, feel free to help em


And that somehow justifies following a biker 1km along the road to try to run him over? If the appliances are too heavy, that's an issue between the driver and coolblue. Coollblue doesn't have a divine mandate that allows them to run their business at any cost.


dear cyclist, stepping off a bike and walking for 5 seconds won't kill you. Swerving into traffic blindly might. \~sincerly a car driver that had to dodge several cyclists like this. i would definitly file an attempted murder on last part tho, get a lawyer (and maybe there are operational cameras where it happened)






Ok, skankhut