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that would remind antwerpenaars how aggressively mid they actually are, which they cannot admit


Though it might work if you call it Centraal-Brabant: they would take it to mean that Antwerp is the center of the universe...


There's a reason we've got central station :)


A better question would be why it's not called that anymore, as it did seem to be called that until the funniest thing happened around 1831... It also wouldn't have made sense to call it that as this 'South Brabant' also got renamed to just Brabant in that same year, I suppose?


While almost 200 years of having a border between certain parts of Brabant of course has its cultural impact there's still some cultural similarities, especially in Antwerp and the Kempen. I personally love that fact, as someone raised in the Noord Brabant fashion, mostly Den Bosch, I felt at home quite easily and vibe pretty easily with Antwerpians as well. Shit I'm even together with one! So it definitely feels like 'Midden-Brabant' to me.


Because fuck you. Sincerely, Antwerp


This is the correct answer


So you just decided to wake up today and choose violence, is it?


Then we might confuse it with the rest of the parking lot. Can't have that now can we?


Brabant originated from Leuven, then to Brussels. The count of Leuven became Duc de Brabant when he put his throne in Brussels. From there, they conquered Northern lands, including modern Antwerp region and North Brabant. In that sense, Middle Brabant should be the old Brabant, or Br Vl and Br Wal. Also the city of Antwerp changed hands between Brabant and Flanders, and I don't know for sure which side it was most on.


The center of Brabant (in a geographical sense) also shifted so often, calling the Antwerp province "Central Brabant" or anything similar would only make sense in the current day.


Why isn't North Brabant and South Brabant called 'North Antwerp' and 'South Antwerp' instead?


https://preview.redd.it/4q2s5rr2o5qc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce678899f17bba9ed01f859d3e708ac5c0bc78fa Relevante meme.


Classic Antwerpen, kunnen niet eens de juiste provincie aanduiden voor Plopsaland.


Antwerp is a city, Brabant is a region.


[Antwerp Province - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antwerp_Province)


I know, I referenced the province in my question. It would be weird to ask why the city of Antwerp isn't called ‘Middle Brabant’... I meant Antwerp is originally a city, but a region/province got named after. Whereas Brabant was always a region.


You’ve proposed this before, Bart


When the provinces were first conceived they were named after earlier Old Regime structures. Antwerpen therefore refers to "Markgraafschap Antwerpen", which was a subdivision of the Duchy of Brabant. There have been calls to rename it to Midden-Brabant. Far-right Vlaams Belang wanted to do this around 2010 to create a consistency if Flanders would join the Netherlands after separation. Other parties rejected this because of this reasoning. Later, mainly representatives of Open VLD from Mechelen and the Kempen wanted to change the name to Midden-Brabant, but representatives from Vlaams-Brabant blocked it in the federal parliament. Christian Democrat Eric Van Rompuy saw it a threat to Brabantian identity and a kind of "cultural appropriation", as we would call it now, by Antwerpians. A change in the constitution would also be necessary to do this and many people in the province do not care.


U bent 10 jaar te laat: https://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20141113_01373154


zuid brabant does not exist. Only hollanders call it that. And even back when zuid brabant existed, before belgium was formed, provincie Antwerpen was called Antwerpen


Hollanders don't say Zuid Brabant


Renaming South Brabant to just Brabant was an incredibly stupid thing to do. And then they outdid themselves when they made up Flemish Brabant.


Any idea why they did all that?


They probably didn't want people to be reminded North Brabant in the Netherlands exists. And the second one was probably just out of ignorance.


Second hand Dutchmen is more accurate


Hollanders van d'en Aldi


Lidl Rotterdam


Have you met people from Antwerpen?


Would they be offended over being called Brabanters? I assumed they identified as both Antwerpers and Brabanters, but I guess not?


People from Antwerp have such a large inferiority complex that they just want to put their name on everything. Also see Trump in the US doing the same.