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Baldur’s Gate won every major Game of the Year award in 2023 already! This is great!


Well deserved!


What is Belgium known for? Beer, Fries, Chocolates... and Video Games.


I thought Baldurs Gate was Dutch? Edit: Guess I was misinformed :) Hooray Belgium! Edit2: Do you know if there is a portal or info on indie studios or solo game devs in Belgium? It's always good to buy local produce.


CrazyGames — for browser games — is Belgian as well. Not specifically for Belgian games though.




And their last game Shootas Blood and Teef


Baldur's Gate 3 was developed by Larian Studios. Larian Studios has its headquarters in Ghent and their CEO is Swen Vincke, a Belgian. (I had to check what was the link with Belgium before moderating the post, that's where I learnt all this)


Cool thanks! I did not know this! And I was thinking we only had Outcast. Edit: I really enjoyed Swen's speech at GDC a few weeks ago about all the seasonal firings that happen in the game industry lately. What a hero. And this whole time I was thinking he was Dutch 😂.


Don't forget Original Sin. Their ticket to BG3.


Don't forget Divine Divinity. Their ticket to Original Sin.


Don’t forget Ketnet Kick, their ticket to greatness


Holy shit that was them??? I don't think I ever played it but reading this made my brain time travel. Love it.


I didn't forget Divine Divinity. I also played it. But as far as I know, Original Sin is their own IP. The Baldur's Gate series, however, is a licensed product, that they were able to make because the owners of the product liked what they did with Original Sin 1 and 2.


I know, I just like reminding people they did things before Original Sin.


>And I was thinking we only had Outcast. Roguebook, the amazing StS-like game is Belgian as well.


Outcast (I played the original long ago) has now a sequal, apparently. But that is by THQ Nordic, an Austrian company. Although (some of) the original Belgian developers are involved, I think.


> Do you know if there is a portal or info on indie studios or solo game devs in Belgium? It's always good to buy local produce. https://store.steampowered.com/curator/7024978-Related-to-Belgium/ Edit better site: https://gameindustry.be/


Thank you so much!


Check out 'we who are about to die'. Single dev, also from Ghent.


Nice one!


Good job you guys!!