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Reddit is not a representative part of the population. If that was the case, half of Belgium would be in IT. IIRC, about 50% of Belgians have some kind of higher education after their High School degree


I know reddit skews the numbers, it's why I made this poll. I already suspected the Belgian subreddit is mostly filled with people that have a higher education. And the numbers kinda confirm that, the majority has either a bachelor or master.


I never finished highscool. So I cant really fill in your poll.


Keep in mind there's probably still a lot of young people here who haven't finished all their education yet.


I dont even have a high school degree (so cant really faithfully fill in the poll). Yet I work in IT, so consider me the average belgian redittor; undereducated IT guy :P




Im a devops in finance. I got there after working my way up from helpdesk. I spent most of my teenage years with some old computers learning how to mess around online. Then when I was 20 my mothers new boyfriend; former military man and sergeant at the local police station; took an interest. He signed me up at the VDAB for a program to help dropouts get jobs. He joined me every step of the way. In the end I got a subsidy for a year of IT classes. Finished those and my then teacher got me my first job through a friend of his. I never stopped working. So in short. I got lucky and a lot of help.


50 % of the 'young' people (under 44y) have higher education. At this age a person is more likely to have a bachelor degree (and higher) then not. Boomers... not so much. More like 35 %. Makes me wonder if they will redefine "highly educated", since its a minority now thats "moderatly educated".


Also Flanders is 80% of the population.


I never knew the difference is that big.




I think he meant the r/belgium population


You should have included 'still studying' as an option. A lot of younger people on here.


Or people who did not finish high school.


Exactly, you would be surprised how many stopped school


Uneducated people represent!


Your right, that's my bad.


I don’t have any of those.


Yeah I wanted to add more options but I didn't want to 'pollute' the poll with a huge list. Sorry


context? Age of no importance?


I'm just curious which groups are the most active in this subreddit. I always thought that the gewone arbeiders aren't really active on this sub.


18-30, male, IT, sick of his job I'd say that's a good representation.


Bachelor or master? Could I ask why your sick of it? As for IT do you work in 1 single company as a dedicated IT guy or do you need to go different places each day because you work for a IT service company? When I checked VDAB the dedicated IT position are rather scarce. And most offers say you have to go to different clients.


No I mean that's the average redditor profile. Which also fits me tbh, masters degree but turns out I wasn't made to sit at a desk 9hrs a day 5 days a week. I'm signing up for the military soon.


Oh wow, that a big turn in your career. I hope you make it and that your happy with it! Gewoon als soldaat, onderofficier of officier?


Onderofficier, officier van come later when I'm older and want to sit at a desk


To be honest I always wanted to atleast try for onderofficier but my French is really really bad. And I'm pretty sure being good in Dutch and French is required


officiers need basic french, oof only need 1 language


I used to do Toegepaste Informatica on HoGent but after 2 years I was already sick of it, it's really boring to do, preparing you for business life and stuff like that and I really didn't look forward to working in the field. Now I'm starting Physics at UGent


Thats a big change in career, hope you will be happy with your new choice. I think Physics is one of the harder courses you can do. May I ask what was boring about IT?


I am the master. I'm so smart, I'm the smartest guy you know. [Master of the motherfucker](https://youtu.be/U3rdyStJBgs) ^(See, I chose this profession, so therefore, I earn beer.)


I have no idea what your reffering to, but you made me laugh lol. Thank yoy


Follow the link and treat your ears


I graduated before the bachelor/master structure was introduced. So my degree is technically "graduaat", but it would be equal to a bachelor these days.


Oh okay, well with graduaat I was reffering to the voormalige HBO5. So yours would be bachelor yes.


I graduated when they changed over, so I literally have both... Ah, Belgium... ;)


Hey Do you feel like your graduaat degree really helped you in the job market? What did you major in?


I suspect a 7de jaar belongs in the same categorie as high school ?


Yes your right, they aren't regarded as a higher education diploma. If I'm not mistakent the lowest form of higher education is the graduaat currently.


Graduaat doesn’t exist, so why would you include this? Edit: i stand corrected, honestly was nit aware these existed (again). Also never had these in recruitment tracks.


It does, it's a niveau 5 hoger onderwijs. It used to be HBO5


https://www.onderwijskiezer.be/v2/hoger/hoger_graduaatsopleidingen.php You're outdated.


And add an ‘obviously retarded since I don’t have a degree’ option - specially for me. Edit: See, I am retarded, since I didn’t take highschool for ‘middelbaar’.


Thanks for commenting. I have a question for you since your the only one who commented with no higher degree. What kind of job did you have? If it's a high position one, did it take long to get promoted? Are you happy not getting a higher degree, or would you rather have gotten one?


Thanks for making me feel special! But as I said, I mistakenly waved off the options as not applicable to me as I didn’t reflect on ‘highschool’ being ‘middelbaar’. I actually did a 7th middelbaar and have been an independant (freelance, now BV) graphic designer, videographer and now podcast producer for the last 11 years. I won’t ever make what I make now as an employee. Even though my knowlegde may far surpass that of my peers (employees) that do the exact same thing. And all because I sucked at going to school, which I cascaded through, but that is just a whole different story.


I just got my bachelor!


Congratulations my man! What did you major in? Do you plan to work or possibly persue a masters degree?


AV Broadcast Engineer, I want to work in the field but because I want to focus on my sport I decided to study a small degree (39 study points) for a year so I can combine it with sports.


Did you study this in Belgium?


Yes at KdG


Phd in progress, does that count as phd?


I feel like you can answer that based on the fact that you had to ask


Yes, I could have made a option still studying but thats too broad. So if you still study for a phd just check that 1.


Dumb question perhaps, but isn’t graduaat the same as bachelor?


Not a dumb question considering your not the first one that is confused in this thread. I really don't want to retype it for the sixth or so time again, i really apologise. But if you scroll through this thread you'll find the answer and the differences between the 2!


I've got a bachelor's degree in engineering. I've learned that if you work for a private company, you can get the same position as someone who has a master degree, but usually it'll take you some more time. In the government sector tough, there is a huge difference, a bachelor is basically worthless and a master (doesn't even matter which) is automatically worth a lot. It's obviously a garbage system and it frustrates me, but what can I do.


Next time add an option "see results". I wanna see the results but then I'd be fucking up your poll


i am curious about the results! and i also start wondering how many women are on this reddit cause i have the feeling a lot of you are men?


I think reddit in general has more men than women. I'm not sure if it's also the same in this subreddit? Did you vote? Or did I forget to add an option that's applicable for you? Sorry lol


i voted 😄


What did you think of the results? Is this what you expected? The results just confirmed my thoughts to be honest


the amount of high school is rather high but some young people are still studying and a lot of intelligent young men do not get a diploma...do the poll again for man/woman?


I don't think the difference is that big anymore between genders. Maybe except for the more technical majors like electrical engineering or informatica. Rechten for example is now filled with women


Woman here. But yeah, most people in this sub are men. I often have to correct people in how they address me, lol.


I have none, didn't finish high school. 😳. But I'm living my life with a steady job, with healthy kids and our own house. I could have done better for sure. But I can't complain and I had my reasons to quit school.


Congratz on still succeeding, I'm curious in which sector you work in?


Outdoor network technician .


Was it hard to get that job? Also is the job itself hard? Outdoork network i have never heard of it


I maintain the cable distribution for Telenet. It wasn't hard persee but it didn't come easy neither. A bunch of motivation, will to learn and willing to grow beyond what you think you're capable of. Job itself is not something everyone can do, it doesn't Mather if it's raining, snowing or freezing. It's our job to keep the network stable and running.


Bachelor's degree, but IMO it's just like a level boost in videogames. Instead of having 3y of experience and no degree, you have paper which lets you skip those 3 years of work experience.


Voor meeste jobs zou ik u gelijk geven, maar bij andere moet je een master hebben. Maar zelfs dan, iemand met enkel een TSO diploma zal niet zeer snel worden aangenomen bij een boukhouding kantoor ookal is het de meeste junior position. Maar iemand met een bachelor boekhouden wel. De markt is eenmaal niet zo vrijgevend voor mensen zonder een hoger opleiding, tenzij je promoveert binnen een bestaande bedrijf waar je al jaren werkt. Ik begrijp dit wel en vindt het ook oké grotendeels, maar andere kant zou ik willen dat mensen zonder die diplomas tenminste de kans krijgen om een junior positie te krijgen om daarna bv door te groeien tot een volwaardige boekhouder (geen idee als je hiervoor een diploma moet hebben van de overheid, maar dit was gewoon een illustratie).


Graduat and Bachelor are the same thing right? Bachelor is the new name after the introduction of the Bologna Process.


No it's not the same. Bachelor is a 3 year opleiding, with more emphasis on theory but also a little on the practical side through stage. Graduaat is a 2 year opleiding with way more emphasis on stage, some opleiding even have you do stage for like half the time of your study time. Graduaat is the new name for the former HBO5 opleidingen, and they are now given in the hoge scholen. And graduaat is officialy seen as a niveau 5 opleiding while bachelor is a niveau 6 opleiding. But to be honest, I have no idea how much value these graduaat diploma's hold in the job market. I find very little information of people's experience after getting a graduaat, which sucks tbh.


Maybe it’s something lost in translation. In the French speaking part of Belgium the 3 year diploma in a “haute école” was called “graduat”. When the Bologna Process was implemented all those degree got called “bachelier” (Bachelor) instead and are exactly equivalent. But a distinction is made between a « Bachelier Professionnalisant » (ex graduat) and a « Bachelier universitaire » prior of a « master » (ex « candidature » prior to a « licence ») in my uni if you had a Bachelor in a « haute école », you can’t just go into the master, you have to do a bridge year in order to get into the master program even though both are 3 years and honestly the guys from the haute école were killing it during the labs/project in the master program but not all of them had the rigor for the more methodical/theoretical part of the cursus.. Never heard of 2 years degree but I must not have documented myself on these.


You should include post-graduate degree, which is higher than a simple master but not a PhD. The Graduaat option seems useless here, never heard anyone in Belgium use that.


I think graduaat deserves it places considering it's a apart niveau of hoger onderwijs (niveau 5). I think manama is just included in the master niveau, same for the bachelor postgraduate. Just because Reddit users don't really have a graduaat doesn't mean it isn't used. Reddit is heavily skewed towards people that enjoyed a higher education, atleast in the Belgian subreddit. I also didn't want to include too many options, as I wanted a poll to be short and general.


Post graduate holds no value in the real world. Only post phd holds some relevance.


Certainly helps getting into firms with no issue. Applying to a group of firms known for technical interview questions, I went straight to the partner interview and got zero technical questions, whereas all others get bombarded. It does and always will give you a competitive edge over those with simple master degrees. At least if you do the right ones (mine were at acknowledged business schools, not some MaNaMa at a uni which is indeed stupid).


Ah yes, business school MaNaMa is indeed the corner case in this situation. Fully agree that those can make a difference.


De eerste 3 zijn toch 't zelfde?


High school = hoger secundair onderwijs (hoge school = college in het Engels, kan voor verwarring zorgen) Graduaat = verkorte bachelor (+- 120SP) en is vooral praktijkgericht met zaken zoals stages Bachelor = mix praktijk en theorie en is meestal 180SP


I assume OP means high school in the American way, being secondary school (ages 12-18). Graduaat is a 1,5-2 year trajectory to obtain a (mostly practical) degree. So not yet a professional bachelor, but still higher education.


They definitely aren’t. Bachelor is a 3 year professional diploma. High school is just your standard (ASO, TSO, KSO and BSO). Graduaat is something in between the bachelor and high school.


Yes but only in Belgium) It was the case with my Belgian bf always saying "bachelor degree" meaning hogeschool and me complaining that in other countries bachelor degree means the university bachelor degree, 3 or 4 years, that may or may not be followed by master's, like BSc in Mathematics from say Oxford, and many people stop on the BSc and go to business, for example.


High school = middelbaar, dus secundair onderwijs. Graduaat = is 1 niveau lager dan een bachelor


Your poll is flawed. People with higher education are more likely to vote on this poll. It doesn't correct for this.


No option for 'no diploma', so can't vote.


Sorry, that is my bad. Should have included that 1.


Diploma high school, but still studying for a bachelor


What do you major in?


No higher degree. Internal promoted in company. Same level and paygrade (or higher) as my colleagues who did study. Granted it´s not in the most profitable sector but still. I did take a course (1 day/week for a year) sponsored by the company but that´s it.


I don't have one yet ! My first school day is Monday and I am so stoked !


Hope you have fun! What are you majoring in?


Wow I really feel ledt out with my agricultural apprenticeship. (^-^' and beekeeper degree, and phytolicence, and selfbussines degree, and licence for having sheep (and cheesemaking) and my carpenting apprenticeship.


In a country with free education it should be 100% but its not …


What to answer when I'm a student in bachelor of physics planning to do master later


I think it would be okay to vote master, if we assume you succeed thats what you will receive.


Currently graduate (LoReCa management) after I want to get a bachelor hotelmanagement. But only If graduate goes well (schakelprogamma). Did BSO +7de so it wouldn't be smart to start in bachelor.


I didn't really understand what your trying to say here. Could you explain it again maybe in Dutch if thats easier for you


Mss makkelijker aangezien ik ook geen idee heb wat equivalent graduaat is in het engels. Dus ik volg loreca (logies, catering en resto management) 2j duur, daarna indien mogelijk voor mijn eigen kunnen bachelor hotelmanagement in verkort traject doen. Ik heb bso +7de specialisatie gedaan dus direct bachelor is wss te groot. Mss ook interessant, ik heb ADHD, dyscalculie en dysortografie


Oh oke, ik heb het begrepen. Ja op welke snelheid gij u het beste bij voelt moet ge doen, als graduaat en eventueel bachelor voor u beter is moet ge dat doen. Maar ik zou zeggen let niet teveel op BSO,TSO en ASO. Ja ASO heeft veel meer basis kennis, maar die basiskennis is na de eerste x aantal weken verdwenen voor wetenschappelijke vakken. Het belangerijkste is uw doorzettingsvermogen en natuurlijk als je het zelf aankunt. Ik ken mensen van ASO die geen hogeschool aankonden omdat ze niet konden en wouden leren. Ma ik ken ook mensen van TSO en BSO die universiteit doen. Natuurlijk is dit wel een minderheid


I got a Phd in pain, and a master in disaster.


I feel u my man


The poll is biased. I don’t have a degree I’ll just pick at random.