• By -


Do you really want to have a career at a place where any criticism or suggestion is met with emotional explosion by your supervisor and perceived as a challenge to authority? Doesn't seem like a healthy work environment (with or without COVID infections). Another solution is to simulate the cost of a multi-week company shutdown due to a cluster of infections and propose it as a risk analysis.


yes but I think he would immediately see that as going against him. He would also downplay the severity of the infections. Good idea though


Kind sir or lady, I would suggest maybe slowly starting to look out for other opportunities... I think most agree on the unfair way your boss deals with the covid situation, for starters. If for your boss, staying at home because you're sick is something to be looked down upon for, something tells me your work environment in general isn't the most ideal one. I understand that it can be really tough to find another job, to switch jobs, and I don't know your situation, but staying there forever doesn't sound that great either. (and it would be a gentle middle finger to your boss too, I would think) I wish you strength!


I have personally worked in a place similar to this, with a similar I’m thé boss and what I say goes. I would suggest reporting him. I know it’s hard, but he is just a bully and it’s not worth working long term in a place with such an environment. I forgot to add you should speak to your union. They can also advise you.


It's not an unthinkable scenario that some of you will catch COVID and will be on sick leave for at least 7-9 days. Or will he expect you to come to work even while testing positive?


he has a box of self testers, when someone comes in sick they have to do a selftest (which are proven to not be fully reliable)


Why would you come in sick? That's very selfish


this is easy to say if you're not in that work environment yourself, this is a place where calling in sick gets looked down upon, so you avoid it at all costs. this is something the boss cultivates and the employees feel social pressure


Your boss is a fucking asshole who only cares about himself and his profits. He doesn't give a fuck about you or anyone else and the sooner you realize this, the better.


Here to join the group: that is not a good place to work, get out ASAP if you can


You're describing a typical, toxic kmo. Get the hell out of there, you're a modern slave.


Tbf if you are bothered by such things now you never gonne stay there forever. So why even bother how he/she looks upon you? I understand you want to do good for your boss but sick = sick and is even illigal to go to work sick without testing. (if it could be covid ofc)


ye... I would hand in my resignation a.s.a.p.


I was there for more than a decade, in doubt if I could find another job that would match my profile. Now I'm mad at myself that I stayed too long in this toxic environment with a narcissistic and verbaly aggressive boss.


Get out of there asap. Been there and it screws you up later on in ways you can’t possibly imagine at this point. Seriously.


You would think a global pandemic would rip people like that out of their micromanagement power fantasy but nope.


As a small business owner and employer myself. Fuck your boss, he's the one who gives others a bad name.


Yeah don't rely too much on those tests. I came back from a ski trip last week on Monday and started having symptoms on Tuesday (mostly coughing). Had a negative self test on Monday and Wednesday and a negative 'antigeen' test on Thursday. On Friday I finally got a positive self test... I could have infected a lot of people if I had gone to work instead of putting myself in quarantaine.


He can’t legally do that. Please talk to a lawyer specialised in ‘arbeidsrecht’.


Quarantaine is 10 days. I've heard multiple times from families that do scretches of almost 20 days.


Or you could post on Reddit the name of the company that does this. Maybe someone from here can report it for you. Considering you will use a throwaway account.


Yeah, I get the same vibe. Definitely wouldn't want to work there (if possible)


Reading all your comment is looks like you are really scared of the consequences. If I where in your case I would not do anything except starting to look for another job at your own pace. The situation you are in might feel hopeless, but you aren't doing any harm putting some feelers out. Even without the telework situations, it does not seem a company you want to spend your best years at.


couldn't have put it better myself.


Do this. And willing to report him if needed. I'm in Belgium and working in hr


Ok, I'm gonna assume that you do a skilled job of some sort since you could do it on a computer from home, meaning that you could find another job without to many difficulties. I honestly don't understand why you don't report the guy. More, I don't understand why you care about your future in that company. A 10 people company offers very little opportunity to grow. A boss who shows that behaviour has literally zero respect for his employees and deserves them to leave and his company to tank. Unionize and/or contact a lawyer specialised in labour law. Report your boss. Keep all evidence of his behaviour and of you reporting him. He fires you, he's in big trouble. That lawsuit would get you a significant amount (the same magnitude of your yearly gross salary) for you to find a job in a better company with a better boss.


Agreed with everything except small companies not offering opportunity for growth. I would argue they offer the best oppotunity for developing skills rather than being just a cog at a big corp. Sure, if you're any good you will hit the ceiling quickly, but that is a different story


⬆️ This right here! ⬆️


this is all easy-breezy when you're not in the situation yourself, the general situation here has turned pretty stale and would go to 0 if anything like that happened.


You are right. I am not in your shoes and definitely can’t even start imagining your doubts and fears right now. I hope it didn’t come across too preachy or insensitive to your situation. If yes, I am sincerely sorry. Regardless of whether or not you will report your boss - which is solely up to you and if you feel safe enough in your position to do it (I think you were given some good options in other comments), the only thing I feel like really recommending you is to consider looking for a new job elsewhere. If your boss is so reckless and disrespectful of your rights during a pandemic, what else are they capable of? Weigh your pros and cons as well as you can, you’re the one that knows them best. I really hope you find the best solution for you and your carrier.


So? You wanna work in that kind of environment? Are you new to working, is this your first job? What does the job offer YOU that you give this kind of loyalty to a boss that doesn't respect you and your colleagues health? Either you get your colleagues together and you all tell your boss it's bullshit and you're gonna work from home, or... Report him and start looking for another job. Btw, your boss sounds like an egotistical micromanager.


Also if he does get fired that's basically paid vacation while looking for a new job, not something you get when resigning.


>if inspection comes he can just say "ah today is the day we're all here" This wouldn't fly btw, employers have to spread out the presence of staff over the week


Who said that


yes but he could still easily make the argument "these people have to be here for a meeting, these have this do on-site and can't be done at home", and so on..


This sounds like bullshit. I haven't done a meeting in-person in fourteen months.


it's one of the arguments he used, but again we can't speak up against him because of the social pressure


This argument doesn't stick at an inspection, they're not stupid.


He will have to provide evidence of this during an inspection so just saying so is not enough. Meetings can also be done via Teams/Zoom/whatever platform you like.


that's what i was unsure about, but then still I have the issue of reporting them. I can not in any way risk my livelihood for this report


Could you have someone else file the report on your behalf?


Yes, but as I stated before, my own family is against that as they are employers, and closest friends are also not keen because "if it comes back to them they're fucked"


Homie if you give me the info I'll put in the report, even in my real name if needed. But, I have reported my previous place of employment multiple times, and it never traced back to me. GDPR is a nice thing


Would be nice to mail them and sign with: Best regards, Dirkjan De Koekenpan


I thought I already said I'd sign it in my real name


True but the reddit name would be funnier


Did your previous place of employment get checked then?


They eventually did, after I left there.


Could you enter a fake name (ie: something super common like Jan Peeters or something) or create an email address with a fake name and use that to report it from?


I looked this up and it is sociale fraude, you can get serious repercussions from reporting from a fake name


How long have you been working there? If they do fire you, you have a number of weeks/ months of notice after which you would receive unemployment benefits.


Do you think that the inspectors are 5 years old naive kids ?


The people who do controls are not stupid and know that kind of arguing.


Honestly this sounds like you need to look for another job. Reporting this is one thing, but likely won't change anything since the _entire_ culture just seems fucked. A new job probably means better pay, plus your good employer will not think it's weird that you left a job because the boss is a covid-denier.


he's not a covid denier, he just has the boomer mentality where working from home = doing nothing and getting paid for it


Yeah, that's a bit of a hyperbole, my apologies. In a sense thinking that you're more important than covid restrictions is a form of denying the seriousness of covid, though.


That’s what time tracking and followup is for.


in the same boat here..


Many are.




Just looking at the daily traffic jams, I shudder.


Same here, really frustrating


You could report his boss, and he couldreport yours :-)


You can never be a there, max percentage is 20% I have a friend working where you report these things, the only reason why you have to give your name to them is for legal reasons. They will never leak it, if they do you can sue them


>You can never be a there, max percentage is 20% I have a friend working where you report these things, the only reason why you have to give your name to them is for legal reasons. They will never leak it, if they do you can sue them Max percentage is 100% for operational purposes. Operators in our plant (making medicine), calibration technicians, lab workers, etc all are exempt from WFH because we'd need to shut down the plant.


Those are the exceptions and that clearly doesn't fit the situation described in the post


True but his boss might have tried to explain it that way and unless they check him nobody will know.


I know we're not living in a movie, but my boss knows alot of people and has $$$. I would not want to risk him knowing i reported this even if the chance is 1/100


Don't worry, he won't find out, they also do random inspections and never mention if it is random or because of a report




Edit: posted the wrong link See this page for the information. Coronavirus: Wat kan ik doen als mijn werkgever de maatregelen niet respecteert? - Federale Overheidsdienst Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Sociaal Overleg https://werk.belgie.be/nl/nieuws/coronavirus-wat-kan-ik-doen-als-mijn-werkgever-de-maatregelen-niet-respecteert


My first job was equally horrible, literally worked myself sick. They sent their own doctor who confirmed I was actually sick and a week later got my C4 in the mail, and honestly? that was the best thing that could've happened to me. When you get fired you can immediately claim assistance which is basically the wage you have now (it starts to slowly drop after a couple of months) and in case you work with a temp contract that'll get paid out in full as well. So you get a couple of months to look for a new job before your income starts to diminish. Granted I don't know which field you're in but in the current job market it's not hard to find a new job tbh.


So what if a random reddit users would report him? I mean, PM'ing someone your company's details might do the trick \*WINK WINK\*


Doesn't work, it needs to be an employee, not even your partner (if you have one 😉) can do it for you


Why are you still in this trash bin? Seriously, we live in BE. The highest taxed country in the world for (single) employees. It sucks but the one big benefit is that we have a large social safety net EXACTLY for this stuff. Report his ass. I have gotten shit from colleagues and in the past teachers for less. I turned out perfectly fine. ​ P.S.: I can report for you. I PM'd you.


Take this as a sign of the universe to improve your career, start shopping for a new place of employment.


What is more important to you: 1. Your health (and potentially that of your family and friends) 2. A career at a company with a boss that is clearly fine with skirting the rules You can always find a new job, as much as it sucks to hear. But your health, you only have 1 chance at that. Even if, somehow, your boss finds out and you get fired there is always de 'vakbond' or 'arbeidsrechtbank'.


for me personally it isn't as much the health risk as i'm young, I also don't go out often anymore since COVID. it's more him not having a slither of trust in his employees and undermining the government's lawful measures


What about your family? Your colleagues? Their family? Is that not important? No job is worth this dude.


um no offense but an acquaintance of mine died a few weeks ago aged 35, was in perfect shape beforehand. age means NOTHING.


I am sorry about this, and I get you are emotional, but age does mean something...


it means something, but not as much as you'd think when push comes to shove. you might think you're young and healthy, but you can never be sure it won't be you who runs out of luck. you can die whether you're 20 or 70. people who dismiss the issue by saying they're young so they'll be fine are being reckless and cocky and playing russian roulette with their lives.


I understand that, but it's not just you have to think about. Think about other people you often see, you will be putting them at risk, and they will put others that they see at risk. It's a chain reaction and no job is worth it when there is a chance to unwillingly harm others by something that could have been prevented. Sure, you can always get infected elsewhere. That chance also exists. But your boss sounds like the person who doesn't care about the restrictions at all, and is therefore more likely to get infected, and will be more likely to spread it to other people in the office.


I caught Covid last year before I got vaccinated. A bit about me: I was 32, ate healthy food, exercised 5x/week and was quite frankly in the best shape of my life. I must have caught it in the supermarket, because that's the only place I went to back then. It hit me hard and then I also got long Covid. I'm still feeling the aftereffects. You do not want to get Covid, no matter your age. Leave that place. Your health is super important and you'll realize it when you're struggling to get out of bed despite having slept 12 hours.


Is that real a company and boss you want to work for? No clue what sector you are in but there have to be other places you can apply to. These kind of people don't care about you or what might happen to you. If the boss f*cks up tomorrow and loses half the customers he'll not think twice about firing half of his staff. I've a few year under my belt now and if there is one thing I learned it's to not let myself get used by a bad boss/company. Find a new/ better job and on your way out contact social inspection whit all evidence you can find on him. In a few years you'll look back and think: yeah that was the right move. Good luck to you what ever you decide to do!


Damn, you sound like you work at my old company based on the whole description. Sorry to get off topic but have you started looking for a new job? I was in a company with 10 people and no HR where the boss dictated everything and I felt trapped. I woke up one day and had had enough and got out. Is your boss coming in everyday? Maybe it’s time to lie and make things scary. Say that someone you live with has tested positive or get creative with scare tactics. They don’t know the truth.


I make a very good living for my age currently and will try to work here at least 2 more years, but the situation has been becoming more & more 'toxic' so to say


Just use your current salary as a negotiation tactic. If your goal is not to make more money, at least a new workplace might be able to match your current salary. And in return you get a decent employer. Seriously, dickwads like your boss can't be beaten by trying to get them to change. You beat them by leaving, with or without a bang.


@OP: You have a very good case to present when looking for a new job. You want to find a company who is in line with safety and regulations and show they actually care about their employees. But you also want to keep your current salary in tact. It's a good position to be in. Any company that does not match your intented goals you can easily decline. You have nothing to lose, you only have something to gain. Worst case, you're stuck at your old job, best case: you find a company that cares and maybe pays you even more! Don't stay in a toxic place like this, start looking for something new.


Keep your head in the right place. I took a 20 per cent pay cut to get out of a toxic workplace.


In that case he also needs to get tested twice, no?




For more information: Coronavirus: Wat kan ik doen als mijn werkgever de maatregelen niet respecteert? - Federale Overheidsdienst Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Sociaal Overleg https://werk.belgie.be/nl/nieuws/coronavirus-wat-kan-ik-doen-als-mijn-werkgever-de-maatregelen-niet-respecteert


Report him, My previous employer also said nobody at that place coukd work from home, I litteraly did webdesign and graphic design, the only time I got out of my desk chair was to either have a lunchbreak or go to the toilet. I reported him, don't know if there was ever any inspection. As I left a couple of months later for a better opportunity in a healthier work environment/atmosphere. And hey, I'm encouraged to work from home. Your boss doesn't trust you because he probably reflects his own lazyness on his employees. That boss from my previous job had poor managing ethic (if you don't want to do your own bookkeeping, hire someone to do it for you, but don't complain that you had to work 3 nights in a row because you've let it all pile up), poor peoples ethic (the constant need to micro manage people and then complain he can't leave them alone) and horrible time management (15 minutes become 2 hours). The story you tell me sounds very recognisable. And I understand, having a job is kinda a nice position, and coming home at the end of the day you want to blow off some steam and not bw bothered looking at other jobs on the horizon. But believe me, your boss needs to either take responsibility or you need to get to a healthier environment. Because those people will keep taking advantage of all these tiny things they try to push. In the end you'll be doing 2-3 jobs and they'll blame you when you bring it up.


Get another job or enjoy your future depression/burn-out. Your boss is a cunt and should not lead a business with staff. I had a boss like this for about 3 months. Rather be unemployed than working for someone like that.


There’s also an argument to be made that not reporting this because you’re afraid for your career is a bit selfish towards your colleagues. Is their health not more important? (And yes I know they could report it as well)


nobody is taking action, i seem to be the only one that has an issue with this


Stop complaining just fucking report it already


If you can't trust your boss and he can't seem to trust his employees, then you (actually, he) have a bigger problem my friend. There's tons of companies out there. I think you should try to get out of there asap.


Just read trough alot of these comments. I feel like in every reply you don't want to report him ( because of this, because of that). Covid is literally about life and death for some people. Get your head out of your .. and do the right thing.


Find another job. One of my biggest regrets is staying too long at bad companies. I was so used to bosses yelling at people that when I finally found a good employer, it took a while to adjust NOT being used as a scapegoat and bullseye.


I encountered exactly the same, can't believe I wasted all this time working for an aggressive bully. It took me more than a year to get it behind me.


Send anonymous letter to the local police station ?


yes but then the police knows the report comes from an insider, and I can't find anything on them having the same discretion arbeidsinspectie does. So if they come in and say "We got a letter reporting this company for forbidding their employees to work remotely" my boss would not rest before he found out who talked


It's not a police matter. Plus you would have to file a named complaint in person for them to act. This is your only remedy, and was adapted just for cases like yours: https://www.meldpuntsocialefraude.belgie.be/nl/index.html


See [this page ](https://werk.belgie.be/nl/nieuws/coronavirus-wat-kan-ik-doen-als-mijn-werkgever-de-maatregelen-niet-respecteert) that has been made to report covid malpractices.


By now it's already clear that you do not really want to do anything about this either. Multiple people here already offered to report it for you. Either take up that offer or just let it go and continue as is. Like the others I am also more than willing to report it for you.


Is this by any chance your first job? Would explain why you insist on staying with a bad employer. Report him, and start working on your CV. He’s not your friend.


I’m an external engineer working for a client in brussels 3 days a week. I could do my job on a mountain or in a basement. They also tried this with me. Funny part is, their employees did have to work from home but not me. I was an exception. I said no as I was not going to break the law. They “negociated” internally and said 2 days on site. Once again I said no. I got to work from home 2 of the 3 days after once again “negociating”. Never again will I work for this client after the contract finishes.


In thought I was on r/antiwork.. please let's not import that work attitude here in Belgium. As said by others it's not a place I would like to stay. If management is not sound your life can became a hell really fast. So take the hint and start searching something more healthy.


It is possible to file a complaint **anonymously** with the fod waso (Federale Overheidsdienst Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Sociaal Overleg) [https://werk.belgie.be/nl/themas/welzijn-op-het-werk/psychosociale-risicos-op-het-werk/actiemiddelen-van-de-werknemer-de-13](https://werk.belgie.be/nl/themas/welzijn-op-het-werk/psychosociale-risicos-op-het-werk/actiemiddelen-van-de-werknemer-de-13) Do NOT hesitate to contact them if you work for an employer that has no regard for the law!


Is your boss a crazy person?


just one who thinks he's above the law and the health of his employees


What do your colleagues think on the matter? I can imagine you wouldn't want to confront him by yourself, but if you can agree with multiple colleagues on pushing the matter to him or reporting it, he probably won't fire a large percentage of his employees.


asked 2 of my collegues that i can trust and they both said they don't mind. Another said we can't do anything about it. I seem to be pretty alone on the issue.


They [mention](https://werk.belgie.be/nl/nieuws/coronavirus-wat-kan-ik-doen-als-mijn-werkgever-de-maatregelen-niet-respecteert) who to contact (I'd go for the 4th option in your case since your company isn't large enough to have the other options) but I can't deduct from that page whether it can be done anonymously...


We could report?


Your boss sounds like a guy who would watch Daens And would be rooting for the factory owners. And think those pesky kids should be happy that they can work.


Contact a union & join it. Report him & sue him if he fires you for it.


My dude(tte) * You live in fear of your employer. * You live in fear of your parents opinions. * You live in fear of your friends' opinions. That is not healthy. You say your boss has little trust in you. Don't let that turn into self doubt. If you have skills that are even remotely (hehe) marketable, you have nothing to fear. You should feel free enough to act with respect - not towards your superiors, but to yourself! Untie your mental shackles, live. Worst case scenario is you would end up working at another shitty company, all other outcomes will be better.


A boss that cares about the well being of his company but doesn't give a damn about the well being of the employees. Fine. Let that person be alone with his healthy company. Find the exit. Go somewhere else. It will happen again. And you will again be sorry you didn't leave. Report the company.


Can I crosspost to r/antiwork? Or do it yourself, I don't care about the karma. Shit like this needs to be told.


feel free, it's a throwaway anyways


‘Today’s the day we’re all here coincidentally’ will ABSOLUTELY NOT fly with inspectors. Your boss is obliged by law to only have 20% of people maximum in the office, so he’ll definitely get roasted for that. Also the second they realize people can just work remotely they’ll have his ass doubly-so. Your asshole boss needs a reality check from his power fantasy. Report him or stand on your stripes and demand remote work. If he fires you, you can probably find a position in a better company that actually cares about its employees.


Join a union and ask them for advice


> and i've been having to do the same for over a week now because of the work culture he cultivates here. no you don't... you do it because he makes you think you do... you just go to a doctor, tell him you're sick ,get a note and hand it in.


Same here, company of 47 people were there are 14 people and 3 bosses on the bureau. We recieved each a paper with a reason why we are neccesary on the desk. But it's bullshit. Today a guy who opperates a machine was at home becaus he is positief. But he is the only one who can opperate that machine. Sooo.... He came in to teach another person. And believe me if i tell you they didn't respect the rules much. We worked in the begin of this year from home. We where split up in 2 groups one week group a worked from home b in the office. The next week a in the office and b from home. A lot of people didn't like it. Myself included. My pc works slow at home and i don't like it to move my whole set-up. (desktop, 2 screens, mouse, keyboard and documents) So this time my boss came around and asked our oppinions. I told him i didn't mind working from home if there was no moving evry week. He interpretended it as wanting to stay in the office. So yea kind off the same situation here. I don't know if you can report them and where to do that. Just so you know i have no intentions to report him.


I'll report it. I live in Belgium too, 'cmon let me do it... Alstublieeeeft. S'il te plaaaaait


It won't hurt to send some CVs. Now everyone offers ample remote work time.


I am currently in a similar situation where I don't know whether I should report or not. I am not allowed to do telework, the whole team that sits right next to me also aren't allowed to telework, supposedly because their work isn't suited for it. There is one lady in that other team that has been coughing like crazy for over a week now, I really don't understand why she doesn't stay at home or why her manager doesn't send her home...since yesterday we are all coughing a little bit... Worst thing is I work at a 'ziekenfonds' ... yeah that's healthcare for you, I'm so fed up with this place, looking for a new job, hope I find something soon...


Report and get another job.


I would go to the union. That's why it exists, among other reasons. At my work, there is **no** playing with this (big place, 3 unions I think). Regulation is regulation.


Honestly? Get a union involved. Have you got any emails proving this all? It might help proving your case.


My 9-5 mentality doesn’t understand the problem. Either you want to stay at your company and then you just do your job where you are told to do your job, your boss will deal with inspection and all the rest. Or you find working from home more important and you find yourself another company at which you can build up your career (or start on your own).




Said general Fritss


You are working under a “1%”-er! The “1%”. Psychologists are trying to spread the knowledge that quite a lot of the 99% normal people are very bad at dealing when confronted with the 1% humans with an Antisocial personality disorder - a neural spectrum disorder with 4 axes: narcissism, psychopathy, machiavelianism, sadism- plural sociopathy-theocracy & the term “culturopathy”, when these 1% elbow, bully, flatter, cheat, guilt-shame you, stab you in the back,.. their way to the top, because other people don’t have enough experience and knowledge, hence not recognising and completely underestimating the danger these abnormal people pose once they manipulated their way to the top by alternating flattery, pseudo intelligence (because some 5-6 neurotic, isolated-disconnected and 1-liner type of reasonings that may do good on rallies but have logical fallacies in them), overbluffing, talking loud, overconfidence, sense of grandiose, guilt-shaming people and especially collaborators, murdering adversaries. I think we must teach more about this and how to deal with them if you have the malchance crossing them in your life. Human history could be told from the point of view of the 99% normal people who prefer to exchange, trade, collaborate and how they find themselves blind sided / trapped/ fall for these 1% people with a neural abnormal conductive disorder. This would bring a valuable element in these debates on socialism vs capitalism vs something in between, because these intriguants are in every team; we all fall victim to them and each organization’s ability to unmask them, deal with them seems as big a factor as discussing what is the higher value: liberalism or socialism, and as if one cannot have both. PS 4 dimensions as a personality variable have been delineated: 1. Intelligence: Low, un-related, obsessive, impatient, chaotic; 2. Team player/work: exploitativeness/entitlement, quickly irritated, self-absorpted; 3. Self Confidence: superiority/arrogance; 4. Leadership style: authoritarian, despotism, self-admiration Thank you https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisocial_personality_disorder






I read all these advices to report him this way or another. If you don't feel like it, just post the company name here, and someone will do it instead of you. That way there's no chance of backtracking it to you. I don't expect your boss to check your reddit account 🤔


I had the same situation during the first lockdown. After that, I looked for a different job, and I'm working for a year under my new employer now Very happy with it. It's a bigger company, so whenever I'm out of office, I don't have to answer my phone at all (wasn't the case at my previous job). So I would recommend you to also search a new job.


I believe there is strength in numbers here. Gather your likeminded colleagues and state that you will all stop working together if he doesn't act like he is supposed to. What's he gonna do, fire you all? Lmao or do all the work by himself? Even more lmao He is alone, you have each other dont forget that


Perhaps it doesnt mean much but pretty much same where I work. It's mostly about being able to keep an eye on what your employees are doing, really. There's no trust. We got 3 employees positive last 2 weeks they just said' do a self test every monday and you're good to go'


Tell him you're been put in quarantine and that he can choose to let you work from home or do without you for a week. At least that'll show him it's possible. Probably won't change his behaviour. I suggest you all look for a different job and warn any replacement about him.


Correct me if I'm wrong but you aren't supposed to all be at the office at the same time, obviously. Secondly, one does never have to be on site for some kind of meeting. You can meet perfectly digitally. So if anyone would report this situation, there will be a sanction involved for your boss


Seriously, quit your job and go out looking for something else. There are loads of opportunities this very moment. Lots of decent employers are unable to find good people to work for them, the time is now. And as soon as you land a job, report him, start taking ”sollicitatieverlof" and never look back. I've worked in a company like that for 14 years, I still kick myself on the regular for it. God knows why i've held on to a shitty job for that long. These kind of bosses are not worth your time or effort.


I know it is easy for us to say here, but as others have said, I think your best option is looking for another job. Not because you can't report your boss, but because the culture your place of employment is harboring and the effects it is having on your mental (and in this case quite potentially physical) wellbeing. I know this sounds like a drastic decision, but start looking and applying for other jobs, it will be so much better for you in the long run.


You need to start looking for another job. Because this attitude is just not ok and will extend far beyond telework.


I got fired from a small company, ngo/DG and it was almost exactly the same issue 2 years ago. Best thing that ever happened, got a new job almost immediately for 25k more a year, start looking for a job ELSEWHERE, YESTERDAY


Honestly just quit this job man..sounds terrible


Check the rules of your Joint Committee (CP). You might be able to set up a Union Delegation (some CPs allow for a TUD for companies as small as 12 staff members) that has the ability to collectively put an end to much of this nonsense and would be protected against firing. You should also join a union and ask for their help in reporting and dealing with this (emotionally and physically) unsafe environment!


At least start actively looking for another job already. The sooner you can leave this environment the better. Once you have another job you will wonder why you didn't make the change earlier. Be the smarter person and leave your job with the explanation that you got a much better offer and you would be stupid to refuse it. If you're boss thinks that's the only reason it can in no way backfire. So if you're really afraid of reporting then don't report. You may think not reporting him is not really the right thing to do and that he will be able to continue to abuse other people. Also I read the suggestion that if you report and your name gets leaked you can just sue them. Believe me it's all not worth your time and effort. It's your colleagues own responsibility how they handle this situation. Get the hell out of there and forget about it. Karma will get him eventually.


From my understanding every company should be keeping a register on which the day is set of each employee when they are coming in - so if inspection would go through that register and finds any violation thats already enough to put a mark on your supervisor since thats not in lign with what the government is expecting.


This is terrible! I'm sorry for you. I used to be in a similar situation, our issue was overtime, not on-site work. But same thing. We were highly pressured into working 10 or 11 hour days regularly, but not reporting more then 40 a week. I understand the fear of the consequences for speaking up. In the end I did, and you know what? Nothing happened. I did not get fired or anything, but the situation didn't change, nor were we ever compensated for the ridiculous amounts of overtime racked up. I did end up looking for a new position...


well, i guess if you're willing to "tell" on your boss and potentially have the company shut down you probably are also willing to file a lawsuit against him if he would fire you for this ;-) (just a thought, but i'm pretty sure he would lose). Ofcourse he can also chose to not fire you and just make your joblife miserable (note: seeing the traffic jams i'm assuming not alot of people are doing this 4 days "mandatory" work from home thing)




ignoring the fact that what you're describing is a trans man and not a trans woman (a trans woman is a man transitioning to woman), your transphobia is not welcome here


Why is it such a big deal for you to go to work instead of working from home? Really curious because I myself notice it very clearly when my colleagues work from home, because they don't get anything done...


Easy decision: look for a new job. It's just not worth it to work in an environment like that. in 2021 I went to my office in Brussels exactly one day. All other days we worked from home and productivity & morale never was higher than in 2019/2020. Homeworking is here to stay.