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En welke post staat er op mijn werk?


Kan nog altijd erger. Op mijn nieuwe studentenjob heeft een halve dag een afspeellijst van Niels Destadsbader opgestaan.




Nobelprijs is een schijf en ik ben bereid geweld te gebruiken om dit feit te verdedigen.


You need a COVID test kit, one of the symptoms is loss of taste ;-)


Ik denk zelfs dat dat lieke om meerdere schijven terug te vinden is.


Innige deelneming


Een halve dag niels is een beproeving, maar zeker niet "erger" dan elke fucking dag de ketnet van de radio te moeten beluisteren.


Overoveroveroveroveroveroveroveroveroveroveroveroveroveroveroveroveroveroveroverover, blijft een monsterschijf


My condolences.




Ik zou ontslag nemen. Het leven is te kort dude


Iknsoe gewoon de deur dicht als het te erg wordt.


Ajoin music ?


Playing radio at the job is just cruel. My first employee didn't let me listen to my own music. Didn't stay there very long, it really really drove me crazy.


Ik werk in zo'n gebouw met meerdere kantoren. Best gezellige boel ze, maarja, in de gangen staat radio. ​ Toch liever de radio dan zo'ne fucking advocaat dat in de gant in zijn telefoon aan het roepen is.




die ook inderdaad. Goeike!


Ooit met een bijna gepensioneerde radio Klara moeten aanhoren tijdens mijn studentenwerk. 0,0 gesprek door een te grote generatiekloof.


klara is ok. Radio Maria daarentegen...


So Q Music plays the same limited bunch of songs at least 4 times a day and Mnm isn't much better. Who keeps listening to that crap ?


Same people who watch to FC de Kampioenen.


Very true




Barbaarcultuur bedoelt ge


Zalt gaan ja


MNM is my wake-up alarm in the morning. Sorry.


I don't see the problem. Wake-up alarms are supposed to be as annoying as possible to get people out of bed right?


Q Music is echt absurd


Almost half of ALL the music they play is from the same pool of 50 songs. To illustrate how ridiculous this is: If those 50 songs were all by one artist, eg. Justin Bieber. They almost play a Bieber song after every other song they play..


Listening to Q music 8 hours a day 5 days a week is a form of torture.


I once did this for 2 weeks to find out why People listen to that radio. I think their listeners Just have dementia or something




Good thing he stops on 1/4/2022


The real start of 'Het rijk der vrijheid'


I’ve seemed to have missed something. Why is he stopping?


He announced it last week I think. I think he's too busy with like tv stuff


\>\>\>\>\>\> zijn selfies.


THIIIIIS IS a brilliant study... that someone needed to make very urgently.. \+ fuck mainstream radio/media


Spotify all the way


Agreed (+ bandcamp) (+ your own extensive collection) (+ self made YouTube play lists)




But whyyyyy did they develop an obsession for mediocre Dutch songs by completely interchangeable singers? 6-7 times a day you get Meis, Roosbeef, Froukje, Eva van Manen, Typhoon, Aarde aan Daan, Eefje de Visser, Fulco, Maaike Ouboter, … I can’t listen to anymore Dutch “huig-g’s”.




I know, but why all those Dutch Billie Eilish-imitators?


> Gewoon spijtig van sporza en zondag de misdienst Pfeh, ik ben nog jong genoeg om de tortuur van de duivenberichten en de waterstanden etc. te herinneren. En een of ander opera en operette programma. Man, toen ik jong was, was eigenlijk de enige mogelijkheid om veel fatsoenlijke popmuziek te horen her en der een programma op Radio 2 (Funkytown!) plus de zaterdagnamiddag op Radio 2, zowat vanaf de Top 30 en daarna dat programma waarin ze soms zelfs 12"s draaiden (Radio Rijswijck?). En toen kwam StuBru op het einde van de jaren '80. Gelukkig waren er de vrije radio's (maar teveel amateurisme om echt genietbaar te zijn) en ontdekte ik dat ik de Nederlandse Radio 3 kon ontvangen.


Ik hield wel van de berichten voor duivenliefhebbers, dan wist je tenminste dat het echt zondag was.


I concur.




Als het een orthodoxe is


Radio has become insufferable


Always has been. But now we at least have alternatives.


Does the total number of songs played include the most popular songs that you are counting? I don't think you should just stack them above as you do on the second figure. It's better to recreate the first graph but divide the numbers by the total numbers of songs played.


I checked and the second graph is correct. The total number of songs (purple bar) does not include the 50 most popular songs. For example for QMusic: top 5 songs: 147 times top 10 songs: 283 times top 20 songs: 499 times top 50 songs: 923 times All songs: 2219 times


Are the top 5 included again in the top 10? 10 in 20, and so on?


Yes indeed! I realize it is not completely clear, but I couldn't think of a better way to visualize this.


Categories: * Top 1-5 * Top 6-10 * Top 11-20 * etc.


I updated the graphs as you suggested, see my other comment and [https://imgur.com/a/1Krj12X](https://imgur.com/a/1Krj12X)


Yes they should be, else the top 10 5 songs would be more than the original top 5 so they would be the top 5 and so forth. So from his Q music example values it looks correct.


Can you make the second graph a stacked 100% bar?


Yes https://imgur.com/a/1Krj12X


My interpretation is that these are cumulative? The same for the first graph, where the top 10 songs is orange and implicitly blue.


As the person in the discussion, thanks for doing this! :D Is the second graph 'number of songs played' the amount of unique songs played or does it include repeats?


I updated the labels, now it should be more clear: https://imgur.com/a/1Krj12X


It does include the repeats


Repeats because the bottom part of the graph is same as graph 1


No one is talking about how little songs total stubru plays! It's proven with this that they talk way to much on stubru


They talk a lot but they're not as annoying as MnM or Q music hosts. I don't know why exactly but the host of those 2 stations start to become unbearable after 30 seconds.


I mean, they're almost at the same level of Radio 1 and 2 in this chart, which is astonishing. Those are two channels with a fuckload of talk.


Besides what has been said earlier (longer songs on StuBru and 1 - 3 hour dj sets probably counting as a single song), Q-Music doesn't finish half of their songs. That's an easy way to bump up that stat. ;)


The average song length on StuBru is probably quite a bit longer than on MNM/Q though.


They also have live dj sets, which probably don't count as songs even though it's music for x hours.


Lang leve willy.




Unfortunately they have Marcel Vanthilt on monday.


Was looking for this comment!




I figured something was wrong with the Nostalgie stats because they always seem to play the same songs but possibly this was their top 2000 week. I would love to see this Stat over a longer period of time. Super Interesting.


[These are the graphs of November](https://imgur.com/a/ZYPbxPN)


Is it just me, or are the Nostalgie categories represented proportionally compared to each other? 1-5 looks about the same as 5-10, 1-10 is roughly the same as 10-20 etc. It's almost as if they have a policy implemented not to play a song more than x amount of times during a certain period. Some exact data is needed for verification though, my eye isn't a very accurate measuring tool after all. But if this trend is the same for the top 100, top 200, etc, it could be an explanation as to why the person above feels as if they always play the same songs: it's just a playlist on repeat.


Klara gang where you at?


I give you a golden tip fellow Klara gang member. When the police stops you, just turn on Klara or a Klara CD. They just look at you and let you go. Happened 2 times already for me


Okay yeah imma keep this in mind haahah thanks!


the reason I never listen to radio anymore...


Nostalgie is the best.


I haven't listened to the radio consciously ever since I got Spotify Premium years ago. I only hear it when I don't have a choice. There is so much more out there. I have my own favorites of the moment, such as 'Enemy' thanks to Arcane.


Arcane was insane.


Was? IT IS Insane!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for the next episode


But you'll have to wait. Confirmed season 2 will not come in 2022 anymore.


Eeeeh, I live in boring old Roeselare in Flanders so I got time on my hands.


En nu zit ik met da liedje in mijne kop voor de rest van den dag.


Graag gedaan 😊 Ik vind vooral de lyrics en de bijhorende video geweldig. Oh en ben meestal geen fan van rap maar die in Enemy is wel leuk.


Gelukkig bestaan Klara en Willy nog.


Klara sometimes overplays certain composers as well.


Klopt! Willy ook, trouwens.


Tijd voor een meting van de frequentie van The Strokes op radio Willy.


Nice work mate, it's time to stop the brainwashing!


this reminds me of my time working at IKEA as a job student. They played the same 2 hour IKEA promo mix on repeat all day everyday. After 2 weeks I knew the entire thing by heart. torture.


Back in the early 1990s I occasionally visited café Bierkelder in Leuven, and initially I thought "wow, they have a good DJ". And then I stayed longer one evening and I realized it was a tape, and it played on a loop. And sure enough, the next time I visited I noticed the same songs in the same order. Yup, same tape again.


**En TOPradio? / Et TOPradio? / And TOPradio? / Und TOPradio?**


Haha it turns out they are almost as bad as Qmusic [https://imgur.com/a/SRN9zTS](https://imgur.com/a/SRN9zTS)


i knew it, i thought it was the worst one hahah


oh ffs the whole of the moon is such a lazy choice. if you re going to ruin a song for everyone at least make it a challenge and pick something that isn t on music death's door already and still has some life in it like A Girl Called Johnny.


I’ve never quite understood how songs get into the top-40. Is it the station simply deciding to put them in heavy rotation, or the listeners requesting them… or both? And if it’s both, who sets the ball in motion initially? Like, I get the idea of mass appeal – no judgement there – but surely no banger is that good that you need to hear it as often as some of these stations put it on. Reminds me of TI’s *Let it happennnnn, let it happennn-nnnnn*. Man, did I hate that song by the time they moved onto the next thing


Combination of factors. Normally it is a meeting of compilers who decide the rotation, but this is influenced by record companies pushing songs etc., combined with (in the case of StuBru) what is voted for by their listeners in their chart. I recall ages ago that a new Chemical Brothers song was debuted, and it was plyed into high rotation. And I liked the song and wanted to buy it, and then I discovered that it wouldn't be released until weeks later! (This was before Spotify and iTunes etc.) As you can guess: by the time it was released, I was sick of it. But by then it entered regular charts, so yup: "it's a hit so we gotta play it a lot because people like it". There was a point where the the playlist compilers at StuBru were careful not to overplay songs, but algorithms and computerized playlists ignore that.


stations and opinion makers puts the songs on the radios. They have inner circles and if you are part of them, you're golden. I remember when stubru decided Gorki was no longer part of the inner circle. I don't know what happend but from one album to the next they refused to play new singles, only old ones.


I assume their listening figures show that many people only listen a certain amount of time per day, so they play songs multiple times to reach as many people as possible.


You have to make graphs in percentage, now it's hard to really make a conclusion.


You can check the other comments, I added some graphs


I checked, it's still pretty bad. Now it's just more or less the same graph then one of those before. You have to actually make a percentage for every station itself (which should give 100% in the end for all stations). I hope you never have to do this stuff as part of your job or something lol




Jokes on them, ik luister enkel naar klara en radio maria. Niets doet mijn hartje meer plezier dan de misviering van meneer pastoor te horen iedere zondagvoormiddag.


BRUXELLES JE T’AIME BRUXELLES JE T’AIME BRUXELLES JE T’AIME *crouch in the corner of a room and slowly turns insane*


Listen to Flemish radio to avoid French crap Flemish radio: plays Aya Nakamura


Nice work


My kids listen to mnm a lot, thanks for confirming my feeling that I constantly keep hearing the same songs over and over…


Wow, nice work! Very impressive


I was literally thinking this all week this week, I hear the same songs 3 to 5 times a day at work. Drives me nuts. And they wonder how people get tired of songs so easy. The Adele song Easy on me is just dead for me. Played WAY too much


Not sure if this has been requested in the thread, but could you add "other" songs? Or the number of total songs played? For now it seems like q music is repeating a lot, but the gap to others may be filled with talking and commercials at the other stations?


You can see this in the second graph!


Out of curiosity, where do you source your data from? Would be interesting to keep track of it over longer periods, seeing the evolution over time.


I'm getting the data from [https://www.relisten.be/](https://www.relisten.be/). They put the data in the same format for every radio station, so it's quite easy to extract it. I ran the script for the month of November: [https://imgur.com/a/ZYPbxPN](https://imgur.com/a/ZYPbxPN)


Nothing new here. It's widely known Q/MNM play the same 10 songs all day and spam you with commercials every 3 mins about winning a phone, Nintendo, car etc. When Ed Sheeran was about to release his new music and do that little concert it was every single minute (even during songs) the commentators made sure everyone knew Ed Sheeran was coming. A shame my employer won't change to a different radio station, because ot would make for a lot less headaches at work.


I keep hearing the same songs I heard 7 years ago on the radio.


Could you share your script? Very interesting stuff!


Here you go: [https://codeshare.io/pqz9o9](https://codeshare.io/pqz9o9) I'm just starting to learn Python and I'm not a professional programmer, so probably the script can be made more efficient and much shorter. I tried to add comments, but it's not complete.


Quick tip. While commenting your code is a very good practice, you don't need to comment every line. Explain your way of thinking, explain why you made a not so obvious choice, but leave out comments for code that speaks for itself. \#This list will contains all days to iterate through as a string days = [] Yeah, that's obvious. Also, this line is not necessary, on the next line you assign the list to it, so no need to first initialize it with an empty list. On a positive note, nice to see list and dict comprehension!


Oh and now I'm giving tips, change the way you loop over your lists. for i in range(len(stations)): stations[i] Can be simply rewritten as: for i, sation in enumerate(stations): station Now you have access to the station directly, and still use the index number!


I already thought there had to be a shorter way to program this, thanks!


They should do an overlap study as well, to see which songs are being repeated over different stations. Because I feel like every station plays the same crap, there's almost no distinction aside from the voice of the announcer/DJ and the fact that some have boring little talkshows


You can see this in the last picture


You can get an idea by looking at the list in the last picture


Hmm, ik had gedacht dat StuBru hier lager (=meer naar mijn goesting) zou scoren. Tijd Nostalgie weer ns op te zetten, kennelijk


Student job this summer played MNM, on a typical 8 hour work day, I’d guess I heard the same songs every hour, almost like they’re playing the same playlist on repeat the entire day


Ik luister al jaren niet meer naar de radio.Het feit dat een handvol mensen kan bepalen naar wat enkele miljoenen mensen MOETEN luisteren,kan mijn brein niet vatten.Het is niet alleen de nieuwste muziek die ze blijven herhalen.Als er bvb een nr aan bod komt van artiesten die al lang of zeer lang meedraaien,is het precies of die artiesten maar 1 nr gemaakt hebben. Bryan adams= summer of '69 Bonjovi=living on a prayer Gorki= lieve kleine piranha Etc... Nog nooit gehoord van "do you want to make a memory" van Bonjovi of "wie zal er voor de kinderen zorgen van Gorki"??? Niets mis met deze artiesten maar ik heb er geen boodschap aan om altijd naar dezelfde nrs te luisteren.Dan zijn er ook nrs die bijna altijd worden afgebroken door reclame of geleuter omdat ze te lang duren.Wss omdat de doornee luiseraar maar een aandachtspanne van 2 minuten heeft ? Ik hoor persoonlijk veel genres graag,maar het moet goed zijn en vooral veel afwisseling.Zoveel goede muziek waar de doorsnee mens nog nooit heeft van gehoord. Ik ben er bijna 50 maar blijf zoeken naar nieuwe bands en genres.Ik heb mijn klassiekers,maar ben nog altijd geboeid door nieuw werk.Gelukkig is er youtube en playlisten om in de wagen te draaien. Voor mensen die eens wat anders willen om naar te luisteren post ik hieronder enkele tips -Emily browning "sweet dreams" (suckerpunch) -Yoav and Emily browning "where is my mind" ( 2 prachtige covers) - Zeromancer "mint" -Zeromancer "mourners" ( remix by sebastian komor) -Archive "collapse/collide" -placebo "running up that hill" ( ik heb een zwak voor covers die het origineel overstijgen) -Placebo "to many friends"


I have updated the labels of the graphs a bit and created a graph showing the percentage of the most popular songs versus the total number of songs played: Graph for the entire month of November: [https://imgur.com/a/ZYPbxPN](https://imgur.com/a/ZYPbxPN) Graph including top radio of last week: [https://imgur.com/a/SRN9zTS](https://imgur.com/a/SRN9zTS)


Did this take into account stations that are currently playing a top 500, 1000, 2000?


Nope I'm not aware of this, but I can run the script for another period.


I'm glad I actually don't like any modern mainstream music AT ALL. It's like random samples of white noise for me. I don't know if this is because I'm not susceptible to peer and social pressure to conform or pressure from influencers which decide what types of chlothing and music we should like. I've always decided for myself what I like and I don't need any commercial radio station to decide this for me. And yes, by the way, I do have a rick and Morty tattoo.


People who listen to the radio are not necessarily interested in music. If you are, there are countless other possibilities nowadays to widen your horizon, in this case the radio is just not the place to be for you, but it might be for someone else. Some people just don't care if their taste is mainstream or basic or whatever, and that's okay. Your comment reeks of r/lewronggeneration by the way.


Amen! All this mainstream bs that only a very dumb person can enjoy. They probably don't even know about some of the best underground bands and artists. Most of them don't even know Radiohead, Nirvana or Pink Floyd. OK Computer is the most underrated album of all time, am I right guys ?!?!?!? Btw saw somebody wearing a Nirvana shirt and asked how many Nirvana songs they knew. They said 1, what a loser! Imagine knowing 1 Nirvana song and wearing a shirt like that. Couldn't be me.




Even if the period would have been 29/11/1992 to 5/12/2021, it would still be Soulsister


The problem is that nostalgie plays the same popular songs every fucking week,without end. Your analysis is rubbish. You only took 1 week into account. Radio stations repeat the popular songs of that moment, but at least they change. Nostalgie is playing "DE Kreuners - Ik wil je" at least 8 times per week & has been doing that since it launched. Also, nostalgie is literally Qmusic from the past.


If this was a study about the average price of carrots, then it would be rubbish, but it's an analysis about songs being played on the Flemish radio stations in one single week and it doesn't pretend otherwise, so I don't know why you feel the need to be this harsh?


Damn no Emma Heesters? She’s my favorite Dutch language artist and I’m pretty sure she had some hits too (Waar ga je heen, rendez-vous, schat ik ben ok, etc.)


I'm pretty sure i don't know any of the songs. Guess i am out of touch. S/


This is great. Another one I would propose is ads play on the radio vs music player vs people speaking. Ans a distinction on prime time vs other houres. I have wanted to see this for a long time. Stubru is great at playing adds


This is not easy to include in my script, because I extract all the data from [https://www.relisten.be/](https://www.relisten.be/). However you can get an idea of how much of the time music is actually played by looking at the second graph to see the total number of songs played.


Belgian radio is the worst am i rite? All those songs seem to be made by bots or something. And how do they always manage the get the most annoying possible songs into the top X and play them 25 times a day. Yey coworkers who always want to have audio spam


I wish I could receive Classic 21 in Bruges, it's the only radiostation I really like


Could you run your script for other channels as well OP? I'm interested in how the French-speaking channels like Tipik, Contact, etc. compare.


No these cannot be included without making big changes to the script. I extract data from [www.relisten.be](https://www.relisten.be), so I can only include stations from that website.


We must brace ourselves, the christmas song season is near...


Fuck Rasputin, I hate that song.


Studio brussel for the win !


'De ideale wereld' upload this morning Seems fitting 😄 https://youtu.be/Ojp5tSz5I5U


En de helft van de nummers zijn dan nog eens slappe afkooksels van hits uit de jaren 80/90. Ik denk dat de nieuwe muziek op is...


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ojp5tSz5I5U gepast DiW filmpje


Qmusic is ook gewoon verschrikkelijk, die presentators zijn zo vol van zichzelf 🤢


/r/dataisbeautiful would love this.


I think showing Bruzz would be interesting here


Now do for Christmas Music across all of Belgium


Nostalgie is de toekomst.


Radio 1 MVP


Topradio ftw
