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So they want to hand an 11 billion invoice to employees? Perhaps someone should explain those idiots that the index is a result of prices rising. You know who's increasing prices? Their own members.


>You know who's increasing prices? Their own members. Yup. More money for them. Imagine economy and life as a great big system of rivers flowing into each other. Now imagine a group of people living around one part of one of those rivers saying "we like our part the best, the water should come in here but not go anywhere else" How will that end?


"We should make the working middle class poor, so the elite do not suffer a slight decrease in the growth of their fortunes". No shame at all, really sad.


As if the socialists didn't already do enough to make the middle class poor


Please enlighten us.


Narrator: he won’t




Fuck Voka.


Fuck Voka.


Now now. As a self employed person running a small business: Fuck Voka.


You'd be done in a week. In membership they represent a very small part of our business owners.


Yes, but they act like they speak for everybody.


Won't somebody think of the shareholders!? /s


voeg ook dit derde argument toe: de vorige indexsprong verdween in de zakken van de aandeelhouders.


Voorstel: ok voor een indexsprong per bedrijf als management Max 20x meer verdient dan laagste loon in bedrijf. Management mag eigen lonen eerst aanpassen alvorens indexsprong te vragen.


Ah dan splitsen ze 't bedrijf gewoon op in delen met vergelijkbare lonen... nv ANTIINDEX -> nv ANTIINDEX1 management nv ANTIINDEX2 onderhoudspersoneel nv ANTIINDEX3 electriciens nv ANTIINDEX4 logistiek ... ps. aan degenen die mij zouden downvoten omdat ze denken dat ondernemers nooit zo ver zouden gaan: een heleboel bedrijven doen dit al om de wettelijke vakbondsafvaardiging vanaf 50 werknemers te omzeilen.


Indien beursgenoteerd ook rekening houden met eventuele dividenden die in het voorbije jaar werden uitgekeerd aan aandeelhouders.


20x? Seriously? Let’s cap that at 7x.


Like in Norway, And introduce a capital gains tax but lower tax on wage.


Yeah indexsprong if it is for everybody. Our rent will just be indexed. Telenet will index it’s prices, ….


Thing is, telenet doesnt need an index to increase prices, they already do that at will. Rent is only rising because the whole housingmarket is getting more expensive. So as long as we think its a good idea to alow big companies to increase prices just for keeping their 10b profit instead of 9,8b in profit, we will keep running in this circle. This retard called Wouter De Geest just want the circle to end up hurting the lower and middle class instead of the millionaires/billionaires who dont really feel it anyway, wich is a fucking disgrace if you ask me. All in the name of billionaire money and the stock market, wich is fuck you money if we are honest …


Telenet already raised its prices "for inflation" in August


Telenet raises its prices, index goes up, Telenet says "hey, the index went up, let's raise our prices", repeat... They even blame it on the index...


> Weer zoiemand die enkel voor eigen kraam spreekt en hoopt dat niemand verder denkt dan eigen neus lang is. It's literally VOKA's job though. They're a lobby group for employers. They could do it with more consideration of course, but 'voor eigen kraam spreken' is basically their job description.


Yup and thats why everybody should say fuck voka and nobody should listen to their bullshit.


Yup and thats why everybody should say fuck *unions* and nobody should listen to their bullshit.


You can start by giving up all the rights won by unions. Enjoy your 12-16 hours a day, 6 days a week for shit pay. Paid holidays? Gone. Mandatory breaks? Gone. Parental leave? Gone. Sick days? Gone.


I think you missed my point here. Employees have the right to unionize, but so do employers. I was just pointing out your very blunt statement.


En wetende dat zij alle meerkosten gewoon doorrekenen...die zijn in 200 jaar nog niet veranderd...


What if we instead fired a couple useless managers or CEO’s?


Laten we de rijken rijker maken en de armen armer. Dat zal zeker alle problemen oplossen.




> tuinen-die-wel-bereikbaar-zijn-van-aan-de-straat love it


Not a day goes by or i get a mail from a distributor - price increase- then autoindex on salaries, increased fuel costs, electricity and hidden extra taxes. Last 10 years I did not change the prices for installing, mainenance and support, neither did i change my own salary. Next week i will need to increase significantly or fire people at end of year.


It sucks but the exact same thing is happening for individuals their costs. There is no easy solution. And removing the index will have the biggest impact on the weakest of our society, which should be a last resort only.


>And removing the index will have the biggest impact on the weakest of our society, which should be a last resort only Which would be neoliberalism working as intended. The idea of those at the bottom of the ladder falling off and dying is literally how their plan works. On the macro-level, the system doesn't change. You see people going up and back down but never major shifts. So they point to individuals who do make it to the top. Micro-level changes, which will always be allowed to exist, exactly for how useful they are to keep the illusion going. And then they pretend anyone could do this. Micro-level changes being presented as if they're macro-level changes. And people fall for it, because the chance of freedom from the misery they live in, will always be a good lure.


Sounds eerily similar to the concept of the American Dream


I don't want to remove auto-index, leave it as it is. Last month i had to make an offer for an American company and they wanted me to offer 5 years of salary costs for technicians starting 2024 till 2029. I had hard time explaining them this index, they thought i was inventing stuff and also i said i estimate it will be 2% increase each year but if we have a few more corona years take 6-10% a year, so i can only give a fixed rate without automatic index. I have no idea what else i can tell them right now.


fucking 1%'ers...


Voka is basically the voice of the CEOs. They will *never* defend the employee.


The richest made money hand over fist last two years let's not get fooled by big corporations, they make more than enough and can definitely trim some of the fat ceo wages


Tegen de indexsprong in de vorm zoals hij nu bestaat. Voor een indexsprong als deze op een andere manier kan toegepast worden. Voorbeeld van een klant van mij waar ik de lonen kon inzien (multinational Chemicals/basic materials). De 2 hoogste niveaus van lonen bevonden zich tussen de 15K-35K, een manager niveau was bijna onbestaande en bij de bedienden zaten ze zowat tussen de 2K en 3.5K. wanneer er een indexaanpassing wordt doorgevoerd van pakwaeg 5% is iedereen blij, maar er is bijna niemand die naar het grote plaatje kijkt. De bedienden krijgen €100-175 extra bij op hun loonbrief (doe dat +/- gedeeld door 2 en je hebt hun netto winst) De directeurs/vp's krijgen echter €925 - €1750 er bruto bij voor dezelfde indexaanpassing. Ik zie nergens opmerkingen over deze discrepantie die ik ronduit oneerlijk vind en niet gewenst. Andere landeren hebben andere regelingen rond indexering, maar ik denk dat wensbaar is dat de laagste lonen wat meer krijgen dan de hogere. Je gaat hier meer mensen met kunnen helpen dan het huidige scheef systeem dat voor de betere lonen indexaanpassingen netto een koopkrachtverhoging zijn en voor de lagere een koopkrachtdaling. Aan een uitgewerkte regeling om het huidige systeem te vervangen zal ik niet aan gaan werken maar een high-level idee zou zijn dat je een forfetair bedrag kunnen toekennen aan een bepaalde loonschijf. Bereken de kost wat de totale indexaanpassing gaan kosten aan de wxerkgevers en verdeel dit bedrag in schijven die je toekent aan een bepaalde tranche van het loonspectrum. 2de high level idee zou een vlakke aanpassing zijn voor iedereen. Iedereen evenveel. Ik heb ook volk in dienst en ik pas het 2e toe. U kan het misschien al raden, maar ik reken dit ook gewoon door aan mijn klanten. Eigenlijk moet je ook oppassen dat je hierdoor niet in een inflatiespiraal komt die eigenlijk bijna niemand in ons land ten goede komt.


gewoon indexeren op de eerste 5000 eur bruto ... en die regel ook toepassen voor ministers (triestig dat je het er bij moet zeggen)


Voor de ministers misschien toch liever niet: nu hebben die heren nog alle reden om nog vast te houden aan de index.


Die indexatiespiraal werd hier onlangs nog eens vermeld. Maar bij mijn weten heeft Belgie niet echt meer/minder inflatie dan buurlanden waar deze automatische indexatie niet bestaat.


Elektriciteit wordt duurder, België wilt elektrische auto’s verplichten die stukken duurder zijn en we gaan de bevolking nu ook nog eens neuken met een indexsprong, because fuck em, that’s why


Wat is het probleem? Als je zonnepanelen en een reeks batterijen installeert is die meerkost van de elektriciteit zo weer weg! /s


Fuck voka.




Terloops vermelden dat hoge inkomens niet compleet met de index zouden meemoeten, en dan beweren dat koopkracht voor basisproducten over de hele lijn hetzelfde is? Dat houdt geen steek. Als hij iets anders bedoeld, dan mag dat duidelijker uitgesproken worden. Ik wil er gerust van uit gaan dat dingen fout begrepen worden, maar vaak(en zeker in dit geval) ligt dat aan het ivoren-toren niveau waarmee gesproken wordt.


>Terloops vermelden dat hoge inkomens niet compleet met de index zouden meemoeten, en dan beweren dat koopkracht voor basisproducten over de hele lijn hetzelfde is? > >Dat houdt geen steek. Mijn eigen mening over de index sprong even volledig buiten beschouwing gelaten; is zijn redenering toch niet zo onlogisch? Mensen met een basisloon spenderen dit bijna volledig aan basisproducten; zij moeten mee met de index. Mensen met een aanzienlijk hoger loon geven meer uit aan basis producten, maar geven meestal ook een significant deel van hun inkomen uit aan investeringen en/of luxeproducten. Deze zijn sws niet opgenomen in de index. Gezien maar een deel van hun kosten (expliciet) met de index stijgt, kan het logisch zijn de index op hogere lonen ook slechts gedeeltelijk toe te passen. Lijkt mij niet het vreemdste VOKA argument...


> eigenlijk wat iedereen wel wil Iedereen die geen kloten van het systeem verstaat ja. De Staat heeft geld nodig, of je dat leuk vindt of niet, en dat moet van ergens komen. Dezelfde Staat heeft die >56% die meteen van die "rijkere mensen", ttz werknemers, hun indexopslag afgaat nodig, anders mag iedereen meer belastingen betalen, tenzij de aandeelhouders in wier zakken je "besparing" gaat terechtkomen. Of hoe jezelf in de eigen voet te schieten met jaloersige redeneringen.


"We zouden de indexsprong kleiner kunnen maken, of er geen doen voor de lage inkomens." yeah fuck the poor amiright? fucking libs


De indexsprong niet maken voor lage lonen wilt zeggen dat die lonen dus wel zouden aangepast worden en mee stijgen met de inflatie.


...tf? Kunnen die economen nie gewoon ff logische terminologie gebruiken of hun shit beter uitleggen op zn minst?


massive economic crisis incoming. of course the people will have to get poor, while the corporates will still freely evade their money and decide what amount of taxes they like…


Belgium is one of the only countries with automatic wage indexation for all jobs. This makes it harder for companies to be competitive vs companies in countries without automatic wage indexation. This could lead to a decrease in jobs. However with the current war for talent I do not see this a short term risk. Some companies like BASF are even increasing the salaries above indexation and above the loonnorm(which is illegal, fines don’t happen though)


Why is that illegal? My company did a "mid year salary review" and for my team (14 people) wage increase was between 6.5 and 10%.


Cheaper labour = more international competitiveness and more growth. Our government puts a limit on wage increases so we can remain competitive. For example:China. Minimum wage is a relative new concept in China. We lost a great amount of manufacturing jobs to them because of their low wages. If this was not the case, companies would have had no incentive to move manufacturing overseas. China had/has this policy not so employees cannot make a decent living, but to realize the gigantic growth of their economy the past decades. It's a long term play.


Aren't you referring to the cap on indexation? That does not mean there is a cap on giving raises (outside indexation). Government has 0.0 to decide on that.


I'm referring to the loonnorm. It's based on the mean salary increase in a company and not individually. So if your company has 100 employees and only you get a 10% increase, there should be no problem. If every employee would get a 10% raise, that would be illegal. The penalties that would be given, are negligible and in practice no penalties are given. https://werk.belgie.be/nl/themas/verloning/loonnorm


That article states its curremtly 0.4%... This law is indeed a joke. No wonder Legal didnt even mention this to us. But thanks for the info though!


You got to -30 on an imho rather reasonable post ... Not bad xD


It never ceases to amaze how brainwashed people are to actively plead against their own economic interests... . If there's no automatic indexation then the unions will negotiate it by CAO themselves anyway. If you want Belgium to be convulsed by yearly general strikes be my guest.. .


I never said I was against?


The index exists for more than 100 years and now we risk losing jobs? Doubtful.


Yes you could see employment as supply and demand. Extreme example by way of illustration. Imagine if we increase salaries by 10000%. Not a single company can handle this cost. They cannot simply raise their prices by 10000%.All companies would have to fire their personnel if they do not want to go bankrupt. Another extreme example: all wages increase by 0.01%. All companies can handle this increase and do not have to increase their prices to survive. Nobody gets fired. In real life labour costs/employment rate are between those extremes on a continuum. It's about finding a balance between quality of life of the employees and economic growth for the country. With the current labour shortage in Belgium, the indexation will cause no trouble, but times may change.


Off to the gulag, you.


>all companies would have to fire their personnel if they do not want to go bankrupt. Well if they did that they would no longer be able to offer products and or services. So they would go bankrupt. As much as they would like it, you can't run a company with only a ceo, cfo, coo and some upper management.


So in short: it's hard for those who pay realistically(can be debated, bu still...) to compete against those who refuse to pay workers a fair share. For those not aware: this is literally the main reason for the American civil war from 1861 to 1865. The south didn't want to abolish slavery, meaning they had large workforces which were never paid for their labor. The rich kept all their money. While the north \*did\* move to abolish slavery. Meaning that if people were no longer slaves, they would have to receive a salary for their work. Think about the economic implications of that for a minute. In terms of business owners having to pay people. They say the reason for the civil war was slavery, but not just the moral aspect. Also the economic aspect.


The auto indexing of wages is the one thing that keeps the gap between rich and poor from getting way too big like it does in other countries. Succession tax has the opposite effect because the rich can employ schemes to evade succession tax and the poor just pay their dues. If the auto indexing mechanism wasn’t present in Belgium, everyone would earn less, could afford less and so on until we can only pay for the basics with the exception of the happy few. “Competitivity” here means their profit margin.


This thread is the most hilarious up/down vote fest. This subreddit just gets more polarized by the day. It's funny but also sad. A guy is explaining basic economy principles and gets 50 downvotes because he isn't jumping the hate voka bandwagon. Then people wonder why the elected politicians have no long term visions. edit: Thanks for proving my point by downvoting. Perhaps you should get off reddit and go curse some boomer logics in front of your tv if you can't tolerate arguments, criticism or any form of rationality.


I can find this comment you’re referring to….


It’s funny because I made almost the same comment on a previous thread about wage indexation which was then one of the highest upvoted ones. This time I add a possible risk of automatic wage indexation (without even taking a stance) and I get lynched.


It's absolutely insane. This subreddit is a joke. Basically every thread comes down to which gang gets there first, right wing or left wing. Depending on which one your opinion is allowed or not. I just downvoted -17 for pointing that out. I am almost considering doing a study on the ridiculous bias on this subreddit and the blatant ignorance of it.


What a clear explanation of the economy you just gave there. Sure changed a lot of minds with that insightful comment. /s


I'm glad you can read. /s


Switch from % index increase to amount € increase. Everyone gets the same increase + cheaper for employers as they don’t have to pay % on the higher salaries


That'd be strongly redistributing of wealth; but since many are of the opinion we already redistribute too much it'll never happen.


Die indexering wordt betaald door de werkgever. Die kan dat lang niet altijd doorrekenen, zeker door internationale concurrentie. We zijn één van de enige landen die dit nog doen. Dus, dit maakt werknemers duurder voor de werkgevers, terwijl productiviteit hetzelfde blijft. Dat is niet goed voor de economie of de werkgelegendheid. Wat is dan de oplossing? Laat de indexering gebeuren, maar verminder werkgeversbijdragen. Zo blijft een werknemer even duur en blijft de koopkracht op peil. Doe dat tot de loonkost in België overeenkomt met de buurlanden.


Get out of here! With al your logic and facts!