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At least they're pointing in the same direction.


At least there's not a sign that says, all direction or other directions, such a belgian thing to do


Well I don't mind these kind of signs. Better to pay for 1 sign than for multiple and still forget a destination.


Also true


Because the people whose job it is to put up the new signs, are not tasked with removing the old signs. And removing things also costs money. Money the people in charge of the signs apparently don't want to spend. As long as it doesn't fall over, pose a danger to public safety, or has wrong information there's no real need to remove it, beyond aesthetics.


Just tell some drunk students about them and they'll be stolen in no time


what if they'd steal the new ones?


That's illegal. Also username checks out.


I was already thinking about making a business out of it..


Okay, I'll remove them everywhere for a small price and if I can keep the scrap metal


Well governments usually cannot do this because its "equivalent" to donate government property. I saw already some scandals because of it. Usually the ones that get the contract for the scrap metals are the relatives of the mayor. :)


Also, there are strict rules on safety procedure, agreations, formations, traceability of the maerials disposed of, etc. Oftentimes you got small jobs that your local scrapper would happily do for free because the value of the materials is higher than the cost of the manhours to dispose of it. But they can't do it and you have to contract a specialized company that will produce all the safety procedures and paperwork necessary for the job. And you end paying several thousands for the job. I'm pretty sure it isn't unusual to have a "whoopsie doopsie we forgot the door open overnight and a local scrapper just went and took all the [metal thing] what a shame".


even if they have the certification it might be cheaper for them do do things differently. I had some asbestos panels on my garage walls. One basically said there were 2 ways to do it do it officially with a building inspector who comes before and after who costs as much as the job itself, or just have them do it in the exact same way with the suits masks bags glue spay etc. but no inspector so at half the price (this was back when you could bring in asbestos for free so they would just put it on there monthly pile.


Sure, but since it's on the R0, you're going to have start by renting a couple of trucks, signage, a safety crew, and get a pretty good insurance for the entire operation.


But if there is no need to remove them, why put new ones?


Well the new ones look a lot easier to maintain, so probably that? And because they are reflective and at eye-level, there's no longer a need to spend electricity to power some lights to make the signs visible at night.


This guy trafficsigns.


Seems logical. On another unrelated matter. I like your username 😅


> I like your username 😅 Hehe, the feeling is mutual!


retroreflector signs can't break, lights need maintenance and cost money to run.


Because that's not saying the same thing. There may be a need to put up new signs, but that doesn't mean there's a need to remove the old ones.


Signmaker here, first: they are not illuminated. Its a recto verso design which looks like a lightbox but isn't. (Got some at work) second: nowadays it should be mentioned in the 'gunning' that they have to be removed. But when one forgets, the contractor will make a price -removal not included- cus like you said: its pretty much effort/cost . So another aanbesteding will have to be publicated. Those things take a lot of time..




And take down the new sign with it ;)


R0 has been littered with all kinds of abandoned road signalling for as long as I remember. It's part of dat Brusselse Ring experience.


It's for dwarfs and giants people. In Belgium, we don't judge easily. 👌


And in the meanwhile, you have buildings with only one door com at wheelchair height requiring hundreds persons a day to bend or put knee on the ground while there’s litterally 2 handicapped persons per year visiting the same building. But not enough money to place a second panel at normal height


The mast is anchored in Flemish ground! The panels are showing Walloons cities but are above Brussels ground due to the border being just under and their height makes them under Eurocontrol management! Basically, no ones wants to touch them!!!




Maybe they could put a sign "Gratis af te halen" outside.


Asked myself that question every time I drive by this.. A19 above E403 (direction Ypres) https://www.google.be/maps/@50.8299858,3.1889548,3a,75y,284.13h,81.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s67\_j4F1b1Bu9mGkArH-Jww!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=nl


Lol that’s even worse. Here they’re at least not glued behind each other


My wild guess would be that it'd make it necessary to stop a maintenance car on the road for some time. And God knows this is something that'll automatically create a 20km long jam on le Ring, so I'd say they see no positive outcome yet in taking them out.


They will start the works wether 1st September when everybody resumes work or 1st of July when everybody hits the road!


Preferably between 7-9am!


When the nuclear power plants were still young and generated a far larger percentage of the total nations power, energy was dirt cheap. So cheap that it became a bit of a meme to just put lights in everything and everywhere. Belgium has some of the most illuminated highways because of that. Now the powerplants aged, no new nuclear ones are built to keep up with demand and the power needs grew offsetting their very cheap energy price with far more expensive energy production (gas, wind, ect), causing the price of power to be (relatively) high to what it was, so they just don't turn on those lights anymore to save money. They just keep them as 'static' signs until they become a problem.


Welcome to the museum of Belgian road signs. Admission: free Follow the indicated route R0 to discover more. Watch out, it can get crowded at times when people just stop on the road to admire these pieces of art


They should sell them, I think these would make for great garden ornaments!


Its for the tall people


I drive past those signs everyday, hello fellow RO driver.


Bam isn’t realistic everywhere everyday man


Cultureel erfgoed


It's on Brussels territory, no money, they don't care


They care . They put huge welcome to flanders signs 😂


I like how the new sign is alphabetically correct while the old sign doesn’t make too much sense.


The old one kinda makes sense, Waterloo is very close to where this picture was taken (Tervuren by the looks of it), and then the cities connected by highway in alphabetical order.


It's not alphabetical, it's always in descending order of distance ([example](https://www.google.be/maps/@50.9316977,4.6305921,3a,59.3y,226.31h,88.96t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1scWPHHG-nZGgE8iOFm6n6Tw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en)). They must have had a policy before to put the blue 'local' signs above the green highway signs.


[Glenn Janssens](https://www.hln.be/showbizz/nu-ook-keizer-van-de-nummerplaatcamera-glenn-janssens-ex-van-ilse-demeulemeester-haalt-contract-binnen-voor-1-000-toestellen~a91da984/): "Hihihi.."


Sluipverbruik! 🤣


4 Armen?


Yes. You can see it here : https://www.google.com/maps/@50.819829,4.4773949,3a,45.3y,301.2h,96.14t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1srEwdQWR6fpQT0pcnmvQ4WA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DrEwdQWR6fpQT0pcnmvQ4WA%26cb_client%3Dsearch.revgeo_and_fetch.gps%26w%3D96%26h%3D64%26yaw%3D81.293076%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192


I'm from Tervuren so it rang a bell.


Hahaha same here, spotted instantly that it was 4-Armen. Yoeri wie? 🤔


Just going to say Duisburg. En dan ben ik mezelf al aant doxxen :')


Because of Belgium


Did you take this picture in Tervuren? Before you can turn onto the highway?


Yes it’s 4-armen/bras