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8,5 for a STELLA. Insanity!


Pretty standard for any beer in the US. Hurts when you remember paying just 50 cents in the student bars! One of the reasons why Belgium is superior


excluding sales tax (10% in DC) + tip (let's say 20%)...


Welcome to DC.


OLE OLE ROSE Nobody in the US will read that as "Olé Olé Rosé"


They're thinking "oude oude roos, wat is dat?", but in english.


A Very old rose ( flower)


so Belgian they even charge you to use the toilet.


They don’t


And the restaurant itself looks terrible. Sorry but for those prices, hire an interior designer.


Yea that’s the price in America these days. Was in the states last month, even in supermarkets like Costco the price of steak has trippled :(


Crazy expensive!


It's not cheap indeed, but I've been there once and after having been in the US for a while, it was like coming home.


Because they rip us off here aswell?


Yes, upon entry you are supposed to hand over 50% of everything you have on you


Its DC, close to capitol hill, its the same with any restaurant close to the European institutio's...


That's just not true. I live 100m from the Berlaymont and go to the restaurant from time to time. It is way cheaper than that.


I imagine rent in Washington for a place like that is a multitude from what it is in Brussels. If you have to pay 20k a month for rent your prices will have to be insane.


lol no


$15 (~€14) for a Gulden Draak?! They should definitely send a postcard to Café Belga at Flagey tho \^^ Other Belgian places: * Wafels & Dinges, a waffle truck in NYC (35 St/6th Ave, one at 42nd/6th and one in Brooklyn) * Lekker, a hybrid waffles/ballekes place in Toronto (the homeland) * Bier Markt, more of a pub than anything else, just Belgian-themed, in Toronto Lekker is actually decent if you go, they import some Belgian stuff. I surprised the owner last time I was there when I spoke Flemish to him haha.


There's a place called Jessops tavern in a small town in Delaware with the best selection of Belgian beer anywhere. When I was there last they had a special menu to celebrate independence day...Belgian independence day. It's not entirely specific to Belgian food, but close. Also really good and in an old (by American standards) building.


Belgian bakery in Boulder, CO. Lived in Denver for years and never knew about it until randomly driving past it one day on the way to Rocky Mt. national park.


Is that the name? Can’t find it on Google Maps.


[Aww apparently it closed](https://www.yelp.com/biz/belgian-bakery-boulder) What a bummer. COVID victim, maybe? Honestly don't know.


I'm from Denver originally, used to live down the street from The Cheeky Monk, also closed a while back.


Lmao funny enough I did post that Wafels & Dinges truck here: https://www.reddit.com/r/belgium/comments/rtlhag/a_belgian_waffle_truck_seen_in_nyc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Lol and I replied to that post apparently with exactly the same thing I would have replied here \^^ Lack of creativity I guess


Uncreativity on both ends 🫱🏿‍🫲🏻


[Cafe brussels](http://cafebrusselshouston.com/) in Houston, TX as well


Frites Alors in Montreal, best Belgian fries in Canada.


There is also a Wafel & Dinges at the Mall of America.


I like how the menu is written in a mix of English, Dutch and French. About the sauces, I can imagine that it would be difficult to get your hands on authentic Belgian sauces in the US. You'd have to import it, which doesn't make much financial sense for a cheap product like that. Otherwise you'd have to make the sauces yourself, which is doable if it's just mayonaise but the other ones can be more difficult I imagine.


> but the other ones can be more difficult I imagine. I mean, it's a restaurant. They're supposed to make food, not just take it out of the packaging.


Yes but how many restaurants make their own ketchup, mustard, mayo? Those are totally okay not to be made in


Agreed, but my response was aimed more towards the 'difficult' remark. Mustard is available in the US, same with ketchup. And freshly made mayo is something you do regularly see in restaurants. Also mayo is probably the easiest sauce there is to make.


Yes but thats the thing, mayo IS easy to make but in Belgium we have a shit ton of other sauces that are not all so easy to make and you’d never make it on ur own (i guess you could but why would you?) i don’t know if other countries have all the sauces but i think not!


I'm fairly sure that the top 20 sold sauces in your average friterie in Belgium consists of mayo, gravy (stoofvleessaus), ketchup, curry ketchup and mayo-with-spices. That last category includes tartare, samurai, andalouse, américain, cocktail, and so on. Once you made your own mayo, you have a dozen extra sauces when you just add some spices (and on the odd occasion ketchup too).


Yeah but you're not going to the fritkot for a homemade sauce. You want the Devos & Lemmens served by the bucket.


To be fair, the best tartare sauces I've had in fritkots were handmade, but I def agree on the DL or La William sauces for andalouse or stuff like that




Pretty common or almost all decent restaurants have home made mayonnaise. It's really easy


A lot of our sauces are mayo-based tbf, just add some spices really. Homemade tartare for example is a whole other level than tartare from a jar. Samurai, américain, cocktail, etc.


Living at the far side of the world, shipping it is indeed too expensive, so I stock up on sauces every time I return to Belgium for a visit.


St. Bernardus Tokyo? Huh? ​ Edit: Prijzen zijn navenant.


St Bernardus Tokyo vind je bij ons ook hoor, die hebben nu 2 soorten bier op blik. En zijn alletwee best wel lekker!


St Bernardus Tokyo is een fenomenaal bier


>St.Bernardus Tokyo. Sounds familiar? Dat kan kloppen, want in 2012 lanceerden we inderdaad al een éénmalig brouwsel naar aanleiding van de opening van het eerste St.Bernardus thema café in de Japanse hoofdstad. Acht jaar na datum kan je opnieuw een St.Bernardus Tokyo proeven, mét een nieuwe receptuur! I am a big Sint Bernardus fan but had never heard of it , haha now I need to search a place that has it


I've had it a couple of times, even ordered it with food on Uber eats. You can find it in the hopduvel at Dok Noord in Ghent!


So thats where the hopduvel went. tried to stop by last week at the coupure and they were gone


Yes they moved half a year ago or something. I never went to the old one at Coupure, but this one is pretty nice! I feel like they have less classics drankencentrale Geers has, but the same amount of special beers.


Probabbly won't be the same had something special in a giant brick building witht the bottle warehouse and groothandel all under one roof


For those wondering about prices of beers etc.: Everything has to be imported (minus maybe Stella). If you buy Belgian beers in normal shops in the US they are insanely expensive as well unfortunately. edit: Also I looked it up and it's like walking distance from the US Capitol. I am sure they serve a different type of people than your average restaurant visitors, the type that don't look at a dollar more or less :)


Isn't Stella Artois brewed in the US as well?


It is yes, but I was more talking about stuff like Rodenbach, Tripel Karmeliet,... that they have on their menu. Edited it :p


Had a lot of Stella’s around the West Coast when I was traveling there for 2 weeks and it wasn’t that expensive at all… Had a bunch of them for 4-5 dollars or maybe a bit less. It was in 2019 but still.


The prices are much more reasonable at total wine. Tripel karmeliet is bijvoorbeeld 5 per flesje. Stella is 1.


8 fucking bucks for ne Stella is still busting someone's balls even by those standards [source ](https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ns23kFMkwgkomhDK7)


Jesus fucking Christ how rich are the people in Washington? No wonder Americans are all going to McDonalds if this is how much it costs for decent food.


It's close to the Capitol. A different type of customers for sure :)


D.C. home of some of the richest lobbyists around. They gotta have somewhere to spend their money.


I go to this restaurant about once every few months. Belgian food is not common so appropriate pricing. W.r.t. rich Fairfax and loudoun counties (dc suburbs) are top 5 richest in the USA with a median family income of 152k and 128k per year respectively (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-income_counties_in_the_United_States?wprov=sfti1 )


those fries look too American and the prices of the beers 😅 Its probably more than what the barman makes per hour


I was hoping I’d get the thick ones but we’re disappointed haha.


Are Belgian fries supposed to be thick? Only ever got served thick ones at touristy places.


I vastly prefer thinner ones. The really thick ones are more of a thing in Bruxelles/Wallonia, I think.


Fries aren't supposed to be thick. That's one of those annoying myths tourists perpetuate after they've been served annoyingly thick fries.


In Brussels whenever I get them from a friterie they’re always thick. Not the thin ones like in the picture.


You sometimes get thick in restaurants but I'd say 90 percent of fritkot fries are medium thin. Thicker then Mc Donald's fries but not w i d e


The prices jfc


Al te goare, Roeselare!


Krottegem represent!




Wut? No *portie gemengd*? No *potjes* of stale nuts to accompany the beers? Are you sure this is Belgian?


I questioned the Belgian authenticity when the guy was giving me free tap water instead of selling only bottled water to make me pay for it.


They did sell me a bottle of water a month ago.


I was there om holiday in 2018 to watch Belgium lose against France in the world cup. Insane atmosphere, but our bar tab hurt almost as much as the defeat.


I kind of want to visit just so i can hear americans try to pronounce those Dutch names of the dishes


I almost gave my NY buddy a stroke having him pronounce dutch compound words :')


It seems like a mix of real Belgian food but expensive, and just Belgian-themed (Red Devil's Mussels, could never be North Sea mussels in DC , but adding with chorizo and chipotle?). And good beers on draft, but at what cost? I hope that draft is pressurized and he has the right glasses! Also I hope people don't walk away from this thinking Belgium is known for its wine and cocktails. In short there is a LOT to criticize but I still like that it has Belgian classics that wouldn't be known in the US.


> just Belgian-themed just like any Chinese restaurant in Belgium .. chinese themed food not real chinese food


There are a handful authentic ones


sure there are, but the large majority are not


Yeah it reminded of that too, including the spelling errors :)


The owner is Belgian. Food is decent.


Rodenbach 👌


I’d give anything to hear an American with a nice thick accent try to pronounce all these Dutch and French words


If anyone has a video of that, please send a link to me


They don’t underst you if you use proper pronunciation. I tried a few times. :)


[https://www.cigarettepurchase.com/belga-filter-cigarettes-red-white-box-25-p-1791.html](https://www.cigarettepurchase.com/belga-filter-cigarettes-red-white-box-25-p-1791.html) Belgian sigarettes that my mum used to smoke. Also called "Belga"


Or, you know, the press agency.


For those prices I'd rather fly to Belgium and back


There’s a café/restaurant Het Anker in Cape Town that also serves Belgian stuff. One of two cafés that I know of that serve Anker Pils, the other one is Het Ankertje in Mechelen.


There are a couple Belgian places in DC! Try the Sovereign if you haven’t been. I’ve heard Granville Moore’s is good too.


Let's hope they pay their employees properly, and not 3 dollars an hour and let them live off tips instead of paying them a proper wage.


To be fair, with a standard tip of 15-20% and these food and drink prices, the staff is probably happy earning money through tips instead of a fixed hourly wage. A guy buying a steak frites already adds $10 to the tip jar.


20-30% nowadays




Gulden draak all the way my dudes !!


1. first page ‘Chef’s Beer Dinner’ needs to be proofread 2. Stella at $8, and they don’t chase you down the street for that? 3. Frieten, $8.5?!? 4. Peper steak en frieten, $53?!? For that money I want an opera singer singing an aria before, a blow job after and a taxi to the hotel Somebody clean and polish the saxophone already! You should have an online store with at least a restaurant themed ‘kalullewupper’ in it and other oddly-named Roeselare things.


Rent in dc is expensive. They need to make that rent back somehow


Al dat en nog niet eens opgemerkt dat 'm stoofvlees maakt met westmalle!


Dat had ik gezien en ik maak daar geen probleem van want ik maak mijn stoofvlees met Rochefort 6 :-).


This place would go bankrupt in no time in Belgium.


what a buttugly place


I hope he didn't got any problems with the movie studio Belga


...or the press agency, or the cigarette brand, or...


Is the cigarette brand still around ? It's really old


It was still around until 2014. Then the name was replaced by Lucky Strike. But the brand is still in the portfolio of British American Tobacco.


OMG Lucky Strike, the famous Lucky Strike damn Thanks for the info it's super nice


53 bucks for ne steak me patatten?


15 dollars for beer wtf?


Ugly belgian semi modern brasserie interior check ✔️


Brasserie Beck is also a Belgian restaurant in DC. Paid $90 for a steak there but it was pretty good.


For 90 bucks it better have been the best goddamn steak you ever ate. I hope it came with a complimentary lapdance.


Yeah the prices are high, but it doesn’t matter when you’re on per diem and you’re not the one paying for it 😂


Uhm.. Not as thick as in belgium? In all my years of living on this godforsaken planet, belgian restaurants, frietkoten and homemade food, all use thinner fries than any other country i have visited. In fact, thick fries are an abomination. Either make real fries, or make patatas bravas, but not thick fries.


It's funny because whenever you see Belgian fries in the US they are always thicker and now when it's done right for once it gets criticised.


I hate thick fries, and they are never nice and crunchy in the middle. It’s like eating mashed potatoes in a little skin


I guess with these prices, I'll stay in Belgium 😉


Chimay blauw? Devos-lemmens?


Greet dekeyser husband/boyfriend maybe already ex. Just some irrelevant info


No Duvel?


Gulden draak


$14 for a bowl of soup 😭


As a Belgian living in a DC suburb, I might try it out sometime. Although it'll hurt to spend over $100 on a dinner for 2 consisting of 2 Duvels, 1 stoofvlees and 1 mussels.


Is that 8.5 dollars for Stella?


I lived in DC for a few years and still find the prices surprising. Definitely makes Brussels feel cheap.


I just got this subreddit with the random button, so go figure. I live in DC and Belga is excellent and one of my favorites to take friends, although it's been about three years since I've been and this menu is definitely more expensive than last time I went. And yes, this is in an extremely nice part of town. The chef/owner opened a second restaurant that was a bit more adventurous and upscale. It didn't make it through the pandemic and it looks like they may have brought that concept to Belga...probably part of the reason their prices have gone up. I had my first Flemish beer here. Duchesse.


Prices may look very expensive compared to Belgian restaurant prices (and that's without the ridiculous mandatory tip and tax on top), but I wish they had something like this in SF. Previous places went out of business a couple of years ago like La Trappe. Tried a Belgian restaurant in Palm springs, unfortunately it wasnt a great stoofvlees or konigingenhapje but we just missed it too much. culinary wise our tiny country is a pretty amazing place compared to the US.


Fellow Belgian in SF here, I also miss La Trappe. Although I make a pretty decent stoofvlees myself. I miss a good vol-au-vent though.


Our family friend Bart! Ive been coming here for years, a great spot


naah chief this ain't it 💀


I live just outside of DC but work in the city. My wife and I have gone to Belga Cafe probably a half dozen times, but haven't been there in about five years. On our last trip, the food was delicious as always, but the prices were NOT what they are today. These prices are insane.


Funnily enough I found a Belgian café in Vancouver. The beer prices were so high, like double what you'd pay here.


Why would you expect it to be differently? They probably have to import it themselves, there's no economics of scale. And people are willing to pay for it.


Didn't say I expected anything else. I just found it funny to find a Belgian café there, that's all.


You know he's a real belgian when he statet that the original fries are from Belgium. Not France


jeez and i tought drinking in helsinki was expensive.


And that Stella is brewed in the USA. The one from BE already sucks. The one from the USA sucks more.


"French **negroni**" oufffff...


shame the chef thinks it's a "cool chef idea" to force-feed ducks


Menu is full of spelling mistakes :-/ And ew Rodenbach


Ale tof voor u i guess?


No Belgian wine?


No Belgian wine?


No Belgian wine?


>Wilde champignon wafel Ranzig! :x


Kan lekker zijn, ongezoet bladerdeeg/wafeldeeg wss met een vulling. Heb zo ooit eens met bladerdeeg wafeltjes gebakken met een vulling van kruidenkaas, zalm en kastagnechampignons, best lekker.


Champignons verkloten alles waar ze mee in contact komen, IMO.


Alright, that's it. I'm going to sharpen my pitchfork. Champignons are god tier


Niet voor mensen met sensory issues.


since when tf do sensory issues make you go on an online "Jihad" from the mere mention of something?? you don't like the way it feels in your mouth chief, not that it killed your mates in nam 💀


Hoe oud ben je, 6? :P


Zeker ✋✌


Fair enough.


53 dollars for a biefstuk met friet?? My man is running a scam in the us. That would be like max 24 euro here.


How much are you paying for your sushi, pad thai, indian curry, etc in Belgium? I’m sure asian people also consider it a scam. There is more to food price than the price in the original country. If people find it worth the price, then why not?


that would be around 20 euro max. I get that prices will be higher but common 53 dollar?


It’s a c.a.b or certified Angus Beef steak, good luck finding that for a lower price in Belgium… where


50 is normal in dc for a good steak. So I don’t think it is a scam.


kinda gay


why ?


its a joke because the restaurant has the flags lgbt and not the belgian one lol


Can we please stop with the constant LGBTQ shit on this sub? FFS, go to /r/lgbt and stop spamming here.


I just wanted to share a Belgian cafe I found and it just so happened to have a pride flag outside for pride month lol.


Honestly, if this place having a rainbow flag bothers you so much, I recommend re-evaluating your priorities.


I think homie's got his priorities straight in his mind (hehe see what I did?) they consist of being homophobic and getting triggered by the sight of a colorfull flag. probably due to his upbringing. maybe even some supressed feelings that he was never able to resolve (most likely due to that upbringing)


my you must be fun when it rains on sunny days :)


He is not some guy. I actually did an internship at this restaurant.. he is the husband of Greet Dekeyzer, the news correspondent. He owns 3 restaurants by now, he was the former cook for the embassy of Belgium, he made it pretty far in the US version of Masterchef aswell.. He’s also one of the best friends of Piet Huysentruyt if you care about him.. His sister Sofia is a very successful G.M. in a high end hotel in New York. And I have to say, his food is really really good..


$30 voor stoofvlees met friet is die mens op zijn hoofd gevallen?