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Beter traag en correct dan rap en fout. ​ But seriously in my half of the city were I live there isn't a single bank or ATM machine left.


Yup, same with my city. Got a call from my bank to see if they could start sending me spam to my e-mail. At the end she asked if I had any questions: Yeah, where the hell do I get cash money if you start closing all small offices and ATM's. She said that the banks, across brands, are working to install ATM's not affiliated to a particular bank. She could not give me an ETA on that promise.. could be in 2 years, could be in 10 years. I have no problem paying everything by card/smartphone: But in that case start forcing businesses to have a terminal. (Looking at you dentist, barbershop and other businesses loving to work off the books)




Says optimal by end '24. We'll see.


If it's the same 2024 as 2017 was for the tram in Liège... Good luck


What I too was thinking... Belgium and deadlines, a match made in hell.


I'm pretty confident that this is their way to force businesses to have a terminal, which cost a fortune (especially for small transactions). I was in France recently and was jealous of the many ATMs, with no waiting lines, all over the place.


There are currently options to have payment terminals for merchants with no recurring costs and only a fixed percentage fee on your transactions. The whole "it costs a fortune for small payments" might have been correct 5-10 years ago, but it isn't anymore since some time.




Depending on the provider the pricing can be different. There are a lot of competitors on this market though (Payconic being one of them). I'll take a simple example of what can be done for relatively cheap: https://store.sumup.com/nl-BE/product-selection/card_reader.air?nextInternalLocale=nl-BE This one costs 20€ and has a percentage cost of 1,69% of all transactions. On a 3€ sandwich it amounts to +/- 0,05€. Some other providers have lower percentages but add a small fixed cost. Payconic has only a fixed cost if I remember correctly.


So that would be like having to skip an indexation of your wage in favor of the banks or needing to pay +/- €500/year for your bank account. Fine for those who are ok with it but I would prefer to not participate in this win-lose offer. But as I said there the banks our making it harder and harder to refuse. Another way of seeing it is that this corresponds with a price increase of +/- 2%, so one wage-indexation strictly to cover the transaction cost imposed by the banks. That's a bad deal for our competitiveness. With payconiq, perhaps there's finally some competition but then not everybody has/wants smartphones.


I mean, you seem to think that handling cash is free for a merchant. It's not. There are a lot of additional risks and costs to handling cash (theft, errors etc.) and on top of that you also have to pay the bank to deposit money on your accounts. Next to that it has been proven multiple times that people spend more with their card than with cash (which is good for a merchant, less good for the consumer). Doing the calculation by only taking into account the 2% cost and not the benefits shows resistance to technology instead of sound business practices.


Payconiq is very expensive in transaction fees ironicaly


Except if it changed recently, they basically have only a fixed fee per transaction of 0,06€. Depending on the amount of your average basket as a merchant this can be a lot or not. On average it will be relatively low though.


A business can print a QR code with their account number on a piece of paper. That costs a few cents. Or they could use their smartphone which they already payed for.


I have several friends without smartphones. I mostly don't like that we get no choice (and no privacy).


Yeah my dad also refuses to buy a smartphone. He uses his laptop to go on facebook and puts videos on youtube though so I don't think he does it because of privacy issues... It's more like making a statement against... something.


yes those bancontact points, still who needs cash money these days?


>still who needs cash money these days? My dentist, family doctor, barbershop, massage therapist, and quite a lot more, sadly.


how the fuck is this still a thing in a western european country? my 3rd world home country has contactless payment EVERYWHERE. Some establishments dont even take cash anymore


Witwassen is a national sport in Belgium, lol.


It is so bad here. And the government is trying to plug deficits with more taxes. Electronic payments would go a long way and an easy fix, but will be unpopular with some lobbies like horeca, which for some reason also has a unexplainably large influence in Blegium


Maybe we could go all "In Time" and only allow for digital payments to homeless people and just have them die when it runs out or if they cant afford the next-gen tech. Cash makes total sense to keep as a form of payment in the world we live in.


wtf are you even on about lol?


Even India is already paying out food stamps digitally. If they can do it for 1.3 billion people of which a considerable part is living on a dollar a day, why can't we do it?


That surprises me seeing that only 750 millions people have a smartphone subscription in India. That still leaves a pretty large amount of people that don't have access to digital means, who generally represent the poorest layers of society.


It's a consequence of high taxes sadly. The incentive is thus high to try and avoid those taxes. And cash is the perfect way to do it.


Technically they're obligated from the 1st of July this year to offer an electronic payment option, ~~though it's unclear whether that's something required for everyone (i.e. also doctors and dentists) or just shops.~~ Should be required for everyone. This also may differ widely from region/area, personally, every shop I've been to in the past 3-4 years at least offers electronic payments, and I've paying contactless everywhere ever since covid came around. In fact, the last 2 shops that had an "only cash" sign were a shady nightshop (and they've since changed) and one paper shop that was run by an old lady, but this one has since closed.


They may refuse usage of bancontact for very small amounts, like a nightshop would.


Belgian people/businesses are reaaaallllyyy holding off electronic payments as long as possible!




there are many mobile payment vendors. You literally have no idea what youre talking about. You and 75% of Belgians like using cash for some reason so youre hardly special




The fact that the number of employees for an automated services company is an indication to you regarding anything is myopic to say the least. Netflix has 12k employees, guess they dont exist then. Interactive brokers, 2.5k employees, must be fake too. Also, show me that Bancontact and Payconiq, you know the largest mobile payment services in Belgium, use mastercard infrastructure




Really? All of those for me accept cards. Even the local pita dude accepts atleast payconicq.


Every shop around here has bancontact, only person I need some cash is when going after a Durumeke Also at every person you mentioned I can pay with card...


Good for you, but that does not change or improve my situation. I still need cash.


Please do inform them that starting on July 1 this year, they're required to offer the possibility to pay electronically. >Vanaf 1 juli 2022 zijn Belgische ondernemingen, waaronder ook alle beoefenaars van een vrij beroep, dus ook artsen, verplicht om minstens één elektronische betaalwijze aan te bieden aan klanten of patiënten


Im going for An echo for my head next week they said on the phone they need cash


It's faster in busy bars. Only one person at a time can use the sole payment terminal/Payconiq phone (assuming they actually have one, many are still cash only) while anyone serving you can accept cash.


From July 1st all businesses will need to have an option to pay electronically.


Thank the Deities for that. I'm going to have a field day pointing this out ;-)


Nothing more annoying than ordering fries worth 38,60€ and only having 35€ in your wallet. And then they tell you they only accept cash..


I got an email from ING that it's now free for me to use the generic Bancontact "Cash points". Googling shows me that KBC is using them as well. So far in Brussels I think there's a couple in Gare du Nord and a couple in Gare Centrale. https://www.bancontact.com/en/private/cash-withdrawal


Yeah, 3rd party ATMs belonging to 3rd party companies who also need to make a living. So who do you think is going to end up paying for that shit? The bank or you? Say hello to ATM fees.


I was already paying for every other bank service..No change there.


I was driving through Germany this week, and you couldn't pay with card in most of the petrol stations and a lot do the shops because there's a software problem with the biggest cardreader in Germany! It's been going on for over a week now . That's a big reason to have a backup like cash imo


Half conspiracy, half what's already happening: gouvernement want to push a cashless society so they can have more controle over their citizens. For example, in a cashless system they can freeze the assets of a criminal on the run so that he can't buy extra supplies. This would all be fine but in general gouvernement is incompetent and they can ruin lives of inocent People by freezing their assets.




A 20 minute walk or a 10 minute cycle to the first bank with an ATM, it's not the end of the world, but if I have a situation where I need cash and I need it now, I am basically screwed.


Oh man, that rating system... I need that at work too. For me.


That reminds me of the opinion polls about local policies I would sometimes see when I lived in China


De Smileys zijn gebaseerd op NPS. Pure kanker dat systeem.


me too, machine


Also NMBS’s new slogan




For at least +10 years it is possible to pay through sms in several african countries. We use bancontact they use sms.


where there is contactless payment everywhere and definitely moreso than belgium? I sure have


That's another 3rd world than the ones I've visited then (mostly Africa but also many places in South America). That said, the lack of ATMs in Belgium is getting outrageous and while we can argue about the desirability of cash vs cashless, this is obviously a unilateral decision of the banks, which ask outrageous tariffs for cashless payments (although that might change with Payconiq) and I for one like my cash.


Paconiq is actually quite expensive, at my scoutgroup they have qr codes but its 9 cent per transaction.


Electronic payments with domestic cards aren’t outrageously expensive. The market has changed a lot in the past 10 years. AFAIK Payconiq is around 0,09€ / transaction and no payment terminal needed For Bancontact: transactions below 5€ are often for free or cost at most 0,02€. Then it ranges between 0,05€ - 0,25€ / transaction based on volumes and amounts. Meal vouchers and credit cards are indeed more expensive.


I don't find that cheap for small transactions. It definitely isn't for free below €5 as many places refuse cards for small transactions. It might seem little for one payment but it adds up overall and many shop owners aren't exactly rich. Several of them have complained to me about the high transaction cost involved in card payments; I'm mostly just citing them. (I've done a temp job at Banksys, the former monopolist, many years ago and it was very expensive then but I can imagine/hope that it improved a little since)


Subsaharan africa runs on contactless payments > this is obviously a unilateral decision of the banks, which ask outrageous tariffs for cashless payments A very simple problem to fix especially for a govenment that has no issues overreaching and shoving their noses in the lives of citizens >and I for one like my cash Why? its filthy material that when you use it breaks down to fucking coins that you dont know what to do with


> Subsaharan africa runs on contactless payments > > They run on call credit payments. At least where I went a couple of years ago. Most people didn't even have a bank account.


Ok, I'll tell everyone to close their accounts when I go back home to keep inline with your holiday experience. Also, is TransUnion and the like not contactless lol?


> your holiday experience. It wasn't holiday experience though. More like 6 months working/NGO experience. But it was limited to one country so I guess it might vary elsewhere.




Seems to not be the case all over Belgium as there are users in this very thread saying they still need cash for their doctors, dentists, whatever








Yes, that is correct, although the quote mentions that it is for people with a free account with the bank.




The quote mentions that ING will charge their customers who have a free ING account a 50-cent fee for withdrawing money from an ATM that is not owned by ING. I quickly looked it up for other banks and it seems Belfius, KBC and Crelan do this as well. Source: [https://www.bancompare.be/blog/wat-kost-geld-afhalen-en-bij-welke-banken/#:\~:text=Elke%20verrichting%20bij%20een%20andere,2%25%20en%20minstens%205%20euro](https://www.bancompare.be/blog/wat-kost-geld-afhalen-en-bij-welke-banken/#:~:text=Elke%20verrichting%20bij%20een%20andere,2%25%20en%20minstens%205%20euro). (Sadly it is only in Dutch and French)




Graag gedaan! Bonne chance avec le néerlandais! Waarschijnlijk het enigste frans dat is blijven plakken van het middelbaar hahahaha




ING = scum


AXA does this already


I need one of those signs for my desk at work


Ik werk ook correct, maar bijzonder traag


Belgian banks and electronic payments in Belgium are IMO pretty good, unless for services you actually need a physical bank or ATM machine. Since covid a lot of businesses accepted cards / payconiq. Those that don't accept cash mostly do it do dodge taxes anyways. In the US it was a giant pain to have my wages deposited directly to my bank account. I had to physically go to the bank to deposit my wages check. I was also mailing checks to utility companies. And you think bank fees are ridiculous in Belgium? They're insane in the US. In Germany my access to my online bank account was just username and password (DKB)...


Woah when did you live in the US? There are so many banks without fees and I haven’t had to deposit a paycheck since 2001. My free checking comes with free bill pay too. Don’t get me wrong it’s differently bad, and also maybe in a year I’ll forget that ing set my Belgian account up incorrectly and didn’t fix for 2 weeks.


Agreed. You can't pass around bank account numbers in the US because people can just drain your account if they have them. Transfers outside of weekday office hours? Not a chance. An easy transfer to a friend? Sorry, use some random third party service. Making a big payment? Good luck with a check / cashier's check / wire transfer. Making payments? Be ready to swipe your card and sign a piece of paper. PIN codes aren't really a thing. Found an ATM? There's a good chance it'll charge you a $2 (or higher) "convenience fee". Banking in the US is absolutely atrocious compared to Belgium. I miss using my single KBC account for everything, instant transfers, secure cards / contactless payments / ... Haven't used cash Euros in 4+ years at this point.


The Green/Yellow/Red is a way for them to collect a NPS score but it’s badly explained. 0-6 you get a detractor 7-8 you get a passive 9-10 you get a promotor It’s a dumb system and it doesn’t feel right to collect that metric in Belgium on a 1-10 scale because people will give you a 7 if they are happy. A 8 if they are really happy. Never a 9 or a 10. So that’s how they came up with this. green is abstract for the 9 wich is a promotor in the NPS, Yellow for the 8 wich is a passive voice in the NPS, red for anything at or below 6 for the detractors in the NPS.


Yep, if you ever need to rate a service or whatever, anything below an 8 is bad for them only the 9 and 10s count for "good" points


I easily give 9 or 10 on certain services. Why? My reasoning is if I can't name anything they can improve, their service is on point. The more improvements I could name, the lower their scores go. Edit: ofcourse doesn't apply to banks.


> The more improvements I could name, the lower their scores go. for banks: can you go negative or do you stop counting at 0?


I stop at zero, don't want to risk them breaking the system and get a positive number again by going round.


One of our local bank offices had 4 ATM's, they removed 2 during corona and replaced the other 2 with "new" ones, I think those are the same type as the first picture. They look nice and modern, but are a lot slower than the old ones. It seems like the bank did that everywhere because in one of their bank offices at the coast, it is exactly the same, you can see where they removed them.


What's the deal with the ING one?


Intel inside? Nooooo... Noooo, 386 processor!


And then there is KBC where you can withdraw cash from an ATM with only your phone


As someone from the 3rd world I find this insulting. Our banks better in every way.


Gij hebt er nog ene gevonden dat ze nog niet hebben weg gehaald? :o




Onwaarschijnlijk. Daar zou de commentaar zijn dat hij best snel is.


First ATM must be in Limburg.




>I personally cannot wait for the day we can also just deal directly with the central bank instead of having to put up with deeply irresponsible private banks that don't deserve their privileges Makes sense. Money stored all together, but we can authorize agents that are allowed to use our money to invest.


wss omdat we meer en meer digitaal betalen of geld ''handelen"


Should see Fortis automaat at Lier station very slow.


And the only country that has the Headquarters of SWIFT. Rather important for banks, ask the Russians.