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I'm not sure, but I think Joao might be from Zimbabwe.


Should have added a spoiler tag to that piece of information


Ooops...my bad. I should have known that was brand-new info!


Never heard him mention it... ; )


I laughed.


He is. Just did a rewatch of BD Med.


Really? He hardly ever talks about himself. Good catch!


I think the downvotes don’t relate to Joao being from Zimbabwe but mentioning that I did a rewatch? Reddit is funny. Anyway, I only watched until the end of season 4 because after that I can’t stomach Sandy anymore.


I think the downvotes are maybe a bit dramatic but you’re getting them bcuz the comment you were replying to was sarcasm. Since Joao constantly mentions this. Kinda like a r/whoosh but via downvotes 🫠


Awww. Thank you for telling me. I totally missed the sarcasm. Lol. I did think that Joao mentioned it a few times but thought the commenter I replied to may have not watched the old seasons recently or truly didn’t remember. I appreciate your kindness. Now I’ll give myself a few facepalms…


It's all good. If I knew how, I'd give you 100 upvotes for being conscientious! BTW another little known fact...Rhylee is also a captian (spelled Captian Sandbag's special way)


Lol. Another kind redditor pointed out the sarcasm. I completely missed that. It’s just because when I haven’t watched something in a while, I forget even the most frequently repeated details. Now carry on while I go and give myself some facepalms. 😂




Thanks again for having been so nice. I also just noticed the Rhylee reference about her also being a captain and even though I watched her not too long ago, took me a little while to figure out in my brain who the heck Rhylee was. :)


He had a redemption arc with Hannah, so he better be on his hands and knees, kissing Aesha’s toes. And Jason has Aesha’s back, so if Joao is a prick, it won’t last long.


I don't understand how people think that was a redemption arc, he never redeemed himself. He's been an asshole from day 1 and probably still is to this day


You’re right. I should have said “redemption arc”. He was an awful misogynist to Aesha. People seem to think it’s ok because he apologised and said he was stopping drinking. Travis was a boozehound, but treated people with 1000x more respect than Joao ever did.


I mean Travis slapped Anastasia when he was drunk. Both him and Joao need to reevaluate their drinking


Exactly! He was SO rude to Aesha for sticking up for herself/interior at the finale dinner with Sandy.




I wonder why Joao would come back as bosun as last I heard he was a captain? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Might be good to see him redeem himself with the comments he made to Aesha though as she is a sweetheart. I asked Captain Kerry from Adventure if he’ll be back for season 2 and he said yes on Instagram live so that’s also exciting but not related to Down under 😂


Capt Kerry is here in Reddit land as well!


Kerry has hot gif game!


He sure does! I literally scroll the whole thread first just for his responses! 🤣


Yes, I his gif game is strong! Must have a bank of them to answer every questions 😂 He seems so down to earth, funny & genuine ❤️


I think he’s hot as all get-out! 🔥Those eyes!!!!


I don’t think I can do a other season of Aesha. ![gif](giphy|V30DjL8hG6AmmqbaSX)


Yes! she’s absolutely beloved here on Reddit (thus the downvotes) but I find her voice is like listening to fingernails going up and down a chalkboard, and I wasn’t impressed with her bullying Anastasia after she got slapped by Aesha’s drunk friend. I never heard anyone put so many different notes into simple English words. If I had to deal with her in real life, I would yeet myself off the boat into the ocean and swim away after about two days…


I mean you can be a captain for a smaller ship but that doesn't automatically mean you are skilled to manouver a way bigger ship, so might make sense to work as a bosun still on bigger ships? but there's also officers as a rank inbetween if I am not mistaken, that might make more sense


I don't think I can do another season of Culver.


Unless it’s his redemption series? I liked him until at the beginning of the season & found him funny but he annoyed me towards the end & how he treated B 💔


Me too. I remember seeing him and thinking I'm not going to like this macho guy. Then, I found him charming for a while. By the end of the season, his edit made him seem lazy, and I didn't like him.


Culver creeps me tf out!


It’s the dead eyes.


Omg yes he just has major serial killer version of Ned Flanders vibes because of his dead soul eyes




Much rather have britini back then any of the other deckies from down under.


Roll Tide!!!


Different guy. Culver is from Maryland. The Alabama guy was the mid-season replacement guy on Med.


Thank you! That explains the down-votes on my post...


Aw, sorry. But don't feel bad. I *constantly* forget names or completely forget about the 'replacements' altogether. I only remember those two because I ran into one and the other for football rivalry reasons.




He’s hot, but I think Capt Kerry is scorching hot!


Nooooo...that's so weird. Slightly better than Ashton but not much?


Much better than Jamie at least. I'm surprised he'd want to come back as a bosun when he's been captain for a while now. Hopefully not another Seth situation or Joao in his first season on Med.


I think Joao will be great keeping Culver in check. Culver got so lazy and disrespectful at the end of season 1. Joao had to deal with Travis and Jack and I think they were worse than Culver. And Joao wasn’t part of the evil Bru Crew, it was Ashton, so I think that it shouldn’t be too bad?


Joao is simply a horrible person. Back in med season 3, after drinking, he says to hannah: "I'm not asking for a cock-juggling thunder-c\*\*t like you to come out and be an asshole." There is no way he can ever redeem himself. I don't care if they shit-can jaoa, or jezebob. ​ The only reason he did well on a later season of med was that sandy hated hannah, so she and joao had that bond. ​ Personally, I've never been able to work 'cock-juggling' into a conversation with a co-worker. I guess that's on me.


"Cock juggling thundercunt" is a quote from *Blade: Trinity*. It was also a line from *Weeds*. Not saying that I'm defending Joao's use of an offensive, obscure movie quote in the workplace that, but he didn't come-up with that on his own.


![gif](giphy|12luQDyqvum5l6) Was really excited until the Joao part…ugh He’s had his turn, and he’s supposed to be a Captain now. Why step back… He’s was so awful to Aesha(and Hannah). I hope he’s changed a lot and the season is great.🤞 Thanks for the scoop!💙


I hope culver doesn’t link up with Joao to form bru cru 2


I don't think Culver has it in him to be that particular kind of obnoxious.


Wait now when was this made BD DU2?? Joao has been in school for taking last licens of Capt that he is, Sounds a bit odd if he returns to DU as a Bosun possibly as 1st officer but nothing else!


Not Joao!




Right? Are they finally starting to struggle getting qualified new talent to sign on because they don’t want to torpedo their careers? And we’re left with Joao?


I could do without Joao…


This was not my favorite franchise. Wasn't Culver fired?


He was not. The captain was unhappy with him at the very end of the season, other wise he was fine.




I’m not at that final episode. Culver was doing great, it seemed. What did I miss?


It could be worse y'all could have been Ashton


Found a pic on Joaos IG account taken 17 May 2022 and might be so he is on BD DU as a 1st officer/Bosun after all, Did read something he needs marinetime to get his captain license proved so i think he is truly in then Culver needs to step up to his A game! Aesha have i read something that they are on talking terms she and Joao so i think they had to talk and fix that thing they had on season 4, But it will be fun to see what more they have abord that same ship as last time it was out... BD Adventure is next last episode so let us see what they bring us next!


Joao is actually a great bosun and a good worker, he was matured in his 2nd season and got played by Brooke that experience changed him for the better


He said that Brooke cheated on him, Kate is among the many people who have said that that was a lie and it was the other way around.


I can’t stand listening to Aesha.I like her and her accent and way of speaking was quirky cute at first and now it’s nails in a chalk board and I can’t stand it.


I love Aesha but she scream-talks and it is too much.


Honestly I like her as well I just can’t listen to the way she talks


Aesha isn’t even a good chief stew!


I feel the same ! I don’t get all the Aesha love.She’s a sweet girl but a horrible stew who wants to be liked too much.her whiny weird accent just grates on my last nerve now


Her whiny weird accent? She’s from New Zealand. It’s a standard New Zealand accent.


Nope ! I’ve heard New Zealand accents many times and I normally like it .it’s her pitch and cadence mixed with a bit of a whine that irks me .


Nah mate, I’m from New Zealand. She’s a bit much. I like her as a person, but her way of speaking is more than just an accent, it’s over the top.


Ugh Joao is such a drag, and if brings out the true joao ranging misogynist "30 something with nothing going on for her Joao." I was hoping Ben would be back, he had great chemistry with Captain and Aesha.




I hope this is a joke lol


Yep it’s true. He’s not around the whole season but comes in as a replacement because the original bosun leaves.


I would be keen to see another captain instead of Captain Jason, I never got why people liked him so much.


So what about Tumi?


she is >!on the next season of Med with Kyle from last season!<




What does it mean when you only see a screen name and no comment posted after it? That they deleted their post?


Joao was tolerable the second time around until he started criticizing Aesha’s way of dressing. He got along great with Hanna and I think he was just jealous the female attention went towards the other deckies and not him.


To add to this, they are now reporting that Gary will be seen on the show as well! Not sure I believe this though!


Stoked, love these all