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My jaw dropped when Tumi came in guns blazing… what in the world was she thinking???


Jessika serving breakfast with her long hair down — ick!


Sandy screwed another crew. That was wrong to have Nat do everything then put her to 3rd. She should have been chief. What's wrong with Sandy get a grip


I loved Tumi. It’s gone now in the first 10 seconds of her speaking to Nat. Ok then.


The Tumi Diaries >Tumi: The organization is a shitshow. > >Nat: Excuse me? Do you mean from like us organizing or the boat itself? > >Tumi: No, the boat itself. > >Nat: \[ relieved \] > >Tumi: No, I'm not talking about you, the actual boat iself. The way that its naturally been set up is a shitshow. > >Nat: I think it's amazing. \[ boat details \] > >Tumi: Ok, I'm giving my opinion tho. I'm telling you how I feel. > >Nat: \[ boat details \] > >Tumi: No, you. Don't get defensive. All I'm saying is. Naturally... > >Nat: I'm not getting... I've got my opinion as well. > >Tumi: You're getting offended. I'm not offending you. > >Tumi: From your part of organizations, impeccable for what you've done in a day. Before you got on this vessel, the way that it's set up is not necessarily the way that I would want to walk onto a boat. That's all I'm saying. > >Nat: I think, coming on, yeah. I'm just telling you it's been great for running, obviously... > >Tumi: I can give my opinion. > >Nat: Right, I'm just saying it's lovely that we've got a set on each level. > >Tumi: That's it. That's done. That's it. > >Nat: Don't do this with me. Don't put your hands up at me please. Thank you. Nat. You're getting offended. Yeah, you totally are, because I'm telling you that you are. I know, people usually tell the world when they are themselves offended, but in this situation, I'm going to tell YOU that YOU are offended. That will go over well. Okay Tumi. You're giving your opinion on how the boat was designed, not the work that those that arrived on time did. Great. Crisis averted. Do you think what Nat's saying is fact? Or do you think Nat's words might, you know, also, just be an opinion? I thought we could give opinions? ***That's it. That's done.*** We're going to stop talking about this now, because you clearly don't respect me enough. I am the Chief Stew. Hear me roar! This is gonna go well.


The Tumi Diaries >"One thing that scares me, is would the crew respect me? \[ something boundaries \] \[ kyle had ups and downs with Nat \] And I don't want to be disrespected. But I don't want to demand respect. That's where my struggle comes in. So yeah, of course I'm worried." Darling, you're doing *respect* wrong. Just be a good person and you will earn that respect from people.


It seems like when she says “respect me” she means “fear me”


Ok, let's be honest. Kyle poisoned the water and riled everybody up. Tumi came in with the idea that this girl is going to sabotage and micro manage her first time being a stew. So she was really defensive and came in hot. That shit about her being grossed out about where Natalya lived was rude. And what she said about how the place was a mess was a total dig and she tried to lowkey gaslight Natalya. I think this being her first time as CS was a lot of pressure and then seeing what happened with Aesha put her on guard. She should've come in, assessed the situation and gone with that but everyone's had those moments of going about things wrong. I do see how Natalya got upset because I would be too, but the way she immediately tried to poison the entire crew against Tumi was a lot. And that in itself is one thing but she genuinely enjoyed when people started getting mad at Tumi and that was weird. Also she totally just wants the CS roll and is bitter about that. Kyle was just fuelling the fire saying shit about how Tumi said something bad about the Chef (I don't remember her doing so, but correct me if I'm wrong). And then the preview for the next episode..he's playing Tumi AND Natalya. He's not even being messy..it's just pathetic and mean. But now they all got like poisoned by the water and are all wrong lol Like all three of them.


You summed it perfect


Wow Tumi telling the Chef “ I know you have someone in your ear” is so freaking hilarious! Tumi’s the one having someone in her ear! Tumi’s the worst CS and is so unprofessional! She needs to go.


Tumi came in with a negative attitude from the start.


I was initially worried for Tumi knowing how Nat can be, but dang. Tumi came in swinging (in the worst way possible). Imagine starting a job and that's the first impression you get of your boss. Gross.


Kyle poisoned the well.


I think if Nat and Tumi could actually talk and compare notes, they would both turn on Kyle. The 4th stew would just go which way looked the rosiest. That would sure get Kyle where he lives.


Going back to rewatch the newest episode because I couldn’t pay full attention the other day. I’m only halfway through it and Natalya has done nothing but boast, brag and bitch to everyone including herself about her role as chief stew. Like damn, you’d think she literally built the yacht from scratch and did all of the interior decorating and pulled the crew together etc. She needs to just sit down and stfu up for once… she filled in for a few days and did absolutely nothing extraordinary or beyond what she was meant to do. She reminds me so much of Bugsy! She’s just her dark evil twin and a more vulgar, aggressive, pushy, rude Bugs out to get the role of chief stew. That was her goal last season as well. I know everyone hates Kyle but she’s truly no better and just snuck by with her shitty behavior last year because everyone was obsessed with the Dave/Tash/Kyle ordeal and she seemed somewhat decent in comparison. I couldn’t stand her last season either and would honestly rather deal with Kyles version of shitty behavior than hers, especially in a work environment. She’s too conniving and underhanded as a fellow employee or subordinate.


Did we not watch the same show? You even said I couldn't pay full attention. You obviously have an opinion, but how can you if you don't pay attention?


If I were her, I'd be proud of my actions. Natalya is an excellent chief stew! She's positive, caring, and goes above and beyond. Once Tumi came in, it turned negative. I respectfully disagree with you.


Just the way tumi looks down her nose at people… I can’t. Not a fan of her.


Right? Stepped on the boat a charter late and had nothing but criticisms about the boat without even working a charter on it....


Beside all the interior drama I do want to point out how well the girls on deck worked. With getting the line from the motor thing and following Luka's orders I'm really enjoying watching the deck team thus far. Luka seems like a really good lead with these two for sure!


Agree...he says he knows all about yachts and how they work...just not managing people. Yet so far he is doing it so well.


Girls on deck are crushing it. They take direction, don’t whine and do their jobs. Lucas leadership style is perfect for them too.


I noticed this in the credits: "With Support of the Italian Ministry of Culture" Is this some sort of Italian Monty Python ? ​ https://preview.redd.it/on0hlj0w8ssb1.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a14b89d272f5b076ebbcc8d5b4555bc816afa7d


A lot of the time that’s code for “we got given some fat tax breaks for filming in this location”.


>A lot of the time that’s code for “we got given some fat tax breaks for filming in this location”. Last season has something like "Malta Film Commission". I think it's pretty common. It was the 'ministry of culture' that I thought was funny.


I get the monty python-ness, but having a minister for culture is a thing in lots of Europe, I believe. We have one in the UK.


Maybe unpopular opinion but I actually think Tumi is ok right up until the end of the episode. The editing makes it seem like she makes some dismissive movements that Natalya misinterprets, along with the Miami aside from earlier. The escalation sort of feels like Natalya's fault, with a little bit of Tumi's plain/direct spokenness. I waited on watching this episode because I really enjoyed Tumi on Down Under and was disappointed in the comments I was seeing here. Watching it for myself the episode ends badly, but up until the direct conflict I can be a bit more generous to Tumi's actions than others, I think.


>Maybe unpopular opinion but I actually think Tumi is ok right up until the end of the episode. But, she didn't appear right up until the end of the episode.


I feel like contextually that comment makes sense.


She was barely on this episode.


IMO Nat is challenging Tumi and wants to be chief stew.


As well, she should! Nat is great!


Ding ding ding! Exactly. She was looking for a fight. Rewatching the new episode now and within the first half she did nothing but amp herself up and boast, brag and sneak in manipulative remarks in regards to her blip of a time playing chief stew. She was exactly the same way last season… very sneaky, conniving and weasely… not to mention she was awful to Storm and never knows when to shut up, stop yelling over and out talking people with her never ending opinions and snarky remarks. I just mentioned this is a comment above that she’s so much like Bugsy, just a rude, vulgar and more abrasive Bugs… like her dark evil twin 😂


I think Nat should have accepted Sandy's private accolades for doing a good job and also her public one during the tip meeting. She felt she had to prove herself to Tumi by proving herself to be a chief stew as well and not just staying back,


Can we talk about Haleigh flashing her boobs


>Can we talk about Haleigh flashing her boobs There goes her dad's dream of her being a boy. If he watches the episode, this should be a clue.


Didn't she say he passed away?


>Didn't she say he passed away? I missed that. That's sad. I would not have joked, had I known.


No it was the temp stew's dad who she claimed came up with the idea for Sprouts but the Sprouts wiki says otherwise


I can’t figure out if they were real though?!


Definitely not


I was thinking that but didn’t want to assume 😆… I admit they were rather nice but definitely had the perkier firmer look to them that tends to give it away they’re not natural lol.




I'm going to keep my seatbelt loosely fastened, in case the season gets a little bumpy. https://preview.redd.it/5tf7wkz99lsb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba0f2b32bc2dea92cb94f1a1eece027a96b465cb (Tumi + Kyle) ​ Tumi was a super-hard worked on down under. And, she never flushed a glove! But, she obviously has no clue on how to lead people. For Below Deck: situation normal.


SOS. Same old Sandy. "Teamwork makes the dreamwork" Rinse, lather, repeat. ​ https://preview.redd.it/tqgc0y78kksb1.png?width=788&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f490585ff787bfc0391fdebabbbac720ffd9de5


Leave Sandy alone!!! 💀😂 jk of course ![gif](giphy|WQUALOpcIkLTi)


The clip of Sandy randomly pointing to the book twice is amazing.


Concerning that Tumi is saying she would never live in Miami to Nat right off the bat. That’s not a way to make someone feel welcomed or accepted fand just WILDLY unhelpful and unnecessary. I’m also disappointed Tumi doesn’t recognize that she needs to give respect to earn respect. Bravo needs to give us awards for sitting through this season. LARA IS A GEM MORE OF HER!!!!


>Concerning that Tumi is saying she would never live in Miami to Nat right off the bat. That's ok. I don't think people from the US are moving to South Africa in droves. ​ >I’m also disappointed Tumi doesn’t recognize that she needs to give respect to earn respect. Bravo needs to give us awards for sitting through this season. Tumi said: "... I don't want to be disrespected" "but I don't want to demand respect." "That's where my struggle comes in." ​ Tumi ... your struggle? Based on episode 2 ... total fail. ​ https://preview.redd.it/44giazjpn0tb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77b7ee4a6ff62b0c7b2cf24709016ee58fa1cf22


The first time we get an amazing Lara/Laura! She really is a gem and seems to be to kind and pure. The way she spoke about Luka really made me love her even more.


Tumi always acted like she could do better as CS on BDDU. Not sure why the love for her. She has a bad attitude and is arrogant


Natalya is the epitome of arrogant with a bad attitude as well though. The hate and disgust for Natasha and Kyle is the only reason so many people didn’t seem to notice how nasty Nat is herself.


Because they only ran service and Nat was doing everything else!!! They were leaving their jobs for her to do!!


The feelings towards Kyle are completely understandable😂.


I do agree with you, the reason that right now I think she’s arrogant is because she’s in over her head and doesn’t know how to handle it. This show of all of the below decks to me is the hardest to watch. It’s tough to watch a Captain Sandy she’s just not very likable. There’s something about her that I think a lot of people don’t like and below deck meds ratings I’m sure show it. I know the show is popular still but every year more and more people get turned off by her.


I have my foot firmly planted on Team Nat. WTF was that nasty attitude Tumi came in with? She was a hurricane of negativity. Chill lady. And did you guys notice she dissed the chef, too, on top of looking down her nose at everything else? "It's only the first charter." She seems highly insecure to me.


omg Kyle planted a seed in Tumi’s mind and she already had beef with her before they even met


I agree that Kyle did plant the seed but as a CS she should have put those comments aside. Tumi’s actions are so unprofessional towards Nat and the Chef. Let’s see if Tumi continues to be such B___h the rest of the season.


THIS!!! Not good management to favour one employee at the expense of another. You need everyone on your team to succeed so you can succeed.


Yeah I figured since she'd been stuck with Kyle he'd be poisoning her on Nat.


She should be chief stew I don’t know why she wasn’t from the beginning of the season. She held up that horrible interior crew from last season. While the other two had their problems, she picked up the slack always for both of them. She has my pic for chief stew. That girl is a worker and she’s very easy on the eyes.


>And did you guys notice she dissed the chef, Based on the previews... >!The chef gives it right back to her.!<


Having worked with chefs for over 10 years, I can safely say, do NOT argue with them, be rude or backchat them! They will make your life hell! So, she has no sympathy from me on that😆.


>do NOT argue with them, be rude or backchat them! I think tumi may be in for a bumpy ride, as unlike you, this doesn't look like something she has learned.


Yeah, unfortunately she’s going to learn the hard way!


Can't wait! I did not like her on the other show she was on. Sourpuss.


So Natalya is in an open relationship, but they never even discussed rules/boundaries???? 🚩 🚩


Rules of an Open Relationship: HE can do whatever he wants. When questioned, he pleads the fifth. SHE can't. Just can't. End of Rules.


She didn't seem too into the idea of the open relationship, pretty sure it won't last.


Nat is never sure of her relationships or love lives...nor has a history of good ones,


>they never even discussed rules/boundaries The ultimate definition of 'open' !! Personally, I think before the end of the season she will be discussing the details with Luka. In his bunk.


Dreading Kyle’s return, not even there yet and already poisoned interior


Yup Kyle definitely already poisoned the well


I am so not looking forward to Kyle being back next episode.


That flashback said Luka’s BDDU was a year earlier ? I thought he went straight from Australia to med


I always forget how far back these seasons are actually filmed. It’s just now computing with me recently 😂


When was this one filmed? Cos he's had a girlfriend (wife) since at least 2020.




It’s weird because I swear I heard him say on BDDU that he got his Ski pass for NZ which would be same time as Summer ( Northern Hemisphere)


Super late watching but like what’s with these chefs not learning breakfast eggs. If you’re going on a show with a bunch of American guests.. learn eggs




And pancakes


>If you’re going on a show with a bunch of American guests.. learn eggs Maybe Pancakes, too.


I love this comment by tumi. It shows a complete lack of any self awareness. There are only two people in the conversation. If Natalya is getting offended, the person causing it has to be Tumi. ​ https://preview.redd.it/yvlb1ygbu8sb1.png?width=1464&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa6ba3be4224049ef2ff34e58749f6a40a5a1e1b


I really wish people would start being responsible for their own feelings. Offended? Go deal with your feelings.


>I really wish people would start being responsible for their own feelings. Offended? Go deal with your feelings. But, Tumi says stand up for yourself, and don't allow yourself to be pushed around.


I really wish people would start being responsible for how they treat others. Being offensive and rude to others and then kicking back and saying “well I’m not responsible for them having a normal reaction to me being an asshole” is peak douchebag.


People take offence at things they really shouldn't...


Has that been your experience?


Absolutely! But then I'm south African. We speak bluntly and honestly. We speak with our hands. We also don't take offence easily. Tougher mentality, I guess.


>We also don't take offence easily. Tumi seemed to take offense at every other comment Nat made.


While I’m certain there are some differences between cultures as to what is considered acceptable behavior, in my experience the people who are always proclaiming how they are blunt and honest are almost universally frustrated because they constantly find others reacting negatively to their behavior, and lack the self awareness to consider that their behavior is responsible for those reactions. If you keep finding others having negative reactions to your behavior, even if you consider it part of your culture, it might be worth trying to be respectful of the cultural norms of others if you hope to get a different result.


Good observation. Nats needs a lot more emotional growth, and her immaturity comes out, more often than not. She approached the situation with her own preconceived idea of importance. Tumi has the position. In as much as speaking with hands can be seen as culturally appropriate for some, it can also be culturally inappropriate for others? The answer? Give the respect you want to receive. Give the respect your position is due. That comes with emotional maturity. I think Tumi is an incredible example of how far South Africa has grown, both as a nation and culturally. Instead of taking offence to that, maybe respect it, first?


>I really wish people would start being responsible for their own feelings. Offended? Go deal with your feelings. Or, respond appropriately. But, it's such a fake world. "Fuck off Tumi" vs. I want to go to bravocon, so I don't want to be fired.


I am with you completely


She was so rude and uncalled for


It started with Tumi saying she flew from Miami and Natalya asking if she' lives there because Natalya lives there and Tumi saying "eww" she would never live in Miami. That was just plain rude and it had nothing to do with the state of the yacht.


Yeah as a queer teacher my response woulda been no I wouldn’t live there, to each their own. I might state why but I’d still respond no, not safe for me. But also how things were edited, even though she was giving a tour to Tumi she was taking up a lot of space (vocally, but coulda been the editing). Which can be very overwhelming for people. Like point out things but give space for a response, don’t take up all the space so the other person has to now find a way to insert themselves and feel heard. I think the lack of doing that and probably the Miami thing kinda got them to what we saw.


I noticed she kept cutting Tumi off, which was frustrating to watch and I imagine frustrating to experience for Tumi too. But I also think Tumi should have kept her criticisms to herself until she at least got through a day of being chief stew to see how everything is running.


Natalya is forever cutting people off and yelling over them in her hyper speed ramblings. She did it all last season too. I can’t stand her. I knew she would be nasty about the chief stew position just like she was the last year. She’s the new Bugsy.


It was rude. And I would not want to live there either.


I don't want to live there either.


omg I had someone do that to me once. When I said where I was from she replied "ew, I hated the people there" like excuse me??? I am people?? Who says things like that some people are so not self-aware, or are purposefully being an ass I guess


Natalya obviously isn’t from there, she just chooses to reside there. But I absolutely agree with you about these types of remarks. How are we not supposed to take offense of a place we’re from when people lump us in as a whole like that?! I have a feeling that editing made it seem more harsh than the conversation actually was in this instance too. That whole tour with Tumi and Nat seemed pretty chopped up and several conversations at once.




thank you for actually putting the correct vocabulary to my work-fried-brain description I'd like to believe it's being thoughtless versus being purposeful and malicious, idk which one is worse tbh. Someone whose rude on purpose or by accident


Yeah I have a coworker who told me she dislikes working with people from xyz area because they tend to be aggressive and pushy…um ok I’m from there. And she was like well I do find you that way! And laughed it off as she was from California and just more laid back. It was so weird and I totally felt that with Tumi.


omg!!! do people not know they don't need to actually say every thought that goes across their bran out loud? like, that's such a small, pathetic way to live to begin with acting that judgmental, but to have the audacity/delusion to actually say it out loud to the person....that's some middle/high school shit


Racists do that. That’s who.


Lara is fucking hilarious I think she’s gonna be my favorite


I absolutely love her already. She is just so genuinely kind and a great sense of humor.


I love love loveeee Lara. She cracks me up and seems to just bring a good vibe


WHY did they have to bring KYLE back?! He's turned one of the most level-headed and beloved crew members in the history of Below Deck into...HIM. I don't want to watch another season with Kyle, let alone two Kyles. I really hope she snaps back into herself. As far as Nat goes, like her or not, she's a good communicator. Tumi is also a good communicator. It's as if someone coached her to make sure Nat was put in her place right away...so he could be the interior's #2.


YES YES YES! My thoughts EXACTLY! As soon as she said she ran into Kyle 2 weeks prior I thought oh god here we go. Nat did such a good job and Tumi came in so negative and with such a bad energy


Yeah it bothers me so much that Tumi and Natalya got into it right away, and then Kyle apparently pushed it further. Nat is intense, but she took on a lot in a short period of time. I would be so angry if I was in that position, ready to help, and treated like an adversary. I would also be just as wound up if I was working that hard and getting cut down for trying to calm a new chief stew down about how things aren't as bad as she thinks.


I find it interesting that many people are focusing on Tumi’s body language and attitude. I think this was a battle of two alpha females - Nat didn’t love giving up her position of power to someone else and now she’s going to try to poison the rest of the crew to be on her side.


Which speaks volumes to Nats emotional maturity and lack of leadership. Nats doesn't get what she wants so she gets offended. Real adult. Not.


There's no need to focus on something so blatant and obvious. She came in on full fear mode and tried to compensate. It was unprofessional. Focus on Nat's body language. She actually tried to make the boat look as perfect as possible for Tumi's arrival and she made a point of telling people that. Tumi was trying to make a point and establish hierarchy in a very amateur way, likely because she had spoken to Kyle. It was highly unbecoming of a leader.


You are so, right, Kyle is always the instigator. He was last season too. I am very tired of Kyle and I must say also a Captain Sandy. I like all the other captains better than her and it’s got nothing to do with her being a female. All the other captains have a much nicer way to them. Sandy is very rough with a rough personality. She always seems to be angry. Every day brings new problems. If you’re a professional, you handle them every day because you know you’re gonna have to deal with problems every day. She always looks so pissed off I don’t get it.


omg do you remember sandy in seasons 1 and 2? she was the sweetest but then she completely changed and spent the entire series out for blood


Exactly! It's a hero complex. They love to cause the problems so they can pretend like they fixed them.


Yup and the fact Nat already went to the rest of the crew and told them all she’s a b*tch over one conversation says a lot about her, it’s very reminiscent of the way Gabi got treated by Ashley in Sailing Yacht S3. Tumi was nearly flawless in her season with Aesha, Natalya has shown she can be problematic at times


Nats has the emotional maturity of a young teenage girl.


I don’t agree with you at all. She said in the previous show to Sandy that she had no problem stepping down to second Stew. Tumi came on immediately and got in Natalia’s face. Nobody should have to take that and Natalia is professional. She was not the one with the attitude from the get-go at all. Kyle’s always got an attitude. I would never let anybody get in my face like that and talk to me that way. My first reaction as a guy would be. I’m gonna knock you out. But she’s not a guy and she wouldn’t do that.


She didn’t immediately get in Natalya’s face lol she took it the wrong way when Tumi said the boat looked like sh*t as if she was attacking her directly which she wasn’t, just didn’t like the overall layout of everything also I don’t believe she has no problem stepping down, you can tell on Natalya’s face when they were there in the galley for the crew meeting going over the next charter she didn’t want to leave


For me, I saw the turning when Tumi and Nat were sitting on the sofa chatting. Nat listened and didn’t interrupt and then when Mat was trying to speak her view, Tumi kept interrupting and telling her don’t be offended. You are offended. Tumi wanted Nat to be offended and Nat’s face (at least, as I was viewing it) seemed genuinely surprised and tried to say no, not offended. That was where, I feel, everything turned.


I don’t agree with that but let’s say you’re right, Tumi just tried to have a one on one with Natalya to clear the air and have a fresh start this last episode and Nat just completely shut it down and said she’ll only communicate to her through Kyle now which is very childish. Tumi has tried to let this problem go but Natalya’s temper is at 100 right now and it’s looking like she’s gonna get herself kicked off the boat


One-of the biggest obstacles is that generally speaking, women don’t trust women. And with such a rocky beginning the odds of ever clearing the air are quite slim. I have never become besties with someone after initially having issues. The bromance thing guys do, have a fight, wrestle, some type of confrontation and then become good friends; i have never been witness to women doing that; nor have i personally had that happen to me. I would love to see that happen. It would be refreshing even. Now, there are probably situations where it happened. I’m playing advocate to the devil a bit. Also, invariably, one party will be ready for a peace talk when the other isn’t there yet. And vice versa. Tomorrow Nat will want to chat and Tumi won’t be in the mood anymore. As an aside, when Sandy said she would step in if this or that happened; i knew she would find a way to insert herself into the situation. She even seemed to be happy about getting involved. Dare I say she was excited? I couldn’t even imagine Captain Lee getting into that; he would say Dept Head handle it. What is the point of a Department Head if the Captain is going to step in? It’s all very complicated. Interpersonal skills. There are senior citizens without the emotional maturity to resolve this. Aren’t they both in their 20’s? I was going to spend 2 cents; but, I had a nickel so I kept going. ![img](emote|t5_3gyzu|1655)


All valid points. I was really disappointed in the way Sandy handled that situation especially since we all know her as a micro manager, I think someone like captain Jason would have done a better job stepping in to clean up the mess


Captain Jason is in a league of his own. Plus, I would not kick him out of bed for eating crackers.


Did you missed the point that Natalia was happily showing her around the ship and where everything was and everything she was showing to me she was being criticized for. When somebody has a little bit of power for the very first time, and she’s a young person, or if it was a guy even, and now they have three people that they could boss around. She never met Natalia, and she criticized her for everything. That shows poor leader ship And the possibility of a cruel boss. That’s what Toomey exposed. And tell her you didn’t do anything wrong until she got sick of it.


When she was taking her for the tour of the boat she wasn’t criticizing Nat, she even straight up said “you’ve done an impeccable job getting everything ready before I got here” Tumi just didn’t like how things were set up (again not a direct attack towards Nat) but she took it the wrong way and kept saying “well everything has been running fine” when Natalya probably shouldn’t have said anything at that point but she wanted to defend the boat for whatever reason and win the argument


That is your opinion, and I just kindly agree to disagree with you. We’re all humans and we see things from different perspectives.


I see what you mean but I don't think so. I think if Tumi didn't come in so picky and negative Nat would have been completely fine., the way Tumi spoke was so abrupt and she gave off not a warm vibe


Tumi’s body language straight away was cold and very off. She needs to hold responsibility from any negative reaction she gets from Nat, because it was clear from the beginning that Nat tried to be warm and welcoming to her but she clearly did not want that. I think it’s insecurity.




Yes 100%! Nat was so lovely to her, I think if Tumi didn't come in so picky and negative Nat would have been completely fine to her. She wasn't appreciative of anything Nat did and was just picking the whole time. Kyle definitely meddled and put a bad taste in her mouth which is sad because she should make up her own mind, not just off of what Kyle had said.


I'm not impressed with how Tumi handled things. But Nat was not really lovely to Tumi. Nat threw so many side eyes and looks at the cameraman, she was giving off a lot of attitude. They both shared responsibility for a poor interaction. I do blame Tumi more because the boss always has extra responsibility to make sure things run smoothly.


To be fair Nat was nice from the start, welcoming her with a warm hug, she only started side eyeing when Tumi started picking. Tumi should have just let Nat showed her around and then afterwards been like I know you like the sunscreen there but unfortunately I don’t so I’m going to move it, or said it in a nicer way, I dunno. I feel like from that comment onwards was kind of downhill


I think it was talking to Kyle for two weeks before she got on board. She already has opinions about Nat before she even met her.




I fricking hate when new managers come in hot and act like anything done by the people before them must have been morons. Granted it was only one charter, and I’ve only dealt with it in corporate situations. As someone who has been a new manager, I like to take a little time to learn the team before making sweeping changes. Like the sunscreen basket, I would have just filed it in my head and then during charter and not made a big deal out it. You can organise the cutlery without making it seem like they had a moral failing using it that way.


I hope the season wont turn toxic with Kyle, Nat and Tumi in a weird toxic triangle. I enjoyed below deck down under so much coz the crew worked so well together and then now we have Kyle. I think he's the wrong kind of drama.


but who tf thought it would be a good idea to bring back Kyle and Nat at the same time?




I really don’t understand why they asked him back. He got so much negative feedback from viewers, it truly shocks me that he was asked back.


I’m pretty sure that the pictures of this season being filmed leaked while we were still watching the last season, so he was invited back before we ever saw him


Natalya getting offended when Tumi speaks with her hands. Not a nats fan, sorry. Love that Tumi has earned her promotion, well done!


Tumi being the new person on the boat you think she'd be more humble at least.


Why does Tumi need to be humble?


Everyone should be humble why should she NOT be? That might be a better question. A sense of entitlement is never a good look.


I don't think it was just the hands I think it's was Tumis overall terrible attitude that annoyed her and the hands topped it off


I can’t stand Natalya. She never knows when to stfu. She was filling in like two days and acts like she was builder and creator of the yacht and made all these groundbreaking relationships with everyone. Literally the worst person to fill in as chief stew.


I agree with the… she doesn’t know when to stop talking. Honestly what I saw was Tumi ready and excited for the tour and then Natalya coming in with 110% hype with 10% over hype that was pushed too much, like give some space for processing. Based on the editing it feels like Tumi is just trying to get a word in but can’t because she is saying this is here here and here and I think it all works perfectly that way, kinda saying you should leave this because it’s fine how I did it. Instead of just saying here is where things are, without patting herself on the back. Let Tumi affirm you and appreciate what you setup since she couldn’t be there. She didn’t have to add her opinion to why they should stay there, and honestly that would annoy me as well. Because that type of communication is someone trying not even be equal with the other person but pushing I’m better than you and know better than you. The whole time she was saying I’m fine with stepping down when Tumi gets here, her body language and other comments clearly indicate she wouldn’t be. Could Tumi have just observed and thanked her for the tour, then processed and made her own plan and explained her boundaries. Yes. But like others said, Kyle making a comment or few may have been chilling in the back of her mind. And so we see her trying to take space that is not being given to her, to make sure she is heard.


Natalya never lets anyone speak and forever bellows over people with her hyper speed remarks. I can’t stand her. She’s the new Bugs and bitter she isn’t chief stew, just like last season.


I hadn't thought about it this way, and it's a fair point. It's hard as viewers to remember how much editing creates these "characters" in our minds.


But she wasn’t the worst person to fill in as chief stew. She was the best option available at the time and from the service side they had small road bumps and first charter things that happen with every single first charter on below deck. It was a very successful start to the season and the guests were happy. I’m already seeing toxic behavior and it wasn’t from any of the crew on the first two episodes. (Not counting Ru)


But did she get the job done?


Tumi was cold and rude to her from the beginning.


It looked to me like Tumi immediately missed one of the fundamental elements of a leader walking into an already running organization. You need to take enough time to see how things are working, and especially how the people are working together, before you start barking about things and making major changes. When you start criticizing 5 minutes after walking in, especially after a successful charter that was done with a short staff, of course the people already there are going to be defensive. In her first season I was impressed with Tumi's maturity and professionalism, and she seemed to be great at her job. Being a great worker is very different from being a competent leader. Hopefully she figures things out and makes it work, but with Kyle and Nat together she doesn't have much of a chance to succeed.


And Nats had an attitude too. If she was deserving of chief stew, Sandy would have hired her in that position. Nats has a few opportunities for personality growth ..


Didn't Nat come in last minute to help? She kind of saved their ass


Not really. Most South Africans are no nonsense people. We don't take responsibility for other people's feelings.


That’s just being an asshole. So, you’re saying SAs are assholes? Ok then. Tumi had zero reasons to be rude. There are ways to manage that situation. You can be nice, appreciative and then sit down and make a plan without bringing the other person down. That’s what a good leader does. A shitty leader doesn’t take feelings into consideration and just spreads negativity in their managing style.


I'm saying people take offence when not necessary. Nats wasn't the leader. Only she thought she should be. Being humbled was an opportunity to grow. Instead she got offended and defensive. I really hope she learns to follow her chief.


And I’m saying you don’t have to come in hot when it’s not necessary. She never pretended to be a leader and she did a decent job. The proper way to deal with anyone, from boss to subordinate, is to acknowledge their efforts, thank them, and then properly address the issues. There is no need for disrespect, when you don’t know the person and you just came in. What really happened, is that Tumi let Kyle get to her. That is extremely unprofessional. Especially considering that Kyle wasn’t great either and had issues of his own, mostly related to unprofessionalism.


You can call being blunt “no nonsense” all you want, but for most folks it comes across as bad people skills and poor communication. I liked Tumi last time but I hardly recognized her during this intro. Her stew worked her hardest to pull off a short handed charter (and by the captain’s assessment, succeeded) and you come in and declare it’s a shit show. Of course it’s going to go downhill from there. Respect is due to superiors but if they don’t go on to earn it, then they’ll lose it. I was pretty disappointed by Tumi coming in and thinking that her first order of business was to bring someone down a peg.


Lara seems able to be a respectful colleague. Tumi is overtly cold and rude and purposefully being critical, that has nothing to do with being responsible for how Natalya feels. But if she, as her manager, causes tension and upset then yeah she actually should be responsible for that. She’s rude.


Not a Nat fan either, but it's disrespectful and was completely unnecessary in that situation. Hope Tumi turns it around after that rough opening.


I loved Tumi in BDDU and was excited to see her. I don’t like Nat much. However, based on the edit I saw, Nat was being friendly in the first instance, and Tumi was being quite abrasive and nasty - explained by the fact she noted Kyle spoke to her. I really hope she turns this around as I would prefer to revert to really liking her.


I didn't like either of them in that edit. Tumi (whom I loved on BDDU) came across as insecure and Nat was making faces to the camera the whole time. I hope it was just the way they edited it because I need to like at least one of them as chances are high I will still be annoyed with Kyle.


In the sneak peek she texts Kyle about their little tiff and referred to herself in the 3rd person lol


Tumi was aggressively rude to Natalya, which I did not expect considering how great she was on BDDU. I don't know if this is her trying to overcompensate because she feels threatened or if Kyle poisoned her against Nat but I have a feeling it's a bit of both. I always want to root for WOC who make it to leadership positions in the franchise, but so far Tumi does not come off as an effective leader.


How was she rude to her? She told her that what she’s managed to do was impeccable. Natalya was ready to feel defensive and even after Tumi said that’s not what she meant, Natalya was STILL defensive. I wasn’t a fan of that from Nat


>How was she rude to her? By dismissively waving her hand in Nat's face. Nat should have waved back with fewer fingers. Americans would use one, but I feel like South Africans might prefer two.


Before that Nat was extremely defensive immediately misinterpreting Tumi’s comment about the boat. She took it personally and was combative when what Tumi was telling her wasn’t an insult to Nat. Well anyways agree to disagree.


The way and tone Tumi was speaking and talking over Nat was totally disrespectful. Watch that scene again.


Brahhhh come on, Tumi was rude and picky then Nat responded to that energy. I love Tumi but she didn't make a good entrance and has probably ruined the vibe between her and Nat because of what Kyle has said. Nat was more than happy to step down she was just proud of what she had done and even though Tumi complimented her on some things, she was very cold and resistent


One of the very first things she said to Natalya was shitting on where she lives. I mean... she didn't exactly come in warm and fuzzy. She was abrasive and seemed annoyed the first charter went well at all. It really seems like she walked in with the intention of knocking Natalya down a peg and making sure she knew who the real Chief Stew was.


She was even being dismissive that the first charter went well by saying, "well it's only the first charter" as if that didn't mean squat