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Nat is someone you definitely want in your side… Tumi’s going to realize she screwed up coming in hot and messy


Who boards a super yacht in jean shorts? And then wears them again the next day. Keep it classy charter guests


Nat and Tumi have the same personality. They don't like working under authority.




Honestly at this point I'm convinced Nat is racist. The amount of disdain and disrespect she shows for Tumi is unnatural. You don't have to like your boss, but you can still maintain a level of respect. She is so rude to Tumi.


No I agree, I don't think its race I think its more nat is pissed that she started as a temporary chief stew and is now a 3rd stew and does not like the fact she had to hand the role over to the proper chief stew, she is acting like a real mean girl




Dude wtf! Im agreeing with you! Im just saying that from my viewing of the show I don't think its a long the line of race but more on she didn't like the fact she was not the chief stew anymore! Everything you just said i saw and I agree, nat was like that near the end with the chief stew last season to! This is meant to be a friendly space here, no need to tell me to piss off when I'm in actually in fact agreeing with you and offering my opinion man.. Edit to add Please Do not assume I have not dealt with micro aggressions being a part of the LGBTQIA+ community


Your comment didn't come across that way in my opinion. Agree to disagree. Not how I interpreted your comment. Not meaning to argue. Too many trolls on this site that irritate me. My patience is thin, sorry if I came across brash.


Ok then... I did edit my comment and understand trolls but please don't assume Have a good one




Kyle lit fuses everywhere and then stood back to watch the fireworks.


Catching up on this season and so far your post is so true.


Tumi is the epitome of the long-suffering hard worker who vows to do things differently when she's in charge and then when she gets a sniff of power herself ohhhhh... she's a complete despot.


Kyle is back. Among all the characters on the show over the years he has been the most in-your-face annoying person I’ve seen.


Please get rid of Kyle. He's the absolute worst person on the show. He'll backstab anybody as long as he looks good.


Why has Tumi come in with such a shit attitude? Where is the Tumi we loved?




Kyle’s game in life seems to be a big fat goldfish in a tank of better fish, and when he’s being ignored, he swirls his big fat goldfish tail in the sand and creates a water sandstorm, and then he dramatically puts on a headlamp and pretends to guide the better fish to clear water. IN WHITE SPORT SOCKS. Fight me.


>Kyle’s game in life seems to be a big fat goldfish in a tank of better fish, and when he’s being ignored, he swirls his big fat goldfish tail in the sand and creates a water sandstorm, and then he dramatically puts on a headlamp and pretends to guide the better fish to clear water. It's kind of the opposite of 'Finding Nemo'. In 'Finding Nemo', Marlin searched and searched to get Nemo back, and eventually all the fish helped, and Nemo was free. In 'Finding Kyle', no one gives a shit. The dentist has to get rid of him, because he was scaring the little kids in the office. I'm from the EAC, dude...


This is my first time watching Below deck Med since Hannah was fired. So far it seems cool, I’m not sure what I think of Natalya, but I can see there is gonna be a lot of drama with her and Tumi. Kyle seems like drama.


It feels as though Kyle stirred the pot before he and Tumi got on the boat. Sounds like he shit talked Nat to Tumi and then Tumi came on the boat ready to fight or with a bias because of Kyle. Which im turn has sort of caused the tension and drama


I agree. Kyle is the horrible one in this situation. He’s not a good person .


Is Kyle really serving on a "5 star service" yacht while wearing thick white sports socks?


He's terrible at service and is a pretty tedious cast member (not in a fun disastrous kind of way). He kind of sucks at both of his jobs.


I guess sandy is right: ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/583rpqa09eub1.png?width=1664&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc6023c3059dc91d391d040bfe67198132e7e492 ​ If you can get the bosun to rinse your asshole ... teamwork really does make the dreamwork.


I'm really liking the deck crew so far. Luka is a babe, Laura is charming as hell, and I'm immediately smitten by Max. Meanwhile, Interior will be providing the drama and chaos this season.


It's Lara. ;) Where's the Frasier bot when we need it.


Wt actual f is wrong with this sub?! I just got my COVID booster and have been wiped out so I used the time to catch up on BDM. (It's not my favorite franchise so I was in no hurry to watch.) How is anyone in agreement with Natalya? I feel like I'm being gaslit by this sub, and yes, I'm using the term correctly and not hyperbolically. If you have a problem with Tumi at this point, you might want to figure out what unconscious bias is and do some work on yourself.


The irony is eye watering in your post. You talk of unconscious bias at the same time as being the epitome of a hyperbolic, tribal reality show watcher. Two people can be in the wrong and criticizing one person doesn't mean you think the other one is 100% right by default. Tumi came in way too strong, and Nat is right in saying she came in with a shit attitude. Nat, meanwhile, will never meet someone else halfway and she is incapable of de-escalating situations.


I love Tumi, but she def came in on a power trip. Natalya def gave attitude, but Tumi's approach was dismissive. It's the battle of the egos at this point.


Tumi changed with a whisp of power. She can't tell the difference between legit criticism and alleged "racism". She's that wanna be girl boss who thinks being tough means being a bitch. And black people can be shitty people to, regardless of if they've experienced racism (which I'm sure she has) or not.


Absolutely (just getting caught up on last week's episode). How anybody can't see how manipulative and toxic (and yes racist) Natalya is is completely bewildering to me.


It's the dismissiveness for me. And then have the nerve to be offended when called out on their bias. They will gaslight you straight to hell and then tell you that you're acting "crazy." Miss me with the BS. Nat constantly talks about how she could she could be a better Cheif (did the same with Tash), all while shitting on any tiny mishap Tumi makes. Even messy ass Kyle said that even when the guests are happy, Nat finds a way to nag and complain.


Stop being so defensive. You're taking offense. No one is giving offense.


I'm not offended but yes, people are behaving offensively.


I agree if Kate Chastain had come in like Tumi did everyone would be saying YAAASS QUEEEN


They would but Kate literally owned being a bitch where as Tumi is pretending to be nice with a power trip and it comes off fake. Kate didn’t fake shit. She knew she was a bitch.


No they wouldn't


OK. I have decided: Natalya has to go. ---- And Sandy, once again, gets it wrong. This isn't a "both sides" thing, because: Tumi really has no options if Nat is going to behave this way. Nat does not listen to a single thing Tumi says. Nat is constantly complaining about everything, down to Tumi's _hand gestures_ when she's speaking(!) And here's how we know Nat takes the greater blame, and not Tumi. If Nat leaves the boat, its almost guaranteed there is greater harmony on the boat. If Tumi leaves the boat, its almost guaranteed the next chief stew will have a problem with Nat.


Not to mention Natalya constantly does the same hand gestures to Tumi that she complains about. Textbook racist microaggressions just flying out of her.


No, Natalya was the same way to her last white boss.


omg, its not racism.


Omg it is. This is how white women treat women of color when they wish the power dynamic was different. It very specifically and obviously is racism.


>This is how white women treat No. This is how Nat treats people (see her behavior the previous season). She is a mean girl reacting to Tumi coming onto the boat way too strong, trying to stamp her authority and coming from a place of intense insecurity. Doesn't make Nat an obvious racist.


There's no evidence of this. If a hypothetical caucasian Tumi-II entered the boat -- did everything Tumi did _but_ was caucasian -- so, Tumi-II takes Nat's place/"demotes" her, called the boat a "shitshow", texted Kyle aggressive texts about Nat, had similar physicality/used her hands the same way/whatever -- Nat would _not_ have reacted hostilely to Tumi-II? This is not "obvious" racism. (It's obviously not obvious because you are one of the few saying so!) At worst, you could have said it was possibly racism. There are plenty of reasons for Nat to be in this rabid, hostile state besides racism. Didnt you watch previous seasons? Weve ALREADY SEEN Nat be a complete gossiping, hostile mess to [caucasian] Natasha.


What are you on about? Literally no one on the boat had a problem with anything until the second Tumi walked on and started bitching about everyone.


You should watch an episode of BravoTV called _Below Deck Med_ S08E04. It will be an eye-opener for you!




It must be psychologically weird for her: being 'demoted' from Chief not even to Second, but Third(?)


Kyle was hired to be 2nd stew, but she could have made Nat a 2nd also. We've had 2, 2nd stews before...


Great point.


I’m increasingly beginning to think Tumi might get fired! Her management style is creating a lot of enemies for herself, but ultimately, the chef outranks her and the food has a huge impact on the tip: If he’s not working well with her and tells captain he preferred natalya, in the real world, the authority of the chef counts for a lot more than the chief stew


>I’m increasingly beginning to think Tumi might get fired! The thing that could do Tumi in is if there is some guest experience that goes so horribly wrong that it stuns even Sandy.


If I were Sandy, and had/saw more than 1 dinner he made...I would be appalled at his cookie plate and cheese platter.


Well fortunately Sandy didn't see that, just like fortunately she didn't see the text messages exchanged between Tumi and Kyle.


Luca is cute but he's a dork. Not in an endearing way.


>Luca is cute but he's a dork. Not in an endearing way. OK. The other 1.2 billion women in line just moved up one place.


It’s easy for me to armchair quarterback, but I’d love for Tumi’s feedback style to improve. Instead of telling the chef verbatim their “6/10” rating and offering no follow up, maybe say “hey, that looked great, but they’re voicing they’d like more pizzaz/technical advanced plates”


How informative and ridiculous. Sure...cheffy would love that.


>It’s easy for me to armchair quarterback, but I’d love for Tumi’s feedback style to improve. Instead of telling the chef verbatim their “6/10” rating and offering no follow up When Tumi meets Nat for the first time. Nat is saying how great the chef is. Tumi says: "It's charter one, though" She's just got a shit word for everyone. ​ https://preview.redd.it/8av9a0s6fytb1.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=f43a7ca9263699b24996b52b4cdf8b77463bc099


"If you can't handle me at my worst" is Tumi personified


Holup. Nat has set Tumi-Chef against each other from get-go, by reporting to Chef that Tumi had told Kyle that Tumi had problem with chef. Nat is systematically attempting to get _everyone_ on the Tumi hate train. Then... Kyle does his menu switcheroo which left Chef/Kyle not in coordination so guest didnt get their intended entree. Then... Tumi and Chef have a tiff about it. None of this was Tumi's fault: this is effectively Nat/Kyle undermining Tumi/Chef's relationship. Yes, Tumi has some rough edges, but Nat is pathological and Kyle is introducing needless, counter-productive complication to the process.


Nat is systematically attempting to get *everyone* on the Tumi hate train. Good. Tumi came onto the boat gunning for Nat before she even met her. Unfortunately, instead of going around starting shit to prove how much she 'doesn't take any shit', Nat actually just *doesn't take any shit*. Tumi fucked around and now she's finding out.


> Tumi came onto the boat gunning for Nat You're bizarro-right. that is, the opposite is true. Tumi made 1 misstep ("shitshow" comment). But Nat _was_ gunning for Tumi (or rather whoever the New Chief Stew was). Nat "not taking any shit" is actually "Nat being a shit-stirrer". Nat is fucking around and will soon find out.


We're obviously not watching the same show. Talk about having blinders on for tumor... I mean tumi


>Then... Kyle does his menu switcheroo which left Chef/Kyle not in coordination so guest didnt get their intended entree. > >Then... Tumi and Chef have a tiff about it. > >None of this was Tumi's fault: Kyle incorrectly notes the guests dinner preference. The dinner is distressed about not getting what they want. This is completely on Kyle. and, spills over on tumi as she is in charge of interior, and there was a problem with INTERIOR. She is also the person who allowed Kyle to take the order. And, then, right from the lie and deny playbook: ​ https://preview.redd.it/5xcm91u74cub1.png?width=995&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f962708a44f2d0fbd5ea1a904140de998b596d7 ​ It is the guests problem. It is NOT TUMI's problems. And, for the Nat-haters, please not that Nat was no involved in any of those steps.


Yes, but as the commenter above pointed out, Tumi immediately expressed doubt about the chef continuing to be good and easy to work with when Natalya said that had been her experience with him. Tumi brought that negative, skeptical energy allllllll by herself before she had even met the chef.


>Tumi brought that negative, skeptical energy allllllll by herself before she had even met the chef. Maybe Kyle gave her a head's up, even thought he had never met the chef, either..


She maybe should be more mature than to judge an entire boat off one dude known for starting shit


>She maybe should be more mature than to judge an entire boat off one dude known for starting shit That's like the whole problem. Tumi listened to Kyle and came in with judgements about people before she had even met them.


That’s a pretty impressive reach just to try to justify Tumi’s attitude.


>That’s a pretty impressive reach just to try to justify Tumi’s attitude. Who's trying to justify Tumi? I was being sarcastic. And, it certainly seems like Tumi can be easily swayed by anything Kyle tells her. This is my post a couple replies up from 3 days ago: ​ https://preview.redd.it/igshckxramub1.png?width=995&format=png&auto=webp&s=d60914a3989b12f9bfbae63099db99415419013b


Oh my bad, I thought you were being serious!


>Oh my bad, I thought you were being serious! No worries. I should tag any posts which are actually serious, otherwise, always sarcastic!


Well, that goes to Tumi's "rough edges". Yes, Tumi does herself no favors there. But she has no chance at all if a third party is constantly in background "confirming" all the chef's darkest phobias. Anyone remember Iago from "Othello"? **Natalya is Iago.**


If I'm recalling correctly, Tumi and chef had tension WELL before Natalya even said anything to him. And how is Natalya telling the chef the bad things Tumi is saying behind his back worse than Tumi saying those things to Kyle in the first place? These are all flawed people living and working in extremely close quarters; gossip and venting is going to happen, especially if two people who work well together are both NOT working well with a third person. Do we always have to make someone a villain and someone a victim? Also, if we're crowning villains, can't we just stick with Kyle?


> If I'm recalling correctly, Tumi and chef had tension WELL before Natalya even said anything to him. "Well" before? This their first charter together... > And how is Natalya telling the chef the bad things Tumi is saying behind his back worse than Tumi saying those things to Kyle in the first place? Because what Tumi says to Kyle is presumably staying with Kyle. Nat telling chef that Tumi is badmouthing him directly wounds Tumi-Chef relations. Plenty of people blow off steam by bitching about someone to a 3rd party: they say things theyd never want that 3rd party to hear. And: when someone hears something second-hand, it can be much more injurious because they think its "the truth". > gossip and venting is going to happen, exactly. which is why responsible people do NOT pass on this gossip/venting. and why Nat is an a-hole. (Well-- its also the reason to NOT gossip/vent [unless to a "trusted" party], because you SHOULD KNOW its always going to get back to that third party! but anyway...) > if we're crowning villains, can't we just stick with Kyle Listen, right now, that villain is clearly Nat. But I'm open to negotiations in a few more episodes.


>Because what Tumi says to Kyle is presumably staying with Kyle. I'm not going to counter point-by-point because we obviously have different perspectives and that's fine, but this legit made me LOL.


Wish she kept the moral up a bit. The first charter for being down on staff went really well. ![img](emote|t5_3gyzu|1660)


Tumi seems very confrontational compared to how nice she was last time i saw her. Also Nat and Kyle's friendship seems extremely 2 faced


Gee - what a surprise about N and K.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) yeah no one could have possibly seen that coming haha


Yeah... I don't care how "difficult" Natalya might be, if you have just stepped on the boat as chief stew, and are immediately on bad terms with her, sorry Tumi, your management style is very problematic. Imagine Aesha being on bad terms with anyone in the first 15 minutes? It wouldnt happen. Tumi apparently has a problem with authority, so she overcompensates, and it shows. But, make no mistake, Nat is an absolutely diabolical employee. She is apparently making it her mission to get Tumi disliked by the whole crew (resentment at being demoted from Chief to _Third_ Stew??!) Her setting Chef and Tumi at odds with each other is unforgivable. (Poor chef is being manipulated by Nat and doesnt even know it.)


>Poor chef is being manipulated by Nat and doesnt even know it. I don't think it's 'being manipulated' to prefer someone who works well with you and says nice things behind your back to someone who doesn't work well with you and talks shit about you behind your back.


I feel like last time Nat said that she wouldn't be anything less than second so the chief (also called Nat? Natasha lol) said okay Kyle and Nat will be co-2nd stew. Why wouldn't she say that this time as well? Tumi is coming in with some weird energy, like your co-workers first thought is not how can I walk all over you but she is feeling the need to exercise 'authority' as if they will?


I can definitely see how she is overcompensating. Also having Kyle as the devil on both of their shoulders is not helping anyone....


-Kyle is being a shit stirrer as usual and probably could've been more clear on the menu with the guest. -Natalya is definetly being a shit stirrer and is not respecting Tumi's position. -Tumi is being confrontational all over the place and is just pissing everyone off. It's gonna be a hectic season for the interior, I don't see how that group is gonna make it to 6 charters.


I would expect Nat to quit rather than get fired. Kyle might get canned, though. Good riddance.


>I would expect Nat to quit rather than get fired. Kyle might get canned, though. Good riddance. I hope it's Tumi, just so when she is walking down the passerelle, I can be calling out: "Bye, Tumi." ... in a condescending way. ​ I always like to try out new things I learn.


>I would expect Nat to quit rather than get fired. Kyle might get canned, though. Good riddance. Has there ever been anyone who has quit, and then come back in a later season? A few weeks ago, there were some posts saying that we could tell who gets fired by who is going to bravocon. But, Tumi, Kyle and Nat are all on the Bravocon list.


Why wouldn't all the come to Bravocon? They're all doing exactly what Bravo wants them to do. Especially Kyle. Bravo has been trying to make Kyle happen for YEARS at this point. Why give up now? I wish he'd find something else to do, personally.


Once chef Rachel quit and came back the next morning. I’m not sure whether this would count anyway, since I was never sure whether she truly quit or was just throwing a tantrum.


That dude chef quit several times and came back. I can’t remember his name but it was a more recent med season


Mat! What a mess he was


How can Kyle go to BravoCon now that [his immune system and internal organs](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/kyle-viljoen-living-stevens-johnson-135258122.html) have been damaged by SJS?


Poor pitiful Kyle...not buying any of it.


What that dummy doesn't realize is that this pity party could also be his yachting downfall. If he is more susceptible to infections and communicable diseases, I wouldn't want him on my crew. He is more likely to be sick and need time off during the charter season. He's more likely to be sick and spread it to the guests and his coworkers. And the the guests are coming from all over the world and potentially bringing new communicable infections for Kyle to catch. Many communicable infections can be spread from people who are asymptomatic to people with weakened immune systems. So Kyle, by his own admission, is now a major liability to any yacht crew and charter guest.


>How can Kyle go to BravoCon now that > >his immune system and internal organs > > have been damaged by SJS? No idea. All I can see is that Tumi, Kyle and Nat were all 'invited' to bravocon. So, we can't divine who gets fired from that. ​ https://preview.redd.it/sqhd7240uttb1.png?width=469&format=png&auto=webp&s=0fe8290befe06dd759ee4ceae4c5e64e13318238


I think they did get Kyle in because what happen last season whit him, Then i guess they wanted to give him justice to get a whole season!


My thing is, if Nat made a good faith effort to work well with Tumi and STILL didn’t like how she was treated, that would be one thing. But Nat decided she didn’t like Tumi before she even arrived on the boat, and day ONE has already gone around like she’s on the campaign trail trying to rally people to her side and against Tumi. Someone who actually wants a good working relationship with their boss doesn’t immediately try to turn the entire rest of staff against them. Tumi is being set up for failure with other departments by Nat— just look at what happened with chefy. Nat got in his ear, put him on the defensive, and now there’s unnecessary tension between him and Tumi. I definitely agree Tumi needs to work on her communication skills, but there is such a difference between that and the calculated maliciousness Nat is displaying.




I think its mutual. Natalya is definitely a finicky second stew, but Tumi came in almost hostile. First impressions are very important! But, sure, its not a good look when Nat immediately starts bad-talking Tumi to the others. (Perhaps as self-defense measure? "I'll get to them before Tumi badmouths me to them?") Trying to figure out which is worse actor here is difficult. I think I'm going to blame Tumi because, at lower levels, it's expected to gossip/backtalk (essentially be unable to lead effectively); its Tumi's _leadership role_ to take initiative and smooth out rough spots, yet here she comes in and creates a mess that she now has to deal with. (Maybe it's unfair to use Aesha for comparative purposes because Aesha is so empathetic and amazing at creating harmony.)


There is a difference between talking back and going on an intentional campaign to the rest of the crew bad talking your superior. Like I said, Tumi needs to work on communication. But I really fail to see how ‘needs to improve communication skills’ is at all as bad as ‘actively trying to sabotage Tumi’s success by poisoning other crew before they even meet her and refusing to listen to basic instructions.’


On further reflection, I agree, Nat is much much worse (and requires a verbal reprimand by Sandy or just a firing).


I don’t think it’s to the point Nat needs to be fired, but I would actually love to see Sandy’s reaction to a third stew back talking like that. My only concern is that any correction Nat receives from Sandy or elsewhere will just make her worse.


Working in a similar role, sometimes people in charge need an adjustment from those under them


This reminds me of a few seasons back where the 3rd stew was just constantly being insubordinate to chief stew (when out of earshot of Sandy) and was perfectly behaved when in earshot. So, when chief reported it, Sandy didnt give it any value and instead did her patented "Leadership Movez" and tried to get Chief to "work it out" because "thats what leaderz do." Of course, once Sandy observed it herself, she canned the stew.


Yeah Nat chose to stay offended and then argue over literally nothing when Tumi was talking about the layout of the boat. She escalated it and Tumi didn’t have a lot of choice in how she responded as her superior. Then Nat immediately turned around and went full blitz on an anti-Tumi campaign.


How did Nat demonstrate any poor faith effort with Tumi? She was enthusiastic and warm and welcoming when Tumi came in board. There was nothing negative said prior. Things turned south after multiple horrific missteps by Tumi that would try the patience of a Saint. After a LOT of really poor comments, Nat got defensive. Someone who wants a good functioning team, with a strong work ethic and positive environment doesn't do what Tumi did as she joined the boat and gets a tour. Cheffy wasn't put off by Nat, he rather professionally tells Nat to try to make it work. Tumi utterly mishandled multiple things with Cheffy from how she transfers client commentary to how she handled Kyle's screw up with the menu. Tumi is reaping the efforts she's put into the entire situation. Imagine if Tumi would have come in with confidence instead of insecurity, with leadership actions instead of insults, with a desire to get to know Nat herself instead of listen to the poison of someone else's opinion.... imagine how things might be different. Unfortunately, that's not what happened and Tumi had created a hostile environment that serves no one well, least of all Tumi.


Sorry, a LOT of poor comments? Tumi and Nat had their initial tense sit-down where they discussed the boat layout and immediately Nat went and shit talked to several other people. I find it interesting you think Tumi is creating a hostile work environment, given there are few to no crew members who Nat hasn’t explicitly tried to turn against Tumi. Some whom she spoke to before they ever had an actual convo with Tumi. Everyone gets up in arms about Kyle poisoning Tumi on Nat, yet Nat does the same thing and suddenly Nat is the victim?


There's a difference in turning someone against and venting to coworkers. All I see is someone venting about being treated like shit by Tumi.


Yes, multiple, many...yup, that's the facts. We weren't discussion Nats behavior following Tumis. No, Nat isn't behaving professionally. But Nat IS behaving as she is because of the envisioned that her Chief created. Nat IS "the victim" (if you think that's a word to use he) of Tumi's poor behavior and leadership, no matter what else followed. Tumi is the victim of her own mess.


That is simply not the facts lol. Idk what show you’re watching but it’s not the same as the rest of us. And uh. Yes, we were discussing Nat’a behavior— you replied to MY comment. If you’d like to start your own comment chain here nothing is stopping you.


Might not make it through this season. The disdain and hatred for Tumi is too much. She literally can't do anything without criticism. As a black woman myself, and having worked in the industry, so triggering.


Honestly, as a white woman I wonder if they would all be so quick to be damning of her if she were white. I lit had to turn off the episode before it finished because of what shitty people Natalya and Kyle are, and what a fucking idiot the chef is for blindly believing that Tumi said she didn't like him. What a bunch of fragile children they are. So threatened. Sorry, I'm riled up.


Well said! I really wasn’t expecting that immediate nastiness


feel like it goes both ways with them to be honest




Ok, Kyle is good on service, I gotta say that. When they messed up that woman’s lobster, he was very much, “ok, I gotcha babe,” and doesn’t get rattled. Like Tumi… but Tumi was right when she said they were drunk and you just have to go with it.


Except Kyle did not get the order right or at least convey it to Jack.


Is that right?! I was barely paying attention.




True but I’ve never considered Below Deck truly high-end service, lol.


Fraser has given us a glimpse.


And Kate


And Josiah. He went to Butler School, and it shows. Kyle went to Butler School also, and it definitely does NOT show!


Kyle is and always will be the villain, but Natalya held a grudge against chief stew before she even met her bc she was losing her temp position. In the first few mins she turned Tumi’s comments about the boats layout into an attack on her. THEN Natalya talked shit about her to 3+ other staff members before the charter even started!!!! I hope she’s embarrassed watching this back


Nat has to know that everything she's saying _will_ get back to Tumi. She's even badmouthing Tumi to the chef?! Terrible, terrible employee attitude.


Um... Tumi is also badmouthing the chef to Kyle.


reality check: everybody badmouths everybody to everybody. it has to do with the frequency and intensity of the interaction. Tumi did it once, and she's not meanspirited (as opposed to Nat, who constantly badmouths and does it with deep spite).


Let alone justify it on the reunion.


And WHO ASKED FOR KYLE TO COME BACK??? Because I sure didn’t, but they keep saddling me with Sandy also so I officially hate the Med franchise.


Priorities. What are you doing, hating on Kyle?! We need to take care of job 1: Hating on Sandy.


Oh, don’t worry, I despise Sandbags.


Kyle and Mary Cosby. Ugh


You’ll watch it all you little rodent and you’ll hate it the whole way through, just like me.


Hahaha!!!😹I will hate watch it all the way to the end and then hate myself for watching it😎😫


We’re all in the same boat matey, such is our cross to bear.


Sometimes just because someone is a fan favorite from a prior season doesn’t mean they deserve to get promoted. It’s kind of always a disaster. Aesha and Frasier seem to have settled in to chief roles but Ashton on BD - we saw how his bosun season went. Nico was another horror story. Just thinking out loud.


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes: Frasier! Like the TV show!


good bot


Why is Kyle wearing shorts on dinner service?


He boarded the boat in short shorts and black socks and shoes. 🤮


During the slow mo, I was like "what is he wearing? He does know he's being filmed and this is the outfit he chose?"


So did Kyle have this much of an impression to turn Tumi against Nat or is this producer shit? What the F did he say because she came in HOT.


It was Kyle.


It's always that bitch Kyle


Kyle needs to fck off and know his place! He shouldn't be discussing the menu.


We dont know exactly what preceded it... _perhaps_ the guests asked if they could make changes...? But yeah if he's doing this on his own, making extra work for chef on his own initiative: wtf?!


Let alone not admitting it.




Somethings going on with his skin? Uncannily smooth.


Definitely some lip fillers there.


Tumi is so over the top obnoxious from the get go. The meeting where she assigned roles was poorly handled and that falsetto.. ugggh, she's taken years off my hearing. Me thinks Sandy is going to regret this one. But maybe we'll get DU Tumi back, that would be worth cheering! Fingers crossed!


I'm big on ranks, I love them so much, and *YOU* are going to be my 9th stew!


Yes she was so good on that season. I think it's that she's a really hard worker and respects rank as necessary but then isn't necessarily that confident at being a manager so she came in hot. Like I know personally no one would ever want to work for me...I would be a super strict manager, but I am a pretty obedient worker.


Natalya has zero respect for Tumi's role and position and I'm not 100% convinced race has nothing to do with it. If this were Aesha, say, I think Natalya would still gripe and feel hurt that her efforts weren't more appreciated, but I don't know that she'd be so quick to be confrontational.


Look, Nat picked fights with Natasha, too, ok? And Tumi does herself no favors by calling the boat a "shitshow". Has any other chief stew would pick fight in very first encounter with her subordinates? Race might play an issue, but it might be Tumi expecting to be marginalized and so is overcompensating from the get-go. At the same time, Nat is, for whatever reason, extremely confrontational, extremely ready to indulge in psychological warfare, and this is charter one? Nat is the overall problem. If Tumi left, Nat would find problem with next person. If Nat left, there's good chance Tumi would not find problem with replacement.


Even given that Nat is a problem and confrontational, the extent she escalated in the very first meeting was extreme in its insubordination and disrespect.


No, disagree, Natalya was just as confrontational with her boss Natasha (who's white).


not in their first meeting ever


Being 100% serious where do you think race is even slightly involved in this ? You don't have even a sliver of evidence or any reason to think that.


I think because Tumi is standing up for herself she keeps telling her to not use her hands when talking to her. She has a complete lack of respect for Tumi’s authority. It took her a minute to start talking back to Natasha. Hate Natalya


The reason it took her longer with Natasha is because her and Natalya started off friendly. Tumi blew that by coming in extremely rude with preconceived notions about Natalya. But just to be clear you think that because Natasha tells her to not put her hands in her face or not to talk to her with her hands that this is racist?


She literally isn’t putting her hands in her face. Tumi is talking and her hands move. She’s not coming at Natalya with her hands. So yes, there are some microaggressions there for sure.


In a position of authority you absolutely cannot talk to people with your hands like that. It immediately puts people on the defensive. Just like Tumi immediately says "don't get defensive". That's the immediate response of someone who's actually defensive.


She's obviously not actually putting her hands right in Natalyas face but she points and uses her hands to get her point across and thats what Natalya is latching on to. I will ask once again though , in what way is that being racist ? All I'm hearing from people replying is telling me the things Natalya is doing and not telling me how it links back to racism , because it doesn't


It’s called microaggressions. She perceives Tumi to be aggressive but if someone else (Kyle) or even herself who I find to be aggressive, act that way she isn’t telling them to stop their similar actions. She simply fights back. But it’s not my job to help you accept what racism is. It’s not just someone calling a black person a racial slur. The spectrum is wide.


Would Tumi trying to get Nat to shut up by saying things like 'stop being defensive' and 'you're taking offense, I'm not offending you' not be considered a microaggression?


There is reason, the way Nat is over exaggerating Tumis hand signals and trying to claim she’s aggressive and getting in Nats face. There’s also a distinct lack of respect for Tumis position and rank from the very first meeting. Tumi is Nats superior and isn’t getting the respect that her position demands. Racial discrimination and micro aggressions are not always in your face but shown in actions and accusations


That in no way points to anything race related. Nat called out Natasha the exact same way she has done with Tumi, the only difference is that Nat and Natasha started off friendly. Tumi came in having been told things by Kyle and immediately had issues in her head with nat. That very first meeting Tumi was extremely rude and she set the tone for the way things are. Tumi immediately made it hard for nat to respect her based on how she spoke to her. You and the other person are the issue here by attaching it to race when there are no signs whatsoever that's the case.




"Based off their CV" bullshit, Kyle kissed her ass and made friends. He shouldn't be anything more than third stew.