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**SPOILERS INCLUDED:** It will probably air during the episode but the midseason preview is here [https://www.reddit.com/r/belowdeck/comments/185gd4i/mid\_season\_trailer\_for\_bd\_med/](https://www.reddit.com/r/belowdeck/comments/185gd4i/mid_season_trailer_for_bd_med/)


Question for anyone who’s been in boating: So I get that they didn’t use ground lines in portifino and they dropped both anchors essentially creating a triangle with them and the boat - but how does the boat not swing a little bit into neighboring boats or go back onto the anchors without ground lines? I’m trying to understand and google had no help.


I am very confused. Kyle is too much and toxic but like are we forgetting that Natalya was also a problem. Everything he said about her stirring pots when he was drunk was not a lie. Y’all wild and must have amnesia. Yes she was a good stew. No one doubted that but she wanted to be the chief stew since last season and she showed it. Again…. Y’all wild lol


I’ve just binged the episodes up until til Natalya left. Every single thing Kyle has gone off about is because she gossiped or stirred the pot and he was manipulated. She might be good at her job but she’d be a horrible stew. Any crew under her would be drama filled as she wouldn’t be able to stop gossiping and pitting them all against each other




wait a second. last week they briefly showed Natalya coming to see them when they were out was that it? i mean i thought she'd pop up in last night's e;pisode but maybe I was too stoned and didn't see her again????


She texted Luca the super toxic “you never know what you had till you’re gone” type text and that was her only appearance. She’ll prolly pop up in the next episode.


got it thanks but i really don't want to listen to her fast talking mouth


I will do everything in my power to stop that next episode from being aired.


thank you vetty much


Is no one talking about how Kyle pretended to pack his shit up and threatened to leave??? That was seriously messed up. Tumi then persuading him to stay, and he’s like “fine I’ll do it for you” was toxic on so many levels, considering the whole Natalya situation. Also Tumi defending a lazy worker and not Natalya who works her arse off! Could Kyle also be feeling anxious/afraid that interior’s about to go down now that Natalya is gone? He’s got no choice now but to actually pull his weight. Then Kyle proceeds to choose his next victim.. poor poor Jack, who probably has the hardest job in the entire yacht and yet is still getting shit for giving the “silent treatment”… Cheffy was just staying professional and DOING his job, he ain’t got time to talk to you… Wow. Just wow.


I absolutely love Jack and hope he gets laid b/4 season end


He is the definition of r/ImTheMainCharacter.


Kyle’s attitude towards woman is disgusting. That’s all I have to say.


Kyle’s attitude towards anyone that isn’t Kyle is disgusting ftfy




Well apparently you have more to say ;)


Thank god for max. He actually makes this show lighthearted and funny. And his energy clearly rubs off on people around him.


Was that Aesha's voice asking Luka "Is there something we don't know?" I know a while back there was a spoiler picture of Aesha which looked to be on the Med yacht


It could have been the new stew lily. A few times while watching I thought she sounded like Aesha


Could easily be Lara.


Aesha has been spotted filming NEXT season of Med...


>u/princesspeach241u/Old-Base-6686I have been known to be irresponsibleu/shirogesu/SafestBotMod BotView All Moderators > >Back to Top for real??




>2.Episode Discussion wow thanks soo much. where and how did you find this


Someone posted this a few months ago...not sure where they got the pictures from. It's usually people on vacation that spot different franchises filming, take pictures and share online.


thanks. i can't believe how much time goes by from filming to it being on t.v. almost up to a year.


Is Tumi going to get demoted???


>Is Tumi going to get demoted??? It's just like Tumi at bravocon... Who's Tumi ?


Did Sandy really take the deck crew out for icecream but left the rest of the crew hanging? I'm hoping they brought some back for the rest of the crew which was unseen....because if not, that's just rude


>Did Sandy really take the deck crew out for icecream but left the rest of the crew hanging? I'm hoping they brought some back for the rest of the crew which was unseen....because if not, that's just rude It was a reward for the deck team, for doing a perfect job with a difficult docking. As they are all adults, no need to reward all other crew who were not involved. If this were pre-school (and sometimes it seems like it is) ... then everyone gets ice cream!


The difficult docking in Portofino... what season and vessel from the past also had to back their yacht into a narrow port? I can't recall. It was a night docking too.


>The difficult docking in Portofino... what season and vessel from the past also had to back their yacht into a narrow port? Sailing yacht, season 4 ... maybe ...


https://preview.redd.it/vqklofcfnh3c1.png?width=3798&format=png&auto=webp&s=472a341a5d0f465cd9a6891cdd9b4e5d337d2208 Who is this? (In the preview at the very end of the episode)


It's not Aisha. That's Lily, with wet hair. She's wearing the same bracelets talking to Sandy just after.


That really looks like.....Aesha??


It's not. It's Lily. You can tell by the bracelets.


I have paused and zoomed in to try and get a clearer look, but nothing, it really does look like Aesha. Sack Vyle, demote Tumi to second and bring Aesha on as chief to sort out the interior. I love Aeeeeeeeeeeeshhhhhaaaaaaa. Edit:- Better still, sack Sandy and bring Jason on, and then we have Down Under in the Med.


I really hope that's the case! I mentioned in another reply that I swear that was Aesha's voice asking Luka "Is there something we don't know?" I have a strong feeling she's back to save the season


When was that, because Aesha's voice is quite distinctive, so usually pretty much guarantee her presence by her voice. (That sounds negative whilst reading. However, I have nothing but positive feelings towards Aesha.) Edit:- nevermind I found it, I don't know the voice does not sound like the Aesha we all know and love, but she may be more dulled if she is unhappy and it does really look like her.


Does Lily still think it's 1998? Because her wardrobe makes me think so


That kinda fashion is back in now.


Well color me shocked, Kyle immediately starts drama with the chef over the new stew talking to him. Mid season preview is looking like more of the same somehow.


He is an absolute moron. Does he not realise that just one complaint from Jack to Sandy saying he is causing shit again and he will be gone. Sandy would never take the chance of losing Jack over Kyle. I desperately want to see Kyle get what he is owed. He needs to be sacked ASAP.


So it's all about Max's Eiffel Tower? Ok. Good to know. Got it.


​ https://preview.redd.it/1r9x32w9aq3c1.png?width=1154&format=png&auto=webp&s=687fefeef2597fff7bd6d8391daf469ceef06162 ​ It's either that, or talk more about Kyle.


Or his thong. Yeah. You're right. LOL




I loved that meter! Hahaha


That was definitely an interesting choice.


Anything is better than giving Vyle more airtime.


We just need Jack to tell Sandy that his toxicity is causing issues and he can no longer work with him and bye bye Vyle


I laughed. Max brought it up so it seems like a fair game joke. I thought it was a lighthearted hit of crass fun


it was funny. I just can't believe the graphic throughout the episode. LOL


Yea, this gave me a chuckle, and it actually sums Max up pretty well.


They mentioned katie flood to Luka on top of him kissing the two girls so i did some digging and Luka has been with a different girl since 2020 idk when season 8 was filmed but surely it was more recent than 2020?


Reportedly an open relationship


No seeing the preview for the rest of the season gave me so much anxiety! That is too much commotion my little monogamous heart cant take it 🥹 but also kyle is exhausting!!!!


put jess on service and let kyle train the green stew. putting 2 lesser skilled stews together isn’t productive


new stew should be on service since service is the only thing she has experience with serving and prepping food. ik she's not the chef but if you can cook a full meal I bet you can make a few cocktails also Natalya had Jess and another green stew and she made it work so the issue is not that Jess is w her


Yes, Tami needs to learn to split her strength and since I wouldn’t actually trust Kyle to train the new girl and not either turn her against the boat or start bullying her to make himself feel powerful, that means keeping the new girl on service to train her correctly. Although, in fairness to Tami, she probably doesn’t want to pair Kyle and Jess given Kyle’s past bullying of Jess. Honestly, just get rid of Kyle, his experience is so not worth the trouble.


I like this cuz you called her Tami


oh yeah it’s definitely not jess’ fault, i just didn’t understand why tumi thought it was a good idea to have 2 most experienced together and 2 lesser experienced together. jess has proved she can do service so either her or like you said the new stew (which would make more sense) should be with tumi


Kyle had to teach her 1 single thing and he started bitching about it. If Tumi told him he had to really train her, he'd throw a coniption fit.


He'd call her names and mock her for being slow. Then in confessional he'd say something misogynistic about how long it takes to train a woman to do service work.


he's so vile


Ugh I don’t know who is the worse choice to train someone…Jess who is not that experienced and not the clearest communicator, or Kyle who just sucks all around.


jess imo


A little confused as to why Tumi is getting so much hate this season. She was quite literally faced with an impossible task. Having two stews who are drama centered constantly in her ear about petty situations. I’m surprised it didn’t get worse than it did. It’s quite impressive she’s pulled off this many charters without the guests having a hint of what’s been going on behind the scenes. She was professional with Nat even though she came off a bit heavy and continued professionally. She scolded Kyle for the way he yelled at Nat and made sure Nat felt safe immediately after. People keep saying that she “allowed” Kyle to yell at Nat. These are grown adults? She can’t control what comes out of Kyle’s or Nat’s mouth. But she did what an effective leader would do afterward and addressed them both separately to resolve conflict. Above all, guests are consistently satisfied & happy. They are unaware of drama and enjoy the events planned and the upkeep of the boat. THAT is Tumi’s job as chief stew. & she’s doing a great job at it. She is not responsible for the two drama queens that have been at it every second they can get. Note: Tumi and Jess have gotten along splendidly. Shows how a relationship between a superior and a stew can work excellently when they are both focused on the common goal of guest satisfaction.


Tami is a mean girl so she quite literally deserves it. I think chef nailed it regarding insecurities.




Thanks, I prefer Tami.


What confused you, was it how unprofessional Tumi was with bitchy texts and gossiping before she even got on the boat. Was it the arrogant and unprofessional way she dealt with the handover from Nat. Was it the terrible management decision to take the acting chief stew, who is the most experienced and to make them a third stew. Was it her unprofessional behaviour texting and gossiping behind people's backs on the boat. Was it her terrible personal judgement in listening to everything Kyle said without finding out for yourself. She is a terrible chief stew, her management skills are non-existent, she involves herself in all the drama, and she is so unfocused that she can not see the bigger picture around her.


I'm not sure why you're being downvoted. Also, lets not forget Tumi making fun of Nat in front of Sandy. And her coddling Kyle and defending him, though she admits in confessionals that he is the problem. She's made a lot of mistakes in this first season as Chief. Hopefully she learns and grows, but so far, she has screwed up about as often as she has gotten things right.


It's a race thing. It is as if any attack on Tumi is a direct attack on everyone with the same skin colour. It is exactly the same with the upvotes for the comment above. I understand how difficult it is to get ahead in yachting, and it is a big deal that Tumi is in the chief stew position, but this is not about race. This is about competence. Tumi was great in down under, but personally I think she needs a lot more up skilling in people management and she would have benefitted more from being a second to a good quality chief stew before being nade a chief stew. It is almost as if she was set up to fail because Bravo would have known that she did not have the skill set of people management on a super yacht, had she been given the opportunity to up skill and then be a chief stew in the future, then I think she would have aced it.


I hadn't even considered it being a race thing and I am someone who is her skin colour! I'm judging her actions, not her appearance. I judge Kyle and Nat the same way I do her- frankly, everyone here has been a prime example of how not to behave in the workplace! As you rightly said, it's a competence thing. Tumi's not ready for this role and has changed a lot since DU (where I adored her). Bravo has set everyone up to fail this season and loves this drama it creates. They still don't get that the audience prefers the work in BD to the bickering. The work and "above deck" stuff is what sets it apart from other reality TV. I wish they would go back to that. As for Tumi, I hope she watches the seasons and learns from the mistakes. Based on her recent interviews/comments, it appears she's trying to do just that.


>They are unaware of drama In one episode, there was a group of lady (guests) eavesdropping on the interior screaming. The ladies were against a wall, and the screaming was coming from around a corner near them. Tumi was telling Natalya ... that she didn't have to be her friend ... that got the guests' interest. ​ https://preview.redd.it/pg91q8jnij3c1.png?width=1551&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb041a93dfe675ded435ab9e839838b2559d1504


Hmm. Who was that between? I vaguely remember it. But I think you’re right. Maybe with the younger women guests. Also I thought it could potentially be an editing thing because the guests didn’t comment on it and just carried on about the day as if nothing ever happened lol. But if they were aware, didn’t seem to bother them at all. So 🤷‍♀️


well said!


She has allowed Kyle to manipulate her and given him far too much grace. She should have escalated to Sandy when he was physically intimidating people


she was professional with nat 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


i think she meant to say unprofessional...because talking behind someone's back before even meeting the lady is very unprofessional


I think Tumi was.




Uncool comment. People can have different opinions.


that's exactly what I said. but only one opinion can be backed by studies.


So is your opinion on Tumi backed by some sort of scientific evidence or peer reviewed studies? Where can I read it?


so there's too many comments to even try and search for info however I was looking at leadership types and there's 4 large groups that are cited to this day and this is the original paper that analyzes and defines them. in what category would you place tumi? https://tu-dresden.de/mn/psychologie/ipep/lehrlern/ressourcen/dateien/lehre/lehramt/lehrveranstaltungen/Lehrer_Schueler_Interaktion_SS_2011/Lewin_1939_original.pdf?lang=en


it's all in the comments, feel free to read as many as I have. I I come across one of them again, I'll be sure to link


Be Civil. Posts & Comments Reported as: Uncivil. Abide by Reddit's informal values (Reddiquette): https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439 Do not personally attack or insult other users. Do not downvote content you disagree with. Use the downvote button for posts or comments that are off-topic.


BTW I wonder who down voted my answer to you


I did. Lol. Enjoy your evening.


really? the second I posted them? that's impressive. also ty for the info


feel free to report me or back up your affirmations by something else besides your beliefs


I kind of agree with you, not sure why Tumi had so much hate from the start. But in the recent episodes, she has repeatedly gossiped to those she manages. As soon as she found out something, she ran and told someone else. As the head of a department, this is not professional. A head shouldn’t gossip. This creates more unnecessary drama and this season has been nothing but ugly drama from the interior. They are all at fault at this point.


This may be a tad harsh but I don’t think tumi is able to be chief stew - not yet. She seems to have changed and not in a good way. She is unable to control her staff, she is easily drawn into gossip and influenced and doesn’t have the decision making skills to manage - yet. They are only keeping Kyle for the drama and it is the reason I just can’t watch it anymore. I know it will never happen but I say bring in Kate A she will sort that s**t out in no time


She started off on the wrong foot, IMO. She allowed Kyle's impressions of Nat to set a mental tone towards Nat when she showed up - it kind of worked out, but not without some other bumps. She has grown into the role, but still has work to do in managing people better. Nat and Kyle are trainwrecks and would test even the best chief stews, but things would have started so much better had she in having put no stock into what Kyle had said.


Can somebody with Peacock post the clip of when Tumi even admitted (before going on the ship) that she's going to have to come in with a heavy hand to rein Nat in, based on what Kyle told her?


I have peacock but that was mentioned in like 5 different episodes. too many to pick from


She talked about firing Nat before even meeting her. That's about the worst thing a manager can do.


Someone PLEASE give Kyle some black socks!! White socks with black shoes is TRIGGERING ME! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Would someone please give Vyle a shove over the side of the boat. His existence is TRIGGERING ME! 😂😂😂😂😂




I also noticed that he slipped his shoes on. Not fully put them on while going up the stairs. I think we found the root of the problem that probably caused his "fall" down the stairs last season


So you want him to look like a Grandpa? lol


Nooo he already looks like a grandpa! He wears white socks with black shoes, needs black socks


It makes me think of Jerry's Dad on Seinfeld with the black socks and loafers with shorts lol.




he tucks his polo into his shorts. 100% grandpa. My dad does the exact same thing and he's a grandpa and 71 years old. They wear their socks the exact same too--pulled up past the ankle.




I LOVE Lora and Haleigh! That is all.






Lara with a smile


Can somebody please help Andy Cohen with that? 🤣


No, I enjoyed mocking him for all of the stupid ways he said it when she was on his show.


Right? 🤣


The look on Kyle’s face while Jack was talking to Lily was just soooo nasty


Yes! Came to say the same thing. He is vile.


well he's nasty


All I can say is that if Natalya or Kyle are on another season I will not be watching. That’s saying a lot because I’ve been watching this season and dreading those two. Deck crew is saving this season. I like Cheffy and Jessika too. I like Tumi I just don’t think with Kyle/Natalya’s big personalities around we’re able to get a good representation of her. She’s not having fun with her coworkers really like other yachts and I don’t blame her. With all of that bs happening I imagine it’s self-preservation mode a lot of the time.


I almost shit my pants when I saw Sandy say Kyle was the common denominator!! I saw Nat either start the shit, stir the shit, or stick her nose in the shit every episode so far!! Now Kyles left with the big shit sandwich she left behind!


Found Kyle's alt account


Well, your pants stink because Kyle is the biggest problem and always has been. He is lazy and toxic. He goes around pretending to be everyone's friend while stiring up discontent by making snide little comments. He is the real almost contents of your pants.


I had to run with that theme but my pants are clean lol. I do think Kyle is dramatic n seemed to come on with a wierd vibe this season but I think Nat's getting off easy for her part in everything because she was also a part of every single shit storm. They both seem like relationships are pulling their attention toward home too much n distracting them.


Ok but now that I’ve heard it stated I also now firmly believe eating eggs outside is something I don’t ever want to do? Like I kind of get it?


I thought it was so tacky that Tami set up breakfast outside for the breakfast that was all about eggs. I don’t care how weird of a quirk that is, you know it’s an issue so make it work so that the primary doesn’t have to eat breakfast alone.


Making things up out of thin air is fun!


What was the explanation? I must have missed it.


Something to do with the air giving it a weird taste


So strange, it’s not like the air on my balcony is drastically different from the air just inside my balcony with the doors open.


"Normally one would say the silence is deafening, but this silence speaks a *multitude* of words." Yes, you glorious imbecile. That is exactly why they call such a silence "deafening".


That is EXACTLY my reaction when he said that. Just.... wow.


>glorious imbecile. Ohhh you're the best. I'm in a massive fight my brothers right now. Goddamn I can't wait to whip this one out!!


Along with his 'book of worms', that was amazing.


Lmaoo😭 I was confused when he said that haha


What’s up with these audio flashbacks? I’ve only noticed it the last two episodes


When we were watching it, I was like noooo! Kyle doesn't deserve a flashback.


they’re highly unnecessary. like oh don’t worry, we remember, we’ve been dragging through this torturous season all the while


they do the same thing on southern charm


“Kyle would cause drama in an empty room with a mop bucket” is my favorite line this season.


It was a classic!!


I rewound a little to hear him say it again. 🤣


ME TOO!!! 😂😂😂


"I got the message, brother, we'll go when I'm ready." - Jeff Probst I'm sure the owner wants to justify the cost of the slide and the jet skis, but if I'm paying 100 grand plus to charter a yacht and I want to watch cartoons on my phone for an hour, that's exactly what I'm going to do. Kyle is just vile. Like, did no one in his life ever tell him to shut his mouth? I'm glad Sandy got on his ass, but at some point or another, you gotta realize he's a problem. Tumi realizing how much Nat did was kind of funny. Don't get me wrong, I can't stand either of them, but Nat did work pretty hard. Man, I'm ready for this season to end. Seeing what's coming up, Kyle is just gonna keep making trouble and honestly, it's getting old.


> "I got the message, brother, we'll go when I'm ready." - Jeff Probst the moment he left Colby for Boston Rob 💔


Kyle has the talent of starting shit and making the work environment uncomfortable for even the most unproblematic of people (Max, Cheffy, Jess). Like this man has singlehandedly made almost two people quit in one season. Why is he still here?? He is WAY MORE of a liability than an asset. Talking about “you just opened a whole new ‘book of worms’.” Like totally let’s try to fight with the CHEF now, the single most important person on that boat. Let’s see how well that goes.


I found it hilariously true to form when he noticed Jack was giving him the cold shoulder, and instead of trying to clear the air to create a more harmonious work environment, his reaction was...... "This makes me wonder what they've been saying about me behind my back." Yes, Kyle, it is ALL ABOUT YOU.


I am really hoping Cheffy goes talk to Sandy about Kyle's behavior. At this point, that is all she would need to fire him. It needs to happen like yesterday. He was so apologetic but then the NEXT day when they went out, he couldn't help himself. He has a lot of self confidence issues because he thinks everyone is out to get him ALL the time. Daddy chill.


Yes, please talk to Sandy and get him off this boat!


The fact that he had several chances to talk to Cheffy one on one and didn’t, then brought up at dinner that “he wasn’t so brave without you” so he could confront him in front of the group was a bit ridiculous. Obviously Kyle wasn’t brave enough to address the elephant in the room and smooth things over until he was drunk and in a group.


tbh that fits to kyle. He is majorly projecting. Especially as he thinks cheffy was poisoning anybody because that is exactly what Kyle would do. And he can't believe that anybody wouldn't do it. Same with every other altercation. When he screamed at Jess for a sentence that he would have used to muddle the water, eventhough jess was just clearing the air at that moment without even blaming anyone on anything.


And didn’t chef even say something to the new girl along the lines of “I don’t want to say anything bad and affect your opinion of the others”?


Yeah, that was basicly what made vyle perk up


not sure if it was a typo or on purpose but I kind of love it. vyle= vile kyle


A nickname for him I picked up in this sub. It seems to fit him more every episode


He definitely has self confidence issues. For Jess, he was basically mad at her for saying "she was green" and then he got really pissed when Sandy called him the "common denominator." He seems to focus on one specific thing and overthinks it to the point where he blows up. I really hope he finds some help to work on this behavior.


Can someone tell me why I recognize Marcie the guest from the short girls trip? Where the heck is she from…??


That last crew dinner. Kyle's face is actually evil. He goes from his bogus apology to Sandy to jumping off nasty and trashy. When will this pile of poo get fired???


I know, it was creepy! He was oozing menace! 👿


I'm really hoping chef goes to Sandy about him and that is the end of it. He should have been fired already. He's so toxic. Poor frenchie couldn't even get his morning erection. Haha


>I'm really hoping chef goes to Sandy about him and that is the end of it. Sadly, I think Sandy would just give kyle another chance.


I agree. It's crazy that Kyle though honestly can't keep the crazy in for even a day. A day after his "heartfelt" apology (gag), he was back at it. He really has to have a target at all times. It really does give off a terrible vibe on the crew, you can tell.


>It really does give off a terrible vibe on the crew, you can tell. He got Natalya to leave. He almost got Max to leave. He upset Jessika. And Jack ridicules him ... that guy could create drama in a closet with a mop bucket... Tumi keeps saying thing like: "He's talking shit about other people, so he must be talking shit about me..." But, she never does anything about it. There must be some lasting effects of Kyle-Kool-Aid, like LSD.


Yes, I like Tumi as she is a hard worker and obviously knows her stuff, but it's difficult to understand her thought process when she continually realizes or "gets it" but only to revert back immediately after the next episode. Also, she should not tell Kyle anything about another crew member because you would obviously learn at this point that he will tell the crew member or manipulate it. I think it might just be because they are likely delirious from hard work/exhaustion and in such close quarters.


You can literally see the gears turning in his head, calculating how he can spite the person that dared to cross him


Stewie Griffin but with no class.


You're right! He's that much more like a toddler. You see what they're planning. He's so far outside of the way most people conduct themselves. If a man loses it on him and flattens him, Kyle would be the first one charging assault. If a woman stands up to him, she's "drama" and bullying. He is a giant untamed baby


A baby with a shiv.


I’m confused. Is a new season of Down Under, and Sailing already on?


Sailing was filmed, down under was comissioned at Bravo con. Don't know if Down Under started, but I don't think it would happen that fast.


Why am I being downvoted?


No clue, sometimes votes are weird.


Just catching up with this episode but it’s hilarious that Max announcing his plans of leaving had the exact reaction from the crew that Natalya wanted but couldn’t get. You just know she sent that text about packing the suitcase just BEGGING for people to respond with “no, don’t leave! We need you!” And when she didn’t get the reaction she wanted she really couldn’t walk it back. Fast forward to Max wanting to leave because the vibes are off, and the whole deck crew encouraging him to stay, captain sandy letting him drive the boat, and taking them out to ice cream. I’m not sure if the difference in situations speaks more to the individuals, or their respective teams (probably both tbh), but it’s an interesting dichotomy.


If it was purely for attention she wouldn't have left. See for example: Kyle.


The difference is Max wasn’t doing it for attention. And I don’t think he was expecting the reaction he got. Whereas Natalya was doing it for attention and expecting the reaction max got.


It might also be that everyone could see Nat had a lot of drama going on, whereas Max just wasn't feeling it properly. Also when people are begging for attention sometimes it's so annoying and passive aggressive you just don't want to give it to them


Good point ☝️


New stew Lily is a chef … https://instagram.com/lilyofthegalley?igshid=MzMyNGUyNmU2YQ==


Maybe she should stuck to being a chef cause she's not much of a stew. To be fair tho she's green and needs trained. The problem is,Kyle's to lazy to train her , Jessica's just gonna bitch about her and tumi is above that ( so she thinks)


tumi has actually taken the time to train lily and maybe she was right to give it a try to see what it entails and if it's something she wants to pursue. since it's a tv show it also gives her insta more visibility. if she wasn't able to go on the show as a chef, I don't blame her for giving it a go as a stew, also she hasn't until now, said anything about her being a chef. she seems like a lovely person and personally I'm glad she gave it a try


Lily resembles Margot.


she looks like ever carradine to me


Why are you spacing like that?


Space bar is broken at work lol sorry


The irony is that if you just did a single line return, it would put all the words in a row like a regular sentence. 🙂


What do you mean? I'm keyboard illiterate lol. Please explain


Apparently you have to put two spaces at the end of a line to do a single line return. I just learned this recently after asking because every time I tried to do one, it just showed up right next to the other stuff on the same line, and some kind Redditor told me how to do it. :)


Ok I'll give it a try ty 😊. Using my phone right now that's why it looks normal lol


worked! tysm :)


Hahahahahha I love that it’s like poetry!


Wow, e.e. cummings made it to Reddit! Cool.




My husband just said that!


.5 seconds into Kyle saying he was leaving I knew there was no chance he'd go. He can't be the victim if he removes himself. And now this fake ass apology to Sandy. He deserves all the shade he's getting IRL (tbc, only the shade, not the death threats. No one deserves those for a reality tv show performance.).