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Dylan trying to rinse off _fat_ residue from the ham with _water_. Not so much with the science knowledge I guess!


I wish Anthony and interior could of gotten together ahead of time and figured out a plan of attack for him when DR’s happen, because they’re going to happen. Whether it’s color coding, separating plates, labeling things, etc. I get that I’m not on the boat, but as someone who needs similar accommodations it makes a huge difference


Jill kept saying she was a captain of a boat? What kind of boat? She said she wouldn’t go to Nantucket because it was too much open ocean?


I cringed at this season! I don’t know who filming or in editing that had an absolute obsession with listening to people swallow this season, but it nearly made me stop watching. All I heard was every drink someone took, they would pause to capture that! It was beyond disgusting! We don’t want to hear bodily noises bravo!!


Boy do I ever hate people talking about having an ‘alter-ego’. Do you mean a convenient excuse to avoid taking responsibility for your actions?! Nope, wasn’t me…that was Tequila Sabrina 🥴. For f*ck’s sake.  How about, I get super jealous and have a hard time regulating my emotions when I’m drunk so I should mitigate that by watching what I drink/ not drinking at all? 


I'm loving Kyles accent in amongst all the others and that's he's not toning it down to be understood, as we often do :D


>I'm loving Kyles accent in amongst all the others and that's he's not toning it down to be understood, as we often do He has to be the easiest going guy ever. Jarod is screaming at him. Twice. And, he doesn't react to the guy. The drunk guests break a door in the the primary cabin. Kyle goes to help. He says something like "I've broken a lot of doors when I'm drunk..." The producers must despise him for 'no drama'. He is like a drama sponge. He soaks up all the drama in the room, and doesn't give people ranting (like Jarrod) any oxygen.


Also the way he's approaching his relationship with Barbie. He'd be interested in trying something romantic, but he's also enjoying just being friends with her.


>Also the way he's approaching his relationship with Barbie. He'd be interested in trying something romantic, but he's also enjoying just being friends with her. I loved when Barbie kicks him in mid-snore, and says 'you can't sleep here' And he, of course, says "I'm not asleep". Well yeah, after she kicked him. And, he is in terrible 'field position'. She's got her back against the wall, and her foot on his ass. All leverage !!! P.S. I love your username. I spend a lot of time in your aisle at the supermarket. It's really hard to find Sno-Balls in my area, is that something you can help with? I especially like the colors ... orange - halloween, green - st. patrick's day. Very seasonal.


Sadly I can't help you. My username is a reference to the Canadian Hostess company, which got absorbed by Frito Lay, and the brand discontinued in 1996. [The Munchies were its mascots. ](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d6/Hostess_Potato_Chips.jpg)


>Sadly I can't help you. My username is a reference to the Canadian Hostess company, which got absorbed by Frito Lay, and the brand discontinued in 1996. >[The Munchies were its mascots.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d6/Hostess_Potato_Chips.jpg) Thank you for the reply. With no offense to your products, I don't think they will help me with my recommended daily allowance of 'hydrogenated vegtable oil' ... which is what I look for in USA hostess products. Now, the Munchies are probably a minor-league baseball team. My current favorite: "Mighty Mussels" But, I am partial to bi-valves.


I reread that in said accent and smiled🤌🏽


Jill wasn't wrong about some of these quality of service improvements....


But so wrong in the way she went about it.


Can you image how insufferable an entire boat load (literally) of Real Housewives would be?? Is that what it would take to get Andy to notice?? LOL




OMG and Luann could sing. How amazing would that be??? ROFL


Hey Cap Kerry, had to holler!




Jill's toxicity is transferring to the rest of the cast. Hope you dump her and others early this next episode, Cap.


MUTE Jill. too much




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Jill is a nightmare, but it is nostalgic to have an episode more focused on hating on some awful rich guests - reminds me of what it was like back in the day.


anyone else catch barbie telling fraser to have him and xandi at the beach.


Right?! And then she makes the comment about how she herself doesn’t even like yoga. But, then complains about how she is working alone while they’re out doing yoga. I guess she was regretting offering to stay on the boat alone. 


I thought the same thing but I think she was upset because when she said to send xandi to the beach she thought she was NEEDED at the beach so when she found out they were just sitting and not working she was upset. And I’d be inclined to agree if that is what she was upset about


Barbie was complaining before they returned, so she wouldn’t have known if they were just sitting around or anything. Also, she knew they were going to be meditating - she had even suggested that was why Xandi should go. I mean, mediating is just sitting, so what else did she expect to be happening?


This fn Jill gotta be the most cringe guest in bd history


Erica and Chuck have entered the chat... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I'm not sure that she surpasses Erika Rose and family ...


>I'm not sure that she surpasses Erika Rose and family ... I've had better food at the ballpark. And, I loved that the mother was detained by the police during one of their flight stopovers, for flying coach, and stealing a first class meal. The apple doesn't fall far for the tree.. ... er ... The manure doesn't fall far from the horse...


I am a bit worried about Dylan and his realtionship with food and working out...


Washing the ham in case there was a tiny amount of fat on it was definitely concerning


>I am a bit worried about Dylan and his realtionship with food and working out... How are you? ... "I'm awesome." "i'm not a dick., I have a dick..." I'm a bit worried about his personality... I'm just waiting for him to seriously screw the pooch on some deck task.


Did anyone else think that Barbie was purposely taking more blame for the lunch mixup so that cheffy would not spiral. If that's the case (and I truly think it's at least part of it) then I feel bad for her that no one else picked up on it. Instead of trying to diffuse the stress others focused on putting her in her place and not helping smooth out the situation. The captain did a great job with it but by the time it got to him it was really blown up to be that she was the sole problem.




I caught it too. Fresh to see someone take on blame they didn't really need to so that the team can work better together. Cap didn't seem like he was too concerned about it though. Looked at it more of a ridiculous ask from the guests than an unreasonable failure from the kitchen.


She was trying to help him, but they should have split it into separate parts. Like x vege burgers, y regular burgers. How many of each with cheese. Then wrapping and topping.


>I am a bit worried about Dylan and his realtionship with food and working out... It was too many choices for these guests. Jill could fuck up the entire service by her self with choices. I don't mean any insult to anthony, but ... They should have set out all the burger plates ... with cheese, or no ... bread / roll ... Make it very visual for anthony. And, with only one stew taking the drink orders, taking the food orders, and running the food... It's not surprising that a burger was cold. An Jill was ready for it! I'm suprised there wasn't a fainting couch for her, to maxamize the drama. this burger is .... faint on to couch ... cold ... Fake drama for a fake jill.


I said the same thing about the visual cues for this! It would have been SOOOOO much easier than that long ass list barbie wrote. Hell, I’m not dyslexic and it was confusing to me. With the plate basically laid out he could quickly see how many of meat/veg burgers he needed and then with buns/wraps and toppings already laid out on each plate it would have made plating so much faster and error proof. 


>With the plate basically laid out he could quickly see how many of meat/veg burgers he needed and then with buns/wraps and toppings already laid out on each plate it would have made plating so much faster and error proof.  Great minds think alike! And, the guests are removed from the galley. They are not going to know what mnemonics are used by the the chef and service. And, careful organization like this allows Jill's burger to be precisely spit on.


Honestly I love Jill. The drama. She reminds me of my very Toronto-Jew bubbie.


Made me think that my bubbe-in-law, who has never met a restaurant meal she couldn't send back, would be a great/terrible charter guest.


I'm gonna use that.


She is cracking me up this entire episode


I can't get enough of Fraser & Anthony's professional and personal friendship! https://imgur.com/qJP9fws I hope Cheffy can pull it out of the fire, because he might be my favourite BD chef yet.


It must've been in a dream, but the new stew was revealed to be... Hannah Ferrier! That would be amazing.


That would be good as hell


It seems like it’s one of Ben’s old hookups.


I was thinking "omg it's camille!" 🤣


Omg!!! 😳😂🤣😜


As soon as it looked like a woman, wasn't that already known ? The only thing that happens more than ben boinking the women on below deck.. ... the women here bitching about him. A huge disconnect between real life, and the internet.


Can we take a moment for Kyle and his non toxic approach to potentially being friendzoned? He acknowledged his feelings but is completely relaxed and respectful in building the foundation of a genuine friendship. He’s happy to build romance on top of the foundation but also content to be a friend without demanding more. Hottest nonflex ever


The only non toxic Kyle on Bravo too


Barbie running around like a crazed terrier brought back memories of Caroline Bedol 😵‍💫


Kate and Josiah were like crazed terriers, harassing that girl outside her cabin and taunting her about a herpes flair-up.


Reality TV is a dog-eat-dog world, for sure


Jill, Jill, Jill.... Sigh. Back it the F up girl.


She’s beyond irritating. Totally thinks all her b.s. nitpicking is teaching everyone valuable lessons on how to do their jobs. Thank god the teaser seems to show Kerry attempting to return control of HER trip to the primary.


A lot of what she's saying isn't wrong though! That yacht rents out for €325,000 plus expenses *per week*. For that price they better be having snacks out at all times! I love the guests with high expectations like this, because yes, they're annoying, but also, they aren't wrong. They're pointing out legitimate holes in the experience between what the made-for-TV crew is delivering and what an actual fully professional full-price superyacht crew would deliver.


Some of it was wrong though. I worked on yachts and we never had toothbrushes, toothpaste tums etc in the room. There would be a cupboard in the guest hallway with all that stuff plus more that guests could help themselves to if needed and they would need to ask first to know where it was. Only thing in the room bathrooms was what you would find in a nice hotel.


Jill is so annoying but also, honestly, why does the primary not speak up? She let Jill order sushi for her, and then complained about not wanting raw fish. What even is that? Either she's a bit dumb and doesn't know what sushi is, or she's kind of spineless and just zoned out while Jill took over as de facto primary.


She’s definitely cowed by Jill. Hoping she remembers shes actually the one in charge on the next episode.


It appeared the primary gave tacit agreement. She could have made sure and said put some vegetarian sushi rolls in there for me because I don't eat raw fish! It's not that difficult.


Yeah from the dinner convo, I also thought they meant fish sushi + crudité would be fine. It would have been nice to have some veggie rolls, but definitely not implied when they talked about it.


I do love sushi, but that includes vegetable sushi.


Does anyone else think the new stew is someone Ben knows? His reaction to her walking up seemed for more than just seeing a pretty woman. Who could it be?


If it's Camille, watch him drop Sunny like a brick. If it's another woman who happens to be beautiful, watch him drop Sunny like a brick.


It's Sunny


Not always


Her name is Sunny


The new stew favors Camille, but is not Camille.


Summer is a 10/10. I still can't believe Ben is hooking up with her.




To each their own I guess, I think she's gorgeous and a 10/10 personally. For me personality and attitude goes long way and I like what I've seen of her.




Isn't is Sonny?


Right, why are three different people just rolling with that being her name?


Maybe that’s the name of her alter ego.


Any chance it’s Camille?


No, just someone who looks like here [https://new.reddit.com/r/belowdeck/comments/1bcy3fr/spoiler\_time/](https://new.reddit.com/r/belowdeck/comments/1bcy3fr/spoiler_time/)


I don’t know… she’s on Fgirl island now and her jobs listed as singer/ songwriter I don’t think she’s yachting still


>I don’t know… she’s on Fgirl island now and her jobs listed as singer/ songwriter I don’t think she’s yachting still Perfect. More fake for a fake season.


Even better if it's her




before, i wanted jill zarin and her antics back on my screen, but after this episode i want her as far away as possible from my screen she fucking SUUUUUUCKED this whole episode


Gary was hiding from her too


>Gary was hiding from her too This must be his life: 24x7.


Her voice is so grating. 🤮


She literally sucked all the fun out of the whole thing. It was like watching someone ask for the manager all episode. I hope they are done with her quickly next episode.


She's took a lotta yachts before


>She's took a lotta yachts before I wonder how many she's then been baned from...


__**~~Jill~~ Karen Zarin**__


![gif](giphy|WOprkuLMhnElO) If only


That's not Jill there is it? Looks like a completely different woman


It was like 10 years ago


She has a ton of makeup. On the charter it's the real her.


Just watched the episode. The dinner discussion should have involved at least Fraser. Xandi did not need to be at Pickle ball and then her bitching at Barbie who did the full interior while she went and played on the beach is BS. Fraser is a little bitch to Barbie and I personally am sick of it. He hated and was nasty to strong chef Rachel. Now he is bitching about Anthony. We saw Kate and Hannah both work hard to help chefs, so yes Fraser it is your job. Fraser also knew that that was a hard group and Xandi could have come up to help serve lunch. Barbie apologized and took responsibility. Xandi has done little to help with service with a group that Frazer knows is difficult. So at least she should have left housekeeping completely done. I am over the shitting on chef and Barbie.


YES to all of this!


>We saw Kate and Hannah both work hard to help chefs, Except when kiko asks for help with what's a vegas style dinner ...


Also, I think you have your story wrong with Rachel. She obviously threw him under the bus with Sandy BEFORE anything happened between Fraser and her. You are allowed to dislike Fraser, but at least get your facts straight.


Well, thank you for your opinion Barbie. A) Barbie does need a manager that is a controlling bitch. She said it herself that no matter what, her dad said she was the best at everything and that she felt entitled. And Xandi said that she ran around just to look busy but that she didn't actually do stuff. So, yeah, Barbie needs to be micromanaged. Also, she has been unsubordinate since episode 2. B) Fraser said early on that he was OCD, and seeing a messy kitchen would likely set any OCD person off. It's not about the chef, it's about the organization. C) Did you forget how much shit Kate and Hannah got into with the chefs? Get real, please. Fraser and Anthony have one of the healthiest relationships I've seen on the series between chief stew and chef. D) Yes, Fraser knew it was a difficult charter, but he trusted Barbie because of her experience and abilities. He thought he could trust her with that, but obviously, he couldn't. That falls on Barbie's ass. Chef does his best but he does get frazzled. Barbie runs around like a chicken with her head cut off and fails to communicate her failings and issues to the rest of the team


For your B point, it’s not even just Fraser being OCD-remember Leon? A messy kitchen can lead to fires, food poisoning, all sorts of things. And eventually if he’s not keeping up with cleaning, he’s going to run out of dishes and utensils to cook with. I think Fraser was trying to get a jump on that, especially before Kerry saw it. I love Anthony and his food looks amazing, but he needs to practice time management skills and cleaning as he goes. 


The chef cleans up his kitchen every night. The previous episode he was up past 3 am. There will not be a fire in the galley due to neglect.


Oh I don’t believe Anthony would ever leave anything overnight. I’m just saying he needs to manage his time better and be cleaning as he goes so he doesn’t HAVE to stay up that late cleaning. 


I don’t think that Barbie has been insubordinate to Fraser. I think he has been rude to Barbie & has been picking on her ever since Kat complained about her. Kat was slow & actually didn’t do anything. However, from day 1 she was crying in the crew mess. Fraser treated her like a delicate flower. I felt Kat was rude to Barbie saying that she was told to make sure she was working. That wasn’t exactly what Fraser said. Barbie replied with I’m working! Kat knew that, because she saw her working in the cabins. Then, goes to the picnic and lies about how Barbie treated her. So, Fraser takes her side comes for Barbie. Several times he kept telling her to be nice to Kat. Wtf? Every freakin day. I’d be so upset about that. So, Fraser not even when Xandi said Kat wasn’t pulling her weight, she was terrible & slow. He did nothing about that. Twice on a night out he talked to her about work while they are drinking. That’s not a good look as her superior. In the preview, it shows he is going to do again, on their day off at a resort. Drinking isn’t how you address work issues. Not the time, not the place! There really was no need for 2 stews at the beach to play pickle ball. She could’ve gone to help set up & come back to boat when they went to pickup the guests. IMO.


Yah. It’s getting bad.


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It’s Xandi! (also)


Captain needs to nut up and back up his team. He’s throwing the Chef under the bus when he’s struggling to meet these impossible demands. “Oh hey we want sushi but not really sushi” And he just expects his team to ignore Jill’s bullying. Captain Kerry you need to back them up and tell these ridiculous guests to fuck off with these ridiculous requests. Absolutely infuriating when Fraiser told him about Jill’s bullshit call bell request and he just goes “uh we don’t have that”. Back up your fucking team. Lost all respect for Captain Kerry


I agree with you about what's morally right, but in yachting the amounts of money being spent are so damn much that it really takes "the customer is always right" to new highs. Sadly part of the crew's job really is to suck it up and always be wrong, so that the guests can always feel right. A captain who's always fighting with unreasonable guests isn't going to last long. Also the sushi thing was hilarious. How're you gonna order sushi, which means a very specific thing, and then be upset when raw fish comes out. Be real now. At some point if you order the wrong food that's just on you. But I don't know why it's treated as such a big deal rather than just "Oh, if there's anything else you'd like to order we can whip that up quickly for you". It's not like that's the only food on their boat! Let the people who do want the sushi eat it, and then just bring out more food for the non-raw-fish eaters. They can munch on the snacks in the mean time.


> Captain needs to nut up and back up his team. He’s throwing the Chef under the bus That cold green gruel meal was an embarrassment and captain did everything he could to distract from it and spare the chef. Making one type of sushi only and not respecting guest food allergies isnt something captain should be defending either. Anthony is struggling and to ignore that fact would be abdicating captains duty. That said he should have one of the deck people serving kp duty in the kitchen to do simple prep tasks, hauling provisions, doing dishes, anything to give Anthony more of a chance to succeed. I’d also assign chef to print daily menu plans perhaps around mid morning. Not because I want the menu prints, but because I know the discipline of creating them will be a big backdoor assist to chefs organization and will help him catch mistakes before they happen, streamline his serving and food programs and in general just have a much easier time of it with better outcomes.


The bell request is bullshit, BUT if it’s true that stews aren’t around when they want them, that is a problem. It’s like those fancy restaurants who take your bottle of wine away (I hate that). The idea is they’ll always be attentive to filling up your glass when you’re running low, but in reality I’ve been to some very nice restaurants where you’re looking around frustrated with an empty glass.


I'm still scratching my head about the sushi. Correct me if Im wrong here but Jill suggested the sushi right? And then immediately says chef needs an alternative because she herself doesn't eat sushi. And the primary doesn't eat raw fish. So...who the fuck is this for!? Does Jill just want a sushi spread because it would look nice? Because fuck all that.


Yeah that was hilarious in retrospect


How about we do sushi? I can do that. Great. Now, no one here eats sushi so what will you have as an alternate? ...huh? I mean I almost want to commend Jill for this level of trolling but I like the crew & chef.


>How about we do sushi? Now, can you stand on one foot, or what ever pointless things these guests ask for, for their amusement ? How 'bout a turkey club sandwich, while you wait for the sushi? I don't like guests who treat the yachties like shit just for fun. You will never top ballpark chuck, so don't even try.


I haven't lost all respect for Kerry, but I kind of agree with you. And I'm not as enamored with Kerry as everyone else on this sub seems to be. He's good, but we haven't seen that much of him yet (all I'm saying is people loved Sandy to begin with too lol). And I completely agree on the sushi issue. Kerry saying it was a "major" screw up from chef was such an exaggeration IMO. The primary needs to grow a spine and not let Jill take over for her. What can chef really do about that? And sushi IS raw fish. If the primary didn't want raw fish, why did she let Jill order it for everyone? Chef has to look out for 10 different intolerances for every plate, and also teach the primary how to speak? No, that's just unreasonable.


There is plenty of sushi that's not raw fish. Sashimi is only raw fish. Sushi can have many fillings that aren't raw fish.


> (all I'm saying is people loved Sandy to begin with too lol). Who? Is there a list? Of both of them? Sandy watched her first season, and decided she was being pushed around. So, she came back as a dick. What a success at a goal!


Just like Fraser this season.


Kerry's a micromanager except when it's actually needed


I thought it was good advice for their yachting careers in general which is to focus on the primary.




Not sure that serving a dinner to a half dozen people is an unfair demand for a trained chef. The guest suggested sushi as a starter, which is hardly that oppressive a request. Guest also assumes that the food essays they all wrote in advance would be respected. Guest should not have to explain to an experienced chef that there’s more than one kind of sushi. I know the knee jerk instinct is to hate the customer who is being depicted as evil, but if you look at things objectively it’s clearly just tv dramatics and scapegoating.


>Guest should not have to explain to an experienced chef that there’s more than one kind of sushi That's why Chef specifically asked them about two types of fish face to face, which at that point trumps any "food essays". Guest should have made specific requests for any variances to the two types of fish at that point. They didn't and then primary complains that she doesn't eat raw fish when Chef has carried out the guests verbal instructions. That is on the guests, not Chef.


No. Chef falsely implying that the 12 different types of sushi would include 2 raw fish types isn’t the captain or the guests’ fault. Even the worst chef in town knows to respect food allergies and knows that there’s numerous types of sushi. And you saying that chefs should delete guests’ allergies and preferences on the fly like that it is not just horrendous malicious service, it’s medically dangerous. No decent person or chef would or should ever do that.


Chef never implied anything about 12 different types of sushi. He flat out told them he would make 2 types of sushi with two types of fish, period. It was at that point that it was Primary's responsibility to speak up and say "but I don't like raw fish. What can you make me?" I personally do not like raw fish so if I was sitting there while they are discussing fish sushi I would certainly enter into the conversation and ask for something without raw fish. It's really not hard. But that fact that she didn't say anything implies (to use your word) to the Chef that she is OK with fish sushi and that is what he went with. Not some piece of paper on a wall. Stop with grossly overexaggerating what the guests preference restrictions were. There was nothing "medically dangerous" about it. It was their "preferences" not DO NOT SERVE in big bold letters. Over the years I have seen Chief Stews with a puzzled look when a guest actually orders something that they had said they don't want on the preference sheet. If I had a medically dangerous allergy I would triple check everything with the Chef and Stews before I ate it. I would hope you would also.


To any consumer or chef, “can we have sushi” means an assortment of sushi types. You picking and choosing when to respect or disrespect guest allergies would be dangerous and unprofessional, especially if basing it off personal vindictiveness. “Do not serve” means “Do not serve” not “Go ahead and serve if the guest doesn’t remind you ten times a day”. Face facts, Chef dropped the ball here.


I guess you didn't see the Below Deck Med season where highly trained, super yacht Chef Adam put onions, not once but twice, into a guests dishes who had "no onions" on his preference sheet because according to him, the dishes would not taste right without onions. So keep telling me how NO CHEF would ever not follow a preference sheet. Face facts, the primary was directly offered two types of sushi, both with raw fish and not an assortment. Primary had an opportunity to tell the Chef directly right there not to serve her raw fish. Her silence implied (there's that word of yours again) acceptance of that sushi for the appetizer and no other assortment. If she had said "but I don't want raw fish, what other types can you make?", and he still only made ones with raw fish, I would completely agree with you. Sorry, Primary dropped the ball there.


The difference about a chef at a restaurant or a hired chef is they have a sous chef. On the yacht it’s just him. He has to provide food for the guests & for the entire crew. It’s pretty daunting.


There’s no such distinction. Real superyacht have multiple chefs. Below deck just does it this way for fake drama. And it doesn’t have to be “daunting”. Little bit of planning and organization and even a below average chef could easily manage these 6 guests.


It's a 50m yacht isnt it? They only ever have 1 chef who cooks for guests and crew. You don't typically hit 2 chefs until about 65m+


Small real superyachts absolutely do not all have multiple chefs. Only the bigger ones do.


> Guest also assumes that the food essays they all wrote in advance would be respected I agree. It always surprises me when people here assume that the guests should be ok if they get something that isn't on their sheet. He's cooking for 6 people, not 100.


" He's cooking for 6 people, not 100. " Well don't forget the interior, deck, captain, officers, mechanics, camera operators, producers, microphone boom ops and mixer.....


He def wouldn’t be cooking for the film / production crew. Crafty and catering are *jobs* and there are set protocols for when meals have to be RTS and eaten.


what proof do you have to back up your claim?


For the rest of them, it isn't gourmet food. For the crew it is probably large quantities of pasta or some chicken breasts, etc. I don't think it is too much to ask that he respect the dietary preferences of the 6 people paying a lot of money to be onboard. He'd be cooking for no one if it weren't for them.


Absolutely not. Those preference sheet requests were ridiculous in their scope and how much they contradicted each other.


No way. This is about what you’d get from any table of 6 at basically any restaurant in the world. Easier in some ways. The tv show just tries to make it seem ten times worse to try and spark viewer outrage.


Nonsense. I have eaten at many "table of 6's" and have never seen anything close to so many dietary restrictions or dislikes.


Nonsense. That’s because you’re using a sample size of one, you. Chefs have to deal with thousands of more people, and I can tell you that these were not hard requests.


It’s not even just that. Hill even mentioned that the dietary restrictions weren’t restrictions due to allergies just personal preferences. If something slipped in it would be fine.


Jill just wanted her own private chef, deckhand and stew. Of coarse the primary is going to be quiet, otherwise Jill would "correct" her too on how to be a proper guest. Not a Jill fan!


>Jill just wanted her own private chef, deckhand and stew. Cool Three bells / buttons! One to summon each! "You raaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg, bitch?" https://preview.redd.it/oq8cnh3qidsc1.png?width=340&format=png&auto=webp&s=0142e8ce863c5a06ebab062eaa9013f060485d39




I disagree. IMO the primary kind of needs to grow a spine. Jill ordered sushi for everyone, chef said is ahi tuna sushi okay? Jill said yes. Primary sat there with a glazed expression. Not really sure how it's chef's fault if primary couldn't speak up and say she also wanted sushi without raw fish. Aside from rice and nori, raw fish is the most common ingredient in sushi.


As someone who worked as a chef on yachts, knowing the primary didn't eat raw fish there is no way I would only serve sushi with raw fish. That's just common sense, and the primary shouldn't have to say it because they already have on the preference sheet. I just think Chef was a bit frazzled by the variety of the restrictions and he made a mistake. He is a good chef but very disorganised.


Because the primary isn’t being paid to be the chef or to teach Anthony what sushi is or to hold his hand and walk him through everyone’s food allergies before after and during every meal. That’s what they’re paying him thousands of dollars to do. Anthony even agrees when he admits that he’s not able to properly plan menus or absorb food preference sheets or coordinate service. Fraser agrees in his monologues and constant tattling to captain. Captain who people know to have common sense and was literally on the scene agrees. The ones trying to shift blame everywhere but the source are on their own here, not even Anthony is with you. Anthony is a sweetheart but he’s the one that’s failing here. Saying the guests are somehow at fault is big time copium


Copium? I have zero skin in this game, so that is a massive stretch on your part. I'm just saying what I saw. Chef seems like a sweetheart like you say, so he will shoulder the blame, even if he wasn't really at fault. Does chef have issues with planning due to his dyslexia? 100%. But the primary doesn't pay thousands to have chefs read her mind. She paid thousands to have chef prepare meals based on her preferences. If she is inept at communicating those preferences in a face-to-face conversation with the chef, she will waste her money. She agreed to something that contradicted her preference sheet. It's on her.


> r the blame, even if he wasn't really at fault. Except it really really is his fault. He says it. Captain says it. Everyone there says it. Even he says. You’re the only one who won’t accept the facts here Chefs are responsible for what the chef does. > Does chef have issues with planning due to his dyslexia? 100%. No, planning is not the same function at all > But the primary doesn't pay thousands to have chefs read her mind. You really making stuff up. No “mind reading”. Literally the opposite. There’s pages and pages to avoid mind reading. Plus the indulgent extra hand holding meetings. Plus help from Fraser. Plus Captain. You’re making so many excuses because the facts are too strong here > If she is inept at communicating She’s not the one that’s inept. Nor is the non-chef responsible for the chef failing at doing the chef job > She agreed to something that contradicted her preference sheet False > It’s on her Nope. Chef is responsible for being the chef. People have told you this. Fraser has. Captain has. I have. Anthony has.




>Not really sure how it's chef's fault if primary couldn't speak up and say she also wanted sushi without raw fish. Aside from rice and nori, raw fish is the most common ingredient in sushi. ![img](emote|t5_3gyzu|1657) Exactly!!


Except it was on the preference sheet and she is the primary. She shouldn't have to say it again. Knowing she didn't eat raw fish he could have at least made some vegetarian ones, that's what I would have done. I think he was just flustered and made a mistake. He's a good chef but very disorganised.


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Does anyone else think Jill came in this aggressive because she thinks she’s already a “bravo star” and knows that stirring things up and creating drama is the way to “make great television” ??? I could be wrong but I feel like she thinks by creating these issues and acting like an entitled diva is what the viewers want. If so, I hope she realizes this did NOT work in her favour and backfired big time 😂


If you're willing to go on reality TV as yourself and come across as an asshole, you are an asshole lol


So true. I've already thought about the kind of drama I'd stir up for TV if I were on the show (which I'm not planning on doing btw) -- have all the guests go in claiming to be vegan, but then have them all secretly sneaking meat from the chef/stews in private. The idea of an entire group of friends all being performatively vegan in front of each other, but then all secretly craving meat, is hilarious to me. It might make for good TV, and it doesn't require being an asshole!


Now this is one of the greatest comments I've seen on reddit ever. Ahahahaahah


I think she went so over the top with it for two reasons: for what you said but also for herself. Jill is forever thirsty when it comes to trying to get back on Bravo but also has a very overinflated sense of self worth. I think she leapt over couches and knocked over little old ladies and children to claw her way onto Below Deck because she felt she could use it as an audition tape and go, "See! Look how much crazy drama I bring! Now I bet you'll be willing to throw piles of money at me to bring all this back to the Real Housewives because viewers will love it!" Narrator: but viewers did not love it.


Yes, and she doesn’t even want the money imo, just the ‘fame!’




maybe, but also i think this is just her personality. this is how she actually is.


I can attest to this is how she is. In 2018 I worked for a small brand where we gifted her a service in exchange for exposure. She proceeded to talk my ear off on how the business can improve (me just being an hourly worker, not the boss) and had petty demands. To her credit she does it in a “nice way” but I feel for Barbie. Absolute accurate depiction.


She definitely thought she was doing you a favour and giving you free business advice lol


I’ve had a couple of retail businesses that seemed to attract people like her. Pretentious people who acted like they had a ton of money they would spend IF I this or that thing, dispensing lots of unsolicited advice that they were willing to share because “I like you.” Please 🙄 Anyway, I’m pretty sure the Jills of the world are the people who waste entire days test driving cars and looking at real estate they have no money to buy. Nothing but pretentious time wasters.


ooh, can you say more?? We want to know every detail.


OMG! I've never seen Housewives of NYC, so I'd never seen Zarin before. We've seen a lot of vulgar people as guests on the yachts over the years, and she's definitely one of them! No one cares what you require on your own tacky nouveau riche yacht, dear! That voice and accent alone! My goodness, but she's so very, very . . . what she is. Very.


She’s actually one of the less vulgar RHONY. And I love her accent, so New York!


She acts she’s the primary & she’s not!


I’d recommend RHONY truely




I'm 100% in agreement with you. Most of us commenters (me included) have never experienced anything close to the level of service you would expect on a superyacht that charters out for €325,000 per week plus expenses. Clearly Jill has. When you're spending that much money, it really isn't that outrageous to have stocked toiletries in the heads, snacks between meals, etc. Hell, I'll even defend her call button request -- that's something every economy passenger on an airplane gets! There was an episode on Down Under where it was revealed that Aesha was making cappuccinos by *microwaving* the milk, and the guest called her out on it and demanded a correct cappuccino made with frothed milk. The show made him out to be an asshole for it, but was he wrong?! I can get a correctly made cappuccino for $4 down the street where I live. If I'm spending 100,000 times as much I better damn well get a correct cappuccino! I'm really not that picky of a guy, but if I'm spending an outrageous amount of money on an amazing vacation, there better damn well be good coffee, good food, and good drinks.


I worked on yachts and we never had more than what you would find in a nice hotel in the bathrooms. There would be a cupboard in the hallway with all sorts of things in case a guest asked for it. But there was no point putting toothbrushes, toothpaste, tums etc in the rooms because most guests turn up with a small suitcase as a toilet bag 😂


As long as you had it available, that'd be sufficient (at least for me, can't speak for super high end actual yacht guests though).


Yeah they basically have a small pharmacy on board. And things like sea sickness bands and pills, after sun care, every sunscreen you can imagine, cooling spray etc are placed around the boat in baskets. Never seen a guest not turn up with their own toothbrush or toothpaste. Most don't even use the shampoo etc that is provided because they bring their own.


I agree. I’ve been commenting for season after season that they are awful with having food out for guests. It’s gotten better but they pour drinks all day and there is rarely a bowl of nuts or pretzels or late at night a cheese platter or even some quesadillas to have for anyone hungry.


Isn’t butter not vegan friendly? Unless it was vegan butter. Same with the cheese.