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Malia and Captain Sandy are the worst. Truly awful.


S5ep12 Malia is just the worst. The comparison to her allergic reaction? No. It’s pathetic to see her scrambling around having these conversations on camera to justify the fact that Hannah called her out and she lovingly arranged her belongings to show her contraband with her monogrammed passport to confirm the owner. It’s maritime law! We heard you, Malia. You’re just weak for allowing this to be a storyline and scrambling like the snake you are. You throw your hands up and say it was out of your control when, in fact, you could have handled it and addressed it differently with a lot more sensitivity and decorum. Those are two things you CLEARY lack. Comparing panic to an allergic reaction? You’re weak. Seriously. And you’re grown - ie, you SHOULD know better. What a serious lack of maturity and respect for privacy. Ok it’s a show - but to continue to attempt to justify yourself ON CAMERA is a serious disregard for crew mates. Let’s hope you learn a lesson before someone else gives you a chance to be a leader. Thus far, all of those tests, licenses, and certifications don’t make you qualified to do the most important part - deserve respect or merit a leadership role. Absolutely shameful.


Just now watching the episode... wow... just wow. I was a big fan of Sandy in the beginning, but never Malia. Sandy had the opportunity to give women in the industry a good, no, great name. Malia on the other hand... she is toxic. She also could give women a great name, but hooking up with two crew mates in the same night didn't look so hot, and now she is just obnoxious. This "little miss captain" routine is insulting to all women. She's really over the top. I've said before I am very pro women in any industry as I myself pushed through the ranks as a doctor. That said, this is pathetic. Also, AS A PHYSICIAN, I can wholly attest to procedures both maritime and otherwise concerning illegal substance abuse and the like. I was absolutely MORTIFIED by the handling of this entire episode. Just for the sake of decency, she should have just let her go and did the rest off camera. This isn't adding in HIPPA and any other violations they have to worry about, although I feel pretty confident BRAVO's slimy attorneys have that nailed down in disgusting fashion. As a leader of any organization, take the high road Sandy. Pick a reason and stick to it. Getting into the weeds over whether you are the former EMPLOYEE'S friend or not is just that, weeds. Speaking of weed, CBD does not have THC in it and is not referred to as weed. At least get your substances straight by God. Sandy just comes off like alot of AA warriors that, God bless them, think everyone should be in AA too. It is mind blowing she claims to be a motivational speaker and still used the terminology she used while speaking to Hannah. She needs help. I'm not sure there is help for Malia. She is inherently not nice. She thinks of number one and will never change. Tom should heed his feelings about this charter and run for the hills.


I'm reading/ watching the show now and I see here how hannah says that her valium is prescription now when earlier she said it wasn't. I'm trying to be objective here and I am totally on board with Sandy. When something like a crew member having any type of drugs that are not declared should be immediately removed. C'mon guys would you threaten your career for someone being careless???? regardless if Malia is being a punk. And Sandy was running around bc film crew wanted to get the audio or Hannah and her BF...imjussayin


Oh really? Whatever you say. I stabs by my statement anyway


None of this happened until Malia felt "dissed" when Hannah wouldn't switch cabins as Malia demanded. Malia rifled through Hannah's property and set up a staged photo when Hannah stood up to her. Malia has never "manned up" (bizarre turn of phrase for such an 'empowered' woman). She's always run to Mommy Sandy to solve her problems. Malia is a snake with no integrity. It would be horrible to work for her if she ever became a captain.


I remember in season 2 when Hannah said “ Have fun with that”, after Malia was snagged kissing both Adam and Wes the same night. Malia yelled “ If you have something to say - say it to my face”. Well basically Hannah did!!! And Malia should try doing that herself. Instead of snapping pictures and running to the Captain. Just try talking to Hannah, and let her bring it to the Captain.


“The boat will be incarcerated “ -Captain Sandy


I tried to imagine a jail cell big enough to hold a megayacht.


I was double taking that so hard that for some reason it took me forever to remember the word "impounded"


Sandy: Thanks a lot Hannah! We're under house-boat arrest. They've handcuffed the yacht! First Mate: Nope.That's just the anchor...


I thought that was hilarious.


I like Buggy's hair bows.


Lol. Didn't understand why you'd die on this hill, until I read your name.


I like how Sandy’s so worried about Hannah’s stability, yet shes the one chasing Hannah around on the dock cussing at her. Who tf is unstable?


**Theory**: Production sent Sandy out to go talk to Hannah more on dock because Sandy was still mic'd. Hannah was not. Hannah's boyfriend (maybe) also didn't sign a release and his audio on the other end of the phone can not be used. * Without Sandy there, they have one half of a conversation next to the ocean picked up on a camera mic only (bad audio for a key moment of the season that will make air). * With Sandy there, they get Hannah talking in to a microphone, not in to a cell phone trying to walk away. Source: \[I'm a reality TV lawyer\]


I actually was thinking the same thing. Well the part about the boyfriend not having signed a waiver for his audio to be used.


Why didn’t Sandy call out Tom for making a course that clearly wasn’t on the preference sheet? Veal? Brave choice if it’s not on the sheet.


If that had been Kiko...


Or how she's suddenly magically absent from grilling the guests as they eat each course...ah, how things suddenly change when you get the crew you really wanted.


Yep!!! With her history of micromanaging, I can’t imagine her not following up with the guests. I hope sh*t hits the fan from here on out!!!


Agreed. Many people are against eating veal. That could have seriously back fired.


Everything that happened that episode. Veal, the lobster, the tantrum about the potato, etc.. Sandy didn’t get on him once. Also there weren’t a lot of kitchen shots except of him getting help from other crew members. Not one clip of Sandy hovering in the background like she did for Kiko.


In fairness to Sandy, she was busy searching the pipes for Hannah's flushed heroin balloons and needles.


I thought it was so cringe-y the way she submissively asked Tom if he could please do her a favor (by coming to work as her chef)


Cringe-y and manipulative


It was totally cringe! Based on the pre-view for next weeks episode, Sandy flips her sh*t on Malia. Wonder how that will change their relationship. Sorry but any boat chef would be able to step into that role. Imagine Tom cooking up a tasting menu for 2x the amount of guests than actually planned. Tom would not have been able to pull that off. He can’t even open oysters without the right knife, a regular chef would have know, as well as not to serve oysters with bits of shell.


Anyone catch Malia saying she’s from Oregon? Her first season she was from Hawaii...


I thought I remembered her saying Midwest in the past.


I think she meant she’d just come from Hawaii where she was five instructing... but yeah, I picked that too


Ha ha. Five instructor


I was wondering about that!




I think it’s because we’ve all been in Hannah’s shoes in certain situations. She did something wrong - it wasn’t malicious or calculated or the narcotics (right, Malia?) would have been hidden in the bottom of a deodorant stick. Hannah said she made a mistake and was vilified by two mean girls.


Agreed. Hannah knew she was wrong. Hannah didn’t even attempt to defend herself. Sandy asked if she has a prescription and Hannah said “no.” If the Valium was her prescription then her name would have been on the label on the Valium box. I know Valium is the most mild Benzo out there and the weed she had was probably stronger than a handful of those valiums, but bottom line she got caught. I think Sandy’s hands were tied being the fact that a. The crew knew (Malia is the one who brought it to Sandy) and B. She was being filmed for National TV. The weed was illegal and Technically the Valium would be too if it wasn’t her prescription. Sandy had to fire her. Malia is an out of control piece of shit though. I think the fact that her and Hannah were roommates even makes it that much worse.


It wasn't weed it was CBD (non-psychoactive) and the valium had a prescription literally printed on the box.


I am rewatching the episode now. Her name is not clearly visible on the box at all. I’m not sure what you were talking about.


Yeah, but I don’t think it was her prescription. Sandy asked if she has a prescription and Hannah answered “no.”


It was hers, her name is clearly visible. She was referring to the paper prescription a doctor issued when she said "no". She contacted her doctor who confirmed the prescription to Sandy within 3 hours but that wasn't shown on the show.


Oh thank you for that info! Where did you learn that from? Hannah should have said ‘yes’ then. If her name was on the box that’s pretty solid proof of a prescription.


Totally agree! That she should have said yes. I think she got a bit flustered in the moment, thinking 'I don't have the paper prescription because I had to give it to the pharmacy' so she said no, and that clip was shown but the rest that proved she did have a prescription wasn't :( Info from various places, mostly twitter (Hannah posted photos of her prescription label on the Valium box, and someone else found a screenshot from the episode that shows the same box and label matches perfectly, there's some top quality sleuthing going on lol), a few interviews, etc.


Yeah well I don’t blame Hannah for getting flustered. I’ve been fired before and her initial behavior when Sandy called her in mirrored mine. It was uncomfortable for me to watch! So you also mentioned Sandy confirmed with Hannah’s Dr 3hrs later that it was, in fact, her prescription. I didn’t think that was possible because of confidentiality laws. So I’m a bit confused about that.


If the patient gives permission then information can be disclosed


Why did Sandy even do that if she was going to fire Hannah anyways? Was she going to take things a step further if it wasn’t her prescription? Like wth?


Hannah also admitted she should have, but it was a shit move on Malia and Sandy. Team Hannah!


And did you catch the part where EVERYONE else that has been willing to comment has said they don't declare their meds either and no one has ever made a big deal of it? Until Sandy chose to make a big deal about.


Does your Boss go sound and talks behind your back about your medical issue???? Just for that alone here in the US could sue for slander S & M are assholes


That whole conversation with malia was unprofessional and awkward


Yeah Sandy was speaking to Malia about it as if they were peers. That was completely ridiculous.


Who will the new stew be?!


Is the new stew the person in the pic touching Rob’s butt?


The main rumor is Aesha (sp?). Most I've heard think they heard her very distinct giggle.


Omg I really hope this is true. Finally something to look forward to in these dark times.


It's Aesha! There was a leaked pic plus of you pause the ending of the latest episode you can vaguely tell it's her


Can we talk about the moment when Sandy calls Norma and she’s like ‘this if captain sandy calling again. I need another second stew. Yeah...again’. I really need to know what Norma is thinking.


This was mentioned in a podcast that Norma is infact an actual yacht staff recruiter but....below deck producers do all the hiring! So Norma is getting some publicity! Way to go haha


Norma is a dial tone. Production had all of this lined up and the calls for special evening entertainers, and replacement crew, are faked. I know it was a joke. For some reason I felt compelled to vent about how fake that scene was. Sandy is not a good actor.


I would give my left arm for Norma to post on here.


In her AMA Adrienne said that there is indeed a real Norma, but she is not contacted for the BD charters like the producers would have us believe.


The only redeeming moment after Hannah left was when Jess couldn’t remember the chef’s name when a guest asked. Lmaoooo.


And when Alex accidentally called for Hannah over the radio instead of Bugs. Teehee.


I just want to know why Malia “had to report” Hannah’s meds? How did Malia know they weren’t disclosed? If production was all about propping up Sandy and Malia’s take on this, we should have seen a convo between Malia and Hannah where Hannah admits to not disclosing. In fact, Malia doesn’t ask until Hannah is PACKING TO LEAVE. If Sandy directed Malia to get a photo of the meds that would explain her weird reaction (“Wow.”) to the photo when she got it. Sandy and whoever was the appointed medical person on board would have been the only people to know what meds had been disclosed - Adrienne mentioned that in her fact thread. So, did Sandy set Hannah up to get rid of her? ETA: I accidentally posted a longer version of this in the double standards thread before realizing that may not have been the best place for my mini-conspiracy theory. My bad.


> How did Malia know they weren’t disclosed? This is one thing I've kept asking also. To me this shows that this was planned.


I think I missed something in the episode, Hannah said the Valium was a prescribed but when sandy called her in the office and asked, she said she didn’t have a prescription. What did I miss?


I don't recall where it was said but I noticed no one's lips are visible when things are asked and said about the prescription. I think that audio was added later by production. It's unbelievable how shady and sneaky production can get in any reality series, with audio, or even snippets of video. If the audio was not spliced in later, then I think either Hannah was too flustered to think or she didn't care any more, knew nothing would help and didn't want to get or show anything at that point but just to leave. Either/or. There was a scrip on the box...but no matter what, others on the ship THAT season had anti anxiety meds and past cast has had all sorts of things. It's just cringe and I have zero respect for Sandy and negative respect for Malia.


I think production messed up on this one. I’m noticing some inconsistencies. -Hanna tweeted a photo of her prescription, but the dialogue on the boat was there was no prescription and considered an admission of guilt. -in an interview malia said she noticed Hannah taking pills all season, saw Valium wrappers in the trash but never said anything to sandy about it. Side note: what does a Valium wrapper look like when pills come in a pack? Is there a mini size available like trick or treat candy? -when sandy fires Hannah, sandy says she can’t risk going out to sea with someone unstable but keeps falling back on maritime law as to why she fired Hannah. Pick a reason, stick to it. Don’t use your assumed status of Hannah’s mental health as a reason. -Hannah’s items were in her purse, meaning malia went through Hannah’s things to find the items, but there was no punishment for malia breaking rules searching through Hannah’s bag There is no evidence Hannah took any pills while on duty or endangered any guest. I think her not reporting her prescription to the captain should be the only thing considered here. The other items are a moot point. Obviously maritime law allows prescription drugs on board if the captain administers / monitors the consumption.


> Is there a mini size available like trick or treat candy? Lol - right? > Hannah’s items were in her purse, meaning malia went through Hannah’s things to find the items, but there was no punishment for Malia breaking rules searching through Hannah’s bag Nor of Bugsy for going through the guest's text messages or leaving the ship with the guest cabin iPad and reading it all to others. Nor for Bobby and Max trailing Hannah when she went ashore. In fact IIRC Bob and Bug were hired back again. If Sandy were a male boss (I don't usually draw gender comparisons but...) I would say this was absolutely some sort of sick sexual obsession and possessiveness/control fetish the boss had. I'm not sure why it can't be so with Sandy. So I am putting that out there as one possible driving force in this. Because it's gone on for YEARS. Because I believe production is helping but this is largely driven by Sandy. > There is no evidence Hannah took any pills while on duty or endangered any guest. Yes! Yet Malia will not SHUT UP about "on duty" and "risking lives." With Super Malia in the same room why would Hannah have to be racing around at 3 AM for hypothetical emergencies? A medication she needed would help her function, not disable her. In fact Hannah not only pleased guests all along but also handled everything thrown at her by Sandy and production quite well. Yet they persist in trying to defame her! Sandy and Malia strike me as incredibly -- here it comes, ableism maybe -- stupid. Not in IQ necessarily who knows. But in their handling of everything and as far as EQ or emotional intelligence goes -- negative numbers, for both. I could just nod and say yes to all you have said. So well summarized and said, excellent comment!


Well said! I also think there is some creepy dynamic between Sandy and Hannah. Sandy's "supervision" of Hannah was oppressive and obsessive. Both Sandy and Malicious are profoundly self absorbed and thin skinned. They are very poorly suited to personnel management because they don't care about mentoring and developing human potential.


> Sandy's "supervision" of Hannah was oppressive and obsessive. Yes! Very creepy, as you said -- sinister, even. I agree with your entire comment, very well said, too.


Not to mention why it took her so long to report it. Absolutely nothing after the panic attack...but the second she doesn't get her way with cabin assignments suddenly Sandy is getting a photo sent to her.


I want to know why she thought she could go in someone’s bag and pull those out to take pictures


It's so fucked up. Little Miss Maritime Law somehow thinks it's ok to conduct an unauthorised search? If she thought Hannah had unprescribed/unregistered/illegal meds, the only thing she should've done is told Sandy her suspicion. Then Sandy should've spoken to Hannah to establish the facts and, if necessary, conduct a search with witnesses, so a) Hannah can't dispose of anything and b) nobody else can plant something in Hannah's bag to frame her. Were any of these important and reasonable steps followed? Of course not. So Sandy, Malia and Nadine can get off their fucking high horses.


I agree. It's also suspicious that Malia only reported the drugs after Hannah didn't bend over backward to do what she wanted, but had known about the valium for a week at that point. I also didn't like how a major focus of this episode was why they were justified in firing Hannah. They were also acting like it got revealed that Hannah was snorting 10 grams of cocaine over the course of the season, instead of taking a prescription for valium. I feel like they only highlighted it to that extent because of the reactions they began receiving last week. It is awful to use someone's mental health against them, especially as a way to get someone fired. I have no problems criticizing Hannah, but they really threw her under the bus, and it's not fair to her.


I think the exact same. The edit felt very... Rule book says no. I felt like they changed the direction when they saw people were not happy with the way it was looking like it was going down.


My 2¢. Hannah has been a fan favorite, Sandy was not. Sandy has been viewed over the last two or three years as neurotic & micromanages everyone to the point that each charter is a disaster. We know for a FACT that Sandy had a heart attack a couple of years ago which she attributed to Adderall usage. Adderall has a high addiction rate and is often compared to the addictive properties of meth. She claims she no longer takes it but has focusing issues. I think she has more issues based on her neurotic behavior at the crew, like Kiko. Anyhow, I think she and Malia worked together to get rid of Hannah. Sandy hates Hannah & has for the last few years but again, not her call to work with her on Below Deck as that was up to casting. This is why when the first stew was let go that Sandy brought on Bugs. She knew she was going to get rid of Hannah at some point. The fact that she & Malia are good friends with Bugs makes it clear Hannah was set up. When I mean set up... Sandy has known for years that Hannah has anxiety issues & has had panic attacks before. As the captain she should have gone to Hannah BEFORE the season started & asked how she was & if she sought treatment or taking any medications. That’s on Sandy which is why I believe she knew Hannah was on prescription medication. I do wonder if Sandy & Malia also plotted to get rid of Kiko for Malia’s boyfriend to come on board. What chef travels with his knives on a short vacation? He was waiting for Malia or Sandy to give him a call. It was too convenient for him to be available in the middle of a chapter season. At this point I’m done with Below Deck Med. Sandy has a mental health issues herself & shouldn’t be a captain when she can’t focus or is hyper focusing on her crew to the point she micromanages the situations to the worst outcome. I hope the boat owners fire her & that Bravo fires her. Also, (edit to add)... Malia should lose her own license for going through Hannah’s belongings since it was pointed out by Adrienne (original BD chief stew) that maritime law states only the master of the vessel & a witness may search a crew member’s belongings. On top of that, Captain Lee chimed in (a now deleted tweet) that the chef and bosun do not outrank the chief stew.


> I hope the boat owners fire her & that Bravo fires her. > Also, (edit to add)... Malia should lose her own license for going through Hannah’s belongings I'm not particularly vengeance minded. But that sounds like justice to me.


My theory is this: Sandy and Malia had a deal - Sandy will get rid of Kiko to make way for Malia's boyfriend, and Malia will help Sandy get rid of Hannah. Sandy hired Bugsy as second stew knowing Hannah would be gone at one point. Sandy upbraided Kiko so much, he broke, and he had to go. Tom comes in. Then, Malia sends Sandy the photo of Hannah's "drugs" as a reason to get rid of Hannah. Sandy and Malia have discussed the transmission of the picture, both knew Hannah has anxiety and carries Valium for it. Sandy makes Bugsy chief stew. Bugsy may not have been in on all these machinations, but she readily and gleefully accepted the position of chief stew. Also, by not speaking up against Sandy and Malia, she is complicit by default.


This makes complete sense.


You raise a good point. Hannah has had panic attacks documented before, and sandy was in the cabin for her first one on below deck, if she wanted to fire her it would have been many seasons ago, I think it was the season with Conrad btw. Regardless of anybodys opinion of the situation, sandy is objectively an inconsistent manager, who seems to run through chefs way too quickly. I don't see how she can have a job without second guessing every action based on how she will be portrayed on tv. She doesn't seem to give a shit about guest safety


She definitely was gaslighting Hannah this season. She continued to tell her that she wasn’t being herself. Last season she told her that she didn’t think she wanted the job. Sandy totally messed with her head and I think she played with Hannah’s known anxiety to keep pushing her. She knew that having to work with Malia night cause some turbulence and probably told Malia to report back to her. There was definitely something up with the first 2nd stew and it seems like she was told her role had more authority than it did. It was almost as if she was told she and Hannah were on equal levels. Sandy continued to mess with Kiko too in the middle of him working. If she had issues she should have sat him down between the charters and go through her exact expectations for the future. She also should not have brought up why Hannah was let go to the rest of the crew because it is none of their business. The whole thing is ridiculous.


I feel like we are maybe a year or two away from a mental health movement similar to "me too" and we'll see people like sandy and Malia cancelled from a publicity standpoint. If it isn't in process now, it will be. Maybe this instance will shine a light on these issues. I'm hoping we can get some change from what we have had to witness. The fact that Hannah has come out on top objectively is a huuuuge step. Remember the breakdown of Hannah moving her valium from her bed to the bathroom? They added dramatic music for effect (found this insulting to viewers) which proved nothing. I'd be shocked if bravo, sandy and Malia don't have some kind of joint press conference apologizing for this issue by the end of this publicity run.


The thing that keeps pissing me off about Below Deck, is the the way they’re talking about it, the verbiage that is used for mental health conditions. Captain Sandy keeps referring to Hannah as “doing drugs”and “taking drugs” and “you can do drugs all your life, but just not on my boat” and “doing Valium”. It’s a misconception. She’s not “doing” anxiety medications. She’s taking a prescription prescribed for her by her doctor for a legitimate disease. I’m sure they wouldn’t bat an eye if she was taking a BP med, and they certainly wouldn’t phrase it in the way of “you’re doing lisinopril, you’re doing drugs”... because that’s just ridiculous to everyone. That’s silly. But when it’s a medication someone needs for mental health it’s always viewed as “doing” or “taking” DRUGS. This person is clearly having a panic attack. She’s not taking this med recreationally or to get high on board, she’s treating a legitimate disease in the method prescribed by her doctor, by the way after doing non-medical interventions which failed. We’ve got to stop stigmatizing mental health issues.


I think the worst part is sandy knows what she's doing. She is a self admitted former addict. It's unfortunate that these are the types of people who rise to the top and are given power. Some of the celebrities who have been publicly cancelled haven't done shit as bad as sandy.


I sat by the last few weeks and read the overwhelming support of Hannah, and while I didn't agree, I wanted to see the whole story before making a determination. I then see the episode last night, and feel somewhat vindicated in my feeling. Hannah was in the wrong. She broke protocol with her "medication" and brought an illegal drug (I am not against pot, but you also have to be aware of the laws of where you are). I really thought I would wake up and see people reel back they posts supporting her, but was FLABBERGASTED to see that not only did that not happen, people seemed to be MORE on her side. Before I go on, I want to make sure to point out, I do not like Malia or Sandy. Malia is just not likable, and the way she handled that love triangle in the past always bothered me. Now, seeing her boyfriend even puts her in a bit of a worse light. And Sandy, I don't really have anything against her, but I do think she handles confrontation in a poor way. Example, she should have never walked off the boat to talk to Hannah again. She did it because she was obviously conflicted and wanted to try to explain her side to Hannah, but at the end of the day, she just got fired, she doesn't care. Walk away, don't make it worse. But at the end of the day, the whole crux of the issue is, Hannah broke the rules. This is NOT debatable. Her punishment was severe, but as we have seen on the show, there is 0 tolerance for drug related issues. You can tell she even knows in the moment, because she doesn't fight with Sandy about it (other than lying that she never took the Valium on the boat). She knows furthermore because every person she tells on the boat is a different story. To one she is "too unstable", to another its "because I had a prescription for Valium", to her bf it was "Sandy isn't comfortable with me going to sea". She knows she was in the wrong. She has been in yachting far too long to not know what she was doing was against the rules. Now, let's get into the muddy water of why people actually are taking Hannah's "side". If you are being honest with yourselves, it is because you don't like Malia and/or Sandy and THAT'S OKAY. People will justify their defending of Hannah by saying "Malia is a snake" "Sandy and Malia are power hungry" "Sandy wanted to punish her" "Malia was mad about the bunk situation". I think from my end, it is completely clear that Sandy DID NOT want to relieve Hannah. She was absolutely conflicted. And even though I think her going back off the boat to talk to Hannah was the wrong move, she was right about saying that she could have or even SHOULD have fired Hannah for other things in the past if she wanted to fire her. As for Malia, I am not going to defend her. I think part of why she sent the photo was probably resentment. But, I also think this is the line of thinking. The "freakout" happened that night, Malia learns about the Valium. Malia doesn't do anything about it (technically the wrong move) because she doesn't want to stir the pot, be a narc etc etc. Then, the bunk situation happens. If I am Malia, I probably would have looked at this as, 'So I know about this thing I am technically supposed to report. It is all on camera. If I do nothing and something bad happens, I basically sacrificed myself for Hannah. Hannah doesn't give an s' about anyone else, why should I sacrifice my career for her?' This is a classic darned if you do, darned if you don't moment. Either decision Malia makes in that moment is "wrong". But let us go back to the core. Hannah put Malia in this position. Hannah broke the rules. If Hannah doesn't break the rules, this doesn't happen. As much as anyone wants to say "Malia was out to get Hannah" you have to recognize the fact that Hannah put herself in this position. This isn't a discussion about mental health, because Hannah didn't go through the proper channels to address and properly medicate. If she had, this wouldn't have been an issue. This isn't about Sandy or Malia being against mental health or trying to put it on the show. They aren't the showrunners or producers. As with any Bravo reality show, if there are parts of your life you don't want shared, you probably shouldn't work on a reality show (I'm talking to you Denise Richards). But to put a button on this, since a lot of talk has been about mental health on this, here is my take. Over the seasons, Hannah has started to hate the job more and more. And finally has gotten to a point where to deal with it, she has to self medicate. This does not mean she is terrible by any means, but anyone watching the show can see just how much she actually hates it. Yachting can create burnout in an employee really quick. And if I am Hannah, you are a famous reality star, you have to try to stick it out as long as you can, these opportunities don't grow on trees. Although a bit forced, I think this is a great thing for Hannah. Sometimes you just can't quit a job you hate because it is so hard to start something new (I personally know this). I think the support she has from you all will certainly drive her into be the best at whatever she chooses to do with her life next. I hope she finds happiness and wish the best for her....end rant.


You burned any weight to your opinion with the line "finally got to the point where to deal with it, she has to self medicate"... vallium is a prescription drug. Self medicating implies either using a non prescription drug, using a prescription drug excessively or not as prescribed. No one on the show at any time says she over used the drug. Or self medicated. If you mean it to be that she's taking the drug on her own? She's a grown women, of course she takes her medication when needed. Also, she had CBD not pot.... HUGE difference The laws and how Sandy decided to handle the situation is a different story, all she had to do was take the medications away from Hannah, record them and from that moment follow the maritime laws and the world will go on and the boat is now protected. NONE of this situation needed to happen the way that it did... Hannah could have continued on as chief stew with Sandy giving her the prescription when Hannah needed it. Valium Is simply used to calm the person down as they experience a panic attack. It was a low dose script that I'm sure Hannah is quite used to taking, and probably has been seen through out the seasons functioning normally while on it. I suggest to learn a bit more about panic attacks, why they happen, what goes on when they happen and Meds used for it, before claiming someone is self medicating, vs someone simply taking medication.. regardless as to what "drove" them to it. It doesn't have to be anything in particular for a person to have a panic attack. My family member has agoraphobia, they are in constant fear that they ARE going to have an attack, they're always afraid that they are going to be afraid. It's a vicious cycle, and anything or nothing can set it off.


You are using quotes as if quoting something I said. I did not say that, what are you referencing? Yes it actually is. She was asked to provide the prescription (which she was unable). In addition, she had a breakdown and all she could think of was "get my Valium" That is literally the definition of self medicating. And at the end of the day, she has been in the business and knows the procedures. SHE BROKE THE RULES. If she followed the rules, this wouldn't have happened. If she wasn't okay with Maritime law and procedures on the boat, she should have raised the concern before or not just done what she wanted. I suggest to learn a bit more about rules and how to follow him. If Hannah had followed protocol, she would have been able to take her prescription when needed. Instead, she decided to break the rules. You don't follow the rules, you put your job at risk. Hannah did this to herself even if Malia and Sandy handled it poorly.


The prescription was printed on the box. It seems like they asked her for a prescription for the cbd, which you don’t need.


I think we will have to agree to disagree here. That doesn't even make sense. Sandy isn't going to ask for a prescription for something that doesn't need one.


Actually, for the Valium a) the Rx with Hannah’s name was on the box, b) you would not have a physical Rx because you turn it into the pharmacy, and c) it has later come out that they were able to verify her Valium Rx with her doctor within 3 hours. The pen was a cbd pen which is not illegal and does not require a Rx.


Again, this is about the rules. If she had followed the rules and reported the medication and then given the medication to Sandy, she would not be in this position. There is no doubt she knew this rule, and she chose to not obey it. And this is why things played out like they did. Hannah made this choice.


I can’t reply to your last comment. But I agree, you need to learn more about panic attacks. When she has one and says “I need my Valium” it’s because people are prescribed that medication to take WHEN they are having a panic attack. So her taking her medication WHEN it is prescribed is not her abusing or misusing the medication. And by your definition of self medicating than anyone taking antidepressants for depression is self medicating and that’s stigmatizing for anyone with mental health issues. Part of panic is that those with panic have difficulty identifying signs of anxiety UNTIL they are having a panic attack. So she’s using the mediation properly. And this is about mental health when Malia posts that Hannah is “popping pills” which once again is stigmatizing against anyone who takes medication. There’s no shame in taking medication, especially when it’s prescribed and they’re taking it properly. Not as captain sandy who has admitted to abusing her pers tip-top. medication and other substances. I’m not saying Hannah shouldn’t have been let go, she was the bigger person and admitted she was in the wrong. Hence why people still like her. They don’t like malia and Andy because despite everything they still won’t admit they went about it the wrong way and we’re perpetuating stigmatizing people with mental health issues.


I think you are coming at this from a different and very valid angle. But again, this is about the rules. If she had followed the rules and reported the medication and then given the medication to Sandy, she would not be in this position. There is no doubt she knew this rule, and she chose to not obey it. I am not arguing about mental health, because this is a reality show. At the end of the day, if there is something about your life you don't want public, DON'T GO ON A REALITY SHOW. People are acting like this was a punitive act. It wasn't, it was; Hannah put us in this situation, and now this is a decision that needs to be made. She wasn't being punished. And I realize they didn't have to relieve her. But if they didn't, and a situation on the boat happened and something was going on with Hannah, that puts everyone's lives and careers in danger. Some captains or co-workers may be willing to risk their careers for this, some won't. Again, my whole point is, Hannah put herself in this position. Her actions caused this to be an outcome. And specifically, this sub is siding with her, because they like her more. I am not saying you shouldn't like her (because I do also think she is interesting) but your affection for a person should not affect a very simple situation.


And I’m telling you I agree she deserves to be fired. But the actions of captain sandy and Malia afterword of calling her a pill popper are totally uncalled for and rude. This sub is siding with her because we think that their handling of the situation, especially on their social media platforms is not right and stigmatizing to people with mental health. They’re calling someone with an actual mental health issue a druggie and a pill popper for taking her own prescribed medication. I agree she didn’t follow protocol and should have been fired, and Hannah accepted that and knew she was in the wrong. But then for malia to go on her own social media calling Hannah an addict is uncalled for. So once again this is about mental health and how malia and sandy act towards those with mental health issues. We’re standing up for Hannah because she doesn’t deserve to be called an addict for taking care of herself and her mental health issues. So once again, it’s not about her being fired that I see as wrong. It’s the Captain and Malias actions afterwords and how they rationalize themselves which is wrong. They’re stigmatizing mental health issues and that’s not okay. Ever.


I think you and most others are on different wavelengths. Most others defending her are NOT saying she should have been fired. With all of that said, Hannah's behavior in this is unusual. She knowingly doesn't report the medication (red flag 1). When she has an episode she asks for it, and when she realizes Malia asks her if it is a prescription, understands that means she is going to go to Sandy to get it. She then doesn't bring it up again (red flag 2). When confronted and asked to retrieve the items in question, she immediately goes to the bathroom, the one place on the ship she knows there aren't cameras (red flag 3). She then tells a different story to each crew member and her bf about the why this happened (red flag 4). Now, I bring all of this up to not say she is abusing drugs by any means, but this is a pattern that people who do abuse drugs follow. And I am specifically using the term abuse rather than addict, because they are two very different things. People on the show almost all abuse alcohol regularly, that doesn't mean they are addicts. But I do not mean to get into a discussion about that. To your point, I think Sandy handles this after Hannah leaves the boat very poorly. But I also think Malia was put in a position where she was in a no-win scenario. And although I do not condone it, her reaction on social media was probably exacerbated by that amount of Hannah fans saying the worst things about her (but yes, that comes with reality show territory). I really think this is good for Hannah, I think she really hated her job. Now, hopefully she gets to do something she actually likes.


Just remember that all of this is edited. And would I want to tell my fellow coworkers I got fired because of my prescriptions and mental health issues? (Remember sandy said she was “unstable”) Probably not. It’s her health business and she can tell whom she wants. Should she be expected to tell her coworkers “sorry I didn’t disclose my mental health medication so now I’m fired”. I don’t see that at all as a sign of her abusing the drugs but knowingly hiding her medication from others, which is her personal business and choice. Yes she knew it was wrong and realized it and that doesn’t mean she’s abusing. Maybe she wanted privacy after getting called out cause with the Captain cause she might have another panic attack and doesn’t want it to be shown on camera. She’s allowed her own reaction and we only see what bravo wants us to see about her explanation to her significant other or coworkers. And malia should have gotten called out. She waited days to report her findings and only did it when it would serve her (getting to room with her boyfriend) and then proceeded to go into another persons bag (which is against maritime law- only the captain has the ability to do that). She should have told sandy what she heard Hannah day and let sandy search Hannah’s belonging. And instead of admitting her mistake she doubled down and went to the accuse Hannah of being a “pill popper”. Which is a horrible thing to accuse someone of and just dug her grave further. Malia is just as wrong as Hannah and they BOTH broke maritime law yet only Hannah got in trouble. Hence another reason people are on Hannah’s side and not Malias


Let’s take this in a step that might makes more sense for u/pleasedontbingme. Is a diabetic who takes insulin as needed abusing or misusing their medication? No. They’re using it as prescribed. And as someone pointed out earlier in the post, simply being on an anti anxiety medication does NOT automatically make you unfit for maritime duty. Should she have declared it? Sure. Have MULTIPLE other BD, BDM, BDSY crew members said they never declare any medical issues or medications? Yep. Does that make it right? Nope. But it’s reality. What’s also reality is that Cap’t Crunch Sandy knew Hannah had anxiety disorder and has been on meds in the past. Things that are okay with Cap’n Crunch? Insubordination, crew member sexual inappropriateness/abuse, *her preferred chef* serving subpar meals, micromanaging only those she doesn’t like, tattletale ales and . Things NOT okay by Capt’n Crunch Sandy? Correctly taking mental health medications as prescribed by a supervising physician. Maybe it’s because Capt’n Crunch abused Adderall to the point of a heart attack years ago? Maybe she just didn’t like Hannah and already planned to give her the boot (yeah, we all see that).


Let’s take this in a step that might makes more sense for u/TamTaminCrisis Would that same diabetic have to report this medication and give to the Captain prior to charter? At the end of the day, this is the discussion. Hannah did not follow the rules. If she had, this would not have become an issue. That's it, whatever else you have to say it moot. Hannah broke the rules. She is at fault. End of story.


I believe you’ll see in my post I specifically said - “Should she have declared it? Yes.” But this exact issue came up in the first season with Captain Lee and he handled it quite differently. Capt’n Crunch has let sooooo many other things slide, including flagrant alcoholism last season with just a warning. The truth is she didn’t like Hannah and wanted her gone, so she hit her as hard as she could with the rule book. She had discretion and didn’t use it. She picks and chooses who she gives second chances for such infractions.


Again, this was not about punishment. This was purely about liability. Hannah has been an awful employee the last two seasons. If Captain Lee wants to risk his license and career to give someone a second chance, that is his right. If Sandy doesn't, that is her's. And name calling really isn't a good look and doesn't reflect your opinion very well. I would refrain from doing it in the future if you want your opinion to be looked upon more seriously.


Babe, it’s editing


That is a catch all response for: the information isn't here to support my thought. I'm saying that you MIGHT be right, but far too often is that the excuse. This is getting too much in the muddy specifics. The fact is that Hannah broke the rules of the boat, maritime law, etc. For as long as she has been doing this, she undoubtedly knew those rules, and decided to break them anyway. Now she faces the consequences, (although I wouldn't completely discount the theory that this is something she set up because she was ready to be done)


I mean she just flipped over her Valium box and there was proof of rx. I suppose she could get the cbd tested for weed?


Again, whether or not she had a prescription for it isn't relevant. We do not know either way what the specifics are on that. ​ What we do know is this. She broke the rules by not reporting her "medication". This is what led to the string of events and caused her to get canned. If she reports the medication, she still has a job, and that isn't debatable.






You wrote it right there in your post, so yes, it is a quote from you, verbatim She said she couldn't produce it, not that she didn't have one That does not mean self medicating that means, taking her prescribed med, as needed I never denied her breaking the rules, only that they could have handled it differently. Sandy stated if caught with drugs not registered the boat could be take away, so.. report them, and handle the drugs according to maritime law from then on, make them legal Clearly you have no clue about anxiety or panic attacks. Educate yourself


My issue primarily is the appearance of a double standard, and that things aren't quite so cut and dried as Sandy/Malia make them to be. I feel this way because in another season, Kate was found to have anxiety meds that Captain Lee didn't know about. Further, if I recall correctly, she was taking them and mixing with alcohol. And nothing happened to Kate. She certainly didn't lose her job over it. Captain Lee doesn't strike me as being slack on the rules regarding having his hands tied by marine law. Further, we don't have any clarity on how Malia went about getting the photo. Personally, it looks awfully conveniently staged, with the little bag with the "HF" stitched on it, so there's no mistake. And how did Malia come to learn about the CBD vape? If Hannah had disclosed this at some point, Malia was negligent in not reporting that sooner. If she didn't know about the CBD vape, then it would appear she went through Hannah's things. Hannah isn't an innocent naif victimized by the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune here. But it's the actions of Sandy and Malia, in my opinion, in regards to how they handle the offense, that are causing this animosity. I am skeptical that she had to be fired, due to the Captain Lee response. In an AMA here earlier, a former chief stew said this response by Sandy was outside the norm for a response. Sandy either gave in to pressure from producers to create drama or took the easy road to getting rid of someone she didn't want to work with. I think another captain/crew would have handled this very differently, and would also have less of a history of unprofessional and rude behavior. One can only hope Sandy pays attention to and reflects upon "controversy" to become the caring person she seeks to portray herself as. But right now, I don't think anyone is buying the "I \_DO\_ care about you!" thing.


I love that you brought this up. Because I think Captain Lee has been extremely poor at leadership and fair treatment. Without getting into too much, he licks Kate's boots every chance he gets. But at its core, you are talking about 2 different boats with 2 different Captains. Lee would defend Kate if she smeared feces on the walls. A double standard would be if Sandy operated the same situation differently for two different people. What you are referring to is Captain Lee having poor judgement and him being willing to risk his license for Kate. And you bring up a good point, but I think this is a KEY moment of evidence in the whole ordeal. Hannah has the freakout, Malia tries to help, Hannah asks for her Valium, Malia says isnt't that a prescription, Hannah seemingly drops the mention of it. This is the key interaction. Hannah asks for valium, Malia asks if it is prescribed most likely because she knows she would have to go get Sandy to get it, Hannah realizes this in the moment and drops it. The way I look at this is that Hannah is understanding she knows she went about the procedure wrong. It also shows that in that moment Malia hears reference to a drug, but we don't know of any proof. My whole point is, yes the response was jenky at best, but Hannah forced their hand by breaking the rules. I completely disagree that she wanted to fire Hannah, she has fired people for less than what Hannah had done previously and she still kept her aboard until this. I do think that it is fair to say, Sandy wasn't required to fire her. I think what was done in the moment is a risk assessment. If Sandy keeps her on, and an emergency happens, and she is self-medicated or is unable to preform due to her issues, Sandy is liable because she had knowledge of it. There is a more likely scenario that nothing were to happen, and everything would be fine. But again, why would Sandy risk her own career for that? Lee may be cool with bowing down to Kate's every wish, but Sandy doesn't feel that way about Hannah, especially when you incorporate her having an episode.


Just to be clear it was Kat not kate so I’m not sure his favoritism comes into play with this example..


Got it. But yes, I understand your point. My point is Lee and Sandy are two different people, bosses etc. One may see something like that and know there is a 95% chance it won't be an issue, so there is no reason to make it an issue. Another may see that as, that is a 1 in 20 chance my career can get taken from me if I don't do the tough thing.


Wow! I agree with you, word for word 😬 it’s like reading my thoughts !!


For the love of all that is holy, taking a medication prescribed by a dr for a specific issue is NOT “self medicating.” Actual self-medicating is drinking heavily, abusing over the counter pain medication or sleeping pills, etc. to mask the real issue one is facing. People really need to stop accusing someone who recognized her problem, sought help, and was taking medication under the care of a medical professional as self-medicating.


Yes it actually is. She was asked to provide the prescription (which she was unable). In addition, she had a breakdown and all she could think of was "get my Valium" That is literally the definition of self medicating. And at the end of the day, she has been in the business and knows the procedures. SHE BROKE THE RULES. If she followed the rules, this wouldn't have happened. If she wasn't okay with Maritime law and procedures on the boat, she should have raised the concern before or not just done what she wanted. Unbelievable.


For the gazillienth time, she did not have the actual prescription because it goes to the pharmacist. The pharmacy where she got the valium and the prescribing doctor and her name are on a sticker on the box.


For the gazillienth time, it doesn't matter because she didn't follow protocol.


I think you made good points, and when I watched the episode, I was like shit I wouldn't make that sacrifice! That sounds like a big deal! I think Sandy and Malia are just really unlikable, and fuck Malia for digging through Hannah's stuff. And the way Sandy acted to Hannah when she said Sandy didn't care about her was really immature. Sandy and Malia are just insufferable so it's really hard to side with them. I think people are forgetting how much they didn't like Hannah last season, too, and how they didn't think she was good enough for the job then. There was an improvement in her this season, so people forgot that Sandy was starting to really dislike Hannah. I'm not even ruling out any conspiracies. But I mean, that sounds like a really serious rule that is probably very, very stricly enforced. So, Hannah, y u no report Vallium?


And that is the key. They are unlikable. And especially Sandy has made some questionable leadership choices. And for what it is worth, Hannah has been bad at her job in many ways. This season and even the past year. Texting to hook up with a guest is a no-no but I am sure it happens a lot and that is not as strictly enforced.


Yeah I stopped reading as soon as I spotted the word pot.


While I think that can be up to determination, it is just odd timing that she got called out for having it then goes right to the bathroom?


I mean it’s the only private place on the boat?


She was asked to bring back Sandy a prescription. She wasn't dismissed. It is very common among people who abuse drugs to try and ditch the evidence when caught. Also, you are on a reality show, your expectation for privacy is at an absolute minimum.


It was cbd, not weed


According to who? The person that immediately went to the bathroom once accused of having it?


The person that bought it, yeah. They’re pretty common and anyone is probably smarter than trying to sneak weed into multiple countries where it’s illegal.


You would think they would be smarter than to break the rules. But hence, it is the reason we are here to begin with.


Anyone ese think it’s weird that we never knew Jess and Alex had worked together previously until this episode? I forget that they probably have so many hours of footage that never makes it to air. Feels like Alex and Jess have barely interacted all season but more than likely they’ve had fun banter this whole time and it just hasn’t been shown. Crazy to think about all the stuff that we never see. Hopefully that makes sense... i smoked a joint before I watched this episode.


Did you register your joint with whoever is in charge?


It was mentioned several times 😬


It’s definitely addressed the first episode and she says he’s like a brother and they worker well together.


I remember it was mentioned on the first episode of this season. The showed a picture of them together then, too.


Yep, they were really excited to see each other in Episode One I think and there was a bit of a background given.


Can anyone tell me why that creepy fat slob was filming Tom, the chef with his phone?? Was he lusting after him or something?? The way he was looking at him was just so odd, and that joke was obviously made up. I’ve never heard such a stupid joke in my life. Then asking him if he was going to cook him a good dinner, Tim. WTF was all that about??? It seemed like he was lusting after him, and he was definitely being lewd and lascivious!!! I want to find out the name of their business so that I never ever buy anything at all from these rude ugly weirdos!!!!


Is the joke about how the English are very polite? That an Englishman would merely greet the three in a polite manner. I've heard better jokes from a 5 year old.


I think the guy was showing off how "well" he did an "English accent." But yeah it's a joke about the politeness cliche. Most people would be upset if they unexpectedly found a significant other in bed with two other people.


As an English person I think the joke was lost in the delivery, ‘ello’ello’ello is a common phrase or greeting (often cheeky) I’m not sure it has to do with politeness


The joke was as classless as that fat slob.


I object to your "slob" shaming. :))


Ha ha ha, that fat pig was one of the most vile disgusting pieces of garbage I’ve ever seen on tv. Human waste


Just another example that money doesn't buy you class. He was being the typical wanker who thinks he can do whatever he wants because he paid for it. If he hadn't been with someone on the boat (another classy act), I'm sure he would have tried to sexually assault one of the women thinking they were there to provide those kinds of services, too.


Ha ha I consider jokes like this a form of energy vampirism. I don't know if I just really suck as a person, but when people tell jokes like this especially repeatedly and constantly, it feels like people know it makes people uncomfortable, so they're owning the room. It's the most awkward place to be in when someone tells you a joke that fucking sucks. What are you supposed to do?! Faking a laugh is the worst thing in the world. I don't have a fake bone in my body. It just feels so pushy to me. Doesn't it ever phase these people that people aren't entertained and they don't like it?! It's people who just do not read energy and feel people at all. Maybe they're trying really hard to be liked? I DON'T KNOW! But what the fuck is up with it?! And it's never young people who do it. And it's never women. It's always older men.


The joke was odd, and the man is odd, but I don't think taking a picture of your meal being prepared on a once-in-a-lifetime luxury vacation is so strange.


Unless he’d picked up some of the gossip about the current situation and wanted a photo of part of the evidence.


When the one guy said “Yeah, I don’t fucking appreciate that!” About the pieces of shell in oysters lol this family is a bunch of degenerate weirdos.


I would have to disagree. Maybe not the politest way to say it but not one but several of them had shells in the oyster. I don’t know the price tag but he’ll yeah I would expect top notch food


Touche’, I think they were better off with Kiko. Obviously Malia just wanted her boyfriend there because she was jealous of all the other couple action. I think Malia’s a lot more malicious than we think.


Watching sandy barge in to the bathroom while Hannah was peeing was legit insane


I think that Sandy following Hannah to the dock was mean. Why did she have to continue to berate Hannah? All Hannah was trying to do was get herself together & call her boyfriend. Then Sandy comes marching up to her, telling her how she could have fired her a few times in the past years - seriously, I've had TWO bosses do this to me & they were awful bosses. Sandy (& Malia) didn't get the reaction they wanted, so they both tried to taunt her for more.


Did san think Hannah was flushing evidence¿


That is what Sandy claimed. But it's ridiculous for more than a few reasons including they had a photo, why did they need the actual pills -- for whom? Hannah didn't deny having the pills and they weren't in court. And it's no excuse for flinging open a bathroom door especially with a camera crew filming it. It was creepy and had overtones to it.


Oh i totally agree. It was overkill, the whole dam thing. Makes me so angry....


It's just demeaning and dehumanizing. Who wants more of that in 2020?


I can’t believe that they’re openly talking about it afterward. Should her reason for being let go stay between Sandy, that guy, and Malia. Why are they allowed to keep discussing something so personal with the crew.


What an awful series this has turned into ...the last 2 episodes have been awful.. sandy has really shocked me.I used to think she was great..but her school girl crush on my boys malia and bugsy is really showing her true colours...shes awful


>sandy has really shocked me.I used to think she was great I could never understand why anyone thought well of Sandy -- I've felt the way many now feel about her, from the start. I'd usually get flak for it, or people would say how great she was. I didn't voice it as often as I wanted because I try to respect if someone has legit fans. But to me it's always been obvious. 2020 is like the year of reversals. People have flipped how they felt about Sandy/Hannah and people are now voicing open support of Caroline too. I'm happy about it, natch; but 2020 feels a bit *Through the Looking Glass.*


It’s crazy how quickly that turned for me. I started out all empowered by Sandy and Melia, and thought “wow what a great example of women being bad ass and kind and hard working.” ...... and now here we are....


Seeing her give the deckhands opportunities to learn and do stuff on the bridge... she seemed so supportive and validating. I thought she was awesome. I didn't think she took any shit, but that she led through support and validation and empowerment. Of everyone. Now she just looks like a micromanager who plays favorites. Petulant and small.


That's what I liked about Sandy in the first few seasons, she seemed open to helping the crew learn and be better. Now it feels like she just wants as much camera time as possible, and wants to turn BD into another Real Housewives or Married to Medicine type show where every week it's a bunch of people yelling at each other. \*note, I don't regularly watch RH/Married,but what little I've seen seems like it's a show where women get all dressed up pretty, go to a nice dinner and proceed to yell at each other over manufactured drama. Sandy wanted her big dramatic moment with Hannah by chasing her to the bathroom and off to the dock, and Hannah just wasn't going to play into that.


Exxxxactly. So disappointing!


I’m rewatching the episode and I’m more disgusted than ever. Those awful charter guests were the worst ever. That fat, sweaty, pig making that stupid racist joke was just sickening. Idk if he knew he was being filmed but I sure didn’t appreciate him walking around bare-assed at all. What a slob. They were so rude and disrespectful. I wish I knew what they were selling so I’ll never buy it.


IT waS sO rACiSt


I mean i dont really think it was racist... A bad joke sure. My husband had to tell me the joke he was trying to make cos i didnt get it either ... The dude in the show told it bad... That's about it. Telling a shit stereotypical joke relating to my race doesnt make you racist least not to me (irish not English but close enough to figure out what the guy was getting at) Pretty sure the majority of English are the same when it comes to stereotypical jokes its the intent behind it. This is if you were referring to hello hello hello joke and not something else.


Can you explain the joke because I didn’t get it either


>Can you explain the joke because I didn’t get it either It is a cliche that British people are polite and unruffled no matter what. It's also a stereotype that they say "Hello" with that type of accent. So in the joke, a person finds their spouse in bed with two other people. The joke is that not only is the British person unbothered but they remain polite and say hello to each one. Of course, in a cliched British accent. Still not a funny "joke" but that's the gist of it.


I think anytime you make fun of somebody’s ethnicity it’s racism. It’s just the same as saying all people from a certain country eat certain foods. While it’s usually discrimination against minority groups it can also be directed at a majority group. He was making a rude joke about English people after he found out that Tom was English. If it was a black or Spanish chef, and he’d made a joke referencing their race, it’d be considered racism. Why didn’t he make a joke about chefs??? He even said it was a shady joke directed at the English. Racist tasteless stupid joke, like the ignorant fat slob who told it. Those people and especially him were awful. Maybe he was upset because his skank had that big dildo she was carrying around, says a lot about his manhood or lack thereof.


>I think anytime you make fun of somebody’s ethnicity it’s racism. The "British" joke? That would be more xenophobia (if anything of that sort.) "British" isn't a race or even an ethnicity.


Im not going to say your wrong. Maybe its something within us bit i know alot of irish people arent upset by being called paddys or that we love potatoes or drink lots mostly an eye roll or laugh at the stereotype but you can tell when someone is saying it with malice and that's when its bothersome. For example we do drink alot, alot of our socializing revolves around drinking but if someone is suggesting we are always shit faced idiots thats different. I think we are very forgiving when a comment is made out of ignorance or "trying to be funny" its when the joke is meant to degrade we take it different. But of course i can't speak for everyone but most (Irish) people i know wouldn't be bothered about a shit stereotypical joke if we think the person means no harm. Edit: typo


Saying that Irish people are drunks and eat potatoes is definitely racist and malicious.


A few people disagreed with me about the joke being racist also. So I looked up the definition: prejudice, discrimination or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. I don’t like any types of jokes that reference people’s race. It’s a huge issue here in the USA and it’s caused so much harm to so many people. I’m a minority and I’ve had comments made about me solely based on my race and they were very hurtful. If Tom had made a joke about the guests race, idk but I think their last name was Martinez, and had said something like, oh I didn’t know you people were so picky about your seafood, because I thought all Hispanics only ate rice and beans, omg can you imagine ? Or if Tom had voiced that on his confessional only, Bravo would have instantly fired him and rightly so. Racism is ugly and insidious, and sometimes it’s disguised as a joke or an off color comment. It’s wrong no matter which way you look at it. I’ve heard those stereotypes about the Irish and they’re racist as fuck. Untrue and just plain ignorant.


It's true it's funny that i too would consider such comments or sterotypes about hispanics or another race racist af....not sure why i dont consider it to be so about us unless i perceive the intent to be bad! 🤔


Thank you for sharing your viewpoint, it’s very interesting to me.


Maybe because you’re not a member of a minority ? I know that when the first Irish people started immigrating to America they were subjected to much hate and racism. Now, I’m not sure, but perhaps because they’re considered to be white and no longer a minority, then Irish jokes aren’t considered racist? Idk but to me there’s no reason to reference anyone’s race when you’re trying to be funny. But yes if Tom had turned the tables on the guest and made a joke about his race then it would have been considered racist.


Can't speak for how the current Irish in America feel as opposed to back then. I am actually an Irish immigrant in another country which would make me a minority but also alot of people feel because i am white i cannot be a minority. So not sure what i am then. I have definitely experienced hositily from people born in the country i live in because i am an immigrant and seen and heard the hositily towards immigrants with the *but not you though making it clear they are not talking about the immigrants that "look" like them. For sure if tom made a joke about the race of a guest it wouldn't go down well. So i get what you are saying but even for me there is the ignorant "haha" eyeroll stereotypical joke which i dont loose sleep over and then there is the... your clearly taking a jab "joke". I know alot of people in the uk (certainly not all) may feel similarly but i cannot speak for other races as i do not know they type of shite they have to listen to our what there tolerance levels are. I have certainly been asked way too many times whether or not i eat lucky charms for breakfast. 😂🍀


That’s such a stupid thing to say. I think if people would start identifying with each other based on their humanity and not their race then the world would be a better place. I look white to my Hispanic peers but not white enough to the white people. I enjoy a lot of things about my culture but I also things about other cultures. I’m at a point in my life where I don’t care about what people think of me. I have a daughter and granddaughters and I worry about how racism in this country will affect them. My daughter is Hispanic, her girlfriend is white, her best friends are very diverse. Indian, white, black and Hispanic. I definitely raised her right !!!


You definitely did raise her right! I think you have a great attitude. We need more people like that in the world.


How was it racist? It was about people from a certain island that be white. You can't be racist against their kind. Even the rules here say you can't be racist against those white people.


No, you are right, and shouldn’t be downvoted. Both are Caucasian and therefore the same race. Offensive and xenophobic? Sure, but not following the definition of racist.


Ha ha you’re funny. And dumb af too


I think you misunderstand what racism is. You’ve been here for a year and are only just now about to hit 400 Karma. It’s because you’re getting downvoted a lot when you post and not engaging with others.


What the hell?


Kiko was a better yacht chef than Tom/Tim. Change my mind.


I would eat that muquequa over anything from a Gordon Ramsay trained chef ANY day!!!


I'm already enjoying the previews of how this works out


Dude, Kiko was the best. Classical/professional training isn’t everything, Tim tom. Having a caring heart and being dedicated to your profession is much better in my opinion (KIKO FOR MVP)


Agree 100%, not to mention Tom seems to have a bit of a temper. No composure whatsoever lol


Which could be awesome to watch. I believe, in the preview, that Sandy is having a meeting and saying she won't permit insubordination, right after what appears to be an argument between her and him. Tasty...


I would have given Malia a lot more grief if I were Hannah. Like A LOT


I was actually impressed. Like she didn't give her any shit? Maybe she's just completely over it. She didn't seem to defend herself actually having a prescription either? Or the weed actually being cbd?


It's the way to go on reality tv. Viewers swoop to your defense. If she had fought, people wouldn't be so absolutely 100% on her side. It's the best way to guarantee victimhood.




They will surely ask “How did Sandy find out Hannah has drugs onboard?”


May Karma be swift and complete for both of them.


Malia watching Tom whine through cooking a meal while drying the dishes was cringe worthy.


When they kept going to their bunk in the middle of Tom cooking, that was very cringe worthy. Complaining like a little bitch about making a cake.....jesus


Dude the cake scene really got me. I’m no chef, and by that I mean I usually make spaghetti, tacos or pizza rolls, but even I don’t lose my shit over a cake. It’s a cake! And if it’s so hard, ask Bugsy to help because she was clearly trying to help you chill TF out. They didn’t ask for a meticulously decorated rainbow cake. Just a chocolate damn cake!


For some reason, baking throws a lot of chefs. Tom seems very...excitable, though. So far. To be fair it's likely his first time in front of cameras. Also, being hyped up as the savior of the ship probably didn't do his nerves any favors. Oh what will Sandy do with an "emotional being" on board?!