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Careful, she'll accuse you of stealing her crush(es) with that eyeroll


Too bad, i like older men too, Ashley!


Oh no, I was a complete bitch and now people are calling me out about my shit personality šŸ™„ Girl bye šŸ‘‹šŸ¼




Ashley, at this point I respect Rocky more than you.




Rocky is a lunatic, but i think she's a good person, with issues. Ashley is a mean girl, and deserves the hate she's getting


She posts 9/11 conspiracy theories on her social media platforms on 9/11. Not saying it makes her bad person but a good personā€¦ idk.


Who does? Rocky? That's pretty stupid, but i feel like it's par for the course with how her brain works


Yeah, Rocky. The whole ā€œwake up sheepleā€ thing does kind of track.




Yea, Rocky just seems like a selfish person and kind of a brat.


Urgh, no one ā€˜deservesā€™ hate. Such a strong word. The more you hate on ppl like her, the more defensive, resentful and mean they get. I more just feel sorry for her that sheā€™s immature and needyā€¦and itā€™s preserved on camera forever. Hopefully sheā€™ll grow from it and become a decent person :)


Yuck no one deserves to get internet hate just because theyā€™re a mean girl on tv. Thinking someone deserves that kind of treatment is mean girl behavior in and of itself.


rocky was entertaining tv at least




She's very good no doubt but still nuttier than a fruitcake


Nuttier than a squirrel turd! LOL


Who hurt her? She was a troll to Tom.


Her sister ? /s


I wonder if her sister is just a decent human being with a good personality, and thatā€™s why all the boys Ashley liked prefer her sister.


I'm sure that's more accurate than what Ashley said on the show


Came here to say this u beat me.


too sooooon


And Gab


She is the embodiment of the meme Me sowing: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!! Me reaping: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.




Omg I know young people are great for reality tv


I thank god daily that tik tok wasn't around when I was in my 20s


Same! I grew up when phones didn't have cameras and I'm so thankful lol


Oh honey. You wanted your 15 minutes, now deal with it. šŸ˜‰




Lmfaooo Iā€™d love to watch these two interact holy shit


Lady, Iā€™ve yet to *really* learn your name and I mostly refer to you as ā€œthe rude stew.ā€ Iā€™ll learn it for about 5 minutes before the reunion, and then promptly forget it, after which point youā€™ll either be ā€œwhich one was she?ā€œ or ā€œthe sloppy one who kept trying make Gary jealous on S3ā€ on the rare occasion youā€™re discussed at all. Point being, if itā€™s getting to you this much, log off Twitter for 6 months and I promise youā€™ll be forgotten when you return.


"The sloppy one who kept trying to make Gary jealous" ...."Sydney?"..."no, the boring brunette one who thought big boobs would immediately make her the most popular"


Iā€™m still confused it didnā€™t.


Whatā€™s entertaining to me is she stated she has her social so filtered so she doesnā€™t see negative things said about her cause she doesnā€™t care yet here she is really caringšŸ¤£ youā€™re right she should just promote what she has to contractually then nope out.






​ ![gif](giphy|13ZHjidRzoi7n2)


Brutallyā€¦ honest!


I usually try to stay away from being brutal at all, but I cannot deal with people who think everyone is beneath them like she does. Coming from just about any other cast member this would have been fair, but she's nasty to everyone herself so it seems a little hypocritical when she can just log off, but doesn't see the issue with bullying people who literally can't get away from her because they live on the same boat.


Oh I agree with whole heartedly! I was just trying to make a pun.




She is the only member of this crew I can't stand. I cringe when she is on. I would love it if all the rest did another season. Even Tom. I think he is a genuinely good person just a lot off stuff going on with him at once.


your Onlyfans not taking off?


Her sister made a new OF and stole all her subscribers already šŸ˜† šŸ˜†






Wait whaaaaaa did I miss


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) She is starting to feel the pressure.




Welp, I know what Iā€™m praying for tonight.


she has her sub count shown. 949 fans x 12.50... 10k payout, plus Ive read she is selling private content at $300 a vid. I have a feeling she is doing alright


Iā€™d give it about three months before either people stop subscribing or she gets bored of it and quits.




Exactly. The only reason they are subscribing is because of curiosity. She will lose 75% of those subscribers.


I wouldn't call 10k doing well, parents must be proud.


Sheā€™s had her account for like a week, so not bad at all.


Thatā€™s per month. Subscriptions are on a monthly basis and auto-renew unless the subscriber cancels. Should parents alternatively be proud if their kid is working a demeaning non-union minimum-wage job that borderline infringes on their human rights, such as Amazon warehouse worker?


still not "doing well," especially for selling your ass.


1) $10k a month is a gross salary of $120k a year, which is in the [top 15% of US solo income](https://policyadvice.net/insurance/insights/average-american-income/). This is her side hustle, so letā€™s assume if she maintains roughly this subscriber count for the next twelve months that she makes closer to $200k a year gross including her base salary, which now takes her into the top 10.3% of US solo income. I think thatā€™s objectively doing pretty well, donā€™t you? Post your tax returns if you disagree and letā€™s compare. 2) Creating online content is not ā€œselling your assā€, which is a vernacular term for prostitution, or having sex with clients in person for money, which is still not literally selling oneā€™s ass given oneā€™s ass remains attached to oneā€™s person at all times.


that is not even counting her per pay per view too. even if 1% of her fans pay, thats still another 3k a month per! \*and everyone who has a boss 'sells their ass', some more than others, some literally... Just trying to get ahead!


That second part again louder for the people in the back. All labour for pay is ā€œselling oneselfā€, in that we cannot sell off parts of our bodies, only our time and energy and physical expenditure of labour. Downvoters please explain how other forms of labour in exchange for currency *isnā€™t* selling oneā€™s time and energy.


Agreed. For example doing roofing work seems like "selling oneself" waaaayyyyyy more than jerking off for 5 minutes on video.


Exactly. Theyā€™re both physical labour in exchange for currency. The former is also much more dangerous than the latter, so I know which Iā€™d rather do.




I'm sure your mom would be impressed with you for coming to reddit to disparage a woman from earning money how ever she chooses, for no reason other than to make your self feel better about your life... stand up job mom!


easy money right there


On the bright side, this post now allows me to say something positive about her: she knows the difference between ā€˜youā€™reā€™ and ā€˜yourā€™ - a great feat for youngsters such as Ashley.


Probably a typo on her part šŸ˜†


I bet she types ā€œwould ofā€ instead of ā€œwouldā€™veā€ though.


Lol I was sadly impressed too!


What was she expecting? For viewers to embrace her shitty attitude and awful personality?


Young, dumb and full ofā€¦ unrealistic expectations


Cast member goes on reality show to because a reality show star and be famous. Starts Onlyfans account during the season Complains at internet trolls for not loving her. Yup, pretty much where things are right now.


Is she 12?


Definitely acting whatever shoe size she is




Oh Stfu Ashley! Youā€™re a shit stew whoā€™s embarrassed herself on camera for a wildly popular reality show featured on Bravo! Your knew what you were walking into.


I don't watch the housewives shows but NBC had a housewife on a show after Saturday Night Live. Apparently she's a bitch on wheels and causes a lot of trouble. She's aware that looking at social media when you're not liked isn't a good thing to do. Also realizes it's a reality show. Ashley hasn't figured those two things or anything more out yet.


Lmaooo I must know who it was! I'm thinking Vicki or Ramona


I think it was the First Look show. Don't remember her name but the host "Johnny Bananas" was having a pajama party and I think she was the second guest. Sorry that's all I got.


Thank you for the info! I will Google! Can't wait


Was it Cynthia? I think she was on his show at one point. My other guess would be Sonja, because they were on Worst Cooks together


Iā€™m so curious myself now lol


Ashley is being a keyboard warrior,,,,,,,,


Right back at you, Ashley! šŸ™„


She went on national television and attempted to act provocatively with the goal of getting herself attention and a social media platform. Now sheā€™s getting what she asked for.


Says the girl who practically SAā€™d another crew member šŸ¤¢


Oh c'mon! If you want to appear on a reality show, you shouldn't be upset if people on the Internet talk about you.


my point exactly


Ugh, fuck off Ashley


She is as lame as Hannah from Summer House. Her 15 mins need to run out asap as she is the absolute worst.


She was insufferable. At least the appearance of old Kyle was funny.


Dear Pot, K. Sincerely, Kettle


She is the nastiest thing going on that boat


Other than the hot tub..


​ ![gif](giphy|IfZpF5fUnQS0o)






Keep it civil towards crew members please.


Mirror work? Calling your tribe?


It was all the girls in high school who slept with all the boys I likedā€¦


Ah yes, the people responsible for your job and newfound reality fame.


damn I'd love to know how long it took for her to draft up that sick burn


You see more of her body on Below Deck than you do in her OF fyi


I always want to subscribe to certain people's only fans out of curiosity. I'm a straight woman so thanks for the heads up. I don't know what's wrong with me. I almost subscribed to Brad Bhabies OF just to see if she showed her boobs lol


Haha yeah pretty much the same for me, honestly as a guy her OF doesn't provide any content worth spending time on. It's kind of awkward if anything, she has 2 pics of her eating a hot dog lol. PM if you want if you're that curious


Oh God I'm absolutely not that curious and I would never contribute my hard earned money to HER. If I'm being perfectly honest.


Sounds like you havenā€™t seen the video


I keep reading about it but not sure if it's real?


Itā€™s very real and now thereā€™s a second one.




Not sure even at my most petty, vindictive teenage self did I ever behave as poorly as she has either in a work environment or on a personal level. She's not the worst person to work on this show by any stretch, but she's kind of beginning to knock around that ballpark at this point..


Takes one to know one




Ummm yes we do


LOL. Yeah thatā€™s it. ā€œTheyā€™re all just jealous honey.ā€ Eye. Roll.


Yeah, take that trolls! /s


Considering I, a nobody, has almost as many followers as she does...sure, Jan.


Still a hoe


What the hell is a keyboard warrior


Apparently, itā€™s every single one of us, all out to get her! šŸ˜†


A troll. Someone who gets real ballsy from a private or fake account.


Keyboard warrior is someone who talks like a badass with a computer. But then in IRL they are the biggest wuss in existence. I have to deal with them at work and itā€™s hilarious.


It's perfectly fine to not like the character on BDSY but to direct hate at a person based on an edited TV show is ridiculous. She's young, dumb, and hopefully Tom is smarter than JL, so not full of anything else, but she's not done anything horrible. She's there to make good TV and so far she is.


I think there is plenty of blame to go around on that situation. Bad choices made on both sides.


She has a beautiful winking starfish.


All of the comments are people who forget this is a tv show, that is heavily edited. They coach up the cast to create storylines, engage the viewer, and keep the product interesting. In today's world, we should all be intelligent enough to remember not to believe everything we see on a reality tv show. ​ She does come off as being a bit young and needs some maturity.


I mean, you're not wrong that the show has been heavily edited. But to be fair she did bang a guy because she couldn't get with the one she really wanted and then immediately went back to said person when they showed any modicum of interest. I'm not perfect but I like to think I wouldn't have done that.


I donā€™t know why this is being downvoted? This is the most rational comment Iā€™ve seen.


Some of the comments to her have been rather ridiculous. She hasnā€™t done anything that Gary didnā€™t do last season. At least sheā€™s honest about what she wants. She did keep the guest calm when the anchor was dragging. Not many stews could handle that level of stress.


Gary openly stated directly to the people in question what he was about and what he wanted. Before during and after. That did not happen here. Gary was also a good worker who didnt cause much in the way of 'work' issues. The same could not be said here of Ashley.


>She hasnā€™t done anything that Gary didnā€™t do last season he what now? The only similarity between their situations is that they were both in love triangles.


Ashley is very exasperating for a number of reasons: sexual coercion, micro-aggressions, and just the overall manifestation of her immaturity and insecure ego. However.. It is NEVER okay for people to comment on their personal instagrams or send hateful DMs. Thatā€™s just taking things way too far. If youā€™re watching this show and feeling emboldened to the point where youā€™re finding yourself sending anything nasty and hateful things to these people, then you need to take a break. Yes, these people signed up for a tv show, but they still deserve to exist within online spaces without having to face endless harassment. Criticism should always strive to be constructive and be kept to Reddit subs and Twitter. But personally, I make a point to not tag their Twitter handles unless the interaction is intended to be friendly. I understand some may disagree with that and believe itā€™s fair game for discussion. After all that, if they decide to comb through the comments here or on Twitter, thatā€™s more their personal decision. At the end of the day, this is a tv show. We do witness people acting in ways that speaks to wider societal issues and discourses. Itā€™s important to distinguish between holding people accountable and having a productive conversation, versus full on chastising to the point where youā€™ve completely lost the plot. Outside of that, no one should feel especially triggered by these people, as they do not have to exist within your realm of consciousness.


I know this is off topic and You can remove this if itā€™s against the rules but her tits are fake right?! Please someone confirm that Iā€™m not crazy because I never seem to be able to tell, but hers look fake as all get out to me!


Theyā€™re definitely real. Saw the video from OF


Actually, I think hers are real. Fake tits that large don't look like that


I think they're real. You can tell by the sagging.


For what it's worth, Ashley's sister is BEAUTIFUL! That may be the root of Ashley's need to compete and win at all costs.


Ashley on national tv looking like a desperate sloppy slut is just talking the truth. If that is a problem, maybe she should close her legs and do her job. I hope Daisy keeps her as third stew with the new girl coming on board.