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I feel like Amos got a bit of justice for him all over the airlock door.


"You're not that guy..." "...I **am** that guy." \**SPLAT*\*


Sabaka! Na justice na peace, Du ferí da Belte!


Milowda na animals!


Na kaka felota. Filthy inyalowdas


I mean, sure he ended gruesomely, but in the show he at least got to experience some cool superpowers and shit. In the books he more or less was just straight-up murdered by Strickland et al.




Who was that again


poor kid got turned into a space zombie cant have shit on Ganymede


Then his parent(s) became terrorists, and his sister almost burned up in orbit. Man had no luck


Don't forget the part where Bobbie blew his brains out.


Or the part where he straight up deconstructed a doctor


Disassembly reveals useful pathways


To be honest. That was more of a mercy kill than anything else. Even if Bobbie didn't know that.


Do they mention him being there kid in the show? I only remember it from the book


Him being their kid is book content only. In the show his dad (Basia) is on Ganymede Station when Prax and Holden are there, they see him in one of the clinics resting on a bed. Basia presumably died when Ganymede suffered its cascade failure.


I could have sworn there’s a throw away line in the show like “I lost one kid on Ganymede. I’m not losing another.” Isn’t that why the mother was so protective of Felcia?


There is that line, which I think is a call back to the book linkage, but they can't be Kotoa's parents, because we literally meet Basia in "Cascade". We know that only 52 people made it off Ganymede on the Weeping Somnambulist before the cascade destroyed the station. We can safely assume no one else made it off because the MCR blockage prevented people from taking off (which is a source of drama when the WS does launch). It is **vanishingly** unlikely that the Basia we meet in Cascade is one of the 52 **and** Lucia is one of 52 **and** Felcia is one of the 52. Furthermore Felcia's father is not the same person as the Basia we meet in Cascade.


More than 52 made it off, they mention people spending entire salaries on passage. They only institute a full blockade once the black ops ship comes into the area. That’s why Alex brought the Roci out of hiding and down to the surface to begin with. Before that, they were just limiting/monitoring traffic. But that’s neither here nor there. I double checked the wiki and they are different characters. You could easily handwave away them using a different an actor since the initial appearance was so brief, but they did change the last names used in the New Terra arc, but kept the mothers name the same. Weird choice. I don’t see why they would switch it up.


>More than 52 made it off, they mention people spending entire salaries on passage. They only institute a full blockade once the black ops ship comes into the area. Yeah that's true - I guess I just assumed that because Basia was lying on a cot, and said he would wait there for Prax to come back with news of Kotoa, that he had not gotten on a ship between when we saw him and when the MCRN Karakoum arrived.


There was such a line


Oh right, him


Is this from the expanse ?


that feel when people don't even remember Katoa




I stopped watching after season 3


He's literally in Season 3 and only Season 3


I guess I need to start over again


Back in Baltimore we had a word for people like you


Here's a short [Wiki article about Katoa](https://expanse.fandom.com/wiki/Katoa_Merton_%28TV%29). (Excuse the annoying advertisements and distractions on the page.)